Has Taika gone too far this time?
Has Taika gone too far this time?
Other urls found in this thread:
>visionistical director
fucking retarded americans
>kid wearing a dumb costume chasing down his cart
This looks hilarious
This looks like garbage...
The only people who will find this funny are white liberals.
I fucking hate that maori cunt. I really do.
>being mad someone is making fun of one of the most evil men in history
Stay mad racist beta bitchbois
>has to explicitly state this is a satire
>hammy acting
>kid reacts to knife before it's stuck in his leg
hard pass. fuck movies.
>kid reacts to knife before it's stuck in his leg
I noticed this too, looks like a poor editing job to me
You could also argue that he is reacting to the knowledge that the knife is about to go into his leg.
But yeah bad editing.
>what if Stephen Chow wasn't talented
say no more famalama
What we Do in Shadows felt like it would have bene a lot funnier if it came out 20 years ago
>most evil men in history
ITT: butthurt stormtards
>most evil man in history
>one of the
oh man just in time
it had been almost an hour since i had thought about the the holocaust, which is the dominant narrative of my life, of course, as a goy living 70 years later
thank g*d someone was here to remind me
name ONE EVIL THING that the nazis did
Starting WWII
Are Americans really so stupid that they literally have to hammer the point home that the film is anti-hate satire?
the systematic genocide of 3 million poles, 6 million jews, and 3 million soviet POW's
it's not just americans, it's the general film going public being stupid. why do you think capeshit is so popular.
Taika's a kiwi
That was Churchill baiting him to invade.
>still believing in the holohoax
is that a...
That boy is insanely handsome.
Nope. Eurocucks probably are fucking stupid enough though lmao.
>Rebel Wilson
Not going to see it.
>That was Churchill baiting him to invade.
Shit excuse. You mean that was the direct buildup of years of aggression from fascist states
Fuck I hate being redpilled. I can't enjoy any movie coming out these days.
>people defending Hitler ITT
i fukken love cross of iron
holy fuck literally zero creativity.
>attributed to descartes
>portrait of voltaire
I hate the retard who made this picture
t. trolled /pol/tards
Invaded Poland.
hitler was on par with jesus christ in terms of righteousness, sincerity of purpose and cachet amongst his peers. as it happens a lot of people who constantly talk about how evil hitler was also seem to hate jesus
What makes you think Americans are retarded?
Does this include the historical truth of nazi trannys?
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that it's hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln
Jesus wasn't a tranny, fuck off
most evil men in history
Imagine getting this offended by a comedy film.
You snowflakes need to grow up and learn to handle the bantz desu
starting to smell like lox in here i noticed
Pipe down shlomo
Hitler thought America was degenerate.
you would know mr. beaky
I loled at this. Did you make that?
>sincerity of purpose and righteousness
Annexing other countries and forcibly Germanizing them seems righteous to you? Keep in mind these countries won their independence for a reason.
Pickles or Murderface does something similar in the Doomstar Reqiuem near the end when they're training.
Hitler thought america was transphobic*
why he declared war on them
What's wrong with gravlax
>If you don't cry like it's the end of the world because of a hitler joke, you're a jew
kek you still dont get it
so this... is the power of esoteric hitlerism
>knife thrown by a kid and bounced off would go through cloth and skin
Why is it always fat greasy neckbeards that obsess over Hitler and get offended by the tiniest bit of mockery of him?
Seethe more. Nothing a [religious group] hates more than the truth.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Imagine getting this offended over a smiling teenager
Wehraboos denying the holocaust is the same thing as socialists yelling "that wasn't true socialism".
You people have no self reflection.
>knife thrown feebly pierces a kid's thigh
>physically impossible
lol no
Why do you assume I'm a leftist? Because I don't kvetch over a silly hitler joke? Don't give a shit about indian vs smiling kid.
/pol/ boomers are so easy to trigger.
it's not possible
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
Because they are attracted to Nazism because of a need for revenge.
What films show the truth about Gaydolf Himher?
watch out big physicist genius over here
hmmm, noticing some rather interesting correlations between file names and post content here. best to not think about it too much though.
Called being a virgin at 25
he's right tho
Wow do you have a camera or something? Amazing you're able to pinpoint what anonymous commenters look like on a Tajik pipesmoking forum
Not an argument
yea no shit a question isnt an argument retard
meant for
The radio operator bouncing around like he's at a rave gag was taken from Hitler Goes Kaput.
They have to literally tell you it's satire to avoid offending Ameriburgers
FYI it was actually just a good sounding (self righteous) comment on some forum poster discussing a video Moot made on Yea Forums.
Wtf why is there so much screeching over this? I thought you guys were ebin trolls who could handle the bants?
what is going on there though i'm genuinely curious
many jews in america
Wow it sure smells jewy in here.
Funny thing, every time I point out a fault, you wehraboos just spew meme insults at me without providing a counter argument.
I genuinely hope that once you turn 16, you'll stop plugging your ears and drowning out the ideas that don't fit your narrative.
did you forget to dilate today
>most evil man in history
welcome to Yea Forums, friend
God I love Aryan ScarJew
Do you goblinos have any response to anything that triggers you that isn't just calling it a jewish conspiracy
>hey wnat if i tried to be the cohen brothers and Wes Anderson but failed completely at both but that's ok because its current year approved and INDIE ROCK JAMS!!!
>he doesn't know about drag act
i think the worst part about this is the whiteface on taika as hitler
her glasses aren't period
>Tell joke
Imagine being her period
what's a taika?
>'s just a joke guys!
lol the worst defense ever conceived for an outed fag
Pol needs to grow a backbone based on ITT
It's better to not acknowledge the poster trying force his failed meme.
Everyone ITT needs to kill themselves or start posting ScarJew
Thanks for acting all butthurt Nazifaggots. Now when the film gets legitimately called out for being shit, everyone who says so will get labeled a Nazi and yet another shit film will be hailed as an amazing new classic.
lmao, seething tranny
/pol/ is like 1/3rd white nerdy teenagers who dont funny understand why they believe that they believe.
everybody back then loved drag shows, you big silly goose
Struck. Nerve huh. Im not even that guy but I’m gonna nazi tranny post now
>tfw /pol/ gets so triggered by gay hitler jokes that they try to literally bury their head in the sand and press ignore
/pol/ on suicide watch
I just feel bad for him and wanna help him out.
have a "you" faggot NPC
Is it really a jewish conspiracy to tell a joke? I thought you guys were for free speech?
On the bright side, apart from Taika, this movie doesn't have any forced diversity
It's not a failed meme if it triggers you this badly
do you like to listen to shitty opinions?
This fucking pathetic how much they’re crying over a shitty comedy
Jewish conspiracy is why I don't have a girlfriend
>Is it really a jewish conspiracy to tell a joke?
Ask Roseanne
People are gonna complain about this normalising and making light of Nazis. It's weird that any Nazis would be upset by a film/series like this being made, because mocking something eases it into the public consciousness by making it seem approachable and non-threatening. That dumb fucking Extra Credits video was about JUST this subject, basically. It doesn't matter how many "oh yeah but they were evil" messages you tack onto something, if people associate an ideology with laughter and feeling nice they grow more fond of it, even if they mock it.
>Three (you)'s in under three minutes
yeah, I'm the one seething here
The nice FBI agents and Jewish gentlemen on /pol/ are hardly teenagers
Or white.
You don't need to have a hitler satire when he was this ridiculous IRL
Water turning the frogs gay.
sorry make that 4 (you)s
>people mocking me means I win
Lmao okay
Why is Hitler so fucking hilarious lads? The comedic potential is endless
Most of the comments are "pol btfo!!!!"
it looks ok
>Goebbel's face
he was a high-functioning autist
hit the wall
Hello fellow based anons, I am a 31 year old kissless virgin with a BMI over 32. I like you am very offended over the depiction of Adolf Hitler in this film. We need to boycott and demand this problematic material be taken down
Pic related is me and the boys confronting (((them))) just the other day
this looks pretty meh, also
>all euros are English
god damn, Enemy at the Gates was bad enough I wish it would stop
looking pretty cute here
I would have enjoyed this movie if it was made in any period other than now
>mocking people means I win but if they mock me then that means they're triggered
lmao okay
>implying the FBI and Mossad gives 2 shits about 60% spic obese incels fapping to anime all day
I know it's sped up but he is fuckin tweaking
He was probably tweaking on meth
You're not mocking anyone you're just grumbling about how problematic tranny nazi memes are
A joke about Hitler? Literally genocide. White genocide in fact.
We must not stand for this. I'm doing my part, are you?
So which type are the ones crying ITT?
hitler? more like shitler
funny how you only need one merchant picture though
this is the angriest i've seen some jews since the deli across the street raised their prices by 2%
Stalin was just as bad
I'm mocking you and your failure to garner any you's for the 100th time. Then you go on to same fag throughout the thread. It's really sad.
this but unironically. He had severe issues controlling his bowels, particularly when stressed
He pooped all over OKW HQ when he heard about the encirclement at Stalingrad according to Heinz Guderain
>ww2 satire
>everyone is speaking english
look at that nose on francis
Yeah and you know why? Because Germany lost lmaoooooooo
>posting memes makes you jewish
calm down sweetie
"In Too Deep" only I leave the house.
>blah blah blah here's why you're problematic
protip: If you spend a whole thread trying to talk about why a joke is offensive to you and why you're not offended, you're probably just triggered
nazi tranny memes are gr8 man. Learn to not get so worked up over some jokes.
t. herschel bagelberger
jews still so butthurt about the holocaust they have to mock Adolf 70 years later lol
But it's not offensive. It's just dumb like Son of the Mask tier humor.
what are "the jews" even angry about? You're the ones crying over a comedy trailer and people ITT just seem to be posting some memes about germans being fags
Not mockery, just basic facts
>tfw /pol/ creaturas can only ineffectually scream that everything and everyone is jewish
Was Hitler a homosexual or even transexual? Most evidence seems to point to "yes".
Thoughts? How do you think this influenced his behavior in the Second World War?
Hollywood is obsessed with Le evil nazis. Why you guys still care
fun to mock and watch the fattys who sit alone at lunch scream
desu historically you have been so ass hurt about being named that you have constantly lobbied for laws against it. it's like water on a gremlin. it's the only thing that seems to work
Do you really think calling everyone jewish will make the memes go away?
>jew jew jew jew
how much do you think about jews every minute? Normal people don't get this obsessed man
>tfw you tell a joke and get called a mossad agent
I'm just posting memes user like you. You're not triggered are you?
water on the gremlin just makes the situation worse you dumb incel. Christ at least get your schizoid references right.
that's not a meme it's just a video. I don;t think you know what a meme is. sad!
t. donnie "the nose" winelevin-shekelstein
>This thread
holy shit when did /pol/fags become so thin skinned. Literally get worked up over "ur gay" now.
the point stands. stay fat.
>suggest you get less obsessed about Jews
>keep screeching about Jews more
what was the point? Your reference didn't make sense in context
If you had sex you’d be less angsty about Jews. Just sayin.
it's p amazing isn't it. They consider themselves le ebin trolls but can't take a gay joke
I have a very special announcement to make.
tranny nazis
thread should legitimately be banned in germany for depicting utter and irreconcilable assblasting of g*d's chosen
Really strange how every 5-10 years another demasculinizing "fact" about Uncle Adolf seems to surface.
Like, 20 years ago he had a mangled penis from a WW1 wound. But somehow he's a massive tranny faggot in the current year. Very odd.
>angry tranny noises
idk man the evidence seems pretty compelling. Do you have anything to rebuke it besides passive aggressive sarcasm and calling everyone jewish?
Lmao you’re sure showing them man. Maybe you’ll call them Jewish again, that’s a good trick
t. Howard Bloomenbaum
So no then. You have literally no counter argument for the facts
Not a rebuttal, tranny
Never knew Hitler/most krauts were fags until this thread. Thanks based user, I'll spread the word
The [religious group] is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a [religious group] and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out."
I don’t think anyone cares much itt when you call something Jewish for the 9,000th tome m8
fun fact: the original quote was about Incels.
Lol nice
I mean im white but im not liberal and i want to see this. If you cant laugh at shit like this then you are probably erring on the edge of being a legit nazi lmao. Hitler looks like a lovable goof in this trailer, how does that benefit the american political left in any way?
Objective observer here, from what I've seen in this thread:
>nazi tranny posters: creative, funny memes. Sense of humor and levity
>/pol/ posters: anger, bitterness, stale insults (i.e. jew this, jew that)
pathetic performance by latter
did you get triggered over transphobia sweetie?
>goy here
stop samefagging you dumb tranny
Stop responding to it you fucking idiots.
Cope tranny
I had to google that, yeah I'm a goy (non-jew). What's your point?
No, he’s fun to bully.
Horseshoe theory proven real ITT
You're late. Were you dilating?
I'm having a lot of fun playing around with the angry wehrboos here. Why should I?
>no u
Weak and mehpilled
Post body
Different guy but usually when I watch TV, read the news, listen to the sports radio station here (has to be almost totally Jewish)/npr, read the company intranet news page, Jews pop into my head. I wonder why that is, faggot?
oh wow nice way to shoe horn your muh palestinian taking point there must be they high vewbal iq at work
>I'm not a tranny shill I swear!
The same user spams every thread whenever nazis get mentioned. Weird
When are we gonna get a kino aboriginal director?
This looks pretty funny.
I'll enjoy watching this.
probably from lack of sex and eating too much food
>getting offended by a palestine joke
way to out yourself as a muslim
Huh? I just saw it another thread and found it funny. Don’t get so worked up tranny
he's not wrong, /pol/ types and SJWs both get pissy over it. You're just proving it right desu
>one of the most evil men in history
and we live in a free world ruled by wonder democratically elected leaders, right?
go back
at least (most) of them aren't gay like hitler was
putin def strikes me as a feminine guy tho
these are some neutered ass jokes
>be lefty
>love and support gays
>make fun of gays
huh? okay
slice your nipples off, freak
Only good reason not to see it in this thread
The most evil man in history is Obama.
Nobody said they were a leftist ITT man
How many world wars that resulted in millions of European deaths did Jesus start?
>Toronto international festival
closed it right then senpai
>all these lefties ITT trying to meme
I'm not a lefty I don't like fags, hence why I'm anti-hitler
Interesting that Scar-jo doesn't seem to have a problem with doing movies with heavy Nazi references. Maybe she's trying to tell us something!!!FACT!!!
>putin def strikes me as a feminine guy tho
He's a little twink that gets a lot of plastic surgery they're always fags
It unironically looks good so of course Yea Forums-/pol/ will hate it. Especially because it makes fun of Hitler.
I feel like you'd be the types of faggots mad at Mel Brooks for making The Producers if you were around then, too.
this actually looks like total dog shit
The results of the amerimutt education system, folks.
Because you're obsessed with Jews?
"normal people" aka shit-for-brains NPCs?
"normal people" should be rounded up and gassed, you included, retarded faggot.
I know it's bait but you're gay never the less
Do you wear a trilby and go on MGTOW subreddits user?
>I'm a free thinker! its everyone else who's wrong!
>"normal people" should be rounded up and gassed, you included, retarded faggot.
Nazis are heroes.
Facts that everyone knows.
>the way the kid looks up from his leg as if saying to the director "did i do good"
Are you even real humans?
"le reddit" response.
This is what I mean by "you should be rounded up and gassed", and for what it's worth Hitler was a controlled opposition faggot, but that doesn't change the fact that kikes are and have always been the greatest threat to humanity.
>literally kill your own people and destroy your country in less than 4 years
here for schizoid faggots like you
>all these replies
nice bait user
Waititi is jewish.
Yes, every red blooded American tucks himself in at night to their swastika bedspread after saluting their photograph of adolf. Can we stop playing this game? It's getting repetitive.
modern jews don't worship God, they worship the holocaust
For drooling kikes like you, shlomo.
The night of long knives is coming, you're right to be scared.
Stop seething.
Racists are heroes too.
The most offensive thing about this trailer is that they just had to point out that it's satirical. Who the fuck is this made for?
woah, ebin.
Swamp ass
how in the shit am I "seething" for pointing out that Nazis were retarded and destroyed their own country?
>I had to google that
No, they're honestly just better people than you.
Which is why nazis and racists are heroes.
People look up to them, they inspire, they think nothing of you.
>fellow white people
Why are they so fucking obvious?
Literally every single time.
based. struck a nerve on these tranny lovers
Imagine being a pathetic Naziboo who "looks up" to a death cult that was directly responsible for nearly catapulting the entire German people back a thousand years...
wewest of lads, you retard.
>Paul Bedard
Lmao, you are desperate.
>nearly catapulting the entire German people back a thousand years...
This is what amerimutts unironically believe.
Listen, they make the world a better place.
You do not.
Nazis are heroes.
Racists are heroes.
Everyone cheers on a truly good dark horse, these just happen to be white stallions.
Search your feelings and accept it, I know you already do.
It's not the jews fault you have no friends m8
how accepting of the LGBTQ community you are
not everyone thinks about jew stuff 24/7 man. I lost my virginity at 16.
See you're already one of them.
They were pioneers in everyway.
>murder millions of your own Germans
>start a war with almost every developed nation on earth
>get cucked three ways to Sunday and don't even get your own capital
>get fucked by Americans and Russians for decades
>entire economy is built off of the Allies who conquered you
>tribunals go on for years, hundreds of Nazis and Nazi sympathizers are hung
>almost every trace of your ideology is destroyed
lol yeah, things were great for Germany you stupid retard.
Why are the jews so perpetually butthurt?
Imagine unironically posting some faggot shit like this. Please, do the world a favor and hang yourself. Inb4 "have sex" "dilate" "go outside", or whatever thoughtless diarrhea you're regurgitating as ad hominem today. Creatures like this are truly not even human.
>faggy nu male music.
Also: hitler did nothing wrong
geez calm down man it's just bantz
go back to rebbit with this dumb entry level bait.
Because they are the synagogue of satan and their entire purpose is to destroy.
how does this disprove his evidence and studies?
I know that, I was asking them.
aren't you the one calling everyone Jews and NPCs? Those are ad hominems too, bud.
why are you so triggered by historical photographs?
put me in the screencap loloolol
god hates fags
You are the false group the bible warns about in revelations. Fake jews.
Holy shit I agree with everyone that Nazis are heroes.
you need to have sex & dilate
Hi Paul!
yes let's talk about God
heroes of LGBTQAAIAP+ rights
TL;DR. Don't care about your tranny stuff, god hates fags
>Christians were antisemitic against Jews
woah, you really blew the lid off of this story! Next you are going to tell me they hate gays too!
The Producers is great. Drags a bit at the end, but still good.
To everyone.
So yes, just keep saying it, that they're heroes.
They are heroic.
>brings up God
>nooooo stop talking about thaaaat
not an argument, tranny lover
Classic kike distraction tactics.
No one gives a fuck if Hitler was the flamingest faggot to ever suck dick, you still need to be exterminated like the plague of rats you truly are.
this is how my dad looks during movies when hes coming down from meth,
idk as a straight man I don't really see them as heoric. If you were trans like them tho I can see why you'd look up to them
Christians are okay with Jews, not the false group who cause strife in the world today.
lmao calm down sweetie not the jews fault you'll never be a woman
If you false jews do not turn from your path you will suffer God's wrath.
The evil you intend to do to others will turn against you.
>bump limit
well its been fun /pol/ trannies. I think we'll go nazi tranny post on /pol/ now
1st for Nazis are heroes.
You kikes never even learn or evolve, do you? You talk like a middle school faggot trying to get a rise out of a substitute teacher.
You need to get better at trolling. Shits fucking embarrassing when you just regurgitate the same stale buzzwords and memes they showed you in your jidf introduction class.
gay heroes
did they also tell you being trans was okay in this class.
Did they tell you that you are damned and going against God in jidf class little jew?
lol, the very definition of obsessed.
You make it obvious.
Save yourself and turn back towards the light.
holy fuckin based
Ahhh, the might of millennial idealists.
another day another pack of /pol/trannies BTFO'd. based
Ey ton'...
You guys think Waititi is a fan of wes anderson ?
>come to this thread expecting dank memes
>it's just one obsessive underage b& trying to force the meme that he btfo'd pol
>meanwhile based taiki is normalizing nazis by making a Jojo movie about a kid with a motivational Hitler stand
>starring a white woman who told butthurt lefties crying about racewashing to go get fucked
This amuses me.