what do you guys think of Taika Waititi playing Hitler
What do you guys think of Taika Waititi playing Hitler
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>”Hey min, it’s me Adolf. Yip, over here, funny mustache. Hey.”
Still not diverse enough, Hitler should be played by a black woman in 2019
/pol/ BTFO
>being this insensitive making fun of a horrible time period
This should be banned
He certainly has the effeminate edge Hitler had IRL
Brave and woke
jews won't let WWII die
they worship the holocaust, not God.
>Be dead for 80 years
>Jews still recoil in terror at the mere mention of your name
How did he do it?
cope, tranny
Well, that's pretty much what Hitler would look like if Hitler was a modern German.
it's weird how Hitler wasn't the only person who had a problem with the jews
all of that sounds true. Thanks for the info man.
How come Americans speak English worse and worse?
How embarassing, must be 56% having an effect on you.
since you trust me so much have some more
you worship a literal tranny
based paul.
I worship God
Wait, Hitler was a tranny?
Democrats must hear this so they start exterminating them.
>Taika Waititi
what does this have to do with the fact that Hitler was a trans man?
Isn't this that poo in loo who made that horrible Thor movie?
doesn't seem to be recoiling in terror in that trailer man they're mainly laughing at him
Damn, this hitler guy, whoever that is, seems pretty based if his enemies feel like they have to keep centering their collective negative emotions in media portrayals around him 74 years after his death
>wearing a swastika
Yikes.. just.. yikes
by endless producing WWII movies that ridiculous jews are both making themselves eternal victims and refusing to let old wounds heal.
idk, good thing I'm not american. From Singapore here and we're all taught the truth about gay nazis pretty early on. Just dumb mutts who seem in the dark about it.
It reminded me that Nazis are heroes.
>getting this buttmad they're mocking hitler
Kikes: trannys are beautiful and special snowflakes that need to be respected
The same kikes: Hitler was a tyranny hahaha God hates fags lol what are you fking gay or soemthing like those nazis hahaha
This shit is clownworld levels of fucking hilarious, anything to see jews tearing at their own flesh in confusion as they dig themselves ever deeper into yet another .. (What are we at, 200?400? Countries they've been kicked out of)... expulsion. Hopefully permanent this time.
>Wait, Hitler was a tranny?
well he did kill himself
look at the time period we're in
No I don't, Hitler was too incompetent and left leaning.
Jews, for example, deserved to be shot on sight, not sent to concentration camps, or giving them their own country.
The UK deserved to be burned into the ground, but Hitler was way too soft on them because
>t-they are my people
Which is pathetic.
Not to mention that he wasn't hard enough on the French, and didn't manage to convince Spain to join the fight.
Also, he should have coordinated with the Japanese to deliver an actual, impactful attack on the USA.
Hitler could have succeeded if he wasn't an emotional idiot, he wasn't cold enough with people who were his enemies.
It's because they worship the holocaust, not God
they are ego maniacs who are just causing strife
read revelations, that's who these people are, a false group pretending to be holy
why don't you trannys make your own movies then and stop demanding others fold to your tranny agenda
How cute, an asian.
well I'm at least dropping some truths if they are going to force themselves to post this trash
why do you assume everyone who points out basic historical facts is some nefarious jewish agent? This is just history, let us discuss it without you chimping out plz
>Dont bully hitler-senpai please
damn all that bullying really got to you huh
What horrible time period?
War is humanity at it's peak.
Look around you, look at the decadent world you live in.
This is what a world afflicted by peace looks like.
Peace is the cultural equivalent of obesity, and right now, we are in the ass cancer stage.
I'm obligated to call you out. Sorry.
why do you assume everyone who points out basic crime statistics is some nefarious racist agent? This is just numbers, let us discuss it without you chimping out plz
Embarrassing attempt. You need to go back.
do you have any proofs what they're saying is false? I'm just an observer ITT but they seem to have more evidence/studies and you just sort of yell everyone is jewish who disagrees with you
>Pop in the loo
He's a kiwi m8
Not really, back in class I used to bully others.
Well, specifically an autistic girl, that bitch was hilarious because the moment I even spoke to her she started building up tears.
Then 2 years ago she killed herself, just pathetic.
>historical facts
nobody mentioned crime statistics ITT. Go ahead I don't care. Doesnt' change that hitler was a tranny tho.
What about who is false?
Which post user?
I'm talking about how they endless force WWII movies to cause strife and resentment. While also eternally cementing their place as victims.
It looks pretty bland desu, feels like Hollywood hasn't produced any worthwhile comedy since Game Night I guess? any other recent comedy I miss out on?
i noticed this too. its all so tiresome
He has sources and testimonies to back up what he says. You don't seem to have any real rebuttal besides "reee they're jews"
what's Taika Waititi religion irl, Yea Forums?
HARDMODE: don't look in his Wikipedia
pointing out hitler was a tranny doesn't cause any resentment except among /pol/ trannys and they're not human so who cares
Do you want me to feed you too, you retarded faggot?
You're "I'm just an observer" is a defend mechanism so you can gorge your fat ass on popcorn while sitting back and letting strangers create your worldview for you, instead of actually standing the fuck up and doing _any_ research for yourself. You're the basic normie NPC that should be shot on sight for being such a weak-willed sheep. Wake the fuck up, retard. Stop asking for people to spoonfed you and fk off out of here to actually educate yourself.
Don't bully /pol/, there's pretty cute girls around there.
>Left wanting to censor satire once again
Color me impressed, are your feefees hurt they're making fun of WWII?
>black guy gets cucked in game night
how did they get away with it, bros?
Niggo, we have had plenty of war just in this decade.
Why are western nerds so obsessed with Jews?
Seriously, I live in Hong Kong and came to the US. During school and among people with jobs and etc. I never heard about Jews or had people going on about them constantly. In China Jews are just viewed as richer/smarter white people
Then I get into warhammer 40,000 because I'm a weirdo with lots of money, and all of the fat shutins at the gaming stores are constantly yelling "oy vey!" and are obsessed with Hitler and blame Jews for everything. It's so bad that simply bringing up money has them all rubbing their hands and arching their backs because I guess that's something Jews do? Recently they've started wearing kakistani flags on their shirts and drink milk because it "triggers libtards". It's fucking repulsive and cringey and I am embarrassed and worried someone will find out I hang around with these people sometimes
It's like 2 different worlds. Go to work and nobody cares about Jews and are clean shaven, go to gaming store or the like and all of these fat man-children congregate and start raging about how the jews stole their girlfriends.
It doesn't make much sense. /pol/ is always declaring victory against the ZOG and saying how terrified the Jews are of us...and this site endures. Surely, for a group that has faked the holocaust, plotted the downfall of Germany twice, created communism and the USSR, did 9/11, killed JFK, started all these wars, crashed the world economy, and is regularly sacrificing thousands of kdis around the world shutting down this silly little pedo website wouldn't be that hard?
>Hitler was gay and a tranny
Kek, based
Now we know why he was evil
Looks like a darn alien in drag if you ask me.
probably to take advantage of the mentally ill
If Hitler wasn't gay, why did he kill himself a few hours after being forced into a marriage with a woman? Why didn't he have any kids?
What, in the middle east?
Nobody cares about that.
No, we need a war in Europe and the USA.
War builds character, it destroys manchildness, and kills cancerous personalities.
War also skyrockets technological progress and is very profitable.
There's literally no reason to want peace.
do people actually take any of these discussions seriously? I can't tell anymore, there's seems to have been an inexplicable increase in people pushing back against racist shitposting but i don't know if it's outside raiders or counter trolling
So are you saying gays and transexuals are evil too?
sounds like the chinks respect the jews for their intellect and power and wish to emulate the same for their own race
I agree, they are an inspiration for others for what you can achieve with high IQ and work ethic
Who was Bobby Fischer?
It's an albino, and they are beautiful.
Me ruv jews, they smart, me love them long time
A legend.
some guy on schizophrenia meds who said that there was a CIA base on the moon? (look it up)
They are right.
Which is why the future of humanity relies on the utter destruction of the United States.
In fact, destroy every part of the world that isn't Europe.
You are just upset because he told the truth.
>tfw the only smart anti-semites are jews
they do literally everything better than you goblinos
And you know there isn't one how?
I mean I heard Yea Forums was full of retarded faggots but I never put much stock in the rumors until today.
Tiananmen Square Masscare 1984.
What about the moon base? was that the truth too?
he makes no value statements there brainlet, only says they're an interesting case study
Moon base?
Wasn't he just talking about that crashed ship in the izsak-delporte crater?
You guys do realize he was Jewish as well.
Not memeing. Check out his Wiki
why are you so triggered by a joke about hitler? It's just a comedy film relax
What are you talking about?
I said that Hitler was a failure because he was too soft with his enemies.
He's not an inspiring figure.
Someone like that needs to be cold and merciless.
If you have mercy on your enemy, you lose.
I'm an ethnically semitic Christian. I see through your bullshit.
as I said, the only jew hater with an IQ over 75 was a jew.
Jews are literally better than /pol/ goblins at everything including their own obsession
>mmm war good
Glownigger thread confirmed.
i love reading top chinese newsweekly newspaper
Is that right?
nah he said there was a CIA base on the moon that was being used to launch stuff at the USSR
Look at every single person in this thread wasting their lives pretending their internet shitposting matters.
Look at all the manchildren who unironically playing videogames and watch superheroe movies in their 30s.
Look at all the political activists.
All these people deserve to be drafted for at least 10 years so their idiocy can be removed from them.
They would either man up, or they would die, both end up in a better world.
ah so you're a muzzie
how's the food at the refugee center?
Fight your own wars you coward.
I'm not an idiotic anti-semite but I've been doing some research for a short documentary about jews in my local community. God, these people are really impolite, pedantic and annoying.
I don't want to talk to them anymore.
also fuck nazis.
(I'm not in the US, by the way)
Literally emancipated jews wherever he went and wanted to establish Israel. Is a hero in modern Israel etc.
99% of the others are prob bullshit too but too lazy to check, fight on keyboard warrior virgin
A swing and a miss there champ.
And hey man, cool it with the Islamophobia.
I already have, I got into the private security contractor company I am because of my time in the military.
But everyone should do that.
And not just men, women too, everyone behaves like a spoiled brat nowadays, they need to be taught a lesson.
>We wuzzing now
Jews are religious people, of course they are scum.
Whenever you have the chance, mock them for it, they never know how to answer and some get pretty mad.
You probably ar ejust pic related and your smell is annoying everyone
its not like killing over nothing is going to give anyones life more meaning
Why wouldn't you be islamophobic?
The only purpose of muslims is providing us with battlefields so we can keep the military industry alive.
bad, bad taqiya ahmed
You sound like a bitter jaded asshole who made mistakes in his life and wants the rest of the world to follow you.
Yes it will, plus, they'll get to live challenges for the first time in their lives.
And, after spending a couple of years with bullets flying over their heads, they won't be speaking so highly about revolutions, and civil wars, and that they are totally "fighting" for something just because they make internet posts.
Turn to God dude. Give your life meaning again.
This is God of Destruction Beerus
say something nice about him
No, i'm not, this is the path I was planning to follow since I was 16, get in the military, do a tour, use the resume to get in a private company that will pay me 10 times what the military does.
But it was honestly a fascinating experience, you don't get anything like that in your home, and I bet all the smug idealist scum that plagues society nowadays would learn to keep their mouths shut if they went through that.
this is inspiring, he's so proud and openly gay in a very homophobic time period
What for?
According to his rules i'm already going to hell.
But I don't really care since i'm sure i've already sent a couple of people there.
Anyway, I enjoy my life, I have no reason to change.
imagine looking like that and still having people deny you're a fag
Are you making the world a better place? Are you building a life for yourself? Are you following God's covenant?
These are the only questions that matter.
You keep projecting this "civil war" this "revolution" that, but have you stopped to consider that you are just projecting? You want these things. No one was talking about them until you brought them up.
>taking a politician's word at face value
what are you, twelve?
Nah. No one is beyond salvation. We all have good within us. Every single person. I honestly believe that. Call me naive.
There's a bunch of stupid idealists in this thread right now.
These are the people who keep asking for civil wars and revolutions.
These are the people who deserve to be sent to an actual war, and to probably die in them.
They ask for it, so it's just doing them a favor.
Of course, they are not going to like, but that makes it even better.
Stupidity deserves punishment, and there's nobody more stupid nowadays than idealist scum.
That's not actually hitler you know dipshit...
>trailer: war on HATE
Dropped. Holy fuck all these years of WW2 media and suddenly in the 2010s we are using simplified Star Wars speak to describe this shit.
Are they trying to win over hipsters or prevent a boycott?
Millennials are 5 year olds in the body of ugly, purple haired, wrinkled 30 year olds.
You need to speak to them as if they were kids.
Bear in mind these are the same people who think superhero movies are the pinnacle of cinema.
Well, i'm afraid i'm far from done, so he'll have to wait.
When was the last time you heard a politician talk like that?
gotta agree with this
More like Taika ((((Cohen))))
The only one asking for war is you.
>No, we need a war in Europe and the USA.
was that not you that posted that?
>t. brainlet materialist
That's not how God works. What you are going through might have been his plan for you all along. To give you a unique perspective.
Either that, or draft people, and I doubt they are going to agree to a draft, so there's only one choice.
There's no bigger materialists than idealists.
They have nothing in their lives beyond watching superhero movies and playing videogames.
>firmer nazi shilling for nazism
wow you really showed me
Calm down granny and it’s a comedy movie
Blah blah I'll beat your candy ass IRL faggot.
It goes into how they were all trannys right
NEETsocs should be on the front line
What part of "I'm not in the US" you did not understand?
Hand to hand combat is never recommended, you always open fire.
Enjoy becoming a minority in your own country, fag.
Why don't you go fight in a war instead of sitting around shitposting then you dumb faggot?
You will all be, and you should be thrown into crossfires, against artillery bombardments and occupied cities even without urban combat training.
Time to back up all your mighty idealism with action.
I already have, and currently I run security for military facilities of whoever hires us.
Having some down time right now back at home, but I can't wait to come back.
no thanks my lifes pretty comfy right now
Good. I hope you get shot.
And that's the problem, that's what turns you into scum, being a spoiled little brat who is given everything in a silver plate.
And your kind are the loudest of all idealists, thinking they are fighting for truth and justice with the power of social media.
Sounds like you have a empty life then.
Turn to God and live how he intended for you to live. Without demons on your back.
in my country it's illegal to fight in wars
I won't, islamists might be the most stupid enemies you can ever hope to face.
Unless you are deep in their territory, you are in no danger, and even in those situations special units always have the upper hand.
And lets not even talk about the equipment the average arab runs around with, probably gear stolen from dead Soviets from when they invaded Afghanistan, just embarassing.
Didn't you say that this might the "path God sent me on" or something like that?
how do i join you?
Yeah, that I did.
shitposting after a hard days work makes me scum?
Do you have actual, real military experience?
Then go here and apply
Then this is how he must have intended me to live.
Gandhi isn't even spelled correctly.
Sure. But I doubt you are meant to live the same way forever.
It's not my call to make though, that's between you and the big man upstairs.
his Hitler feels like Genie from Aladdin.
>you need experience before you're allowed to get experience
typical. god you people are stingy
>Hitler is a funny white guy who helps children navigate the difficult path to adulthood during times of strife and war
The madmen actually did it. They humanized Hitler at a time when being an anti-natsoc PCtard is supposedly the highest virtue of all. But coming from the guy who gave us a full on marvel buddy flick about how male friendship can help you overcome and move beyond past failures, this really isn't much of a surprise.
Just don't let the leftniggers find out that the protagonist is a straight white male who'll get the straight white Jewish girl, or we're in for a nuclear winter this year.
Private military companies are not for you to get experience, they assume that you already know what you are getting into, and they are going to test that before letting you in.
Countries all around the world hire PMCs as a safety net, that's why rookies are not allowed.
How do you get that experience?
Join a military unit.
Well, if he wants me to live in a different way, then he better tell me.
I'm not going to play guessing games about my profesional life.
Didn't say that.
Maybe start a family or something. Adopt a stray. Learn to love shit again. I don't know man, I'm not you.
Yeah, I think i'm going to stick with what I have now, i'm pretty happy with it and it pays really well.
If I fuck chocolate female Hitler is it gay???
Would you?
>a jew obsessed with Hitler
Imagine my shock. Think about Hitler what you want, but he bullied the ''chosen people'' so fucking HARD lol they'll cry about him for the rest of their existance.
It's satire you mong. Haven't you heard of the Hitler Youth? The man did a lot of work with children, this is just a faithful recreation but with Adolf as an absolute loon.
Isn't it weird that the only director from new Zealand happened to be Jewish?
how does joining the military give experience for private security? most soldiers spend their time making beds and other shitwork
That's why they ask for actual combat experience.
That ensures you have both the proper training and you have an idea of what you are going to be dealing with.
Bear in mind my company mostly undertakes security contracts in warzones in the middle east, it's not the same as guarding some factory at night.
She cute
Well we know where his creative side comes from. Very few vanilla Maori set the world on fire with their ideas, though he probably gets his style of humor from that Maori side.
Being a chosen person probably got the foot in the door for sure.
It's political. They want to take you, the average audience going person who had nothing to do with this awful war and constantly make you fixate on it to cement their place as the eternal victim. That's why they release a new WWII movie every couple of years.
It's less like a religion and more like a mob. Free your mind from it.
You’re right I am sad that white people fought each other instead of genociding everyone else
Didn’t he also call people in California a bunch of faggots? Fuggin based
STFU you jew-loving boomer with your kike war
I know user, and I never said I would see it. I was just replying to the user who was claiming Taika was "based" because he portrayed Hitler as human when all I saw was another clown on screen running the motions. My blood boils everytime I see a WW2 flick coming out because I know it's exact intent.
I'm 23.
they could offer training or entry level work that provides on the job training, but they don't. it's just another big club; members only
lmaoing @ the SEETHING nazi larpers getting triggered about WWII movies
yeah, they should waste money on training instead of hiring people who already have the training along with years of experience
That's because, as I said, it's not just about the training, it's about proving that you are mentally ready for combat situations.
They are not going to risk a contract by sending someone who is going to have a meltdown in the middle of an attack, nor do the people who hire these companies want amateurs.
PMCs are about offering professional soldiers to those that hire them, if they let rookies in, the entire purpose of a PMC falls apart because they can just use their own army instead.
This isn't a regular military unit, this is a business.
>My blood boils everytime I see a WW2 flick because I know it's exact intent
And on top of that, be glad that they only ask for experienced grunts.
There's other PMCs like Academi which only hire special forces veterans.
There's a reason these companies are so expensive to hire.
>read the plans for Thor Love and Thunder featuring a gay female nigger as king of Asgard and a fem-Thor
>wonder if Waititi has completely lost his mind after drinking gallons of the toxic Hollywood social Justice kool aid
>read article today about Jojo Rabbit
>it describes him as Jewish Māori
>suddenly it all makes sense
Pretty sure Peter Jackson is also a director, mate.
Noooo not Jackie
Fucking noice
imagine being such a failure at being part of society that you fantasize about living under the regime that your grandfather risked his life to stop.
That’s a Chinese Gooseberry, you fucking dolt.
>No Public Enemy
>In 1989, in an interview with Public Enemy for the Washington Times, the interviewing journalist, David Mills, lifted some quotations from a UK magazine in which the band were asked their opinion on the Arab–Israeli conflict. Professor Griff's comments apparently sympathized with the Palestinians and he was accused of anti-Semitism. According to Rap Attack 2, he suggested that "Jews are responsible for the majority of the wickedness in the world" (p. 177). (In turn a quote from The International Jew) Shortly after, Ridenhour expressed an apology on his behalf.[38] At a June 21, 1989 press conference, Ridenhour announced Griff's dismissal from the group,[39] and a June 28 statement by Russell Simmons, president of Def Jam Recordings and Rush Artists Management, stated that Chuck D. had disbanded Public Enemy "for an indefinite period of time".[40] By August 10, however, Ridenhour denied that he had disbanded the group, and stated that Griff had been re-hired as "Supreme Allied Chief of Community Relations" (in contrast to his previous position with the group as Minister of Information).[39] Griff later denied holding anti-Semitic views and apologized for the remarks.[41] Several people who had worked with Public Enemy expressed concern about Ridenhour's leadership abilities and role as a social spokesman.
Hitler was right, and we're realizing this by seeing the fruits of a judaized America. Feel free to fuck off back to your Marvel and HFCS coma.
>thinks boomers are the same generation as the one that fought in WW2 when "boomer" comes from how that generation had all those children after the war
>the regime that your grandfather risked his life to stop.
people back then didn't fight for ideological reasons they fought for nationalistic reasons, they saw themselves as fighting the "germans" not fighting ideological "racism".
>Look at every single person in this battlefield wasting their lives pretending their rank matters.
Look at all the manchildren who unironically play war and watch propaganda movies in their 30s.
Look at all the idealists.
All these people deserve to leave the army for at least 10 years so their idiocy can be removed from them.
They would either man up, or they would die, both end up in a better world.
I bet 20 bucks you are either underage, never served or both
Fucking summerfags.
This is offensive. Just wait until my fellow /pol/ bros hear about this.
>/pol/incel is having another schizo episode over da jooz again
>everyone liked jews before hitler came around.
My Great grandfather was a literal Nazi tho.
>let me dump my entire /pol/ folder in a Yea Forums thread
enjoy your b&
I really, really like this *.gif
trees are great for rule of thirds