How could this have happened?
Inflation you say?
influx of low skilled workers willing to work for the lowest offer
Women have entered the workforce.
No one gives a fuck.
You did enough to reply.
No one gives a fuck.
Funny how that is 2 years after we opened trade with China. The worlds #1 country in population and majority very low income
Free trade is a net good, but it sent all our low end labor that they would do cheaper over seas.
Wages rise from tight labor market, productivity and inflation.
GDP growth basically comes down to population and productivity/output gains.
We dont have inflation anymore, its fake wage gains anyways. Our population has gone up but its been near flat for over 30 years, immigration (which is really high) is making up all our growth.
China is about to go into population decline. They have had rising wages for years, and productivity has largely been from copying the west. Their low income advantage is going to be gone soon.
World population decline is not far behind.
Global markets will change around 2060 where Labor will be scares and wages will rise like crazy. Investment and savings will be hard to generate revenue. There is no good kino on this because Hollywood and low tier university teachers have not done sociology reading since the 70s and base their world view on The population bomb by Paul Ehrlich
There will be balance to the market, it just is taking generations to happen.
>being so low skilled that you can be replaced with border jumpers is their fault
>World population decline is not far behind.
Any signs of Africa declining in population any time soon?
You did enough to reply.
They will be last. But depending on the study, early as 2060. Late as 2100. Upper middle Africa produces the most kids, still like 7 on average per woman.
No one gives a fuck.
low skilled jobs will always exist user
No its the governments fault, and the same thing happens to professional IT workers with the H1B pooinloos
Right-wingers and Capitalism.
Republicans and the death of the new deal.
This only affects you if you are a wageslave who puts his savings in the bank.
You are basically selling the one thing you cant get back, your life, in exchange for something inherently depreciating like shekels.
Transforming those shekels into appreciating assets like real estate or farm land is the real 150IQ plan. But wageslaves live paycheck by check anyway so they can rarely go that far.
Basically its the perfect self-cleaning machine. Keep people hanging enough to be part of the system, but with such weak li ks that at the first weakness, all the retards get shaken off.
imagine being this brainwashed,
the real answer is central banking and government intervention in the economy
looking forward to it
>World population decline is not far behind
Hmmm. Anime is reaching a global market now more than ever. Coincidence?
>a thread about Avatar vs Endgame box office turns into a thread about world economic trends and population statistics
>companies being greedy jews that happily destroy the country they function in as long as small group of CEOs get bigger bonuses is somehow workers fault
Shh, World3 is bad news.
The government has been intervening with the economy long before the 1970s retard.