This film will kickstart the new MCU cosmic universe. The Celestials will play a large role în this film and they will get even their own spin off film. Inhumans are going to get reboot ed for the MCU as GotG replacements.Celestials will play the largest role in. Phase 5.
Marvel Studios Eternals
no ones ever heard of these cunts but will they care?
Fuck this gay ass shit, just give me daredevil, punisher, moon knight and the fantastic four.
They will
I hope we get some lewd sue storm about to cuck Reed with Namor and T'Challa
They squandered their chance to use Adam when they should have.
Not that hard to get. Just google it.
It'a not fucking rocket science; it's capeshit.
>pajeet cast as samurai
what did marvel mean by this
But they have a asian in the cast too?
as the villain lmao
i have the feeling it will be captain marvel soulless shit instead of like soulful guardians of the galaxy
No way,the celestials will be the villains. Or maybe Hercules
How would this work again? Interdimensional space demons quipping about pizza comets?
Well,who is the director?
What's keeping them from using him now?
>kickstart the new MCU cosmic universe.
Really? What the fuck did Guardians of galaxy 1 and 2 and the last two Avengers movies do then
user,this film will kickstart the new cosmic universe because GotG3 got delayed,that one was meant to kickstart it. Those films were part of the infinity saga and let's not forget,eternals is directed by a woman.
All the story's with him that are worth telling heavily involve Thanos.
Marvel Studios Bionicle when?
What if Transformers where in the MCU?
So,will the film be set during ancient times or modern age?
"Space" does not equal "Cosmic", though GotG did plant the seeds for Cosmic.
Bayformers copies?
Remove your penis
Based Marvel dabbing on Fox' corpse by not even bothering to develop the million dollar franchises they just bought and focusing on characters even comic book nerds hardly know about
Thats retarded
It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, mostly man children, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite ‘universe’ presented by the MCU. I would also observe that it is, potentially, culturally catastrophic to have the ephemera of a previous century squatting possessively on the cultural stage and refusing to allow this surely unprecedented era to develop a culture of its own, relevant and sufficient to its times.
Is this what bait copypasta has been reduced to?
Have a pity (you).
get a load of this faggot
>Inhumans are going to get reboot ed for the MCU as GotG replacements
Sure, let's replace cosmic bounty hunters with Royal slavers from the Moon.... I think they'll do Annihilators before these.
It's the movies about the characters I DON'T know that make me most interested.
I didn't (and still don't) give a rats ass about the MCU movies for characters I do know
Ronan is dead
Mar-Vell or Nova could replace him
Both dead
>MFW i remember the "monogamy is bigorty" people
watch them actually do it and try to pass it as progressive
imagine how godawful cheap this will look. mcu bot tards won't care though.
Isn't he planned for Guardians 3?
IT wont
>reboot one of their more popular film series
Is Charlie brooker writing the what ifs? Dunno if I can handle a bunch of oi wot if captain America was a app
>no ones ever heard of these cunts but will they care?
Keanu Reeves is in it
>This film will kickstart the new MCU cosmic universe.
Please, no more fucking space bullshit. Enough. It was already cringe enough, I'm fucking done. Star Wars 2.0
I might torrent it for mommy
Why the fuck is she always ready to cuck Reed at the drop of a dime
>Implying Thanos wont come back
they're overpowered demi-gods - like heroes from the DC universe
He’s gonna be in GOTG 3.
>reddit spacing
>someone actually took time to make that comic
It was rumored but they could replace him to introduce Galactus and Silver Surfer or the Shi'Ar