*teleports behind you*
*teleports behind you*
Other urls found in this thread:
i don't like her
what is it about her face that makes it so unpleasant to look at
she's British
thin lips
broad face
thick skin
wrinkles at 22 yo
Arya and Bronn are the biggest Mary Sue's in the show, and they don't even have magic (no, Faceless Men can't teleport) to explain their bullshit.
Arya trained as an assassin for an entire season, dude
>sells shellfish
>sweeps floors
>cleans dead bodies
>fails every mission she is tasked with
>fights and loses in the dark with a stick
>somehow better than people who are bigger, stronger and more experienced and granted teleportation powers
It's strange how Faceless Men don't run the planet at this point, if one can simply dropoff for free and single handedly control the fate of a continent.
Here is a better example of wrinkles on a GoT actress.
I thought I smelled something
*triggers the incels*
she "failed" the kill the actress mission because she didn't want to kill her. not because she couldn't
muh training
muh training
muh training
doesn’t make you a literal Demi-god physics ignoring assassin who teleports around
she trained for literally TEN SEASONS straight you fucking incel manbabies
oi'd stio fokk de lil lass
Fetal alcohol syndrome
I'd like to train Arya, if you catch my drift.
so if someone trains hard enough they can’t die? based. I that’s probably why knights and samurai never died.
Maybe she got lucky?
the witch king got surprised, is all
>show with dragons and zombies
>"Season 8 was a deconstruction of feminazis!"
>Arya is an invincible serial killer
>Sansa is a treacherous moron who becomes Queen just because she asked
Sure, contrarians. Cope more with D&D's trash.
post more aryas
>ruins 23 years of buildup just to subvert expectations
>knife in pic doesn't pierce the NK.
one job
I mean it happens. A lot of great people have died to stupid shit. It's in no way good writing, but im sick of incels bringing up realism.
Such is a life ruled by hatred and self loathing.
she cute
So she could have blown the Night King up with a Valyrian Steel grenade and you would have been fine with it?
Night King isn't in the books
lol why the fuck not?
But white walkers are, and she eliminated the entire threat.
yeah, he is
>capable women bad
The Night's King is a different thing
No. There are no grenades, are there? Being powerful doesn't make a character omnipotent. Life doesn't always work out as planned.
more like bait bad loooool
There's no reason why the GoT wouldn't have grenades. It's an ancient technology.
sigh all you want you retard but know I'm right
It's not shown or talked about before.
source me, bud
they have fuses and metal and explosives
*teleports behind you*
They never once displayed any even rudimentary use of gunpowder...no "fireworks" etc There is no reason they couldnt have been working with it...it just was never there to be used.
That being said, shit doesnt make any sense so why would it matter, sure they could have grenades...
The night king threw an ice spear like a fucking tomahawk missile but couldnt throw Arya 6 feet away from him, for example.
What the fuck is this shooped?
She looked decent in the series.
>show has fantasy elements
>thus logic does not matter
This is the most normie of defenses for this show.
>The night king threw an ice spear like a fucking tomahawk missile but couldnt throw Arya 6 feet away from him, for example.
Arya stabbed him before he could toss her. He was surprised.
you don't think whites are people, dude?
He had plenty of time to toss her, be serious.
The white walkers are pretty formidable at combat...given his spear chucking abilities and "give no fucks" attitude about taking damage to himself....it is safe to assume that he night king is quite a skilled warrior. There was no reason she should have been able to kill him like that.
she's very cute
the leech king didn't know Arya had a vlayrian dagger.
>muh dragons
>my zombies
He did know she fucking launched herself at him with violent intent......
strict mommy
yeah....and if her dagger hadn't been valyrian steel, she would have been harmless to the ice king
*teleports extra eyeballs*
nazi queen
made for kisses
Nigga, the Children use grenades in multiple episodes.
at what point where regular swords and knives show to be harmless to white walkers or the white king? Sure they dont shatter them like valyrian steel does....
but there still was no reason for the night king to do absolutely nothing after her first attack
And if Arya didn't teleport through hundreds of wights and a dozen White Walkers, she would have never even gotten close to the Night King.
>things don't always go as planned, lol
Fuck off with that bullshit. The Night King can brand Bran in a vision with physical effects, but he grabs Arya by the throat and nothing happens? Get the fuck out of here.
Why? Is it because she's coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere?
It's clear that gren tec is part og the GoT world.
I didn't bring up swords, bro.
the Kinght's king chooses when to use the brand power.
How absolutely convenient, like the Night King choosing to personally go in and kill Bran even though his wights are winning and the wights and White Walkers choosing to ignore the goblin running passed their own faces.
That's her face in natural light. during the series shoots the light is manipulated heavily, she undergoes 3 hours of professional makeup, they only shoot her from certain angles to hide the fact she is a hobbit with stumpy arms and legs, and a lot of the wrinkles are edited out in heavy post production.
Arya hid in the god's tree, dude.
obvious shop
*annihilates your argument*
She's wearing concealer make up in that pic
lol, is that why she needed strings to pull her 20 feet from behind the Night King? Also, funny that Bran didn't bother to tell Theon that. Finally, there was the quick shot of a White Walker's head slightly turning after his hair moves, indicating that Arya literally ran passed all of them.
she also aged 10 years over the course of production.
Seething incel upset that his waifu looks like a 45 year old woman irl
She still looks better in that 2 month old pic with minimal makeup than these heavily made up pics you're posting
She had wrinkles even before starting, she states that in an interview about her sensitive skin, they did get worse over the decade though
>Also, funny that Bran didn't bother to tell Theon that.
Do NOT bring Bran into this, buddy. That crip is fucked.
>heavily made up pics
Google them you bitter incel. Learn about the anatomy of a woman, you clearly know nothing because you don't meet women irl.
id still have at her
What is your argument you mongoloid, she's wearing copious amounts of makeup there
I meet cashiers who sometimes are women
She's wearing concealer, base, and naked blush in that pic
Incel. Have sex
y-you didn't have to say that
>Bran didnt tell
There are a lot of things that Bran didnt tell people
What's Daenerys' dental plan? In fact does she even pay her army?
Bran is literally evil.
But he told Jon about his parentage through Sam. I wonder why...
Dany will have what Dany wants
she got the gold from the lannister army to pay her incels
Yeah but she's in natural light and not wearing concealer or base. Learn how make up works you pathetic incel
*spits in your eye*
So she only looks bad under the light of a high powered flash?
That wont be a problem when we're married :)
>revived in Volantis
>burns all of Westeros
>rapes Jon for all eternity
Bran knowing everything is a real problem
she died in episode 6
>Burns all of Westeros
You better believe that there will be dragon killing scorpions on every wall, tower, and roof in Westeros from now on. Just he slimmest possibility of dragons ever being used again is enough to justify it.
Cersei had like 50 in KL and they did fuck all
No she looks bad in natural light, because it doesn't hide her wrinkles, she gets exposed like the vampire she is and her face literally starts melting in natural light.
I've posted evidence to the contrary
It's like he doesn't care about anything but being creepy and becoming King. Then he gives away one of his kingdoms to his sister, who has no right to said kingdom.
No shit, Sherlock.
Scorpions working in the first place was complete bullshit. Every major keep being outfitted with them is even more major bullshit. lol Rhaegal being hit 3 out of 3 times.
Yes, they are
>hurr durr insecure
>scorpions bullshit
yea that was horseshit
they would have been far more effecting firing large bundles of regular arrows or stones or something that spread out in a large pattern of small projectiles....in order to attack the rider of the dragon rather than the dragon
dragons outrange regular arrows
The only time they hit before 8x04 was 7x04, and that was only because Dany stupidly made a beeline to the one Bronn was using, but it was still less than fatal. And they also outsee fucking ships.
>posts the same images in every GoT thread
>knows a lot about makeup
>pretends not to care and it just be boredom at work whether it's 6 am or 10 pm
I can smell that roast through the screen
I mean a loose bundle of regular arrows...fired by a scorpion.
>And they also outsee fucking ships.
low blow, bro
>made a beeline
Like a shotgun? A loose bundle of arrows ain't hitting shit.
based memorizing post times user
wtf are you talking about?
in the later series it was the smug. fuck knows I wanted to backhand her more than once
he's trolling and laughing
>actual term
What's your point?
>posts the same 4 pictures has a cry then leaves
is it autism?
it's b-line, not beeline for insects.
I see, was just curious because the change is sudden and jarring, have nothing for or against her as an actress it's just surprising.
Seems like it sparked a discussion, objectively speaking she's clearly over the hill but to be fair that's just natural for women in their 30's, who cares.
he was talking about Arya
I don't care. I'd fuck either
kiss me, user?
dont get me started on Sansa...
She is sooo smart she failed to see how much power and influence she(and Tyrion) could have by being married to Tyrion. Especially, since he didnt have much interest in fucking her(at least at the time). That was a win-win situation for her.
excepts he'd be tortured by malfoy
>it's b-line, not beeline for insects.
>Merriam Webster
>a straight direct course
>A bee line is an idiom for the shortest route or a straight line between two points
>a direct route traveled quickly (usually in the phrase make a beeline for)
>The Free Dictionary
>A direct, straight course.
Do I need to go on? That's literally the first page of Google.
There is no such thing as a capable woman.
>people have wrinkles and look awkward when making expressions
You're a genius user. The only place she has excess wrinkles is her forehead and that's because of her expressive eyebrows and even then if she's not making expressions she looks fine
Nigga, you are the one who brought it up.
Dude chill? You're overreacting a bit to an inane convo i'm having with another person. Don't take it personal.
you're the guy giving a lecture making peeps feel uncomfortable
Better, more logical, and less Disney ending than the one we got.
It wasn't stupid.
Aaah GOT, now that was a great Yea Forums show
Tyrion is more than creative enough to have dealt with that. Also, Tywin would have largely put a stop to most his nonsense by having him starting to act like an actual fucking king
this post reeks of reddit
>called out somebody for making mistake but is the one who is actually wrong
>doubles down when contradicted
>blames the person you called out when proven wrong
How would you know?
greentexting is for gungans
She's attacking at night this time
awww cute, she sleeping
Season 8 is not canon, "that" never happened
Not canon. Throw that faggot Tyrion out the window.
it's how it ended, fren
Not to me.
shes so hot as the valyirian priest
with 7 inches of steel inside her chest cavity :¨*)
>hits wall at 23
No it isn't my man, just a bad collective nightmare that happened a few months ago. The ending is whatever you want it to be since the books are never coming out
>Everything is foreshadowed! It will all make sense when the books come out! It's not nihilistic trash, I swear!
You can feel George's dicktip on your lip.
> "when the books come out"
you could have stopped there.
GRRM is writing as we speak. he's gonna set the record straight
George doesn't know how to get there. Sorry.
The bells toll for Yea Forums
His spit is your reward.
Good thing From Software games are all about lore, because GRRM does that in spades.
Your stupidity
Who claimed that is was a deconstruction? I've not seen that claim made. Genuinely interested though because it's definitely not.
It's obviously a roastie absolutely assblasted by the alpha female Emilia
haha what a fun prank on Jo Pisces, shooting him with a watergun like that. It must be cold, look at his face!
Jon should have never left that cave
Ygritte is the only woman he truly loved
"it" was posting links to gossip sites saying she did plastic surgery the other day, it's clearly a woman that lost her composure
I mean, that's really sad if it's a man, but also if it's a woman too, I guess.
Look how happy she made him man, happy for the first time since ygritte and he didn't have to choose between love and duty this time
Thing is, the pics it posts she still looks cute as fuck. I'd take her genuine emotion cute wrinkles over a stone-faced bitch any day.
Emilia grows stronger by the day
so she failed the mission basically
The Donald Trump of fantasy
why were jon and dany walking around the city by themselves. some random homeless person could just attack them from behind. just look at arthur dayne
All the homeless people are dead lmao
all the homeless were glassed
Shit writing
This was the worst ten seconds of “entertainment” of this century. What a goddam travesty.
>Please, please, Viserys, I don't want to, I want to go home.
She never asked for any of this
eat shit
Too late. I already did. So did millions of other people who willfully ingested this shit hoping for something good.
s n a p
I want to pinch her nipples
I think it was more about the consistency.
>Hey look, a problem requiring creativity and nuance
>not anymore!
You won't. ever.
How would you have solved it THEN?
No bully or lewding Emilia
What are they still marketing this shit instead of Bran the Broken
Jon blinded by rage having a 1v1 showdown against NK in the throne room shortly after sacrificing his Nissa Nissa to get Lightbringer
>dany already acknowledged her father was evil
>had a heart to heart with jaime in the dragonpit
>then she's bitching about him killing her father next season and not about almost killing her with a spear
Fuck this season
Leftovers from season 7
Her character was ruined so badly that it's almost incomprehensible.
Her thing was revenge. The revenge is directly tied to who she is, to her identity as a Stark. The conflict/dilemma was that in order to acquire the necessary skills for her revenge she needed to let go of her self and her ego. She need to become a faceless men and stop being Arya Stark, therefore eliminating her motivation for the entire thing in the first place. It was a catch 22.
But they didn't resolve it at all. Arya got to have her cake and eat it too. She was disobedient and should have been killed. Instead she's still Arya but with super powers. It's like D&D had no idea what the fuck was going on.
>She need to become a faceless men
There's a theory that the Waif actually killed Arya and took her place. It's the only way any of this shit makes sense.
I've never heard that theory.
Two unfortunate typos in quick succession, I swear.
Just another theory to explain shit writing. Remember how you thought the golden company were gonna do something
I think the only time I found her cute and wanted to dick her down is when she had white hair with black lipstick and that see through leotard
everyone makes mistakes
*strips off unnecessarily*
they defended king's city
Was anyone else disappointed that the Others didn't have ice spiders? Or did everyone just forget about those.
*rapes a grown man*
>black lipstick
this never looks good
>cgi tits
imma pass, brah
Shes in shape and still has a double chin. My guess is a life mouthbreathing
Tumblr roastie is upset boohoo
No, she isn't. Literally the premise of that was having no makeup on at all.
I guess them dying in 10 seconds retardedly after being built up for few seasons is better than if they just disappeared
they fought outside the city
They aren't.
*performs a striptease for reasons*
>stand outside the castle during a seige
she's from dorn
This. I doubt it was something the directors or D&D asked her to do, but instead she started seeing herself as a superstar and it reflected on her character who was becoming more capable as time went by. IIRC in the books she was still filled with blind rage and was on path to vengeance but in the show she was just a smug skank who can beat anyone in the world. Arya's arc was one of the more interesting ones in the book but was tedious to watch in the show, and I do think it's mainly because of Maisie becoming smug IRL. Suppose that's only to be expected when some low class, low iq peasant rises to "stardom" all of the sudden.
How do you figure?
Extremely disappointed. I also hate how the Wights transformed from thinking, reasoning malice to skeletal rage zombies.
you retard, she said herself it was all legit
KYS incel
she was the hottest in the entire show
I think I remember they said for the Stark girls, they tried to create the characters as to how the actors would prefer them. Like Arya’s actor liked her being a smug badass, so that’s what she got. Sophie Turner liked acting like a smug cunt so Sansa acted like one. They encouraged it.
Is that a body double with a CGI head?
That's not true.
>Lady Shansha, I believe you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon door? Does this not matter?
>Ah, I shuppoze we are taking a crippled boy's dreams as facts, then? Should all trials be settled this way?
>Do great deeds not weigh in on my innocence? Saving you from the Lannisters, returning you to your seat in Winterfell, saving your brother and bringing the Vale into your service. A fair trial is the least you can offer me.
>No? Very well. I shall demand trial by combat.
>Not even that? Fine, then the Night's Watch will serve me well enough, with the dead on the way you need every man you can spare.
>You wish to kill me right here? Are you forgetting about the gods? You cannot kill a guest under your roof, you'd be no better than your family's killers.
>You don't care about that? Very well, but you are a Stark, my lady. I shall not accept your sentence if you are not the one to look me in the eye and take my life yourself.
>Or, whatever, just have the goblin bitch mutilate my throat with my dagger. Then burn my body.
>Or just leave my corpse on the floor. I shuppoze that would be acceptable as well.
looked pretty hot to be honest
She is objectively the worst character in the show. After the laughably bad braavos storyline, that very same storyline hijacks the rest of the show, it's absolutely fucking mindblowing
the whole rasputin "can't kill me by stabbing or drowning" shit was when they officially jumped the shark
We got the waif tho
lol at the deranged classism tying yourself in furious knots
why do you think that
Boy did we
Normies cheered this shit, fuck's sake
Bongoloid from Bongolia
They absolutely did. Contrast their behavior in the early seasons to what we get later.
Just got off the bus where a girl looked like young Sophie Turner, AMA.
>normies cheered with CIA death
>normies cheered with Arya nothing personelling NK
>normies cheered with le clegane bowl
>normies cheered with Jon killing Dany
>normies cheered with Sansa becoming queen
Normies ruined the show, i'm sure D&D watch burlington bar and wrote everything to see their cringy reactions
Normies cheered for Dany (PBUH) getting betrayed and killed, fuck em
She should have killed and replaced Arya
the hideousness
Maisie is hot from the neck down
Body like gollum
who's that
u wot
so fucking hot
She hit the wall and it upsets incels here
>>normies cheered with le clegane bowl
Cleganebowl was unironically cool. Save your hate for the parts which were actually shit
It was shit they way they did it
>zombie mountain
>cutting to arya instead of showing the whole thing
>small ass place for the bowl
compared to the other stuff, c-bowl was fucking awesome. AND YOU KNOW IT
Did they really expect me to care about KL
But you literally spam the same pics everytime, that's quite an obsession. Look darling if Maisie is waifu to some i'm sure you can be waifu'd too you don't need to be upset
it's just a cgi city of 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 cgi people
It's funny how you never get any idea how the commonfolk are doing under cersei or get anything from them storywise until dany's killing them
History doesn't care about the common people.
I’m pretty sure it was 6 million.
It's quite telling that you're unable to discern the products she's using in that pic. Don't worry, you'll have sex one of these days.
The story did until end of season 6
Post a pic of your hand with timestamp really quick bro
I just wanted to see stuff blow up at that point. The season was already lost after the NK shit.
>(no, Faceless Men can't teleport)
Faceless Men do have magic. Read the books.
the show ended with tywin
I would if they were out.
>you'll never be humiliated and defeated by Bloodraven
Feels bad.
>argues about a book he's never even read
completely different user here, the fuck is wrong with you?
>But white walkers are, and she eliminated the entire threat.
Because the show basically created the NK since they don't know how to face the storyline. The Others in the books are pretty different anyway and not ex human at all.
I'm just trying to make friends.
Based. Jon is an idiot, he would have ruined the kingdom.
>Then he gives away one of his kingdoms to his sister, who has no right to said kingdom.
She's literally the trueborn heir to that kingdom now Bran's out the way.
Unlike Jon who has no claim and nobody gave a fuck about him in the end aside of Sansa and Arya.
>a oldman from Sothoryos gives you a cache of strange weaponry that you have never seen before
How fast do you conquer Westeros?
>gets hit with a stick a few times
>this turns you into a ninja
The show deviated so much that book canon doesn't matter.
He won the game of thrones.
That SPAS made my dick hard
This is better dialogue than what we got in seasons 5-8.
Hello contrapoints
I get robbed while sleeping at an inn and I'm back to being a peasant.
if the series had adopted the arya chapter in which she lets a man grope and kiss her (she's 12) and she feels his boner before she kills him Yea Forums would love her and aryapedos would post in neverending threads just like danyfags
if they just casted a beautiful woman instead that goblin i'm sure that Yea Forums would love her
They casted a cute kid that turned into a goblin, unfortunately it happened with all the Stark kids
I asked her out on a date and she agreed. What should I expect?
>excuse me, I'm an expert in cosmetics
Do you have any proof to support your claim
Proof would be revealing it
NK could train for like entire 500 years
>without proof
>implying i will share my powerlevel with a contender
You just have to believe me mate. I've got a date, what do I do?
Just be yourself bro
I think that might work actually. She likes slightly autistic smart men.
Is it possible that fat bastard will actually finish ASOIAF? I really want to read the books, but it feels pointless thing unless there's proper ending. Or should I read it regardless, bros?
>She's literally the trueborn heir to that kingdom now Bran's out the way.
Bran is the trueborn heir and had no reason to undermine his rule by giving away a kingdom for free.
>Unlike Jon who has no claim and nobody gave a fuck about him in the end aside of Sansa and Arya.
Because of bad writing.
So glad this thread is in autosage. Fuck Sansafags.
What do you think bro
I think that if you're albino you should kill yourself
Why? She found it interesting
and charming
Albino what are you planning on sending to her?