Welcome to the NHK

why still no western/american live action adaptation?
the plot is too perfect for the modern western society right now.

Cast the characters and the director.

Also what should be changed from the source material, mainly the anime and novel to fit an American protag?

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have you heard about taxi driver?
its this show but for grown up people, you fucking faggot

>why still no western/american live action adaptation?

because it would be a nigger filled cuck fantasy again

also in term of NHK

I see the similarities, also I love that movie. But I want this specific story to be adapted. It's has potential to be a kino about living in the society.

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Welcome to the BBC

I'd like them to make Misaki as a hapa American desu that looks like Katie, desu.
Keep her background similar, but also I'd prefer her manga and novel personality. Make her more mentally ill and manipulative.

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never seen this
does everyone die in a fire?

whats this about? i have it but i havent watched it yet

They could never make a western version of this without completely changing the story. The overlying plot over the whole series is Satou and his neighbor trying to make and sell a visual novel.

Why do people claim Lolicon doesn't encourage child abuse when the protagonist is shown downloading actual 3DPD child pornography?

incel saved by a cute girl

>have Satou a channer from the get go, maybe also make him slightly addicted into following egirls online
>have yamazaki introduce satou to Tor-like web service, c*ndydoll-like irl loli models. And loli erogames like in the anime.
>keep the subplot where they're trying to make the greatest lewd vn but failing

What else should be kept or maybe drastically changed to fit an American version of this story?

Would western audiences relate to the loser mentality though?

I don't remember this in the anime. Are you one of those edgy novelfags?

yes, why wouldn't they?

Funny I go with

It's in the manga

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Because contrary to Yea Forums NEETdom isnt prevalent in Western society like it is in Japan.

I guess they could have him be some alt right incel taught the error of his ways by a fun loving southern belle who is neglected by her family for not conforming to Christian conservative values after aborting rape baby.

Replace anime with reality shows.

And before you ask, definitely 3D

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She could be some Korean-American christfaggot.

>2 right hands

This is just what happens when everyone learns to draw by copying other manga panels

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Nobody asked we all know the Anime was lightened up from the source materials.

Probably for the best that we don't. Too lost in translation for Westerners.

I understand the appeal of this series, but the execution was just so sloppy. It's a mess.

Sato played by Dev Patel
Misato played by Zendaya
Sato's friend played by Jesse Eisenberg
Sato's old female friend played by Felicity Jones
Written by Rian Johnson
Directed by Woody Allen

>a brave independent woman takes care of a neet incel
LOL I can't wait

Every character is black now

>Western audiences sympathising with a NEET
That's pretty anti-narrative of you.

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She's basically just as fucked up as he is, though. Or almost, at least.