It's such an amazing and incredible failure in film, and yet, I can't help but love this movie a little bit more each time I watch it.
I want to talk about Maximum Overdrive
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You sound like a faggot.
If there's anything this film is good for is the fact that it shows how dumb libtard King was.
Fuck you too.
it shouldve been part of an anthology movie like creepshow, it didn't have enough to be a movie and had a lot of cringe shit like that women screaming "we made youuuuuu"
>I want to talk about
Go back to /reddit/. Yea Forums isn't for talking.
Have sex
the first 15 minutes are great and then it's redneck characters screaming at each other in a gas station. props for lisa simpson
Why is King obsessed with objects and animals becoming possessed?
I genuinely enjoyed Christine though.
I feel you man. It's one of my favorite camp movies. Especially with that goblin truck
>like that women screaming "we made youuuuuu"
this is one of the only movies that I enjoyed as a teenager that I still find enjoyable.
christine is a dope horror story. overdrive is just cocaine+machines+night of the living dead. no psychic kids tho. that's by far his worst trope
I liked it.
>where's my daddy
>he got scrubbed by one a dem big boys out there. Tough break, kid
is there an uncut version with all the crazy gore intact or is that permanently lost to time?
It's lost to time. I still want to see the uncut steamroller rampage. The little bit we did get was actually a decent bit of SFX for the time:
This movie would have been a lot better if the supporting cast were better actors. The female lady is kind of a zero, the lady that plays the waitress is soooo fucking awful, and most of the bit players suck (including Lisa Simpson). Emilio and the kid are the only decent actors. Black dude is okay, too I guess. But since they're so bad, they can't sell you on the ridiculousness of the movie. Makes you remember how shitty the movie is and how small of a scale its on. It's like, the every machine in the world is possessed by aliens, but....we're scared of like three semi trucks and a crazed soda machine? Is it dangerous anymore once the machine shoots all its soda cans, the jeep shoots the rounds in its machine gun?
I still really like it, though. It's totally weird and fucked up in a good way, great soundtrack, and I love the backstory about how Stephen King had no idea what the fuck he was doing and was high out of his mind.
>your daddy's here
If you had to choose one film about an evil automobile to be re-maid between the following:
>Maximum Overdrive
>The Sorcerer
>Wheels of Terror
What would it be? I feel like Christine would be a good remake. Also, why the fuck was this a thing?
Is the best movie based on a Stephen King story.
I don't even know what The Sorcerer is, so that one.
it was really stupid, lisa simpson made me want to turn it off, the only decent part was the montage near the beginning where we see the machines killing everyone. the best scene is at the baseball field, the soda machine and the steam roller.
i think the actors were fine king just wasn't a director
Duel, but the truck is pursuing Tom Hardy in Locke.