Most kino episode?

most kino episode?

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Other urls found in this thread:

folie a deux

>Pizza Vampire kid
>Bug one with all the poop puns
>The sweaty dude who almost rapes Mulder
>The one like Resident Evil 4/The Thing
>The time cycle bomb one
>The Bermuda Triangle Nazi one
>Smoking Man BTFOs JFK/fails as a writer

Hose Chung's

Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose

The cerulean blue guy. That creeped me out when I was 12


So many. I really like 3 even though most dislike it. Mulder still haunted by Scully’s abduction. Getting it on with the vampire chick who was Duchovney’s girlfriend at the time

Ignoring the mythology episodes because while I love some of them (more then a lot of fans actually) they do blend together in my mind.

> Kill Switch (pic related, rampaging computer virus and sexy hacker chick)

> Fresh Bones (voodoo in detainment camp)

> The Chameleon dudes in the woods

> The tentacle monster in the hurricane

> Darkness Falls (the killer glowy bugs)

> The lake monster episode

> The one with Red Foreman & the Gargoyle serial killer stuff (ending was bleak as fuck, holy shit)

> The bandaid man episode.

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The one with the alien in the KKK

>>Smoking Man BTFOs JFK/fails as a writer
This is by far my favorite. Also he BTFOs King, and of course caused the Miracle on Ice

Indisputably this

COPS episode

kill yourself reddit nigger

This episode rustled a lot of jimmies back in the day. It was like a mini-Horror film paying homage to a film like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so I loved it.

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Soft Light - a guy's shadow is some kind of portal to another reality or something and people get instantly turned to ash upon contact with his shadow. Always thought that was an interesting little story.

the one with the mutie incest family

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Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man!!!FACT!!!

They made her look like D’Arcy

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> The Chameleon dudes in the woods
They called them the mothmen right? I remember watching the episode as it dropped at my friends place in the country in Iowa. I had to ride my bike all the way back to my house on a lonely road with a handful of streetlights. During the ride all I could think about was the shot at the end with the glowing eyes beneath the bed.
I ended up turning around halfway and riding back to my friends place because I was a huge 8 year old pussy

Couldn’t find a bed shot

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The lone gunmen gang rape a girl

Field Trip (mushroom matrix) or Arcadia (suburbia Tulpa).
In hindsight I have a very hard time enjoying the myth episodes even the better ones from before season 6. Memory of where they end up going overshadows them, though Robert Patrick has some decent arc episodes that are more personal and less drowning under 10 years worth of idiotic up its ass baggage.
>> The lake monster episode
That's a good one too.

stop posting like a reddit nigger

Says the lazy phoneposter.

im posting from a tablet you retarded poofter

Based and venuspilled.

The bank robbery time loop one was pretty creative.

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I like the episode, but the whole "he wants to be a writer and quit the Syndicate" plotline is really, REALLY stupid.
The box of chocolates scene is great though.


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much like the sopranos the xfiles is a show zoomers just can't understand.

> Robert Patrick
That reminds me.
> The Patrick episode with the reincarnated guy from the 1800s who skins people.

I want to go back to the days when conspiracy theorists were into flying saucers and the hollow earth instead of Orange Man Good and the flat earth


Aren't there a bunch of leftists who hate this show nowadays because they think it empowers conspiracy theorists or something stupid like that?

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The weird violent one with the hillabillies
or the one that's just The Thing

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If anything it'll be praised for its strong female character and reversal of typical gender roles - things it has been praised for since its inception and helped it stand out as unique.
Nevermind the effect it has had on women going into STEM education; The Scully Effect is still a concept I see mentioned a fair bit.

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sunshine days

the one with Bryan Cranston where Mulder gets exposed as a kike

Young Duchovny or current year Duchovny?


Here user, have some more aliens.

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Anything by Darin Morgan. Cant believe that guy didn't make it, he barely has any writing credit.

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what kind of pussy glow nigger doesn't have one in the chamber already. what if serpent men ambush you, you gonna rack one back before unloading on those fuckers while they spit venom in your eyes?

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Deep Throat prefers to let Smoking Man do all the killing.

Attached: Smoking Man and Deep Throat.webm (1280x720, 973K)

Was that monster in one of the movies? I remember a commercial where there was a giant monster in red light, moving in stop motion. Scared the shit out of me.

No I don't think that monster showed up in anything else.

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Honestly, when I think about it I suddenly realise how many great episodes the X-Files had. Like, way more than you could reasonably expect from a 90s TV show. Even Star Trek TNG was mostly filler.

What do you mean? He's always acknowledged, won awards, and the only reason he didn't write more is solely down to him.
Carter loved having him; as soon as Glen turned his back when he brought Darin on set, Carter was putting Darin in the flukeworm suit.

D'Arcy, come back.

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Literally the ayylmao one

The one where Hal's brain is gonna explode unless he keeps moving west

Good picks. Grotesque (the gargoyle serial killer episode) is kino.

Is it worth watching all 10 seasons? I remember the last time I dropped it around S7, although I don't even remember why. Probably forgot what the next episode was and just stopped.


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the one where you see sculy tiny soft tibbies an butte

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It's 11 seasons.
Yes they're worth watching. It becomes more hit-and-miss as it goes on but there's still a lot of very good episodes. Season 11 a massive return to form (except for the mythology), easily the best since season 5.

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why would anyone want to fuck a washboard with a man jaw?

>most kino episode?

Jose Chung's From Outer Space
War Of The Coprophages
Musings Of A Cigarette Smoking Man
The Host

>most kino episode?
Duane Barry.
Made all the better by it being Chris Carter's directorial debut. It really just showcases the cinematic vision he had for the show.

>That episode where the hacker trio is in the hotel trying to get inside the private arms industry expo
>That episode where Mulder what happened to his sister post abduction and whether she's alive or not. The last good mythology episode. They should've stopped there.
>That episode where the guy hypnotizes police men to kill themselves.

The movie because of the Ween song on the soundtrack.

This, X-cops was cool as fuck.

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The one where Scully jerks off a vegetable.

mythology episodes have zero rewatchability imo
plenty of good moster of the week episodes in early seasons tho

Completely disagree.
The mythology episodes (especially earlier on) are entirely different than anything that was on tv prior. They are the greatest examples of the cinematic quality of The X Files, something many tv dramas still strive for.
The revelations can be exciting, they're where a lot of character development takes place, and they bring in a lot of the fan-favourite casts.
It also helps that whilst the mythology is exceptionally convoluted, a lot of it actually is consistent and builds on what came before. Rewatching the mythology helps you to pick up on these links, which makes it seem like much more cohesive.

That episode(s) where Mulder sneaks on board the train were pure cinematic kino

It's probably the greatest example of Mulder refusing to listen to Scully.
Even needs X to come in and save his ass.

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>the Gta San Andreas drive into the garage script

One breath.

In fact, just to add onto this - Krycek walking towards the camera with the black oil in his eyes at the end of Piper Maru is still exhilarating on a rewatch.

That scene where the alien bounty hunter says "Everything dies" has stuck in my head forever.

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for me, the best one was field trip. where they were slowly getting eated by a large underground mushroom. it was making them hallucinogenate and keept resetting their minds.


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oh man that one spooked the hell out of me, isn't that the one that opens with the pair of skeletons in a lover's embrace?

In Musings your watching the lone gunman's fan fiction though, so its obviously going to be a little ridiculous

yes and at the time an actual underground fungus that was very large was found. pretty sure that was the basis for that episode.

Must watch:
The Host
Clyde Bruckman's
War of the Coprophages
Jose Chung's
Musings of a CSM
Paper Hearts
Small Potatoes
The Post Modern Prometheus
Folie a Deux
The Unnatural
Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster

>tfw my collection doesn't have episode names

>The one with Hal in it

Detour and quagmire are pretty fun innawoods eps

You need to add Die Hand Die Verletz, Audrey Pauley, and Familiar.
I'm presuming you're wanting to just make it MOTW? Because there are obvious mytharc omissions.

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I really need to re-webm this with subs.

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One of the best endings to a tv episode

I like the Halloween one where they are trapped in the house with the ghost couple trying to scare them into hooking up. Also the one where Mulder almost dies and goes on the indian vision quest. And hes talking to skully or the audience from the starry sky.

>you will never be David Duchovny

I think someone beat you to it

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>that 90s style baggy suit, wide power tie, and overcoat
god what a turbochad

Home, and the one with the green things where their flashlights are dying.

didn't that guy used to run a real freak show at some point in time? i remember people being all shocked and awed with it.

Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man

Just look at what they did with the nu seasons, the writers fucking hate the show now and the demographics it attracted


got any webms from post-modern prometheus?

Her name is Bambi?

Pic related. Badlaa is so retarded that its kino.

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his last one in the 11th season was horrible. Liked Were-Monster tho

Forehead Sweat is great though

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