>People disgust me so much.
I'm starting to like Seinfeld.
>People disgust me so much.
I'm starting to like Seinfeld.
Other urls found in this thread:
>claims to hate people
>is people
what a hypocrite.
He's boomerkino
The more disillusioned I get with humanity, the more I agree with Jews, anyone else?
Really got the bad luck of the draw there
he's alright for a jew I think.
he's not on the side of the loony left and his show was so milquetoast it's laughable to pin him as some cultural subversive
He seems like the kind of guy I could never get along with but we could probably have a deep soulful relationship where we just nod to each other.
You either die a goy or you live long enough to become a Jew.
Unironically yes.
he is a prob a cunt personally but publicly he is entertaining.
>What used to be the sideshow in a Freakshow is just the regular people now.
Now thats very redpilled.
He shouldve been in Top Gear.
holy fucking redpilled
Seinfeld and David are based kikes and that is coming from a hardcore rightwing nationalist
Seinfeld is a hardcore Zionist while David legit opposes some Israeli foreign policy and never visits. He seems more the caring type and he's the true genius behind the show.
>he is a prob a cunt personally
he's a comedian, of course he's a shitty person personally. That's why he's funny.
Isn't Jerry Seinfeld a scientologist now anyway?
Based if true, but I highly doubt it.
Fuck Millenials.
*Tips fedora*
>You're assuming the world is interesting. It's not.
Humans are boring assholes, the world is 99% awful and I just don't give a shit about any of it.
>has melissa villasenior on
>she literally says nothing
You people are so fucking dull. Once you've been to every country, read every book, seen every piece of art, heard every song, you can get at me
She was too busy keeping her wet pussy from spraying all over Jerry.
The show seinfeld is secretly brainwashing you to love jews and be like jews! If you disagree with me you're a jewish plant and want to ruin western civ!!!!!
Same. I feel like hes very judgemental and since im pretty self deprecating hed be all over me
why dont you make like a tranny and go kill yourself
>Yea Forums makes fun of Carlin for being edgy but likes this garbage
Based Owen, future Bobby Fischer.
You're not fit to be /pol/, you're a disgrace ready to be discarded by nature. The absolute state
>randomly mentions /pol/
Yeah okay, fuck niggers and fuck you; you're the real tranny here
>This car makes you feel your deepest human emotions. Which is really good for me. Because I don't have those.
>n-no u
>nword fword see i am not a redditor
gee, someone is trying too hard.
There's nobody more dull and soulless than the average cosmopolitan "muh experiences" fags. Have another IPA and remember to LIVE, LAUGH, AND LOVE to the fullest.
seinfeld is based. people can't stand that he doesn't actually care about them, as if he should.
that's why mitzi shore didn't pass him. she wanted wounded baby birds she could nurse to health but he rolled up and acted like he knew he was going to succeed whatever happened at the store and he was right.
You find people to be dull, but do you really think nothing in the world is interesting?
Listen to the Bone Zone Podcast episodes she is on if you want Melissa Villasenor kino
Jerry tells jokes in his actual act
>listen to this stupid podcast
yeah, nah. Go fuck yourself