What the FUCK did I just watch?
What the FUCK did I just watch?
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Matt Dillon's best performance
Trash pretending it's kino
von trier being a jaded misanthrope
Can't argue with those digits.
I'd like to see the epilogue but in a full movie. We need a good Dantes inferno now.
Tit wallet kino
Best movie of 2018. Did you watch the unrated version? The picnic is pure kino.
Must have been the R version. It didn't show the kids being shot, it cut right when he shot.
It said Not rated but it was on TV showtime.
Best von Trier film in years
looks pretty bad though
von Trier dedicating his remaining time in filmography to upsetting art students and Cannes before he's implicated in Epstein's black book.
I actually loved it.
the picnic itself with the dead kids being spoonfed is the best part. it only shows one of the kids briefly in the censored version.
A director’s self therapy and reflection on his fuck ups and dip in film quality.
do you think Von Trier has another great film left in him?
you're a real creep
he never did, he is a pretentious edgelord. didnt the fucking faggot think he was a jew for years and felt cucked when he realized he wasnt because his mom was a hoowah?
fuck that movie had some sick, vivid scenes. went straight for a double scotch after watching it at the cinema
Yes and it’ll probably be the last film in his America trilogy.
Among Yea Forums's pet meme directors von Trier > Refn
Trier is a hack who uses shockvalue as a tool to hide his inability to create anything of worth. All he does is use terrible allegories and voice-overs or monologues to explain to spoonfeed the audience some completely laughable idea or comparison.
Hes a terrible story teller, a terrible director and he will always be in the shadow of the truly #1 Danish director.
certified kino
Absolute kinography.
Armond White put this in his top 10 films last year
this movie is literally lars making fun of himself and others like him for doing the things in your post, its extremely self aware and self deprecating
I kind of agree with you but his scripts are quite well written. In something like Dogville and Manderlay the voice over is absolutely great. I like his use of voice over because usually it's funny or serves some kind of function. The spoonfeeding is true but the comparisons shouldn't be taken seriously all the time. In Nymphomaniac the point was that Seligman was making completely retarded comparisons so it was funny. I don't remember whether Breaking the Waves had a voice over but that film is great. I also don't think his films are as shocking as some people claim The House That Jack Built certainly wasn't an edgefest. I also hope that by the better Danish director you don't mean that colourblind autist.
I sincerely believe you have to be retarded to not be a jaded misanthrope
None of what I've seen in The House That Jack Built was interesting to me. But maybe you kids can make memes out of it just like you did with American Psycho.
Trier is a genius who uses grotesque to shine light on reality
Usually stupid people look up to non-stupid people and think they're geniuses. I find this to be true.
The less stupid you are the less likely you have someone to look up to.
DO NOT post pics of Mr. Grumpy.
Under NO circumstance.
Are you trying some reverse psychology thing?
This didn’t even bother me very much. The only part I cringed at was when he cut the tit off.
I really liked the film, but I think it definitely showed it's hand way too early. The narration also felt mostly unnecessary and it made what could have been an interesting set of themes bad by forcing them to the point of being annoying.
Was Bruno Ganz the greatest actor of the century?
>caring about the thot
If Jack didn't mutilate the duckling I wouldn't even consider him a villain
I don't want to be friends with anyone who didn't laugh at least once during this.
I watched this recently and was pleasantly surprised. From all the reviews and chatter I saw online, I expected it to be a gratuitously violent and childish movie.
However, the gore is the least disturbing part of the film. The "edginess" is in the honesty. A cognizant and rational character who narrates his murders in a calm, coy kind of way - in between his discussions of morality, art and philosophy. Never have I seen the the banality of cold-blooded killing portrayed in such an intimate, realistic manner.
The best comedy of 2018. Only watch the uncut version though
really wanted to see that full metal jacket in action
way to fucking blue balled us lars
Hit the road Jack
Post >yfw
Didn't he say this was his last?
The narration is supposed to be obnoxious
He is making some short next called Etudes. This would be a fitting film to end his career on but i would like him to continue.
But that's not the problem that I had with it
Is this the quintessential incel item?
Where the fuck is my Dantes Inferno adaptation?
I mean I think you've misinterpreted what the narration was meant for
How severe is the torture? I'm really not into it when films try to sell shitty plot covered with edgy snuff wannabe scenes
Less than 2% of the film
I’d really hate to see what you look like.
I felt bad for the duck otherwise it was boring. Expected some torture kino but he just kills them and takes photos of dead bodies like a faggot.
This should've been the movie.
so much going on in every scene yet told in a way that it's not overwhelming, also 50/10 editing
Have you seen Antichrist?
Is the unrated version even out yet? It was supposed to be released this summer...
Its been out
Someone give me a rundown of all the kills please.
a decent self masturbatory black comedy carried by matt dillon
It's just as bad.
crap movie by a crap director
>Its been out
just looked on public tracker: every torrent is the censored US version
I don't care about gore. I just want a film to be the version the director wants to show.
Amazon, at least the UK version has the unrated version on.
I watch maybe two films in a month. None of these services are interesting for me. I would pay money if I could just download a movie. But I'm not subscribing to anything.
Only one of the killings is even torture related and it cuts away as soon as the torture starts
An user uploaded an unrated version last year.
Drugstore Cowboy