

Attached: 1560826944792.jpg (800x800, 333K)

Attached: hey.jpg (887x2048, 371K)

Be yourself. It's that fucking easy.

Attached: 1561592774697.webm (310x360, 2.21M)

That really hit me.

Attached: 47d.jpg (437x431, 23K)

Delet this.

I just got done watching Blade Runner 2049 for the first time about 2 hours ago, Ask Me Anything

Cool, bro.

Attached: 11.jpg (700x700, 77K)

i dont get it


Attached: fixedhey.jpg (887x2048, 419K)


Attached: 1557850759212.png (771x366, 63K)

Attached: 1559643358733.png (1000x566, 253K)

what none of you faggots realize is that K got over his no gf feels when he found a cause he cared about, his life had more meaning than some dumb bitch AI girlfriend


heh nice

check em

Attached: 1563307746908.jpg (432x494, 30K)

>people relate now to a robot pretending to be human

Attached: Dayne.png (247x251, 78K)

Attached: 1563859571785.webm (480x954, 506K)

Impressive. Very nice.

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dubs interlinked


Attached: batman.jpg (600x350, 26K)

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Attached: patrick-bateman1.gif (350x255, 1.78M)

No dubs script? You should look into it.

Attached: checkem.png (1600x679, 1.1M)


Attached: check'd.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Attached: 1397781233384.jpg (300x300, 29K)

he was more human than anyone

Attached: 1547257683887.jpg (409x409, 33K)

I looked for you in the archive...

Attached: 5c8073a97c4eea9c_ned32.jpg (1024x571, 65K)

Attached: 132280092164.jpg (790x764, 84K)

Shhh user... no pain lasts forever

Attached: BR lonely and horny no more.jpg (960x1584, 942K)

Dubs thread

Attached: patrick-bateman5.gif (500x385, 170K)

Attached: 1560050151506.jpg (925x768, 102K)


I bet she has stinky feet :x

Attached: BR stinky feet.jpg (960x1584, 949K)

haha I bet she doesnt wash them how horrible would that be

Attached: 1559656303936.png (720x304, 307K)


Attached: 1563812744283.png (264x258, 56K)

Attached: 1514926880257.webm (1920x796, 1.89M)

If dubs we all get gf's

Attached: patrick-bateman2.jpg (750x1024, 122K)

>no HAMMER TIME after OP's response
You all disappointed me Yea Forums

Attached: 1556184300678.jpg (600x500, 68K)

Jesus y’all are a bunch of pathetic queers

Attached: 48934C5F-E02F-4C64-82E8-CB2BA1D5A1A4.jpg (1280x812, 129K)


Attached: 1515698934049.webm (953x516, 2M)

nigga why you reply to me? dont ever reply to my post ever again

yeah well you are what you eat haha

Whatever you say, bumboy.

Have sex

>doesn't want to sleep with a filthy skinjob
>"you must not like real girls"

And you clearly devour faggots. Now go vent with more Goose screencaps, ya big baby.

>I bet she has stinky feet

Attached: 1561013845438.jpg (970x542, 84K)

>have sex
Have, more than you. Take your anxiety medication.

Attached: nice.jpg (1222x1212, 738K)

Within cells interlinked


Attached: 1295725935534.jpg (675x407, 20K)

*cough* *cough*

with incels interlinked within one thread

>Do you enjoy your work, user?

Attached: Luv_1.jpg (700x714, 190K)

No you haven't lol. You're a beta fag bitch.

The first time I watched 2049 I really thought he was saying "incels".


Attached: smj4jzewnuc21.jpg (1080x1207, 98K)

dubs and a Jannie commits suicide tonight

Attached: 1563580314635.png (824x800, 126K)

> Die in hospital
> End up in hell next to a tranny

That's what you get for liking Marvel


Attached: 1563506870718.png (1524x1200, 1.13M)

Attached: aunty.webm (640x640, 2.48M)

he's dead jim


>good girls go to heaven
>bad girls go everywhere

Attached: 1560826682104.jpg (825x464, 40K)

Attached: aunty2.webm (640x1136, 2.96M)

Attached: waifu.webm (1920x1080, 1.72M)

Doesn't this bitch hit her boyfriends?

Not today, fuckos.

Attached: 1563512137955.jpg (1049x854, 79K)

Based and PATROLpilled.

>Doesn't this bitch hit her boyfriends?
*CHOMPS her boyfriends

Attached: emmarobertschompers.png (624x1984, 1.25M)

Attached: Blade Runner 2049 - Aaaaahhhhhhhh.webm (1920x1080, 1.69M)

He suicided.

Will things ever change?

Attached: 1563073671543.jpg (957x745, 124K)

Attached: E8ABAE8E-3BF4-4373-A0D5-F3A85133E583.jpg (750x466, 150K)


Attached: 1563571508818.jpg (1464x1952, 202K)

why does this post suck so f in much?


Attached: the feels are real.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)


Hammer Time

Would've been funnier if the monitor went flying.

Attached: 1558122623857.jpg (640x640, 46K)

Yes we get it
You're white.
You're male.
You're a virgin
You're "depressed" and think all the media sucks now and can't consume it anymore

We get it? Okay? Now kill yourself.

I'm not gonna scream today.

Please make it real, I can't take it here anymore

Attached: 1558328140711.png (970x542, 257K)

no you need to help us or we will lash out at you


Attached: lappy.webm (1920x1078, 2.92M)

why didnt he just become the police chief's living dildo?


Attached: bouncy.webm (480x480, 1.16M)

These threads are comfy but in a melancholic way. I like them.

He didn't want to do that

It's cathartic. In my lowest moments about 5 years ago I'd go to /r9k/ and it helped me crawl out of suicide and depression, knowing I'm not alone and that my life has many blessings compared to others. It feels good to vent with kindred spirits especially when you have no one to turn to

Attached: tfwnoemiliagf.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

Attached: tongue.webm (754x688, 2.78M)

She looks like the kind of girl I would initially assume is a massive bitch who would never give me the time of day and look down on me, but then I slowly realize she's actually really sweet and interesting and I probably missed out on a chance at human connection by immediately writing her off and avoiding her

Attached: 1537420507094.png (634x487, 346K)

>Bottle feeding your baby
>Not breast feeding

Attached: 1560270716741.jpg (957x621, 90K)

And then she attacks you because she is a massive bitch in the end. I don't know why this waifufag chose this crazy stick figure to obsess over.

your first assumption was right, m8

>stealing our meme.
that's just sad.

Attached: YEEESH.jpg (750x800, 315K)

I would never know because I never took that first step

Attached: Screenshot (428).png (1417x803, 703K)

Attached: giphy (1).gif (391x219, 966K)

Hot, I wish that me.

Attached: married.webm (1920x1080, 2.03M)

Attached: 1556655419595.webm (640x1136, 2.77M)

So I'll always be alone, then? Being devoid of intimacy and affection is somehow good?

Attached: 1562771675867.jpg (900x900, 315K)

Attached: 1557212131399.jpg (1918x2586, 2.08M)

>Being devoid of intimacy and affection is somehow good?
No, bro, it isn't, you will feel dead inside. Evwry human being needs tenderness and intimacy, that is what make us humans.

Attached: gnomegone.webm (780x474, 1.93M)


Is this the EPIC facebook meme general?

Attached: 1550350824852.jpg (959x2772, 245K)


Yet I'm told to trust my immediate reaction and write off women before even speaking to them here and here . So where's the way out of this Hell?

Attached: 1535169606166.png (758x802, 849K)

kill me

Attached: emmarobertsdreamjob.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

I am not saying don't trust all women. The woman whom user is spamming in this thread is a psychobitch.

>You're white.
>You're male.
>You're a virgin
no, fucked a hooker
>You're "depressed" and think all the media sucks now and can't consume it anymore
nah m8, I love consuming media

Pay hookers.


Hookers don't love you back

Attached: 1466740594398.jpg (320x320, 19K)

>The woman whom user is spamming in this thread is a psychobitch.

Attached: emmarobertsangry.gif (500x282, 914K)

They can pretend, user, they can pretend.

whoa. based

Attached: 1561835024566.gif (331x197, 1.91M)

Same. I kind of wish I'd seen it before the memes. Painted that one scene entirely differently.

Attached: dancey.webm (640x640, 1.43M)

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>we will never be normal
why? why live like this? f5ing the catalog all the time to read sneed right and left all the time
why i cant be a normie and be okay with it?

>hitting both my replicantfu and my waifu
>i will never fuck my waifu hologramed over my replicantfu
i'm a special kind of retard

Attached: 48AEFAE2-1DE4-4D14-9B00-3B4676B4AAE8.jpg (428x424, 16K)

Whenever a Yea Forums incel calls you names remember he's probably in a goose thread crying about being unlovable.

K is for Luv only.

Attached: tumblr_pi5k5v1WcB1s3rdxdo2_r1_500.gif (500x208, 2.14M)


Exhibit A

I don't fucking hate you losers because you're virgins, I hate you losers because you're rather spend your time feeling sorry for yourselves and hugboxing than actually fixing your mental illnesses and getting gfs.
And no it's not MUH SOCIETY'S FAULT and MUH ALL WOMEN ARE WHOOREZ. The whole world isn't Tinder you fucking permachildren.

>Whenever a Yea Forums incel calls you names

have sex

Every girl in this movie seemingly wanted K's dick


where is the gf tree

he's 1337erally me

the gf tree is watered with the blood of effort and self-improvement

I've had multiple classmates, coworkers, customers, and random chicks come onto me, and I am not even attractive or in shape. But I would rather shitpost and not play all the video games and movies I bought.

Attached: 1563720904440.gif (680x278, 197K)

Does Yea Forums hate him ?

I liked every single movie he was in and blade Runner 2049 is the last kino

okay then where does the gf come from

Attached: tumblr_n31rb3spAS1tw1vhco1_500.gif (500x280, 913K)

this isn't the incel thread tho

Attached: emmarobertsknives.gif (540x303, 1.32M)

Attached: 1563407070451.webm (600x700, 2.79M)

Based and FUCKSOCIETYpilled.

Attached: source.gif (500x206, 985K)

chad hogs all of the fruit from the gf tree due to his superior stature

Attached: 5401181.jpg (228x202, 13K)

>Does Yea Forums hate him ?
spotted the tourist

Attached: smoldered.gif (245x300, 1.47M)

tfw no gf

Attached: 1561250027705.webm (480x600, 1.71M)

>men need to stop suppressing their emotions
>*vents in goose thread with the bros*
>no not like that u incels
many such cases, the hypocrisy of the roastie is astounding

because he can snap people's necks easily and is attractive

Attached: ValuableConcernedFirefly-size_restricted.gif (268x368, 1.97M)

Attached: _20190517_162907.jpg (1144x770, 122K)

hey does anyone have that webm of miss alice autistically slapping her knees a few times
i'd greatly appreciate if someone could send it. btw never forget that we are all in this together and we can all make it
btw check em

Attached: 1563212609784.jpg (370x370, 42K)

>hey does anyone have that webm of miss alice autistically slapping her knees a few times

Attached: 11bbeffaee1569c14bc70b6e59186c05--emma-roberts-celebrity-women.jpg (236x354, 15K)

The face of madness...

Attached: shell_shocked_soldier_1916_2.jpg (1488x1600, 251K)

here ya go, bud

no need to thank me.

Attached: 1556409488706.webm (640x800, 1.01M)

ok thanks for replying anyways, btw nice pics

Attached: 1563221523131.jpg (1000x1000, 60K)

Attached: bestemmafolder.png (358x478, 12K)

nice dubs but i have this one already, thanks anyways

Attached: 1531192653777.jpg (640x640, 80K)

I’m gonna say it. I think incels are cool. I’m a good looking, successful guy, but I really enjoy incel culture and think that they make valid points. I’d rather spend my time shitposting with weirdoes than compromising what I believe in for the sake of mediocre sex. At this point, I barely have any inclination to talk to people who aren’t mentally ill. I believe that if society hasn’t tried to label you with a mental illness, then you probably aren’t very interesting.


A god amongst men

Yeah, I reckon these posts are based.

I’ll be taking you with me.

>Why yes, I like to post in forums with society's outcasts, how'd you knew?

Attached: 3a9.png (476x476, 149K)

Attached: 1551374227935.jpg (743x1022, 174K)

Hope that’s not her car

>I’m a good looking, successful guy

Attached: 1558998526854.png (499x406, 319K)


now self destruction?..

Attached: 86a04aa4cf8918b6f5e01278070101a6.jpg (450x588, 34K)

This webm literally made me cry lads

Attached: joigf.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Only self improvement you should do is to lose weight if you’re fat. Weightlifting, getting a fruity haircut, designer clothes, cologne, learning “game”, is all just a massive cope. Those who are attractive the way they are don’t have to do any of that shit. You’re working ten times harder for less.

In only 2 year, 2049 is only remembered on this website as that movie where the guy yells about not having sex.
Bravo Villeneuve!

Attached: 1517886474050.jpg (1140x380, 88K)

dont forget *throws chair*

Attached: emmarobertssosorry.gif (499x280, 1.67M)

>2049 is only remembered on this website as that movie where the guy yells about not having sex.
Only for people who didn't watch.

>Putting weightlifting in the same category as a haircut or cologne
Keeping your body strong and fit is leagues above the latest fashion trends or attracting a woman. You should be exercising regardless of whether you're chasing women or not

Attached: 1547454750969.jpg (3000x2000, 824K)


Attached: lifty.webm (640x800, 1009K)

t. gymcel

i havent seen 2049, does goose let out his trademark high pitched girly shriek in the reeee scene?

Who said anything about going to the gym? There are endless opportunities to get in shape, you have absolutely no excuse to a flabby modern mess


Then I guess no one on this board has seen the movie because GODDAMIT is the only thing from the movie that gets posted anymore.

Attached: God dammit4.png (445x125, 52K)

Attached: 1557327655294.gif (250x355, 1.34M)

tell me everyting about bonbi
give me the redpill

i will never be loved by anyone but my mother desu and even then im not sure sometimes

>i will never be loved by anyone but my mother desu and even then im not sure sometimes

Attached: 1557184127463.jpg (2250x2812, 323K)

if dubs we are all good joes


Attached: 107382244.png (254x289, 94K)


Attached: mastered incel instinct.jpg (1419x657, 185K)

It would appear we have a need for sneed.

Attached: 1556608102667.jpg (1138x648, 220K)

who is chuck and who is sneed in here

she definitely needs some cock slapped on them

Absolutely Based

>Yea Forums is a hugbox
we've been over this before

Attached: HJ_QEC-rg.png (999x442, 171K)


Attached: IMG_0931.jpg (2560x1387, 485K)

i see

>The whole world isn't Tinder you fucking permachildren.
what world are you in?

based, I heartedly kek'd

Attached: laffinfrog.jpg (258x245, 12K)

Holy based.

Attached: 1546453677742.jpg (565x458, 58K)

>tranny nanny will actually kill himself


Attached: 1561654591654.webm (480x852, 2.36M)

i need a fucking girlfriend RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Attached: pepeenough.jpg (403x392, 40K)


No when she chose to risk her existence to go with him she showed she had developed humanity. All of them were always more human than society wanted them to know. Wallace's people killed her. So as he is standing there reminded that she is gone he has to ask himself do I just lay down and let them destroy more lives no fuck that.

Attached: 1542169254822.png (960x958, 108K)

This one hurts. This was all I wanted in life

Attached: 154367060053.png (900x600, 770K)

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

You can't fix your height.