>Beta Male
When was the first time you watched Kino, Yea Forums?
>Beta Male
When was the first time you watched Kino, Yea Forums?
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Whoops, forgot the link like a typical beta male
Genuinely what did they mean by this?
I can’t see how this promotes any of the shit they are about
>beta male
>he's white
well at least they got THAT right...
People are claiming this is supposed to be Buzzfeed attacking Yea Forums, but I don't see that at all, as the tone of the video is sympathetic, not mocking. While I wouldn't expect Buzzfeed to portray them sympathetically, I also wouldn't expect them to use beta male as an insult, so I'm just taking the video as is and not accounting for the ideology of the creator. So, just taking the video on it's on, the directorial decisions make it pretty obvious we are supposed to feel sympathy for the protagonist, not laugh at him. This can be seen in the music, cinematography, characters, ect. So what I'm really seeing is that people are getting in this video because they are coming in with certain assumptions, and thus they are only seeing what they expected to see.
True I wish they followed this up with a video about empowered women getting BLACKED
>some video clearly aware of Yea Forums culture
>this is totally an organic post
Fyi I’ve blocked every single instance of buzzfeed I’ve been able to find
I remember when /r9k/ went apeshit with that.
Are you blind? It starts out with him masturbating to anime. Then as soon as he gains any sort of female attention he grows obsessive and aggressive. He then makes unwanted advances on a female co-worker all while ranting about how awful women are on Yea Forums. The point it's making is the whole "beta male" or "incel" thing isn't real. That these guys can get laid/gf's if they wanted, but they don't put in the work and blame the world/women instead of bettering themselves.
Buzzfeed have been irrelevant for a couple of years now. I remember they used to be the scourge of Yea Forums and then post election they just kind of fizzled out of existence.
The video was two years ago fren.
Fuck now I gotta look for the archives
Not the guy you’re replying to but I had a hard time figuring out if I was supposed to be laughing at him or feeling bad for him. It’s clear his brain isn’t right. Honestly I’m cool with making fun of robots anyway, so I found the video funny. I just don’t think in the way they wanted me to
I could only watch 5 seconds before my brain started to bleed. Can someone give me a quick rundown?
>dude just meet a girl through saving her from walking into a car
>cucked again
LOL we do be like that tho!
>7 minutes long
31 khhv here.
You really expect me to watch the whole thing nigga?
Condense it to 2 minutes and I MIGHT give it a watch, saged.
>Autist can’t get laid
>Meets a cute girl and goes on a date with her and then she never responds to his texts
>He gets a job so he can be better in the sexual market but then speeds out and spends all his money on a fancy watch for a woman he’s barely spoken to
>Gets fired
>God back on Yea Forums and tells people it’s not even worth it to try.
his roommate seems based though.
based wizard