Any films that realistically handle OCD?
Any films that realistically handle OCD?
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matchstick men is great
Is this one of those meme symptoms that actually doesn't exist but lazy people are using it as an excuse to not be responsible?
a lot of people who think they're particular or like being clean self diagnose but real ocd is scary and a lot of the time has nothing to do with cleanliness
Yes it’s typically used as some sort funny quip but my brother has for real washes his hand raw and what not
Not a movie, but kino nonetheless
tell him to stop
How is OCD even real lmao
Just breathe and stop being a neurotic faggot for ONE second and you'll realize your OCD doesn't really exist
This. As far as movies go I know the Aviator had some good moments where it portrays OCD very well.
The Aviator
The House that Jack Built
Michael j fox in scrubs
Has he tried training his willpower and forcing his brain to not do it?
>hands feel any kind of stickiness or oily
>Jesus Christ Raymond stop acting like such a fucking retard
t. tom cruise
>be paraplegic
>bro have you ever tried just thinking really hard about moving your legs
Obviously this is not the same thing but this is seriously how fucking stupid you sound
It's like telling a person with nearsightedness to just concentrate and see better or a person with schizophrenia to just focus on not acting so crazy
>physical disability is the same as """"mental disorder"""
OCD isn't even a real one like schizophrenia. Just don't do it. You're a retard for even trying to make that analogy. Dilate, SJW tranny. You're so obvious.
Give example of this from Africans and chinks
Why did they make it up, bro? It didn't used to be a phenomenon hundreds of years ago. Was it the Jews again?
Diagnosed OCD here.
You ever have a period of time where you keep thinking about the same thing over and over and it just makes it worse? Imagine life being a series of those and the only thing you can do is distract yourself and try to remind yourself your thoughts do not equal reality. That's OCD.
>tfw no gf
No, it's real. Unfortunately.
>It didn't used to be a phenomenon hundreds of years ago
Mental disorders are a function of higher cognitive abilities.
I think i have a slight form of OCD, i get the urge to do things repetitively but i stop myself by internally yelling that doing these things doesn't matter
Based and ItsAJungleOutTherepilled
It's real.
Based retard.
Are there any movies where the character has sexual and violent intrusive thoughts.
Literally no documented accounts of anyone showing symptoms of OCD until they made it up.
American Psycho
Taxi Driver
No it's not.
Have you tried having sex
*has sex*
Whoa I just realized that the holocaust didn't happen and half of all mental disorders, including depression and OCD, are fake! Guys you gotta try this it really opens up your mind!
Anyone else remember this show?
What did they mean by this?
What if you force an OCD handwasher to be in a room with no sink for 24 hours? Do they go insane?
I literally thought about something that was bothering me for 3 fucking hours straight. It was insane. I hate my OCD. I didn't even realize I was going over the same fucking shit for that long until it was over.
I also reread every one of my replies over and over and over because it doesn't makes sense sometimes or I feel like I didn't explain myself enough and my meaning doesn't come across. I think there is another term for that. When you unnecessarily over explain. It's like a speech disorder or something. I have a mild case of that.
But like what if you think about it and change it in your mind, like lucid dreaming?
I've never seen it depicted well. At best the hamefull effect like handwashing are shown but even that is rare. But mine for example is so bad that it has completely destoryed my ability to read books. I reread sentences over and over because I can't tell if I had already read a sentence, reducing the super fact reading speed at had as a kid into a 1st grade reading level as an adult. And that's just one symptom. I'd never seen a show that depicted how OCD can literally destroy your brain's sense of what reality is and isn't and basically fry your brain
Came in here to say this, but then I thought how could anyone who actually has OCD not have heard of Howard Hughes and not seen the Aviator? So now I think this thread is just another bait thread where the OP never wanted suggestions at all
>the brain isn't physical
>things being wrong with the brain can't result in adverse feelings/behavior
OCD is not just being uptight about hygiene and placement of things, those are just the most well known outward expressions. OCD can be purely obsessive in nature without outward compulsions or rituals, where the mind goes over and over something that causes distress almost endlessly, that type of ocd is termed pure O. For example some people who have ocd about dogs due to a fear of them may obssess over the possibility of coming in contact with one far beyond what would be considered normal to the point it can dominate a persons life or a religious person may have a thought that is blasphemous like fucking a religous figure and obssess over that particular intrusive thought. Things that people can be OCD about can be quite out there and bizarre. In my opinion i think OCD may be one of the most misunderstood mental problems among non sufferers/ordinary people.
This. Funny scene as well.
In the Victorian era it was known as the doubting disease
Not necessarily disease, they obviously knew people could get sick. It was germs they thought didn't exist, microscopic organisms and harmful bacteria
I have sometimes debilitating OCD tendencies that I've kept from every friend and gf and family member. I don't have the compulsion to be that clean so it's a bit easier to hide but sometimes I do weird shit they think is just me being "quirky"
I feel like I get random OCD ticks every once in a blue moon and I just thank my lucky stars it's not a regular thing
>had 2 laundry cards and forgot which one was the one with money on it so I walked all the way to the laundry room just to check which one had money on it
>closed my kitchen window before going to bed, get up out of bed at least twice to make sure it was closed even though I just closed it 10 seconds ago
I try to change it into something that's "okay", but even that is really difficult and just the act of giving it so much attention reinforces it. It always comes back anyway if I get triggered (unironically) and then I have to try and fix it again and the distressing emotions I feel during it also just reinforces the trigger.
I have to check if someone is in my room even if the door is closed and I know no one is in there with me. I have to look behind me constantly even if I know the door hasn't opened since I got in here because I locked it and it's always in my line of sight. It's very irrational, but I can't feel "okay" unless I do it.
I do something similar when watching films. I'll rewind and rewatch scenes multiple times in a row because I feel like I misheard or misunderstood what was said even though I know I didn't.
That was the term they used for it back then. Also i'm pretty sure a disease is not limited to the kind that is spread from one person to another.
This is the worst part for me. I used to love reading and could read very fast in the past, but now I also have to read everything over and over. It's such an effort just to get past one fucking page and feel like I still didn't understand it. I also have developed subvocalization and that really reduces reading. I'm slowing weening myself out of subvocalizing, but I used it as a coping mechanism to talk to myself because I had no one else and I still use it when I'm not reading so it's hard.
When I was a kid I thought the universe would break if I didn't put my toys back on shelf before going to bed. I got better tho.
*reduces reading speed/immersion
Yes /pol/, mental illnesses are just a Jewish scam.
Obsessed and paranoiapilled
A term that you misinterpreted. They absolutely knew and understood what sicknesses was. What they didn't know was what was happening on the microscopic scale. And the original proponents of keeping sanitary conditions in hospitals and that open wounds could be infected were seen as crazy by skeptics because because no one could 'see' what they were talking about
Cool it with the antisemitism
For someone with OCD getting a gf can be a bad thing.
I would no doubt be worrying about getting cucked every second I wasn't with her if I had a gf
The Machinist.
I have very light germaphobia and living together with someone makes me anxious because I have no control over how clean they are.
It's not just that. Imagine being completely obsessed over her. Checking her social media, her friends on social media, relatives. Putting spyware on her phone. Always thinking what she's up to. Thinking about her 24/7. Being jealous, angry at her, visiting places where she might be.
I just gave up. I've been telling my mom for years to wash her hands before making our food but I know for sure she doesn't when I'm not around.
Are you actually scared of germs because you think they're harmful, or are you educated enough to know that there are trillions of bacteria in your gut biome right now and their harmfulness is just a psychological thing? You have germs on your eyeballs right now helping you see better
>show me all the blueprints
The Aviator did good job
>germs on your eyeballs right now helping you see better
Wait, what?
That is meme ocd.
Real ocd the person will wash their hands so much they become red and bleeding.
Or the classic case study: the women gets a toaster oven as gift, is afried crumbs will light on fire, goes home during work to unplug it, still worried so next day she puts it in her car just Incase somehow it is still plugged in, still worried so she brings the toaster oven into her work cubicle just in case it catches on fire.
I am scared of germs because I don't really know how they function.I know that there are a lot of good germs. But there are also a lot of bad germs. I can't really deal with uncertainty.
There is also a lot of contradiction that I see. You get told to wash your hands when you come home. But when you are outside you will bring in things that you touched with your dirty hands home without washing them. Do you wash your smartphone with rubbing alcohol every day? Or your laptop if you take it outside and use it inside? Do you disinfect all your groceries?
No i think you may have misunderstood me, i was replying to the user who said that ocd did not exist 100 years ago by bringing the fact that ocd was known to them but by a different name "the doubting disease" to his attention. I am rather confused though as to why you have decided to focus on the disease part of the name and go on about microscopic organisms when ocd to my knowledge is thought to be caused by genetics / a disorder (though its exact cause is not entirely certain) but l'm pretty sure no one thinks ocd is a disease transmitted by microrganisms.
>Real ocd the person will wash their hands so much they become red and bleeding.
I remember getting cracks on my skin back when I was a kid. Fucking Safeguard commercial ruined my hands
>Do you wash your smartphone with rubbing alcohol every day? Or your laptop if you take it outside and use it inside?
I've been doing this for years
Are you me?
broooo you just posted cringe
Cat in the Hat
He's right. People touch all kinds of shit and then go on to touch a bunch of other things without washing their hands. It's ridiculous.
Do you know who Howie Mandel is? He's probably one of the most famous modern germophobes and he was on the brink of going off the deep end before he learned how microorganisms actually work and how our bodies 24/7 are covered in micro organisms regardless of what you do. We need them to survive. On the flip end of that, if humans were so weak to be killed by some germ you got from walking outside we would have been wiped out thousands of years ago. So, in short, you have nothing to fear. Unless you bathe in shit and live among rats it's pretty hard to get sick just from germs that surround us.
You don't have to touch anything to get germs.
You can't fix people like him, it's an irrational fear after all and he knows it.
It's more than that, and you know it. Why tell people to wash their hands if you can't get sick from touching random shit?
>It's more than that
No it's not. Stop trying to rationalize your faggy mental illness, you just sound like an idiot, flat earth tier brainlet. How the fuck do people like you even function is beyond me. Now go wash your shitty hands, you've touched your input device that's filthy.
Oh, to be 80 IQ nigger.
At least I'm a functional 80 IQ nigger but you piss your pants merely thinking about germs.
I haven't been sick in years, and you can't even pull your pants up.
>On the flip end of that, if humans were so weak to be killed by some germ you got from walking outside we would have been wiped out thousands of years ago
How many humans have there been? With this logic the plague is not a big deal because hey humanity survived it in the end.
>I haven't been sick in years
Wow, congratulations! Your hands are still covered by dead germs.
Why does the CDC recommend to wash your hands?
You can't get sick from touching random shit. Washing your hands is basic for food prep, operating on patients, and handling babies or the elderly with we am immune systems. Are you a chef or a doctor? Do you have a newborn? By all means, please, wash your hands.
*a weak immune system
You're not obliged to wash your hands.
>You can't get sick from touching random shit.
What country are you from?
Because it's a very basic and common sense way of not spreading your own germs on to food or to someone else who cannot handle them.
The one that exists in reality and not your troubled germophobe brain
As Good As It Gets.
Found the degenerate who doesn't wash their hands after taking a shit
>he still uses his hands to wipe shit
Touch a door knob you pansy.
weirdest cope i've seen all day
e z
Imagine being so dumb that you never knew washing your hands was to keep OTHER people from getting sick and not yourself.
Do you really think doctors wash their hands so they don't get sick from the PATIENT?
>You can't get sick from touching random shit.
That's a bad statement, it's about not touching shit that you wouldn't normally touch anyway.
>with weak immune systems
That's the thing though. How do I know how good my immune system is? It's not like in a video game where I can see that my immune system has 200 DEF so I am fine touching these germs with only 10 ATK. That's my whole point. It's the uncertainty. Same reason I feel anxious taking medicine that has side effects that are rare but not non-existant.
The Michael J Fox episode on Scrubs.
What a fucking pussy ass bitch, you're not afriad of germs or side effects, you're afraid of dying. I hope a meteorite crashes into your bedroom or your electrical appliances catch fire while you sleep you fucking loser!
Do you not know your immune system becomes stronger with the more germs and viruses it encounters? It's the basics of survival of the fittest on a bacterial scale. You're only alive right now because your immune system is strong enough to fend off the most basics of inflammatory germs and microorganisms
Are you stupid? He clearly washes all his germs off.
Does this apply to adults too? I thought it was when growing up is when your immune system is training.
Hmmm interesting. I had the same problem with reading but I never attributed to OCD.
I also need to check if I locked my door two or three times and yea I practice the frequent handwashing, but I don't consider it excessive, just every time I get home, after every time I touch my ass or raw meat, or anything in the bathroom.
It is. Doesn't apply to adults.
>Do you really think doctors wash their hands so they don't get sick from the PATIENT?
It's also funny that people think that doctors use face masks to protect themselves from germs.
In fact, once face mask gets wet from breathing (in about an hour or so) it stops filtering germs.
That's OCPD.
That is precisely the mechanism that is malfunctioning in their brains.
I'm more worried about gas leak because my neighbours are retarded.
he reminds me of bubbles
It's closer to asking you to not be a gigantic fucking retard.
I'm not quite as bad as this guy but I'm pretty close. I've heard other OCD people say he's a caricature of OCD but to me he's pretty spot on.
>Do you wash your smartphone with rubbing alcohol every day?
I use alcohol wipes. Thrice a day.
Bacteria spreads faster than that.
Only (one recent) film that comes to mind is one scene The House that Jack Built.
t. severe OCD for 15 years
Was it OCD though? He just wanted to make sure that the crime scene won't implicate him, I think most people who wanted to do a crime discretely would go little crazy quadruple checking everything.
Maybe it does but I have to do it three times. No more, no less. I even used to have to do it at specific times but I'm a bit more casual about that now.
I feel it was. The most logical decision was to get out of there but he kept going back again and again despite the heavy possibility of getting caught. I guess they could have shown him checking spots he had already checked but I did feel the scene resonated with me regardless.
It's just a short part of one episode but It's Always Sunny had an accurate depiction of it.
longest I went between showers was about 5 months and even then I only did it because my hands started getting hives or something from being in the sun probably
didn't get sick once not once
those are CAUSED by movies, user
we've all been tricked
Dzien swira
I need to count the amount of times I do something, but I keep the number low because it's logical for it to be low.
What are you going to accomplish by doing something a higher number of times? Just stop being crazy bro you look like an idiot kek
It's a mental illness where you rudimentarily scan, sterilize and order things until you're 100% sure that they're absolute perfect.
And then do it 4 more times.
What's your tic Yea Forums? For me it's checking so the fucking fridge door is closed all the time
What do you think happens to someone with OCD if they don't do the thing they obsess with?
They break down and will end up doing something desperate and drastic that is liekly to be self destructive.
The best analogy is imaging having the worst itch of your life x 10 and then being told you're not allowed to scratch it. Try coping with that. Yeah maybe it's willpower but you'd need an incredible amount of fortitude.
You need to slowly wean them away from their obsession in a healthy way, normally the best thing for this would be something like cognitive behavioral therapy.
mental illness, ocd whatever but the aviator. i'm basically howard hughes minus the intelligence, success, talent and sex appeal. who the fuck thinks it's ok to pick food from someone else's plate, anyway.
Checking multiple times if I locked the frontdoor of my house when I leave for work.
I agree. We don’t even recognise it as an illness in our country. Burgers will try to make money out of everything.
>They break down and will end up doing something desperate and drastic that is liekly to be self destructive.
And then if you stop them from doing that? Knock 'em out if necessary. With sleeping gas if you're worried. Then what? Maybe eventually they'll get over it. I'd like to see this experiment at least attempted.
I know someone who fixed it by forcing himself to not "scratch the itch". Was agony for him, but it turned him into a mentally strong person.
welcome brother
thats alzheimers bro
>not cultivating ur germbank to become stronger
I never wash my hands before eating, haven’t been sick in over a year
you think i enjoy washing my hands every 10 minutes?
it just fucks with my head if i dont
>tfw you accidentally burn yourself but have to do it a second time deliberately to keep mom from dying in a car crash even though you know that's stupid rationally
unironically deuce bigalow european gigalo
Do your hands get dry?
I think I might have OCD but it's more abstract, like when I do a certain acitivity I think the exact same thought or memory that is unrelated to that activity
also get violent intrusive thoughts. just talking to a family member or something and have a vision of me punching them in the head or stabbing them
Doesn't sound like OCD to me.
It unironically is, considering who's making money from drugging people up.
>lazy people are using it as an excuse to not be responsible
That's depression, OCD is a thing.
who cares what is sounds like to you? it's a name for ocd still sometimes used today.
My great grandma said they just lumped crazy people together as "mighty queer" and left it at that. Back then they didn't really categorize it. She had a great uncle that sounded like what we could autistic but she just laughed and said he was queer and people would share stories about the weird things he did sometimes.
Yeah, it's been coopted by Jews to make OCD seem more legitimate, like pretending every sad person in history had depression or everyone who ever had a mood swing was bipolar.
I didn't say either of those things.
Autism is a meme too. They're just weird and use "I have autism" as an excuse to get away with it.
Severe autism is practically retardation, you're thinking of self diagnosed nerds online. That guy didn't have that excuse and was socially stunted, had weird outbursts, and was obsessed with collecting train tickets in the mid 1800s.
That's why you find a therapist who knows about cognitive therapy instead of how to market drugs.
All the good drugs are illegal anyway.
That's not OCD, that's just you being a beta, which is natural.
>Give example of this from Africans and chinks
Are you going to deny schizophrenia too?
Not all the fucking time you schizo fuck, now piss off this board and get help.
like autism and depression they exist but are overdiagnosed by dr. shekelberg in america to charge you a trillion dollars on your insurance for pills because you got anxious at a meeting once
Well yeah severe autism is legit, but lower forms shouldn't even be considered mental disorders. They're trying to latch onto the real stuff to legitimize their quirkiness as a mental disorder. "I like trains" isn't on the same level as hitting yourself repeatedly like Autistic Jontron. This whole "autism spectrum" is just as much a scam as the "gender spectrum."
>obsessed with collecting train tickets in the mid 1800s.
I think he was just redpilled. It's everyone else who was weird.
>hitting yourself repeatedly like Autistic Jontron
When he would get frustrated he would hit himself so something was wrong with him but he was about to live independently. I do think too many things are clumped under autism. It made more sense when Asperger's was a separate thing but that wasn't inclusive or something even though they admit they don't understand the root causes so it doesn't make sense to recategorize.
My great grandma died before the modern queer community became a thing so it makes me chuckle to see them call themselves that. They are mighty queer.
How do you not know about this guy?
>Yes /pol/, everything is the Jews
based and nearly fpbp
May just be
Kinda like how they diagnose people that don't give a flying fuck about the current topic being forced down their throat with ADHD
Why would you use depression as an excuse? It's not like anyone will let you get off the hook for that. Lazy people enjoy being lazy while depressed people hate themselves for it and feel guilty.
I would do ritualistic OCD things when I was a kid and into my early teenage years it was terrible. Then I got diagnosed with Crohn’s and it pretty much went away. I’m not sure why that was the thing to do it but it did.
i spend 14 hours a day endlessly refreshing Yea Forums is that OCD?
No it's addiction
based and catpilled
I have tourettes, and periodically completely lose control of my body and jerk my head in the exact same direction with similar force. There's an overpowering electric sensation that overrides my control of my body. People accuse me of making it up, because they can't conceptualize losing control of their usually voluntary muscles (and why should they?) because of this i give people the benefit of the doubt, even when i can't understand their behavior.
no OCD is legit scary
intrusive thoughts are a bitch to begin with and can fuck you up easily
there's also the whole rituals/compulsions thing which is extremely annoying but you're just forced to do every fucking day all day
>wash their hands so much they become red and bleeding
this happens to me every fucking winter and I hate it with a passion
>You get told to wash your hands when you come home. But when you are outside you will bring in things that you touched with your dirty hands home without washing them.
>because they can't conceptualize losing control of their usually voluntary muscles
This is actually retarded. There's a scientific explanation for it, and you can even give the analogy of the hammer hitting the knee or compare it to a seizure or twitching. Involuntary motions are legitimate. Just because yours happens to be bigger than usual doesn't mean it's fake.
have you tried getting a gf to hold your hands
I'm gay, still a khv though
>bro just stop being mentally ill!
I can empathise with that totally. I suffer neuropathy so I get twitches all the time, less intense than yours but they're exactly as you describe, just a volt of electricity that forces your muscles to contract in a certain way.
What I don't understand is why tourettes causes complex verbal and motor tics like spitting ur uttering complete words. I do this occasionally, but it has nothing to do with my neuropathy it's just a weird psychological thing to do with my anxiety.
This, but unironically.
You paint a good picture of what real OCD is, not just germaphobia and obsessively ordering things.
One of my symptoms is my staring problem, probably my worst one, and it's crippling. I discovered it sat with my friends once, all of a sudden I noticed the girl in our group on my peripheral vision and became paranoid that I was staring at her, of course the more I tried not to the more I thought about it, the more she notices, the more everyone else noticed, the more I did it. Ever since then I've had the exact same problem in every single social situation I get into and it's life changing. I can no longer sit in the office or with a group round a table for more than 5 minutes without filling with dread, making someone feel like I'm obsessed with them, or just blushing up having a full on panic attack and running away.
Have you tried closing your eyes?
i don't know about actual sickness but his mannerism and gesticulations with twisting his hands and face and neck and all i spot on to what the one person who has OCD that i know is
Washing your hands do not make the germs go away, it's to get rid of all the oil, dirt and salt that gathered up on your hands after a duration. You are always constantly covered in "germs", your body uses them to build up an immune system and through that immune system you're protected against whatever ailments you fear of.
Seems like your condition is based on your lacking knowledge of high school biology, are you American by any chance?
A lot of mental disorders link to digestive problems because both your brain and your guts are affected by the nervous system. It's an incredibly unbased and bluepilled thing for the body to do.
As a kid I had to flick light switches 3 times or else the house would burn down. Or say my prayers perfectly at night or everyone would go to Hell.
here this should help
unproven pseudoscience
washing does remove germs are you retarded? why do you think doctors do it excessively prior to surgery? you also dont use skin bacteria to "build up your immune system" (a misconception in itself as well) as they dont enter your blood thus are not exposed to your immune system
your brains retarded and cant inhibit stimuli properly, were you concussed or something?
>washing does remove germs are you retarded? why do you think doctors do it excessively prior to surgery?
To get rid of any microorganisms that live stuck on that dirt/oil/salt/sweat that gathered up on your hands. Soap itself has no effect on the microorganisms. It breaks up the compounds that they live on.
ever think about washing your hands after you take a shit? touch the tap and get it dirty then touch it again to turn it off? think it doesn't matter your hands weren't dirty enough in the first place? then why did you wash em?
depends on the soap some are antibacterial but as well fat in soap will bind to their membranes and make it easier to remove them from the skin & skin oil
Doctor Kevin CASEY .... Doctor Kevin CASEY .... DOCTOR KEVIN.... CASEY....
Uh.... in English doc? But seriously the fucking re-reading and feeling like I don’t make sense is spot on. If you remember what it’s called I’d be really interested to know
It's not unproven pseudoscience. The digestive tract is one of the most nervous organ systems. If there's something wrong with how your brain sends and recieves signals, there can be misinterpretations between the brain and digestion.
Stress is a big Crohn’s trigger so that makes sense.
the other half of your statement genius
Nice trips but it's very clear how one would affect the other. Many depression and anxiety sufferers are also prone to having mysterious digestive problems, like IBS or Crohn's. You just want to argue.
obviously its not clear or you would just explain it instead of making a generalized statement
I did explain it? Miscommunication between brain and digestive tract = digestive disorder.
I think there's a miscommunication between your brain and reality.
give an example
so you cant give an example of an actual disorder meeting your description thus proving your statement is unproven pseudo science. thanks for playing
Have you perfected praying user?
I don't remember when it was, but I started challenging the rituals and soon they went away. There were a lot of other OCD symptoms that started to creep up, but as I started reading about the condition I learned to nip the ticks at the bud and am much happier because of it. Know your enemy.
Literally just turn your brain off...
I legit have OCD bro. I wish it was a fake meme illness. In fact I bet about 60% of this site has some form of OCD.
It's real user. I have wacky OCD where the severity and procedure changes depending on how important the thing I'm about to handle is to me or other circumstances. For example:
>Using computer
Washing hands right before using it is sufficient if I touched something else
>Using vidya consoles
Wash my hands with handsoap
>Going to bed
Always shower right before. I never even think of touching my bed if I haven't showered. I don't even nap on it.
>Using vidya consoles on bed
Wash my hands with body wash soap.
I also have this fucked up mental issue, not even sure if you can call it OCD, where I can't stand the idea of touching something that's been touched by an ugly person. It feels gross and disgusting, like I'm touching literal shit. I have literally been in public situations where I refused to sit in seats where I saw an ugly person get out of. From my experience, most ugly people I've encountered have hygiene issues and pungent body odor so there's probably some logical basis to my repulsion, but even shaking hands with a hygienic ugly makes me want to neck rope. If I have no choice but to, say, sit in a seat defiled by an ugly, I go back to my house, sanitize my clothes in the washer whenever the next laundry cycle is, and take some wipes or wet paper towels and wipe down the car seat that I sat in. If I don't, it'll haunt me til the ends of time like some stressful thought lingering in the back of my head and it stays like that until I thoroughly clean off the psychological OCD blemish.
Sorry user but you need to seek therapy. This might be too deep for the do it yourself method of easing OCD. Sounds very serious and the sooner you get help the sooner you start to free yourself.
The only problem is the soap he’s using. Tell him to get McKesson or Sporicidin soap from a medical supply place, and keep lotion or Vaseline on his hands overnight under gloves a couple times a week
This is literally just being sensible 2bh
It's 100% real, but the retarded meme cases, like when women claim they are "so OCD because I need my hair perfect in the morning", get the most attention for some reason and gives the illusion that it's not a legitimate condition.
Real cases are crippling and can destroy even the most basic of functionality in a person.
The 2 episodes of Scrubs with Michael J Fox were good i thought
I have constant flashbacks which prevent me watching or listening to music at certain times. ASMR helps a lot though.