Just bee yourself
Just bee yourself
Yeah keep shitposting instead normal social interaction, user. You’ll go far.
>posts a .webm showing normies are socially awkward and do cringey shit
>somehow thinks it's everyone else's fault he didn't just grow up and adjust to society like literally every other adult eventually did
Kinos for this absolute retardation?
have sex
What are they even doing in this webm? Was it some meme or challenge I never heard of?
user they're literally autistic.
This is funny when you realize they're doing it post-post-ironically.
GOD I wish I were white
just white ppl doing white ppl shit
nothing really new under the sun. child fucking, sister fucking, mayo eating crackers. tell them they can't dance and you can see them gearing up for the fucking race war lmao
i blame the internet for giving me social anxiety
cast them
Based white people
>imagine being american
>imagine being wh*te
They are either actual tards or the most ironic memelords on the planet.
>imagine imagining this
Nobody cares. Crawl back into your hole and cry some more, faggot.
Are zoomers so oblivious they can't even recognize special needs kids?
i never left my hole
I would unironically boink those two autistic girls.
Dancing is for normie morons.
It's strangely endearing how bad they are. They clearly don't live in front of mirrors taking selfies and practicing like some of the narcissistic little shits out there.
>autists of 4chanz making fun of autists outside of 4chanz