ITT: We list good things about the prequels. I'll start with the obvious ones
>the soundtrack
>the sound design
ITT: We list good things about the prequels. I'll start with the obvious ones
>the soundtrack
>the sound design
Other urls found in this thread:
ep1 lightsaber battle
Wat Tambor
>During the final days of the Clone Wars, Wat Tambor and the rest of the Separatist Council relocated from the planet Utapau to Mustafar, where they were slaughtered by Darth Vader. Following his demise, the newly-formed Galactic Empire assumed control of the Techno Union's assets.
How do you think the Galactic Empire invested these assets? Why the fuck isn't this explained in the film?
The scale.
The number of planets, the diversity of aliens, the size of the armies and fleets and the ensuing battles between them. They're the only Star Wars movies that feel like they're depicting a true galaxy-spanning war and not just a flare-up of Space ISIS.
>Some good actors
>No mary sue or gary sue characters
>Decently well constructed plots
All of it, they're all masterpieces
>OT lightsaber battles: happen two to three times in the entire series. Slow, clunky, boring
>PT lightsaber battles: flashy, fluid, acrobatic
that son of a bitch you posted right there, if he didnt play anakin there wouldn't have been so many tasty memes
They're fucking beautiful films.
Nice visuals although the story felt rushed. Really needed two trilogies to tell the complete story of Anakin pre-Vader. The prequels we saw should've started with Anakin as a teen. Anakin as a little kid could've filled a trilogy or even a cartoon. That way George could still cash in on toy sales while also being able to tell a darker more adult oriented tale about all the politics and dark side seduction. All the reasons for major plot points felt like George had to make a last minute decision on them and they turned out stupid. Like Smi having immaculate conception, Anakins seduction to the dark side. Those were completely retarded. He packed too much shit into 3 movies and a cartoon that it left too many loose ends and plot holes.
The 2000s were truly the golden era of midriffs
Constant retconning
That toy is still probably only worth $5 because the market was fucking flooded with SW toys by the time ep 1 released.
The cool fucking vehicles, droids, and clones
A super weapon powered entirely by bass
I bought one power of the force figure I saw, GM Tarkin. I thought it might be valuable one day because he was never made a figure in the 70's/80's. WRONG! He's still only worth about $8. 20 years later. 20 years after ROTJ, some rare Kenner figures were already worth $350- $500.
>Anakins seduction to the dark side.
It really felt extremely rushed
The clone wars cartoon it spawned
Still mad I never got this for Christmas. To be fair it was like 300 dollars or some shit
*Blocks Disney's path*
I blew hundreds of dollars in unopened Star Wars prequel collectables that just sat in storage for years. Eventually gave them away as gifts.
>tfw ywn get that hype back when you first hear the Phantom Menace theme.
They actually gave everyone involved great character development. Objectively, as films, they’re terrible. Bad acting, shit cgi, cringy scenes. But the story is stupendous.
Before them Vader was just the Ben’s evil jedi apprentice who felt kind of bad for being evil. The prequels gave him a legitimate and understandable reason for why he fell, introduced us to a lot of characters like Dooku, Maul and Grievous who are incredible in their own ensuing series and honestly made Vader a lot more tragic and a lot more monstrous at the same time, actually paving the way for him to be an amazing character in his comic series.
The movies are shit, but the characters they craft are quality. Like eating caviar out of a backalley trashcan.
I can't think of a more visually pleasing space battle ever put to film
lego is all stupidly overpriced
All the shades of "next gen" brown. Ahhh, the 00's
I blew 300 bucks on that? Jesus Christ I spent a lot of money on crap.
The Emperor getting more screen time. Especially in Ep. 3.
the prequels built a massive galaxy that disney wars has just pissed away
VFX haven't improved since 1996
t. Rick McCallum
I still have some Hallmark Christmas ornaments in the packaging and the Tarkin figure. That's it. I actually had to tell people don't buy me Star Wars collectible shit on holidays because I'd give it away. I was 23 at that point and Star Wars shit was like the last thing I wanted. I had a feeling there were way too many things on the market and they'd never be worth more than the original price. Looks like I was right.
Jango already had one of those
Jango Fett
When Anakin goes psycho Hayden did a great fucking job with his anger and shouting. Clone wars was shit though.
The soundtrack was 200x better than the sequels, still can't believe john williams was involved
>set design in Ep1 and Ep3, fucking space Venice with an underwater FFX city
>Darth Maul
>Christopher Lee
>Coruscant in ep1 was a bustling metropolis, in Ep3 was a corrupt urban edifice
There are zero redeemable features of ep 2 besides jango casting
Character and alien designs
the vidya, particularly of the late 5th to early 7th gen consoles
Goddamn that shit was sick
Why did the first 3/4th of AotC have to suck so hard?
Diversity is our strength!
underrated game.
not bad as a whole but incredibly overrated
not to mention it ruined clones
He's relentlessly handsome. I want to hug him relentlessly.
>dddeehhhhhhhh there are so many spaceshit!!!! attacking each others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
>There are zero redeemable features of ep 2 besides jango casting
The Clones showing up on Geonosis was kino desu
>t. Lucas
what the fuck
The Hershlag
Production design, from ships and general stuff, was super
I really liked how they tried to tell a chronological evolution in design based on real world history, with more retro looking spaceships in the sequel, based on the 50s streamline era, that eventually evolved into the OT, based around the 70s and more "futuristic" concepts, for that time
Sev ;_;7
why does she have a dildo attached to her belt wtf
It was a deliberate choice to evoke the "more civilized age" vs the cobbled together used universe of the OT
She's a Senator
How is this not kino?
Yoda battles
The clones
The cartoon network show they spawned
Obi Wan
Windu getting fucked
how is it
everything is not kino at default
the burden of kinoproof is on you, what's kino about it?
you're clearly not based enough to see the kino
go cringe somewhere else
>Windu getting fucked
Forgot about that. Him and Sheev at the window was great. Except for Sheev's "NO NO NO NO"
Was Palpatine a mask for a monstrous looking Sith Lord, or was he disfigured by Mace Windu?
pod racing
>Mace Windu
>thrown out of a window
>main character's name is LUKE
Can't believe he doesn't get more shit for this
it is, I'm just being a degenerative faggot
He was masking his true appearance the whole time, up till he shocks himself
different ideas, OT was supposed to mimic classic samurai movies where the fights are emotional and over in a decisive manner
PT is more akin to a swashbuckling movie, where the action is merely meant to move characters from scene to scene for the dialogue
I love Hayden Christensen
ear boner
eye boner
standart boner
>can't articulate himself
He doesn't deserve the hate
i'm baseding pretty hard right now while you stay unbased
cringe and unkino
I thought Grievous was cool
I love him, too.
I relentlessly love him. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
He's a cool guy
Actually had some really great actors...
Natalie Portman
Ewan McGregor
Liam Neeson
Christopher Lee
Ian McDiarmid
Samuel L Jackson
Keira Knightley
Dominic West
>tfw you will never have such beautiful flowing hair as Revenge of the Sith Anakin
the artistry was there, and a lot of the lore could have been put to purpose in a better story. a star wars movie actually needs top tier storytelling above all else and somehow even disney forgot that.
Did somebody already say Ewan McGregor? Ewan McGregor.
How ambitious it was. Lucas may have made a bunch of dumb decisions, but I can't help but respect how many huge risks he took while making these movies.
>Keira Knightley
I had no idea until this very moment that she played Queen Amidala
Um well akshually she played her body double Sabe
man i love her figurines.
all the clothing of the real pipo was spot on.
>ITT: We list good things about the prequels. I'll start with the obvious ones
>>dddeehhhhhhhh there are so many spaceshit!!!! attacking each others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
he prefers the 3 space ship battle scenes in nu wars that his simple mind can track.
I enjoyed this. The CG doesn't hold up but the battle was pretty good.
its the holster for her ELG-3A blaster pistol, brainlet
The Lego sets.
The script
I unironically enjoy this.
Fuck lads the prequel music was so great
SHit I posted the same some by accident
sure a lot of focus on humans still but there were a shit ton of different species which was dope
Droid music
(you) to dab on RLM drones
Someone with actual photoshop skills should make that Jar Jar's hand on Mike's face.
As a little kid in the early 00's all I wanted was to run into battle as a clone trooper with about 1 million other clones at my side. Following behind some Jedi master of course.
Yea Forums really has become reddit
>Yea Forums really has become reddit
same senpai
Also Ben Kenobi (and possibly Vader) are old cripples that barely have a vague memory of their list combat art, and who had no one to train with for decades. In the prequels, they are masters of space martial arts in their prime, at the height of the practice of that martial art.
the memes!!!
Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Why are the sequels so mysterious with revealing shit? Everyone gets hugs intrductions where the prequels just tell a great story and throw characters in without being mysterious or supringing about it.
*huge introductions
gorgeous imagery
>Why are the sequels so mysterious with revealing shit? Everyone gets hugs intrductions where the prequels just tell a great story and throw characters in without being mysterious or supringing about it.
because lucas was an actual world builder and story teller. he created a world, added some characters, and then used them to tell a story, set in that world. whereas nu wars are is 90% about "THE AMAZING NEW CHARACTERS" and how "MUCH COOLER THEY ARE" then the original old racist/sexist/bigotted/heroes journey characters from before. one is a GIRL! one is BALACK! one is MEXICAN! omg REPRESENTATION!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, if Lucas had a few people willing to tweak his script the PT would be so much better. As it stands they're good but flawed. The little errors are so grating.
Why does Disney hate the idea of aliens using the force bros?
I agree. But even the way they reintroduced Han, Leia and Luke.
>Han and Chewie enter the Falcon, long pause
>Camera zooms in on Leias face
>Luke slowly takes off his hood
You never saw this type of shit in the prequels
>You never saw this type of shit in the prequels
because they were shot by hacks mimicking capeshit. the only scenes that come close in the prequels are the villain reveals: darth maul and grevious
Shitskins and trannies want to identify with cool Force users, but they don't want to identify with aliens.
>he prefers the 3 space ship battle scenes in nu wars that his simple mind can track.
Uhhhhhhhh mr plinkett already destroyed all of you guys lmfao prequels are horrible, can't believe Yea Forums sucks this hard at moives
The fuck? I would love to be a twi'lek or a zabrak if it meant I was a force user.
That's what real diversity looks like.
Too bad the force is a racist white woman
>sound design
end this meme
Padme's costumes
Best villain in cinema history
good cast of actors
lightsaber special effects perfected
world building/different setting than the ot
sidious going all out in ep3
varied locations and aliens
clone troopers are cool
cool characters like jango, dooku, maul
there's far more bad but I'd like to stay on topic with the OP because at this point, what more can be said?
>cool characters like Jango, Maul
Wtf are you smoking they say like 3 lines combined
>Dominic West
you must mean temuera morrison. dwest wasn't in starwars, but he and morrison kinda do look similar.
>>No mary sue or gary sue characters
Kid Anakin was a gary stue
Lightsaber duels, Dooku, Obi-wan, Qui-gon, Maul, music, etc
colors are nice but it would be better with practical physical effects. A tangible set will always look better
They had soul. They had a good story and plot. Top notch soundtrack.
You unironically had to have been literal child who watched the Prequels when they came out to have liked them. At least the OT can be enjoyed by adults. The PT is pure trash for the young zoomers
Need I say more.
looking cool is more than sufficient enough to become a cool character and sell shit tons of toys. how many lines did boba have in the OT again? yeah that's what I thought. he became a legend based on looks, and george himself said he never even intended boba to be popular or badass. shut the fuck up retard.
I am gonna be a contrarian, but I'm going to say it: Christensen was very good in his sulky Anakin mode. I certainly understood during those moments what Lucas saw in him.
My nigga Plo Koon and his yellow lightsaber in Jedi Power Battles on PS1
You are totally right. His performance has stood the test of time.
it's really bugging me that I said "sufficient enough" they mean the same fucking thing and either would have worked alone. I'm tired and nitpicking my own posts just kill me senpai.
The Prequels gave us so much great offshoot stuff like Knights of the Old Republic and Battlefront II. There was an entire generation of Star Wars games, comics, and shows that was semi-built by real Star Wars enthusiasts that took Lucas's autism and propelled it into great lore.
the space battles
lightsaber fights.
>the holster also works as a dildo
Based Naboo!
The prequels look much better now since episode 7&8 were total cringe garbage.
Like a 4/10 girl bringing her fat ugly friend so she can look like a 7/10.
>Fight choreography
>Planet concepts and designs
>The only trilogy that really shows the scale of the galaxy
>Most actors are really good (I actually think Hayden Christensen is good too, but his dialogue is shit)
>That Seismic Charge explosion sound
Special Effects in RotS, still hold up
Character creation- maul, grevious, watto
How do they work? You can't produce sound waves in space..
As a general rule, the best and most memorable scenes in the prequel trilogy are the ones that do not feature any dialogue.
Ep I: The podrace, the three way lightsaber duel
Ep II: Chase through the asteroid field, battle of Geonosis, confrontation with Count Dooku at the end
Ep III: Scene with Anakin and Padme in the two buildings, Order 66 montage, duel between Yoda and the Emperor, Vader being put into the suit
The fact that young Anakin was hot af
by young I mean young adult
No need to pretend here m8.
What? Hayden Christiansen is hot.
btw that dog looks half retarded
It will be considered the greatest of the franchise given time.
Everything Naboo. Their design is just so fucking aesthetic.
In hindsight he didn't deserve the hate. Dude got a role of a lifetime but disowned it completely.
The good thing about the prequel trilogy is that all three have one coherent storyline. The execution, well we all know that story, but none of you can refute that the storyline across all three movies made sense with clear character arcs.
Which is worlds better than the sequel trilogy. They could subvert my expectations all day, if they at least had a clear story arc across all three movies instead of making shit up as they go.
When Pendelton Ward created adventure time Finn's original name was Pen. Why do people do this?
And somehow they are more memorable then whatever Disney put out.
Hershlag is without a doubt the best thing about the prequels
Yet you bought the toys and thought they were cool. Thats the difference.
>Republic Commando
>Star Wars: Battlefront & Battlefront II
>That clone tank game
>Rogue Squadron games
I miss couch co-op bros
Name a single fucking planet from the sequels that isn't Jakku.
Meanwhile the prequels had:
Cato Nemodia
Even if you think the prequels are shit, you cannot deny that they aren't memorable, which will prove to be far more important than the exceptional mediocrity of the sequels.
I could describe each planet here and tell you what happens on them in the movies, but I couldn't do the same for any of the non-Jakku planets in the Sequels.
Kinda sad really.
I fucking hate zoomers
feeling's mutual, faggot
Anakin at tatooine was gud
Seeing his mother again, only for her to die was fuckinh great
based and redpilled
dominick west was in episode 1. very minor role as one of the naboo guards.
I'm pretty sure this is the only reason my dad didn't complain when I asked him to take me to this movie 3 times.
it's pretty clear now that everything about that role was completely intentional and skillfully executed but people wanted to identify with the villain and found it disturbing that he was purposefully made so "uncool".
the madman made the centerpiece of his life's work an extended tribute to starship troopers. it will never cease to amaze me.
It's got an objectively more original and better storyline than the original trilogy and the nu trilogy. Even if the execution is not as good as OT
Also sorta-kinda coding the republic as fascist/fighting against aliens helps put dog whistle into our minds. It’s no coincidence we view the trade feds as victims
Lucas got a lot of shit because he made the good guys have shitty morals, acting like high and mighty judge dredds
The reason why the OT toys were worth a lot was because hardly any of them were ever made. For the prequels, a fuckton were made in reaction to this, and yet collectors thought they could make tons of money from buying tens of these items despite the fact that there were millions of them.
It would be like going to IKEA and buying 20 flatpack tables and thinking that one day there wont be as many and people will want them for more than you paid.
Takodonga and the salt planet
Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor were great
Such a based film for adults
The appearance of Maul through the hanger door was cool as fuck, in his black robes and looking down as the first orchestral bars of Duel of the fates play, then Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon square up against him and they all shed their outer robes.
Fuck, that is just such a cool fight from start to finish.
The Jar Jar fart scene was absolute brapkino
Reminder its canon that Dooku had a hot piece of ass running around killing people on his orders