>jonah is fat again
Jonah is fat again
damn he is looking good! i wish people would respect him, i'm honestly really talented. i think he'll eventually get the recognition he deserves.
nah thats muscle, dude! my boy is bulking up for his next big action movie!
What do you call that look in his eyes? It belies that forced smile below. Cringe? Fear? Existential angst? I can't quite pinpoint it.
Maybe Ornella won't be able to beat him this time, maybe he can get a comeback, right?
disregard for all judgement
he knows he's king
squinting because he's out in the daytime without sunglasses retard
>smoking cigarettes in any year when you are worth millions
Why the fuck? Most people who smoke do it because they're miserable and want to shorten their life.
literally who smokes to kill themselves?
smoking and nicotine in general feel great and he's probably addicted to nicotine
he does it because smoking makes you look cool. DUH!
here's your (yikes)
Is he fat because of genetics or he's stuffing too much calories than he's burning.
most fat people who get skinny almost always end up gaining it back again eventually. or at least gaining half of it back. they all eventually go back to their old habits its hard to stick to eating carrot sticks or whatever gay shit health conscious people eat to stay skinny
>i'm honestly really talented
ok jonah stop LARPing
fuck jonah hill
i have never seen anyone in my entire life put on and take off weight as fast as jonah hill
the art hoes be smoking. so he has a reason to smoke and be around them. lesson of the story? all woman should be sara connered.
Comfy Jonah thread
What a gross fat kike
It's a long term risk you retard. That's why people smoke. Not everyone who smokes gets cancer.
Why do people keep wearing those fucking faggot ass waspy thick rimmed glasses..fucking cringe on a cross.
Is he still doing JuJitsu? How good is he by now?
Satan quads check'd
Lucifer confirms, thick rimmed glasses are out
Dude has the body of a ninja turtle
I'm not Mozart you fuckers. Mozart is obviously dead and there's no way I could even live that long.
Come on jonah you had it
Quinntessentially jewish
It's the "please don't hit me again, i-i-is this smile convincing enough?" look.
An interesting Jewish specimen. Keep it up, big guy.
This guy changes his form and style every week, I suspect he's a shapeshifter.
His face is miserable. He is still fat jewish manlet. Money can't change that.
Can we get some fresh Jonah subway memes? Jonahposting was prime quality shitposting for this board
How has no one posted the french woman yet
Jonah will never beat it unfortunately. The sickly skinnyfat look isn’t good for him. This look here, this is his peak physical aesthetic on display. He was never born to make it. But he can get plenty pussy even ignoring the ED issues he’s had from reports of girls he’s slept with
He's obviously bulking using ancient jewcel wizard metamorphism
He wants to be like his good buddy and fellow serious actor Brad Pitt, a longtime smoker.
How the FUCK does he keep alternating between fat and skinny like every 3 months? And wouldn't this cause a lot of stretchmarks? I remember when this all started years ago. I was at the theaters and it was a trailer for a movie where he appeared average/slightly overweight, then a bit later it was a trailer for another movie and he was fat again. What a bizarre specimen.
It's not healthy that's for sure.
forced become /fit/ and /k/ommandos?
From what I understand, once you've been obese, it is incredibly hard to remain not obese, to the point that your maintenance calories are actually lower than an equivalently sized person who has never been obese. Once you've gone from obese to healthy weight, I guess you basically just have to live the rest of your life in hypervigilance mode to avoid rapidly regaining your lost weight.
I don't know what the solution is to this, if it is just gaining more muscle or basically just living the rest of your life in a state of perpetual hunger as your body demands you eat enough to regain obesity while you ignore those urges and starve yourself, or some combination of the two.