Seriously - how does CNN stay in business? Could their top story be any more pathetic?
(Tranny jannies plz don’t delet this thread because cable news is Yea Forums related thx)
What began the decline of cable news?
They prey on the gullible and stupid, just like Romcoms in the erly 2000s.
>that connection
Do you like in Wyoming or something?
They keep saying he lies so much but never actually say what the lies are.
>it's over!
>jannies plz don’t delet this thread
The jannies fucking suck dick. Blatantly off topic threads are left up while my rock lee thread is deleted when Naruto was literally a TV show. Fuck this board.
>Seriously - how does CNN stay in business?
I know this is gonna trigger some delicate sensibilities, but it's literally der erwige boomer. Boomers and some "I got old"-tier-Gen-X'ers operate on this naive assumption that "well if its on the TV its gotta be true!"
Trump fags can't keep their circle jerk in /pol/. I didn't even vote for any of the fags in 2016 because politics are shit
This board is for kino movies and shows. Not your reality TV show
>What began the decline of cable news?
9-11-2001 , after that cable news started to decline and by the 2003 iraq war they were nothing more than globalist propaganda channels.
Open borders and socialism good!
That is the headline, which gives you a quick summary to get your attention, as there isn't enough space to list all the details. You have to click on the article and scroll down to see what the entire story is. Hope this helps.
Taxing the poor to give tax breaks to the rich is socialism republicans endorse.
No thanks confederate commies, go back to russia.
>how does CNN stay in business?
It's propaganda now. Making money doesn't matter to them.
Even leftists have to admit it's ironic that CNN is talking about "false claims"
>Donny lies every time he opens his pie hole
>news agencies and journalists of any and all kinds point out Donny lies every time he opens his pie hole
>Donny says he doesn't lie, never said
>news agencies and journalists show him video of him lying
>Donny just laughs
>everyone hates on the news agencies and the journalists reporting on the fact that Donny lies every time he opens his pie hole
Yep, fucking stupid people, all of you, every last fucking one.
I remember going on my last two years of high school (2008-2009) and it was usually a pretty neat mix of things going on in the world. Obama/Bush usually made up less than a quarter of the headlines.
Tax cuts for the rich are tax cuts for all.
Literally this.
>Donny just laughs
>totally dumb
It's amazing how many people will bend over backwards defending him when there's so much recorded evidence of him lying
Billions of dollar in ad fraud. Almost all television these days is built on ad fraud.
Literally nothing in the article but out of context snippets and links to other clickbait.
When will the kikes finally be gassed?
And the media keep falling for it.
Pretty much.
same reason Fox News is still in business, gullible people.
How so? Rich people don't put that money back into the economy, they put it in some european bank half the world away or flip stocks that don't help anyone but themselves. Rich people don't give a fuck about everyone they fuck over, especially the republican base that thinks they're getting benefits from being fucked like cheap whores.