Will it be kino?
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Will they cover the child molestations?
>shit I just made up to be edgy
zoom zoom
I miss Mr Rogers, Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, and Keanu Reeves so much bros.
will they cover how everything is cashing in on the popularity of old things and making absolutely nothing fucking original but instead rehashing old shit
He looks way too much like Tom Hanks.
Tom looks nothing like him
this still looks better than marvelshit
he did the best he could, but while his mannerisms are down, his voice is nothing like fred rogers
didn't they literally just release a documentary?
And sounds way too much like Tom Hanks.
also will they cover that despite preaching this message of tolerance and kindness the american government was (and still continues) to oppress its own people and bomb brown people in the name of profit for both themselves and arms companies whilst claiming they're defending the "free world?"
will it cover how capitalism is against literally everything mister rogers was against?
I was an extra :)
It's a biopic, you fuckin' simp.
Looks like he didn't pull it off. I was afraid of that. It's just Forest Gump in a sweater.
Won't You Be My Neighbor made my cry like a bitch
Didn't Mr Rogers dislike depictions of him because it could give kids the wrong message/view of him?
2006 called. It wants its d*mocrat talking points back.
your rebuttal instead of deflection
Tom Hanks really doesn't look or sound like Mr. Rogers.
>black wife
why Yea Forums never mentions WMBF but they always mention BMWF
what's that? because it disproves your theory that's is always bmwf? huh? yeah, that's what I taught. faggots.
democrats are capitalists or capitalists cucks too. there is no alternative to "the right" in america.
I'd honestly rather have a biopic about Bob Ross.
this is a board about television and film
Surely there was something wrong or bizarre about this guy...
He was probably some sexual deviant or nuts in some way.
the journalist actually did have a black wife (bleached.com)
Hollywood Kikes will eliminate all Christian themes central to Rogers' life and make it "orange man bad"
>genuinely nice people cannot exist because I am not one
calm down, edgy teen
you can literally see a shot of him reading his bible while kneeling at his bed
>can’t fathom an actual human being existing
Apparently you missed the nu-d*mocrat memo. Open borders, free healthcare for anyone who makes it across the old borders, free college, free money for blacks, higher middle class taxes, and a $20 min wage. Doesn't sound very capitalist to me. I don't see small business or any business being able to thrive in that mess. Do you?
How will they handle this segment.
Is it my fault it constantly keeps happening?
No person is "good" as in not self serving and everyone have their secret things and things their axioms or delusions that if disturbed will anger them.
its basically impossible to do "Fred Rogers" without it seem like a satire
literally where is anyone but the four women or bernie saying any of that should happen? majority of democrats oppose every single bit of that and will continue to.
Tom Hanks looks nothing like Fred Rogers
no (though to be fair: they don't actually plan on doing any of it)
This retard is too far gone in his shitposting, user. There's no reasoning with him. He will infest every thread that can be remotely derailed with politics and post flaunt his retardedness like he's done for years.
And they're being drowned out by the retards. Three years on, and the top story on CNN is still "Muh Russia". I'm actually getting a big kick out of watching the Democrats get so fucking butt flustered about Trump, that they're basically pouring a can of gasoline on their heads, and self-immolating in the hopes that maybe he'll get caught in the flames.
I like Tom Hanks but his voice just doesn't match
>interracial relationship
black bitches getting white dick is literally fine. you are literally fucking the nigger out of their children.
>t. black dude
They should have got Tom Cruise instead of Hanks
>thinking cnn cares about anything but ratings.
You do realzie CNN literally depends on people wanting to watch what they broadcast right?
Shut the fuck up you cum guzzling faggot.
How the fuck this isn't top tier cringe to most people is beyond me because seeing that actor (read: sociopath ) pretend he's an actual wholesome individual like he's wearing the man's goddamn skin is just too much for me
You idiot, the cause of this is big government.
when government is big and has authority rich people and corproations have to go to it otherwise they become uncomeptetive. dumbass communist moron.
God, help me I hate Tom Hanks.
My negro.
if no one goes to see this movie, i will lose the last tiniest shred of faith i had left in humanity.
I really like mr rogers, but this does not look good.
I could have sworn the movie already came out, what the fuck.
no thanks
>religious nut obsessed with children
you do realize that in a country with a population of over 330,000,000, only 5,423,000 people watch CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News combined as of the Q1 2019 ratings. stop acting like this shit matters, literally no one watches the msm.
at least the casting is accurate. a pedo playing a pedo
Yep. I guarantee you're right.
next they will make a bob ross biopic.
Rogers would be disappointed in you
take your meds
>t. Podesta
When I saw "Nixon," I couldn't get my mind around the fact that I was watching Anthony Hopkins pretending to be Richard Nixon. When I saw this trailer, same thing. All I could think was I'm watching Tom Hanks pretending to be Fred Rogers. Nevertheless, because it's a Tom Hanks movie, I predict it will be very big for a few weeks and then go the way of "The Terminal."