So how diverse you think the cast is going to be in Amazons series?
So how diverse you think the cast is going to be in Amazons series?
Very black (because black people think they're the only race that makes shows 'diverse')
When has this happened in an Amazon produced show?
You faggots are fucking obsessed with this. Amazon isn't Netflix
>will smith as aragorn
>morgan freeman as gandalf
pretty based casting, id watch it
neither is Disney
Make sure you get those niggers in there- Hollywood
I just don't have any faith on any adaptations anymore. There's just no chance cast can be as good as in LOTR movies and not having forced diversity. I bet the orcs will be the only ones casted as white.
It's fantasy so it doesn't matter if most of the cast is black. They'll grow on us.
They literally just announced their first casting and it's a blonde Australian woman, and they've also announced the series will focus on young Aragon who will also be white.
You're crying about nothing.
The actual thing to be concerned about is that the showrunner is the guy who directed this absolute dumpsterfire. He also directed the pilot of Penny Dreadful though, which was pretty good.
Having 'diverse' or not casting won't matter at all. Do you cunts even care about the original at all? Have you seen the appendices? Think about all the passion and hard work and skill that went into making the film, from the crew.
That's what made those films so great.
The Hobbit had an all white cast as well, and it was shit. And if they had cast a few black characters in the originals, and changed nothing else, it wouldn't have been any worse.
>You're crying about nothing.
We'll need to see the rest of the cast. This is restaurant rules when it comes to LotR, even just one black ruins to whole experience.
>tfw amerimutts ruin a NZ series and then blame it on niggers
depends on where they are cast, there are different races of men in middle earth, but a black elf would be retarded. My problems with diversity casting is when they cast a white character as black or when they feel the need to shove a black character into the spotlight just to be diverse.
I haven't seen a single thread mentioning the showrunner is fresh off one of the worst recent blockbusters that i've ever seen which butchers an existing franchise.
Do you care about that?
When has amazon ever had an original series? I've had amazon prime for years but I never use amazon video because it doesn't fucking have anything to watch.
>My problems with diversity casting is when they cast a white character as black or when they feel the need to shove a black character into the spotlight just to be diverse.
What exactly is your problem with that though?
I don't like it, but it doesn't matter a huge amount either. If they had made Merry or Pippin women or black in the original for example, and changed nothing else, I wouldn't really have cared. I don't see how it actually affects anything, as long as the quality overall was still there.
Man in the High Castle, Mrs Maisel and Forever are all pretty good.
And if you're going to say
'it's not accurate'
well getting rid of glorfindel and having liv tyler save frodo at the ford wasn't 'accurate' either but it made the film better.
Adaptations can take creative license.
It's more about being true to the spirit of the original, not to the letter.
And if you think a book series which was about racial unity and written a staunch defender of jews is some great bastion of white nationalism or whatever, then you're deluded.
go back to plebbit, niggerlover
Why are incels so obsessed with blacks? I don't get it. Everyone else is able to talk about things without bringing up blacks and REEEing about them
Idris Elba as Aragorn would be alright
havent followed its production so im not familiar with who you're talking about exactly, but yeah a bad director can certainly ruin it, but its not like jackson was some acclaimed director when he made lotr.
I dont like when a film, or any work of art, is forced to make changes due to politics. but like I said in my first post, a black hobbit wouldnt make sense to me because as far as I know, all hobbits come from the shire which is a small isolated area.
I never said anything about it being accurate to the books nor about it being about white nationalism.
>but its not like jackson was some acclaimed director when he made lotr.
He was though. Brain Dead is as much of a cult comedy-horror splatter classic GOAT as Lord of the Rings is a fantasy GOAT. It's right up there with Evil Dead. Better imo.
And all of the cool physical effects that PJ, Richard Taylor and Weta Workship did for LOTR was stuff they'd been training to do for years on smaller projects.
>I dont like when a film, or any work of art, is forced to make changes due to politics.
Neither do I, but nor do i particuraly dislike it. It's a very minor factor in the scheme of things. Keeping an all white cast certainly doesn't make a project good. See- The Hobbit.
>a black hobbit wouldnt make sense to me because as far as I know, all hobbits come from the shire which is a small isolated area.
In terms of suspension of disbelief in a fantasy story like this, that would really put you off and ruin it all for you?
>company owned by hyperjew
im so excited by this new era of kino
>the series will focus on young Aragon
This isn’t a bad start to be fair. Lot of scope and room to breathe for the narrative. We know young Aragorn travelled through Lothlorien, Rohan and Gondor and then onto Harad and fought in wars, but that’s about it for detail.
If they wanted some diversity they could have a band of outcast Haradrim rebels turn up to Gondor and beseech them for aid in toppling the Sauron allied regime. Then Aragorn travels with them and you can have seasons worth of all the diversity you could want without pissing of purists.
Just for the love of god no diverse elves.
Why are faggots so obsessed with incels? I don't get it. Everyone else is able to talk about things without bringing up incels and REEEing about them
why are wh*te "people" so fragile that they can't stand seen poc in movies
I don't mind diverse elves as long as they're waif like and svelte
maybe more like this
they look like my fuckin pubes
this cunt got jaundice
elves don't wax user
remember that bit about melkor wanting galadriels pubes and then she gives one to gimli?
Nobody cares about blacks in movies per se, it's the forced diversity that annoys people. It's done just to get attention and mostly it's done in the worst kind of way. New black characters are okay, but when they change established characters' color, call it progressive and yell racism at the same time, it's just bad.
I remember watching the directors cut on dvd with commentary like 15 years ago.
Chick I think in charge of casting saying how hard it was to get tall blonde whites for elves in a country filled with maoris.
We'll never get it again bros
every race is represented and there will be... maybe 2-3 LGBT+.
lol pleb
Amazon is one of the most kino studios right now, definitely best original content of online streamings
can't wait for some orange looking orc
Its dead on arrival, these are the only threads I ever see about it.
Before 2012 Yea Forums was nonstop LOTR and Hobbit hype. The Hobbit series was the worst movie disaster ever. Not even worth openly hating like the prequels.
gandalf is black
frodo is a white woman
legolas and gimli are gay, there will be a sex scene
50% of elves are black just like real life
it's not about young aragorn, it's second age fanfic with new characters, thousands of years before his time, idiots just keep saying it's about him so they can cry at the idea of him getting cast black.
It would be very jarring to put sexual presentation in it as Tolkiens works has so little to do with sex and sexuality.
Mrs Maisel is amazing. More people should know about it.
>and they've also announced the series will focus on young Aragon
>amazon shows map of numenor and 2nd age
>focus on young aragon
cool sexual fantasy you have there, but what's your opinion on this new amazon show featuring none of these characters?
Nearly everyone here is retarded and use their ass as a source.
If I wanted to watch The Lord of the Rings again I would watch the Peter Jackson's trilogy. Why would I watch anything other than that? There is no point on wasting time on today's remakes when their sole purpose of existance is shoving diversity down my throat. Jackson's trilogy is perfect, no need for remakes ever.
just fuck off with your low quality shitposting. Bet you werent even born when the LOTR films were released.
yeah amazon would never do that
if they did the issue would be teleporting those characters a few thousand years out of their time period, not muh bloo bloo diversity bad.
good thing it's new show and not a remake then, you can relax, and try to stop thinking about 'things' being shoved down your throat.
>Nobody cares about blacks in movies per se, it's the forced diversity that annoys people.
>New black characters are okay
lol that's absolute nonsense.
For example, people here cried ENDLESSLY about Star Wars and Black Panther
You can't even talk about good black shows like Atlanta or Insecure here without threads derailing into racist shitposting.
should have just made an original ip. cant be that hard to come up with ridiculous names
So we should just accept blatant propaganda as entertainment?
>only official info is the casting of some blonde haired blue eyed girl
are you mentally ill?
>kiwi series
You wish. You're not getting the world cup either.
I Can't Go to Yemen is on it. I saw the ads.
Good idea user, but I think a few thousand hack fantasy authors beat Amazon to the punch on that
>all black lord of rings
>everyone talks in ebonics
>implying this wouldn't be funny as fuck
i'd watch it.