Even though I never actually liked smuggling much and I'm a galaxy-famous war hero who helped save billions of people so really, the Republic is probably giving me all the money I could ever want.
Hey I decided to be a smuggler again for some reason
The economic crisis in the galaxy I think. And the complete abolition of social security for veterans. Therefore, the veterans formed the First Order. Therefore, the Republic did not have an army, it all fought on the side of the First Order.
The EU got this right. He was a rich play husband/general for Leia. She was always at big political parties. He got bored an went off to "recapture" his glory days and got into a world of trouble in the ass end of nowhere.
That's how you write Han Solo.
It's really fucking absurd the lengths this movie went to to retread old plot points. Honestly the entire Disney Star Wars series just feels like it's meant to jerk off fans in a vain attempt to recreate something from 35 fucking years ago. There's no vision or originality behind it, just cynical money-grubbing.
didn't watch any of nuwars, but just look at the shit quality of his costume. it looks like some cheap halloween costume. the shirt doesn't even have any density to it. everything is just so bland from head to toe.
at his age, he should be some sort of high-ranking Admiral or retired. well-dressed at least. instead they give him a costume like some theme park character. it's fucking sickening, you can see what i'm talking about by just looking at this one photo. i'm glad i haven't spent a single cent on any of the recent movies, or on disney shit in general.
It's implied Kylo becoming evil is what caused Han to take up a wandering lifestyle again as a way to avoid emotionally dealing with what had happened
And yet in BR2049 Harrison looks like he crawled out of bed in the morning and put on clothes from his own closet. Still put in a better performance than Star Wars PT.
I would imagine he should be an agent or something for the republic. Basically traveling around helping and doing whatever was needed.
he didnt just go 'back to being a smuggler', its even worse, he became a shitty smuggler, smuggling fucking LIVESTOCK and not paying his debnts. if they had him RUNNING a smuggling ring or something that would have made sense, but nope, hes just some shitty half assed smuggler with 1 crew member still. AND he lost the falcon. AND he abandoned his wife and child. its called CHARACTER ASSASSINATION
>The EU got this right.
yup, they did, but disney shit all over it. the whole "awkward famous war hero" thing was much better. and his downfall into murderous violent darkness during The New Jedi Order series after Chewie died, followed by Anakin dying, was infinitely more emotionally realistic than his dead-beat-dad-gone-back-to-smuggling-then-stabbed-in-the-chest bit routine they had him do in nu-wars.
Leila states very clearly in TFA that she lost both Han and Ben when she sent him away to train with Luke. Luke very obviously implies that Han wasn't happy with her decision.
Even before Snoke, the Solo family had issues. Snoke only used those issues to further manipulate Ben and isolate him from his family and Luke the Dumbass Murder Uncle just completely fucked it over by validating all of the shit Snoke was whispering in Ben's ear by trying to murder him in his sleep.
If you actually read the extra materials and listen to the movies and interviews, it paints a pretty clear picture.
Leia was married to her job, Han felt like an inadequate father because he didn't understand the Force and Ben was strong with it. That's presumably why he just rolled over and let Leia send him off, because "Luke is a Jedi, if he couldn't reach him, how could I?" Cue Leia answering, "Luke is a Jedi, you're his father" would have been nice if you said that 10 years ago, you dumb bitch.
Ben was neglected by his family who didn't know how to parent even if they loved him and Han and Leia weren't spending much time together. After Leia sent Ben away, Han went to go train some pilots to compensate for the fact that he couldn't train Ben. Then the whole Academy Massacre happened and the tragedy broke them apart.
They both went back to the only thing they were good at to compensate for the failure of raising and saving their son. It's not hard to understand. You're not supposed to think Han is cool for still fucking around being a smuggler. It's supposed to be tragic because this is a broken family that were torn apart because of their own human failures and an Evil Dark Lord.
Completely failing at being a father to your only son by not being able to teach him anything, failing to protect him or help him with his issues, then having your dumbass brother-in-law almost murder him and go into exile, not to mention hardly ever seeing your wife and losing your son to some Force mumbo-jumbo you never understood will do that to you.
What's so said about all of this is that it is heavily implied in the subtext that if Han stopped doubting himself and he was allowed to actually parent Ben without Leia chiming in and making all the decisions herself, Ben probably would have been a lot better off. There is a reason Han was the person who came closest to turning Ben. There is a reason that killing his father still haunts him.
It really paints the Force in general as a horrible thing. Because it's specifically because Ben was so strong in the Force and saddled with a huge legacy that he and his family had issues. He couldn't relate to anyone and his own father couldn't understand what he was going through. It's another reason he didn't fire on Leia. They shared a bond that Han himself said he could never have with Ben because Leia also has the Force.
I just wonder where LF/Disney is going with all of this. Are they trying to say the Force is bad, or just big legacies? Probably the latter since they will try to equate it with the Patriarchy or some shit.
I mean, it's Ben non-force sensitive "Solo" side "your father's heart" that is portrayed as a good thing where his Skywalker "Vader worship" side is portrayed as the bad thing.
Theres no money in being. War hero especially for a rebel organisation. Doubt they have a pension plan.
He was trying to run away from what happened with Ben by getting back into his old life
Shouldn't have even been literally space ISIS by the time of TFA in the first place.
nu wars fans/readers of nu wars eu, yikes
That's where they are really going with this "end of Skywalker saga" stuff. Ben won't die, but he will put to rest the "Skywalker" side of him and embrace the "Solo" side and go forward with that. So spiritually, the saga will be over even though the bloodline will live on.
It will also push the idea that legacies aren't the great thing to be worshiped anymore, and that fits with their plants of telling stories that aren't about the Skywalker family.
>i have also been wearing the exact same pants and jacket for 35 years
>Ben won't die
You're delusional if you think he's surviving ep9. He will very likely "redeem" himself somehow, but he's dead 100%. You can literally gamble everything you own on it very safely.
Han being a general in the old EU never really felt right either
Most of this stuff is from the movies and interviews about the movies.
Even Han feeling like an inadequate father is very clearly presented in the movies. That's why he ultimately decides to go to Ben, even though he knows he could die. He regrets never being the father he should have been an blames himself.
It's too obvious for him to die. Best you can hope for is a metaphorical death of Kylo Ren or those spoilers being true where he dies to help defeat Palpatine and is resurrected anyway. Death and Rebirth and all that.
I clearly actually understand the story and you are just here to shitpost, so I'm pretty confident here.
the new EU is straight garbage my dude
>I clearly actually understand the story and you are just here to shitpost, so I'm pretty confident here.
oh god, i get it. You're one of the dudes that JOs to him.
I understand that Disney hates its audience but there is no reality where the dude who murders han solo doesn't die at the end of the story. I'm not even "hoping" he does, it's just the way it fucking is.
Carry on then, no amount of common sense will move you. Enjoy your crying fap in december I guess.
It always makes me laugh when I see people like who like to demonize Ben, especially for killing Han.
The story itself presents Kylo as sympathetic because he is seen as a sad and lost child thorough his parents eyes. Even as a wronged and failed student through Luke's eyes. They don't hate Ben, they never did and they blame themselves for his fall because it was largely their fault. They all wish for him to come back so they can feel like their wrongs were righted. People talk about character assassination of their fave OT characters, but say they want Ben Solo to die for Han's death in the same breath. Han never blamed his son and would never want him to be killed. The "redemption" and validation of the Skywalker family hinges on Ben making a turn and living a happy life. Otherwise Leia, Han, and Luke's failure to teach and protect him as his family is validated and reinforced. Their fuckups would be highlighted and underlined for all to see. Not a likely end for the family when this is a fairy-tale. Ben Solo must live and have a frutiful life or the Skywalker saga ends in tragedy.
I swear some people need to go back to primary school to learn how to read and comprehend a basic plot.
>the dude who murders Han Solo
It constantly surprises me how people can so easily divorce from their minds the fact that Ben is his son, whom he loved and died trying to save. Yeah, they totally want to honor Han's memory by killing that same son and having people hate him. That would totally be Han's wish. Them having Leia say she wants Ben back even after everything is totally the story wanting people to hate him. Them spending an entire movie so they heroine could relate to him and try to save him is because they want the audience to hate him.
Like I said, you understand nothing.
The funniest thing is despite people like you bitching, Kylo still remains the most popular character among fans and most people sympathize with him, so you are wrong on almost every count.
Guess I'll ask here, is the New Jedi Order series actually worth a read? I've been told the Solo twins are actually pretty solid characters
>Guess I'll ask here, is the New Jedi Order series actually worth a read?
>Han, Luke, and Leia: omg Ben, my poor lost sad baby boy/nephew, I failed you I'm so sorry pls forgive
>retarded fanboys
>he must payyy he's so evil omg
LOL The SW fandom is wildly retarded
He is literally depicted as a fucknig lost, scared and sad child through his family's eyes. Even Snoke calls him a child. and they all love him still and want him back. Totally gonna die.
Leia doing her superman was even in the original script because she didn't want to give up on her son. Yeah, Leia's big heroic moment was because of her love for her son and the strength she gets from not wanting to give up on him. But he's totally lost. That's totally what they want people to think.
>Guess I'll ask here, is the New Jedi Order series actually worth a read? I've been told the Solo twins are actually pretty solid characters
100% worth it. especially if you've read some/all of the EU building up to it. I grew up reading the Young Jedi Knights series that was about the solo twins training at Luke's jedi academy(which Luke started in the Jedi Academy Trilogy, which is also kino). The only problem with the New Jedi Order is the last book, they "WRAPPED IT UP" too fast/neatly and went on to new book series, which weren't as good.
Anyone who says to not read the New Jedi Order likely hasn't read it. like this guy
Its some of my favorite EU content.
Fanboys cry so hard about Luke never giving up on anyone, yet for some reason they actually think he was telling his sister that her son is lost forever in that scene. "No one's ever really gone." Who the fuck did they think he was talking about?
Luke can't save Ben, doesn't mean he can't be saved at all.
kylo ren is a mass murderer. calling him a child and saying people should be sympathetic to the character is about as dumb as saying people should sympathize with Darth Vader. vader and kylo are TRAGIC characters, not sympathetic characters. but hell, at least anakin got the prequels to show his rise and downfall, kylo ren just starts off edgy and emo and all we will get to see is his downfall. hes a rushed, wannabe rehash of anakin done poorly, by hacks. the only reason hes a "fan favorite" is because hes the only character with any kind of back story or potential left. Rey is a nobody/literal who/one dimensional heroine. Finn is even less and Luke, Leia, and Han are all dead. Replacement-Han, whats his face? the mexican guy? is even less of a character than Finn and Fat Asian Piggu lady is obnoxious and illogical. So yeah, Kylo is the only character in nu wars you can even really say has any character to him at all, so of course he beats the rest of the line up by miles. BUT that does not make him a good character, just the ONLY actual character nu wars really has and whatever potential/hopes people have for him will be completely destroyed/bamboozled in Episode 9, guaranteed.
pic related if you want a GOOD post-ROTJ story about jedi stuff.
Lawrence Kasdan always said Han Solo was his fav. He wrote TFA and turned him into a deadbeat loser who was back to square one, he failed dad who let his son become a genocidal maniac, a quitter a total loser who gets killed like a bitch and falls down a pit like Palpatine and Darth Maul! This moron went on to write the abominable Solo prequel movie where Han is revealed to be a whipped little bitch who abandons his waifu on butthole planet and spends five years looking for her. When he finds her she ignores him and even beat his ass and goes on her own.
Do people still actually believe this hack actually wrote ESB and Indiana Jones?
>Lawrence Kasdan
>do people still actually believe this hack
just Red.ditLM faggots and zoomers.
episode 9 gonna be gloriously bad. like so bad, that the shitfests that were TLJ and SOLO will be considered "good" in comparison.
The difference between me and you is that I have actual arguments supported by the text and the writers while you have personal opinions that you are presenting as if they matter at all. They don't.
Especially when, as I stated previously, Kylo is the most popular character that people also sympathize with. You really are fighting a losing battle here.
The text even excuses Ben from the "mass murder" several times. It bends over fucking backwards if it could.
>Kylo ordering the murder of villagers
Rey's journal was released to reveal that those villagers were actually a ruthless sect who would murder and then hang human remains on their walls to scare anyone else off
>billions on Hosnian
Official material credits Hux with that one and the actual script makes it clear that Kylo didn't want Snoke to use the weapon and that a huge reason he is so eager to get the info from Rey is so that Snoke won't use it again.
You can kick and scream all you want. Kylo is ridiculously sympathetic and it is 110% deliberate on the writers part.
>muh anakin backstory
In case you didn't notice, they spent an entire movie getting inside Kylo Ren's head and having the heroine fall in love with him. There aren't many more ways you can make a character sympathetic. Her failure to turn him is devastating and the last shot of him his on his knees looking sad and alone. That's now how you portray a villain that is just going to die.
>5 movies
>only one decent space battle
give me an X-Wing vs Tie Fighter trilogy you fucks.
>getting inside Kylo Ren's head and having the heroine fall in love with him
>the heroine fall in love with him
This is the biggest nail in the coffin of the arguments that Ben will die. The heroine's success and happiness is dependent on Ben. She can't get her happy ending or belonging without him. Because he is her belonging. They aren't going to cuck their heroine out of getting what she wants or succeeding at helping/saving Ben.
The VF covers even have her staring longingly/melancholically at him.
>In case you didn't notice, they spent an entire movie getting inside Kylo Ren's head
>and having the heroine fall in love with him.
what fucking movie are you talking about, lmao @ rian johnson posting
lol fuck the VF covers, the trailer itself is just one minute of Rey breathing and getting emotional about seeing Ben again and trying to center herself so she can properly face him. I'm forever laughing at how Disney/LF goes out of their way to make things as obvious as possible without actually spoiling anything and you still have dumbasses who think the point of the story is for Rey to kill the "big, bad Kylo Ren".
One year later and she's still hung up on him.
Han wondered sometimes-rarely, to be sure-what his family would have thought about him, if they could have seen what he had grown into. He'd never had to wonder about it, when he was younger; his family had loved him, but he knew he had been a disappointment to them, and they had not lived to see him grow into anything better.
You can pinpoint moments when change occurs. Not always; some changes are like the tide, slow and barely perceptible until they have come, or gone.
Sometimes, though-
Han did think about this, and with, oddly, increasing frequency, as the event itself grew more distant in time: the Death Star was coming; and it was going to destroy the Rebel base, the
their plainly doomed Rebellion. Han had taken Chewie and the Falcon, and had gotten out with time to spare-
Chewie was furious; Han could tell. Chewie wanted to fight. They'd sat here, together, in the Falcons control room, with Chewie not talking to him. Han had made not one, but two errors, calculating the jump to hyperspace. Finally he had his trajectory-and he hadn't been able to run it.
"All right, all right, let's go fight," he'd yelled at Chewie finally, almost twenty years ago, convinced they were both heading to their deaths-
He sat in the cockpit of the Falcon, almost twenty years later, and wondered what might have been: Leia would have been dead; and so would Luke. His children would never have been born. The Empire would still rule the galaxy, and he and Chewie would be traveling from world to world, one step ahead of the Imperials, one step ahead of the bounty hunters.
No, thought Han. Not 'one step.' Someone would have caught me. Boba Fett, IG-88-someone-and I'd have had no friends to come and rescue me from Jabba.
Twenty years.
To this day Han could remember with perfect clarity. how close he had come to punching in that trajectory, and leaving Leia and Luke behind. He woke up at night, sometimes, in cold sweats, thinking about it.
How very close.
If his parents were still alive, Han thought, they'd be impressed by old man he'd grown into-and not the least bit surprised at how close it had come to not happening.
TROS marking is just a giant Reylo fanfic, too.
>star crossed lovers
>only interview questions are about if they are going to fuck or not
>romance novel covers
Keep hating. Here's a spoiler from IX's epilogue for you.
I love how even Pablo, who seems anti-Reylo, bent over backwards to assure everyone that Kylo and Rey aren't related recently.
I bet this is from that same scene. They made sure to make him look as dreamy as possible.
>soft and romantic sunset lighting
>hair and cape billowing in the wind
Can't wait for another movie of Ben and Rey staring longingly at each other, now with 70% more angst and drama. TLJ was only the beginning.
Ford put more effort into Balde Runner 2049 than he did all the Star Wars movies and the original Blade Runner. Return of The Jedi was particularly embarrassing on his part. He looked like he was trolling.
Well this trilogy is marketed towards little girls with parents who just want Star Wars, so. Yeah. It's basically Twilight in space with little things to keep parents bringing their kids to the theater.
>If you actually read the extra materials and listen to the movies and interviews, it paints a pretty clear picture.
>People talk about character assassination of their fave OT characters, but say they want Ben Solo to die
I don't think you understand what character assassination is. No one actually dies. They just change the character's personality to something completely different and awful.
Like taking Mr. Rogers and saying he was actually a rapist, they took Luke and said he was some weirdo who kills younglings.
Pablo compared them to a married couple before, too.
I love these threads thanks to the one autistic Kylo/Reylo fag who keeps ranting and bumping with tl;dr. Good job bro.
>Twilight in Space
Have you ever seen a Disney Princess movie? This is pretty textbook Disney romance. But thanks for noticing that Reylo is an obvious romance. I don't know how anyone can shit on it when the Prequels happened, but of course bias is one hell of a drug.
I never said anything about what character assassination is or isn't, I was calling out the hypocrisy and contradictions of these people who actually wanted to see or do see Luke as realistically telling his sister her son is forever lost.
same goes for the people who want to see Han's son, like that would be a positive thing that would make anyone happy. Han would probably hose Chewie down for shooting him.
*see Han's son die
I love these depressing comics.
sounds like you're just trying to convince yourself the newest flim won't be total shit
>implying I even like these movies outside of Kylo Ren
Good things he's the only consistently good thing and the writers only seem to care about him.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm not even going to pirate it if he dies.
No, he's trying to convince himself that the dude he has a crush on won't die in the movie. It's pure cringe.
The reylo nonsense will probably happen to some extent, so he'll be happy about that. But he's high on his own jizzsocks if he thinks Kylo lives. He'll be "saved", sure, but he'll still croak. Vader got "saved" at the end too.
Maybe if he samefags hard enough and posts some more reylo tumblr, he can meme Kylo back to life in 4 months.
Someone's mad the writers only care about my fave and not yours. Well I'll have the last laugh just like with TLJ anyway, so keep crying bitch.
Always bet on Reylo.
>the writer has to shit on all three of the previous main character, making them do out of character shit like luke trying to murder kylo and then actively kill each of them off one per movie so kylo might just be interesting enough for homoanon
yeah ok
>noooo stop explaining the story to me! I have to keep pretending they had my faves do things for no reason other than to piss me off! It's not like these movies are centered around family and love or anything
>stoop iitt it hurts my brain I can't read your posts they make too much sense noooo
This is the worst thing about 2049, why the FUCK is Dekkard just wearing a t-shirt. It looks so out of place on the posters.
>I'll eat shit tier character development if it they become fodder for my husbando!
so this is the nustar wars audience
why do the fan comics do a better job fleshing out characters than the actual canon material?
Um ACKSHUALLY, Harrison Ford was the one who convinced JJ to let him touch his son's face for that scene. He even said in an interview that his death would continue to do things for the story or the characters or something. I'm paraphrasing badly, but he wasn't just memeing. You guys take his jokes too seriously. He even called the Kylo and Rey Snow fight "Beautiful visual storytelling".
>that shameless goalpost switching
Love to see it.
because JJ is a hack
You just now Star Wars was written by rich people who never had to deal with being poor.
No person who was poor would trade a cushy lifestyle with being poor again.
Please keep arguing. This is very entertaining.
None of that addresses my post.
>The difference between me and you is that I have actual arguments supported by the text and the writers while you have personal opinions that you are presenting as if they matter at all. They don't.
What matters is what's conveyed in the film's. If I have to read the novelization of a movie to understand character motivations, back story, or relationships then that film has failed at telling a story.
>The text even excuses Ben from the "mass murder" several times.
>Rey's journal was released to reveal that those villagers were actually a ruthless sect who would murder and then hang human remains on their walls to scare anyone else off
If this is real it's incredibly pathetic. It's a bullshit retcon because they need a marketable character, so they changed what the film showed (Kylo leading an attack on what appears to be an innocent village full of non combatants) to something more palatable
>Official material credits Hux with that one and the actual script makes it clear that Kylo didn't want Snoke to use the weapon and that a huge reason he is so eager to get the info from Rey is so that Snoke won't use it again.
>Himmler didn't really want the Einsatzgruppen to go on a rampage. To mitigate the whole murder thing sometimes he had their coffee delivered delayed
>Pol Pot's wife Mea Son like, totally didn't approve of murder and thought the Khmer Rouge were bad. She was fucking him so he would calm down and like, um, chill out.
>These people are absolved of their affiliation, participation, and direct involvement in mass murder because they didn't like it very much
The sequel trilogy isn't good. The entire universe of the sequels is poorly conceived. Reshaping the events on screen so drastically by making what was obviously meant to be innocent villagers out to be murders receiving some kind of retribution is a blatant rewrite of the character for marketability.
>What matters is what's conveyed in the film's. If I have to read the novelization of a movie to understand character motivations, back story, or relationships then that film has failed at telling a story.
And they only write this shit after the movie was released and based on the fans reactions. This is not filmmaking, this is McDonalds
He cute
How does it feel knowing women would rather fuck than you?
because the films are made in a way that they follow an order which doesn't allow for flashbacks and JJ decided to skip a good 2 movies worth of story and start with TFA instead.
well he is pretty handsome and a rich and successful actor so it does not bother me
Deep lore. If we got a concise explanation of such info in the movies instead of through supplimentary materials.
post them beefy pepperoni nips
JJ is a competent technical director but like all Jews isn't capable of writing anything creative.