>I won
I won
I've seen this on reddit
Breaking Bad is a 6/10 show that should have aired on CBS following Big Bang Theory, and liking it is basically a meme for zoomers, retards, and retarded zoomers.
Is the the duality of normality?
Breaking Bad is really just a boomer power fantasy. Powerless soon to be dead boomer becomes powerful, then dies.
>he goes to reddit
breaking bad fucking rules.
Of course you have, that's where most GoT fans come from
reddit jerks off to breaking bad nonstop
Well like I said, you would know
reminder that kinobyl is better.
Chernobyl is gayer than kissing boys, most overrated shit this century.
There is literally nothing gay about kissing your bro every so often.
That scene should’ve been the final scene of the entire series. Season 5 sucked
No you didn't because I created it specifically to post on here 2 days ago. This guy just reposted it.
Check fireden and do google reverse image search, nigger
You too, pretending you don't use reddit is the extreme newfag meme that is taking the summer by storm.
Breaking Bad is the king.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
Boomers hate Breaking Bad because it shows how amerifats have to litterally become drug lords just to survive.
That's not really fair desu, it's a dramatization and it's only one season. It's much more difficult to come up with an original story over several seasons.
>t. didn't watch the show
Pleb filtered, go back to your spooderman threads
is it to much to ask that professional writers do their fucking job competently?
>thinks Chernobyl isn't a poorly made meme show
>also thinks he isn't a pleb
You would know Yea Forums did too with its generals
Didn't one of the guys from scriptnotes write chernobyl?
Yea Forums has the IQ of cat piss, so I'm not surprised
>Poorly made
In what way?
Every performance is terrible, a bunch of British Russians that either have the emotional range of stone, or overact like a cartoon. The story itself was fictionalized to an insane degree, to the point that I wish they had just gone ahead and wrote something interesting. They conjured a strong womyn out of thin air and forced her in for woke points. There wasn't a single meaningful line, character, nothing. Just wall to wall, balls out boredom. It would have been a really bad straight to VHS movie, which is where it belonged, but that someone actually stretched it out into a miniseries was truly cruel.
>filters user
>sees no posts
good job
I mean pleb filtered, not the gay nigger shit of hiding post.
Chernobyl is pleb nip.
Stupid nigger. Breaking bad is essential boomer tier.
Breaking Bad is a badly written shit fest of a pleb show, that only ever got traction from retards saying "teehee, look, it's malcolm's dad!". Cranston didn't even put in a good performance, he lived entirely off the faggy amusement at sitcom dad to meth guy, it was embarrassing. Breaking Bad becoming highly regarded unironically marks the beginning of the West's downward cultural slide.
I have no idea what you're talking about because I don't watch shitty sitcoms.
It's impressive how much wrong you've crammed into so few words.
BB is actually way better than that. BB is a 10/10 while GoT is a weak 8.
The fuck are you on about? How is Breaking Bad badly written?
If you watch Breaking Bad, you watch shitty sitcoms, because that's exactly what it is.
You have shit taste, so you aren't able to understand why people smarter than you might understand how Breaking Bad is shit tier. Kind of like how a dog doesn't understand math.
Faggy O'Nig
Unnatural, unclever, unmemorable dialogue, every character is a goofy cartoon, every situation is ridiculous and strains credulity, and you can see the hamfisted ending coming by the end of the first episode. It has the artistic merit of shitting into a bucket.
i did check it. thats how i know youre lying, reddit nigglet
Baiting or retarded but a tryhard either way.
No (You)'s for you worthless contrarian
> anyone who understand the shit-tier meme shows I like because AV Club said to like it is a troll and/or contrarian
Have you seen the show? It's nothing like you described
>Unnatural, unclever, unmemorable dialogue
Breaking Bad does have some memorable dialogue. But considering your intelligence, I doubt you could remember what you ate last night
>every situation is ridiculous and strains credulity
Like what, the episode with the fly?
>you can see the hamfisted ending coming by the end of the first episode
How is the ending hamfisted? Because Walter dies in the end?
> like, how is two and two four, HOW!?
I can't understand it for you, you either have basic critical thinking and the literal minimum taste, or you think Breaking Bad isn't dog shit. I can't explain taste to you, anymore than I can explain geometry to the dog.
Post proofs then nigger because I literally threw this shit together in MS paint 2 or 3 days ago.
I know for a fact you've never seen this exact image on plebbit unless someone took the post from a couple days ago and reposted it on there.
>Implying you understand the show
With your level of intellect I doubt you would.
Stop being elitist when you're dumb sweetie, it's embarrassing.
Okay? mind answering some of my questions from the previous post?
I gave you the only valid answer already - I can't understand it for you. A multi-million dollar public education and life experience has left you as the sort of brainlet with pleb taste that actually thinks Breaking Bad is worth a damn - there's nothing anyone could possibly write in a Yea Forums post that would do any better for you.
Taste and critical thinking are things you have, or you don't have, and you don't have them.
Pathetic bait. you can't answer the questions because you haven't watched the fucking show.
I more or less agree with you, but I will say that breaking bad is not that awful when taken as popcorn entertainment which it is. I don't mind it being a cartoon, when all I'm doing is sitting down in front of a stupid tv show to pass an hour.
I have more of an issue with the show being massively overhyped to the point where people thing it has merit beyond basic entertainment, which is absurd for a show that treats cancer as a weird cartoony sickness that shrinks and grows accordingly to how necessary it is for the plot
You can't understand that your questions all have the same answer - "you either have taste and critical thinking, or you don't" - because you have the intelligence of a turnip.
Like I said, I can't understand it for you.
Yes, I do have the IQ of the turnip. Just please answer my questions from
>continuously ask questions that amount to "why don't I have taste, or critical thinking"
>get told the simple truth that others can't understand things for you
>"...hurr, why tho hurr"
The state of this subreddit is unreal. It's no wonder hollywood feels the need to constantly dumb down their output, look at these knuckle draggers, lmao
Can you please answer my questions, I'm curious as to your responses to them
Can you please answer my questions from
Can you please answer my questions from
>Can you please answer my questions from
what the fuck this npc drone cant answer a couple of simple questions? fucking pathetic, GOT loses again
both of you are equally retarded and bb is not a bad show
Fuck off, no one asked for your take
both of you are equally retarded
I figured you may not have understood my questions, so I'll repost them here
>Why do you consider the situations ridiculous and strains credulity?
>How is the ending hamfisted?
>Why can't you answer simple questions without going into a tangent about critical thinking? Is answering questions beyond you?
Hopefully that guy has learned to dismiss posters who refuse to admit their lack of knowledge.
It's not about taste or critical thinking, I just want you to explain the points you made earlier about Breaking Bad.
Sure. Just see:
How does answering "How is the ending to Breaking Bad hamfisted?" have anything to do with taste or critical thinking? I'll add that to the series of questions I want you to answer, which are
>Why do you consider the situations ridiculous and strains credulity?
>How is the ending hamfisted?
>How does answering "How is the ending to Breaking Bad hamfisted?" have anything to do with taste or critical thinking?
>Why can't you answer simple questions without going into a tangent about critical thinking? Is answering questions beyond you?
>error: cannot comprehend questions
Can you please answer my questions, which are:
>>Why do you consider the situations ridiculous and strains credulity?
>>How is the ending hamfisted?
>>How does answering "How is the ending to Breaking Bad hamfisted?" have anything to do with taste or critical thinking?
>>Why can't you answer simple questions without going into a tangent about critical thinking? Is answering questions beyond you?
You just admitted to going to reddit?
No problem. Just see:
>got viewers break down and repeat the same thing over and over again
>newfags now think it is ok to admit to being from reddit.
That dosen't answer of my questions, which if I need to reminds you are
>Why do you consider the situations ridiculous and strains credulity?
>How is the ending hamfisted?
>How does answering "How is the ending to Breaking Bad hamfisted?" have anything to do with taste or critical thinking?
>Why can't you answer simple questions without going into a tangent about critical thinking? Is answering questions beyond you?
>newfags think this place started with scientology, and think anyone with two brain cells to rub together gives a flying fuck to the moon about reddit
Oh, okay. See:
Based and redditpilled
Still I must ask that you answer my simple quandary's, it's not an ordeal to answer basic questions about why you did not like a show. Though, if you don't process basic critical thinking and minimal taste to explain your taste than please tell me. Otherwise, if you would like a refresher as to my questions, which were:
>Why do you consider the situations ridiculous and strains credulity?
>How is the ending hamfisted?
>How does answering "How is the ending to Breaking Bad hamfisted?" have anything to do with taste or critical thinking?
>Why can't you answer simple questions without going into a tangent about critical thinking? Is answering questions beyond you?
Oh yeah, for sure. Just do me a favor, and see:
Please can you stop alluding my questions and answer them.
>Why do you consider the situations ridiculous and strains credulity?
>How is the ending hamfisted?
>How does answering "How is the ending to Breaking Bad hamfisted?" have anything to do with taste or critical thinking?
>Why can't you answer simple questions without going into a tangent about critical thinking? Is answering questions beyond you?
jesus christ I'll answer for him since you're both retarded
>Why do you consider the situations ridiculous and strains credulity?
Every plot point is artificially convoluted in order to generate drama, the characters have cartoony personalities and behaviours, drug dealing in civilized countries is nowhere near as interesting as it is portrayed to be in breaking bad, and while we're at it neither is cancer
A show does not need to be 'realistic' to provide depth, but defining the characters as 'cartoony' implies that they are flat and monothematic, which they are, they exist to be a vehicle for the plot and for cool one liners but not much else
If the aim is basic entertainment, that is fine, but breaking bad fans like to pretend their show is some form of fine art
>How is the ending hamfisted?
The show ending with walter dying after achieving some measure of redemption is the most blaseé and boring way to end the show, it's not incongruous but it is boring
People are still debating the significance to the sopranos' ending to this day, the significance to bb's ending is that the show is over
>How does answering "How is the ending to Breaking Bad hamfisted?" have anything to do with taste or critical thinking?
The user you have been debating is baiting you for fun and you're a fucking retard, you lack critical thinking in that you need someone to tell you this, I wouldn't trust you to be alone with a spoon
Just to be clear game of thrones is much worse than breaking bad
Did I ask for you to answer them retard? No, than don't fucking answer them you parasite
Gotta admit OP's image really rustled some serious jimmies
>Unnatural, unclever, unmemorable dialogue
It's one of the most quotable shows ever made
>every character is a goofy cartoon
These characters are some of the most believable human beings I have ever seen on a television set
>every situation is ridiculous and strains credulity
Again, it is one of the most believable shows ever broadcast on television. That's basically what sold it to everyone, it was a show with drama and action that felt real
>you can see the hamfisted ending coming by the end of the first episode
Yes, you can see the ending coming involving the characters that didn't show up until the last season.
>Yes, you can see the ending coming involving the characters that didn't show up until the last season.
I bet you're the same kind of pleb that thinks Kubrick's The Shining was bad because it wasn't a 1/1 adaptation of the book. If I wanted an accurate portrayal of the events, I'd watch a fucking documentary. The show is entertainment, not a lecture
I'll bite since the "please answer my questions" fag is a fag.
>Every plot point is convoluted
I couldn't disagree more. The vast majority of plot points in the story of BB are natural reactions to actions that previously occur. Even massive events such as the plan collision aren't really convoluted even though they may seem as such on the surface. There's a very specific series of events connected and leading up to the collision. The collision itself isn't a major plot point, and it's not there to add drama. It's simply there to be symbolic of Walt's effect on the world around him. The series of events may not be strictly realistic, and would certainly be unlikely to occur irl, but the show is a drama. It sacrifices realism occasionally for the service of the plot. There's nothing wrong with that. As for Hank finding the poetry book, I'll concede that that is pretty convoluted. BUT it still does the show a great deal of service. The fate trope is common in westerns and neo-westerns and BB is no exception. I believe it was the writers intention for that scene to have a sense of unbelievability to it.
>Drug dealing and cancer aren't that interesting
Does the show depict those things as interesting though? The cancer certainly isn't. It's just a catalyst and obstacle. The drug dealing is portrayed pretty accurately aside from Walt's involvement. But even if it was totally inaccurate, what does that really matter so long as it's within the realm of reasonable suspension of disbelief?
>the characters are flat and monothematic
Nope. You're just wrong on this point. Walt and Jesse have a lot of depth to them. They're not vehicles for the plot in the slightest, either. It's the other way around. They're what drives the plot forward. Pretty much every event can be tied directly to Walt's previous actions. The plot doesn't happen to Walt, Walt happens and the plot follows.
>The show ending with Walt dieing after some redemption is boring
No. First of all, there's hardly any redemption. It's a suicide attempt aimed at preserving his own pride. He's a husk of a man by the time he's dead. Second, it's not any more boring than the Sopranos' ending. It's a conclusion to the story.
>The significance of the ending is that the show is over
So? Why does an ending have to be anything more?
>People still talk about the ending of the Sopranos
Again, so what? That doesn't make it better, it just makes it different.
Game of thrones is nerd trash
How the fuck do you get so much wrong?
>Even massive events such as the plan collision aren't really convoluted even though they may seem as such on the surface
It's called a plane you fucking retard, maybe re-read what you write before publishing it. The Plan crash is the dumbest and most banal series reveal i've ever come across. They could've portrayed Walts effect on the world much better. Like having his literal world grow more degenerate and dirty as the populations grows addicted to his meth. Instead, a plane crashes because we need an exciting gimmick for a season finale
>As for Hank finding the poetry book, I'll concede that that is pretty convoluted. BUT it still does the show a great deal of service
It's not convoulted, it's contrived. Instead of having Hank using his deduction skills he finds a notebook while taking that reveals to him the plot so the screenwritters can have some boring melodrama for the rest of the season.
>Does the show depict those things as interesting though
I don't even have the energy to go in how fucking retarded you are about the cancer shit. They way they use it on the show is inaccurate and fucking offensive to actual cancer patients. Like you said, it's a meaningless catalyst for the show to happen. Walt could've gotten fucking polio and it wouldn't change anything, that's how lazy it is.
>what does that really matter so long as it's within the realm of reasonable suspension of disbelief?
Because i shouldn't need to suspend my disbelief on a show that's trying to be realistic and down-to-earth.
>Walt and Jesse have a lot of depth to them
WEW LAD. Malcoms dad and Bitch boy are so one note. The "transformation" of walt to Heisenberg is one of the most poorly written shit I've seen on tv.
>The plot doesn't happen to Walt, Walt happens and the plot follows
Literally Season 3 and 4 all happen because Walt gets bullied by Gus into doing shit for him.
What the fuck is this thread. GoT(redditors apparently) really are mentally ill jesus some people like the show and some don’t. Agree to disagree and shut the fuck up. I have a feeling its 2 12 year olds arguing about this too
>First of all, there's hardly any redemption
There is you retarded. Why do you think he has hair in this bit? Because he reverted back to his walt idenity. This is him trying his best to fix his fucks ups from the past season (Which are the most forced excuse for a 5th season)
>Second, it's not any more boring than the Sopranos' ending
Because you didn't understand it dosen't make it boring faggot.
>Why does an ending have to be anything more?
This is what escapism does, you can't even find reason why the ending matters so you ramble like a retard
>That doesn't make it better
It does. People still talk about the meaning and complexities of Sopranos whilst everyone has forgotten Breaking Bad
No one likes a fence sitter. Pick a side or shut it
>You don't understand it
Film school fag
Not an argument dumb dumb
Guess how i know you weren’t here seven years ago?
Well GoT is nerd redditor trash so
Nah I think I did senpai
Now what's more believable?
OC on Reddit
OC on Yea Forums
I think we know the answer to that
daily reminder
gus >>>>>> walter
>feminist propaganda
i have never watched any breaking bad whatsoever, Yea Forums
am i missing out? it's just that the premise sounds so boring. every time i get the urge to try and start watching it i end up going to something else instead.
this and sopranos. i could binge watch all of the 3 kingdoms but can't be arsed to start those two.
If you think breaking bad is believable I know for a fact you've never explored the world outside your basement
Breaking Bad is a cartoon, the characters behave like cartoons, the plot is cartoony, even the physics are cartoony with all the explosions that behave precisely as the plot needs them to and shit like the giant magnets
If breaking bad were believable it would be boring as sin because it would involve walt bribing most people around him into turning a blind eye to anything and everything until he gets nailed for tax evasion and he has to bribe the judge, real criminal life is just as mundane as any office job and unlike you I'm not talking out of my ass
Real life crime that is actually action packed is gang warfare, and breaking bad is cartoony even in that regard since the mexican cartel employs comicbook villains
I don't even think the show is bad at all, I think it's good fun popcorn entertainment with cool lines, cool plot twist and what not, the only reason people like you think it's profound is because its only competition at the time (and pretty much still to this day) is actual unwatchable garbage like game of thrones
They may not be your cup of tea personally or you may find them boring, but shows like the sopranos, deadwood, the young pope, gomorrah and six feet under (I would also add Twin Peaks if not for the various low points dictated mostly by release schedules and what not) at least attempt to display the depth of the human character in a cinematic way, I would classify Breaking Bad similarly to The Wire, good entertaining shows that don't have much to say beneath their surface, though the wire is somewhat based on reality
>Been shit since season 5 and final season ruined everything good
>breaking bad' is a bad show dude, now allow me to finish watching my favourite capeshit
Every. Single. Time.
Such a badass way to end a series. I will remember this show as a 10/10
h-how do I convince 4channers that I don't visit Reddit...?