Do Americans actually have driver's education courses in high school?
Do Americans actually have driver's education courses in high school?
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I'm almost 20 and still don't have a license
alright, so what?
I took a driver's ed class at my high school. But I'm pretty sure it was a company doing to teaching.
I did and all I did was fuck around in the simulators they had there, doing sick drifts and shit
Yes we do whats your point
its an optional class, but it gives you credit and is easy as shit. its essentially a screw around class for freshman/sophomores (this was one of the two classes in which i was allowed to just leave the classroom, the other being a cooking class when i was a senior)
i dont remember but i also think it removes a step. the get the permit though you just take a test, if you take the class, or arent a dumbass its easy. questions like "who has the right of way" or "if three people all stop at a stop sign at the same time, who is allowed to go first?"
I wish my high school taught drivers ed, the defensive driving course I had to take before getting my license cost five hundred fucking dollars and was literally just to sit in a hotel meeting room watching 40 year old instructional VHS tapes with stoners and stacies for like 6 hours.
Do Americans really allow you to drive at 16?
Why do you still have the worst traffic accidents per capita among first world countries?
Yes. You can also learn all those things people complain schools don't teach (like how to do taxes and write a check and so on).
Taking drivers ed also lowers your insurance costs, or at least did in my state.
this, this is the step i was talking about that taking drivers ed lets you skip. forgot those classes even existed, i drive by one that does these classes in a strip mall
independant living was the name of this class
>(like how to do taxes and write a check and so on).
Imagine living in such a shitty country you still have to manually do your taxes, and your banking system is so outdated you still use checks
Women, old people, Asians
Because it's piss-easy to get a license here, the fucking Driver's Handbook in most states is like 20 pages and half of those are drawings or diagrams. When I got my license I skimmed the handbook and went in and took the permit test and passed all in about 2 hours. Then I had to wait 2 weeks for my driving test, which I passed right away too.
Some states allow you to. Usually, if you're a teenage driver, you get a learner's permit first, which allows you to drive but only when there's an adult in the car with a license (like your mom or your dad). You have to hold a learner's for a length of time (like six months to a year, depends on the state) then you can test again for a real license. You also test for the learner's permit.
And those are exclusive to the US?
Americans literally don't know the traffic rules
Imagine being obsessed with "shitty" countries all day and seething on the internet
Basically this, literally any retard who can remember 2 pages of drawings can get a license, which is why roads are filled with braindead morons
defensive driving wasn't a requirement for me to get my license it just made the insurance cheaper
They are people I know who are 35 who still don't have a licence
At my school, I forget what the name was, but it was paired up with driver's ed (if you took driver's ed, you had this life class on alternate days). I remember everyone talking about how "useless" the class was because they'd already learned how to do most of it with their parents.
The reason Americans still manually do taxes is because tax codes are kept complicated due to lobbying by tax preparers (particularly, tax prep software). But really, it's not too hard to do on your own for 90% of people.
If you live outside a big city you pretty much have to drive to get to school. If your parents take you to high school you will get wedgies and chad will dunk your head in the toilet.
I dont think many western countries have as many Orientals as the USA
Here in Ireland you have to pass a test and at least get 35 out of 40 questions right before you can do the driving lessons.
is literally the death of your country. that's why you're always at war, getting raped by the health industry, have like no worker benefits and a garbage min wage and the banks got bailed out and are now allowed to do whatever the fuck they want again and will probably crash the economy again soon
or a girlfriend
>Why do you still have the worst traffic accidents per capita among first world countries?
America has a lot more cars per people than other countries.
There's also the fact that things in America are all spread out, combined with a lack of real public transportation, leading to people driving more. In fact, Americans drive more than any country in the world.
yes, but they are optional, extracurricular, and cost extra money
In the USA the test for lorry drivers to haul hazardous materials like a tanker full of gasoline or the liquid nitrogen in T2 is only 20 questions
Lobbying isn't a problem. People should be able to form special interest groups and lobby on their own behalf. That's how having representatives work: you tell them what you want. But the real problem is all the money (especially "dark money" that isn't being publicly held accountable) that goes on in lobbying, and things like professional lobbying. I can't give a good solution to this problem other than that there should be a lot more eyes on what's going on, a lot more transparency. If a politician wants to accept a check from a big corporation, it should be a matter of public knowledge, but as it is, it really isn't.
Does China not report their numbers?
What's your point?
Are you retarded or just American?
Orientals are #2 worst after Africans which means they crash all the time because they can't see shit with those eyes
You just linked a wikipedia article without any context, and then got really upset at me when I asked what you meant by it, and refused to explain. Are you well?
Yeah, that's true.
And then you have to wait a minimum of 6 months before taking your test
And in those 6 months you have to take 12 hours of mandatory training lessons, which are probably going to cost you 50 quid an hour
And then nobody's going to insure you for less than 2 grand a year third party fire and theft on a 20 year old Fiesta so what was even the point in the first fucking place
Isnt your insurance high because everyone in your country is a drunk alcoholic that drinks 12 beers by noon?
You try to dismiss that the US has the worst roads in the western developed world because of more vehicles and drive further, but the article takes those into account. No wonder the US roads are this bad.
We used to.
Drivers ed is optional and only really given to kids to lower insurance costs or ppl that got a DUI
Hey, fuck you piece of shit. You deserve every misfortune coming to you.
Can you show me data on the US having "the worst roads in the western developed world?" What does that mean? By what metric? Are you talking about the road quality (like the quality of the material) or the road design or what? Because that wikipedia article doesn't show any of that. It just shows the death numbers, which doesn't say anything that hasn't already been said.
Acting obtuse after realizing what a retard you sound like? Cringe, bro. You belong on bronnen.
Oh, okay. This is just a dumb troll. Wow, you sure got me by tricking me into thinking you had something intelligent to say. Should have known you were a fool.
No, it's because everyone here keeps making bullshit insurance claims but the legal cost of fighting the claim is sky high (like the cost of everything on this gougy, greedy, petty fucking island) so the insurance companies just immediately cave and hand out enormous sums of money for no reason, which then translates to higher premiums for everyone.
My sister got bumped into by a taxi driver, tweaked her neck a bit. No actual damage, she got a few massages and the pain went away. The insurance company sent out a pre-emptive offer of 15,000. She waited for about a week, not for any reason, she just didn't get around to accepting the offer. So they sent out another offer of 17,000.
Isn't that like everyone your age?
The iPhone is the new car.
I waited until I was 25 before getting a grip and then while doing my lessons I got an eye disease which made me too blind to drive. Now I can never get my license
If you're a guy in America, and you don't have a license and a car (even a shitty car) in high school, you're a fucking loser.
You don't have to remind me
14 here
Yep. It's like one 40 minute class. Then at the end of the class there was a quick maybe 3 question pop quiz, if you get at least 2 correct, you get your permit and can start practicing driving.
Just get a fucking license, faggot. It's not fucking hard or scary. Then check the classifieds and buy a shitty used car for a hundred buckaroos. Life doesn't have to be difficult, dumbass.
Says the retard who can't read statistics. Go back and get your GED, dropout.
I will in a few months I didn't really have a reason to get one since I'm only taking online classes this semester and can get rides easily
The reason you get one is so you can be the Chad Driver instead of the Virgin Passenger.
i passed driver ed and i still couldn't drive worth a shit, the sub instructor saw me run over cones and once i almost hit the main instructor with the car while he screamed at me to brake
I'm not gonna let some pencil necked shrimp dick tell me how to drive my fuckin f150
I guess that depends on the school because driver's ed at my school was an actual class that you went to every day like math or science if you were signed up for it.
>check the classifieds and buy a shitty used car for a hundred buckaroos.
Are Black guys who get their car repossessed then buy it back for next to nothing at the police auction in Memphis taking a smart practical approach? Asking for a friend.
If it is not illegal, your friend can go for it.
Everyone your age who is a loser doesn't have one.
Repossessed cars don't wind up at a police auction. I think you mean seized cars.
Why are Europeans so obsessed with us
He's just trying to troll in a really dumb way. He's probably an American himself.
Why would the police be selling a repo'd car
That car belongs to the car dealership or the bank, not the police
Not here. That's my qualm with driver's ed on TV. That they're multiple classes instead of one short one. Then again it's probably just my area. I wasn't even able to ever do any on the road practice after the school gave me my permit. I sat on in for 6 months, then just went to get my license and a shitty beater. ........if you want to feel safe, remember there's people like me on the road with literally 0 training kek
i made an american dad thead a couple of days ago
and someone told me no one watches it anymore
so whats up with this thread?
Try reading the OP and the responses retard
>if you want to feel safe, remember there's people like me on the road with literally 0 training kek
Yeah, they go over that in driver's ed, although it's not like you wouldn't realize that after ten seconds of driving. That's why you're supposed to drive defensively.
we all watch american dad, retard
latest episode I saw was mom sauce
try looking at the op pic
I didn't even realize that was a screenshot from American Dad. I thought it was Family Guy and the fat kid in the white shirt was Peter Griffin.
Also, that's correct: nobody watches American Dad.
America is going to be brazil 2.0 within the next decade. I'm going to learn estonian and pray to god they accept me.
Not that soon. But in 2 or 3 decades the millennials will start to be in positions of authority.
i just bought a small farm in a rural area, I haven't seen a PoC except on tv in 3 months
That's probably because you never leave your room you neet fucker. If only we could all be so lucky.
What other euro countries have laws of return. I'm mostly german but I'm not going to that caliphate. Italy may be my best bet.
yeah man, I was so lucky they let me buy it for tendies and neetbux
Use Germany as a proxy, migrate to Italy before Schengen shuts down.
My daughter got to drive to school when she was 15. She could have at 14, but I didn’t think she was ready to. Rural rules, life in the Midwest.
t. Gramps