Find a flaw. Find a fucking flaw.
Find a flaw. Find a fucking flaw
Kino is never boring you mouth-breathing retard
exactly ;)
Well Brazil is boring as fuck, so that must mean...
It's too good and makes every other movie suck by comparison.
desu its kind of gay
Douge loves it
the american ending
why did he name the film after the country?
They switched back to metric without telling anyone.
Seriously why is it called Brazil
>Find a flaw
It sucks and it's insanely overrated.
makes me remember that i have no gf and im so lonely:( fuck you op my life is its flaw
It’s weird
it wasnt longer
The movie is called "Brazil" mostly because the song fits the movie. It has its ups, downs, sideways moments, and anything of the sort. The song is romantic, frightening, joyful, dreamy, and once again, other feelings that are up for interpretation. Sam's emotions are on a roller-coaster; one minute he's after the woman in his dreams, Jill, and the next he's making sure his mother doesn't interfere with his job or life. This song just sums up the craziness that is Sam, his life, and his moments throughout the film. It is for that reason the kino is named "Brazil".
retard detected
i picked this for family kino night and now they all hate me
it's shit
I love it but no one will watch it with me.. despite my pleading!
it's more litty seeing it the second time and knowing what the ever fuck is going on
do not, I repeat, do NOT watch this movie while tripping on acid
>the song is frightening
i rescind this statement, DO watch this movie while on acid.
The background music theme is a cover of a brazilian-portuguese song called "Aguarela do Brasil".
For me, it's Zero Theorem
I always figured more that the song, particularly the cover used, was this perfect mixture of legitimate yearning and absolute, soul-sucking elevator music-tier schlock, and that as such it was the perfect summation of Sam's daydreaming and utterly futile longing for something better amidst the unrelenting mediocrity of "modern" life.
This movie proved that Terry Gilliam's power level is off the charts in a way that was rivalled only by Kubrick. Brazil is such a relentlessly misanthropic movie that it makes A Clockwork Orange look like a Steven Spielberg film
no flaw.
too fucking gay
It's directed by Terry Gilliam
Americans didn't realize it was a cautionary tale about socialism because nobody in their right mind considered socialism viable. Americans also didn't know what the U.K. was like before Thatcher.
>This movie proved that Terry Gilliam's power level is off the charts in a way that was rivalled only by Kubrick. Brazil is such a relentlessly misanthropic movie that it makes A Clockwork Orange look like a Steven Spielberg film
Gilliam used the song because he saw a mysterious guy in a fedora listening to it on the beach and decided to make a movie around it.
Honestly? I can't.
She had her ears pinned back.
*tips fedora
*suicide bombs
It's old.
song too catchy.
too long
too many different versions. Took too long to have the version the director actually wanted to be released. I was surprised at how much was taken out or changed. I didn't know until I was reading trivia shit. I had to track down the more complete version.
I forgot how good of a pleb filter Brazil is. Cliche but effective.
brazil and zero theorem are the same film.
>too many different versions. Took too long to have the version the director actually wanted to be released. I was surprised at how much was taken out or changed. I didn't know until I was reading trivia shit. I had to track down the more complete version.
There's only two versions. One with a gloomy ending and one with a happy ending.
not only that, but a few scenes are missing. Like the part where he goes to see his mother at the restaurant. The version I saw didn't show his present being torn open, but I swear another version showed it.
so which fucking version do i watch
The director's cut. The weird alternate studio cut has basically been shunned by anyone with half a brain because of how retarded they made it.
they probably only did that after the title though; it's not like that marry song particularly fits the movie
No, read how the film got named. Gilliam heard the song play at the beach and named the film after it.
The myth behind the name of the movie relates to Terry Gilliam being at a beach in the U.K. one day. Apparently, the weather wasn't particularly great, but a man was sitting on the beach alone listening to the famous song (on a stereo) that we hear in the movie. Gilliam was fascinated by the man sitting there, despite all the "adversity", and this became the theme and name for this movie.
There isn’t one. Favorite movie when I was 16, and it’s become closer and closer to reality every year since it came out. Fuck this world.
Not quite, he was visiting a devastated mining town in Wales that had already gone through waiting for industry to revive, and the holdouts had gone broke, the shops were all closed and the neighborhoods nearly completely emptied, and after wandering around in the ghost town, made his way to the beach, and there on the black stones staring out at the sea was one last miner, so he went up to him and started asking him about his story, but the miner was no responsive and couldn’t stop staring out at the sea. Gilliam realized he was completely just mentally fried, and asked him his name, and the guy said nothing, and so he asked him, “do you know where you are?” And the guy got a big smile and said “Brazil.”. That guy was so completely fucked all he had left was to escape to a faraway place in his mind. And that was when he figured out what his next movie was going to be about.