You don't know Albert Fish?

you don't know Albert Fish?

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Adam tell the people at home what a serial killer is

now don't laugh at this next part...

>2 weeks later
>boomer is still shilling his unfunny trumptard le ebin dad jokes man
Have sex and go back to r/The_Donald, incel

Now you're thinking like Albert Fish!

He was a real jerk.

Now dont laugh at the next part,
He only targeted people that are mentally retarded or african american.
why is that you think?

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Now thats Important comedy if i ever seen it, worth setting yourself on fire

hold the fort
he hated jews

note to self: this guys has no doghouse and is a real jerk

youre a new yorker.

shallow grave

Hey OP, where do you get your ideas from?

I always find it bizarre that Norm's co-host is a virulent holocaust denier

i say we go and kill him

i met matlock in a bookstore in LA. he's reading a big heavy book, y'know? he used to be andy griffith. ben matlock, white suits. lawyer, big lawyer. so he's reading a book. and i dont like books. but i got close to him and picked up a book so he would've noticed me. and i say "holy fuck i didnt see that shit coming" and he turns to me and says "its nice to see a young man enjoying literature" and i go "I-I like literature i like TV i like lawyers i like whites. and then.. my throat got dry. and my being.. i felt like i was somewhere else. i never felt such a feeling.

it was not him.

didnt even look like him.

Basically this

he may deny the holocaust, but at least he isnt a hypocrite

I say six million, he says six hundred. What's the big deal?

I-I had a Bar Mitzvah...

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but he had a bar mitzvah

>So I says to the guy I says to em I says

It's not HIS fault the shadows don't line up over Dachau.

Attached: eget.png (1274x712, 1.11M)

when people are trying to have a normal conversation

and you're raving on about the way the shadows on the smokestacks at the death camps don't add up in the photographs, when no one wants to hear it

the face of a man chomping at the bit

he's been dying to ask

was hitler really worse than stalin?

Ive been saying that for years

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remember the time egret got catfished and some user posted all of his filthy texts


I love when he puts that deep whisper voice

no, redpill me

adam egret is unironically norms best joke

dont laugh at 9/11
but it was a national tragedy


Norm is great. Why aren't there more right leaning comedians like him? Meanwhile "comedians" like Sam Hyde come across like snively faggots that you want to punch/laugh at instead of laugh with. Owen Benjamin is ok but he's going crazy.

I only recently found out this guy died. I loved the Funkman

>right leaning
is he really?
Hes just not a mainstream drone, following the ever escalating left wing of us politics, i wouldnt say hes necesairly right wing, some time ago hes current wievs would be seen as centrist or even a bit left wing

i didnt even know he was sick

what a bad name for an airline. reminds me of that tradgedy

hes right wing but it doesnt come out in his comedy. He believes in God and has some conservative views

But he isnt constantly making jokes about liberals and using politics as a crutch for his comedy

I agree that he's not really right wing, he's just reasonable

I'm a classical liberal, but by modern leftist standards I'm a right wing conservative that should be silenced

thats more of a comment really

Adam's a holocaust denier btw

this part slays me

Norm's memoir needs a film adaptation

>so Adam I heard youre a big fan of this show *looks at Adam*
>this animated cartoon show from CHINA
>yeah well i...
>i got the name written down here *looks at paper* "Neon Jellyfish Evan Gee Lion" *stares at Adam*
>th-thats not how you say the n-
>incredible, didnt know my trusty sidekick would turn out to be a filthy commie pedophile! *stares angrily*

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>I love Adele, she's one of my heroes... I mean she's rich, she's talented and she's almost as fast as me!!

he's just normal, not right wing, the world just went mad

It's Eget

Fuckin' change it, dude.

i love his joke delivery, he kinda just lets the joke hang in the air and then wait for a reaction

>a really, really good slave

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>“Stalin was the bad guy,” he says

that guy was a real jerk!

>wait, you had a bar mitzvah? Your a jew?
>get the fuck out of here