why is it ok for some non-white shitface to make fun of white history and culture?? is it because shitskins are seething so hard that they are not a part of it?
Why is it ok for some non-white shitface to make fun of white history and culture?...
Hating white people is quite literally the centerpiece of black culture in America, but nobody is allowed to say it aloud without being de-platformed and de-personed.
Imagine growing up being beat over the head every day of your life with stories of slavery, racist cops everywhere, EVERYTHING is subtly racist, etc. The pull of that kind of propaganda is almost impossible to resist.
Lol the history of some autist Austrian isn't my history, I'm Polish. He can make fun of it all he likes. Only on this place would you get someone defending Adolf Hitler's life story as exclusive
It's not cool anymore. That's why no one cares, and blacks get mad when they are not the center of attention.
>>>>white history
>New Zealander
Taika isn't black
You can't really joke about black history since there is none.
>fagdolf shitler
>"white history and culture"
No, he just culturally (mis)appropriates them, and cynically makes films to appeal to the worst aspects of a hateful culture, like the rest of modern Hollywood
Are you offended?
So, what are we supposed to be upset of this time?
>You can't really joke about black history since there is none.
the funny thing is all the alleged 'black inventions' are all shit so you can be lazier. Even the shit the kangs try to claim like the AC (nope, Carrier), the Elevator (nope, Otis), the washboard (really people?) and dry cleaning (the purple church suit will never be the same!) they usually didn't invent or only made an improvent on it.
>t. absolutely SEETHING stormfag
Die mad :^)
Just exhausted. The bullshit is obvious, and you see the bullshit, but the culture pretends it's invisible. It takes more energy to deal with than any one person has.
The idea that Hitler is "white history" is asinine, but I'll go with the thread's premise just because the core is still true. You've got generations of black kids being raised to see themselves as perpetual victims of insidious and invisible racism (i.e. - even if you have zero reason to believe racism is at play in a given situation, you can be sure that it still is), and it manifests as a hateful, and increasingly violent culture.
That's a big enough problem on it's own, but now you've got a cynical and evil mass media apparatus ready and willing to exploit it for easy ticket sales. It's all so tiring.
imagine being a /pol/loony spending your entire life screeching about tv and social media. What a life
A bloo bloo.
Go cry to someone that cares, this isn't your safespace cuck.
>"dude racism doesn't exist"
>posts on the most racist mainstream website in existence
can you stop making multiple threads schlomo?
It's a trend that will fizzle out.
Who said it doesn't exist? It does, you're arguing against your own imagination.
The problem is a generation of black youth trained to assume racism from the start. Got a bad grade on the test? Racist teacher. Job interview didn't go your way? Racist manager. Don't get approved for the house with your 650 credit score? Racist banks. And on, and on, and on.
It creates a culture where racism hides behind every blade of grass and is the root of every ill, and Hollywood is in turn happy to fan those flames and reinforce the idea. So we get nonstop "woke" media bullshit, and nothing ever improves, because everything wrong in your life isn't something you can change - it's all just racism.
so you're saying white history and culture consists in murdering millions and enslaving the rest?
Why do you refuse to believe that in some of those cases racism really is a factor? You just dismiss it as "victimhood"
Yes, thats quite literally what he means.
include me in the buzzfeed screencap
Do you understand the difference between "racism is provably a factor in this individual case", and "an entire culture assuming racism at every turn"?
Do you understand how prevalent racism really is in every day life for most black people? No, of course you don't. Keep belly aching over nothing though, I'm sure the tides will turn for you eventually and you won't be unhappy anymore because slavery returns or something.
Where's your data? What proof do you have as to the prevalence of anti-black racism in every day life?
None. Just a culturally prevalent assumption that EVERYTHING is racist, which has been bashed into your mind from birth, exactly what I'm talking about. Black people in America consistently assume racism in every interaction, without cause, and use those "racist" incidents to further their own idea that racism is everywhere.