Kinos about shaming fatties?
Kinos about shaming fatties?
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lol based
>free stuff
>getting mad about free food
You know only skinny white bitches complained about this.
Fat people should be hung, they're abominatios.
Being a pro-obesity propagandist might be one of the most evil things you can do
as a fat fuck, this is hilarious
fucking obese people are the bane of society
honestly, if you want to cause the most amount of suffering for minorities and "marginalized" groups you should vote democrat. every single one of their policies backfires hilariously
Yeah dude, amnesty and welfare really fucked up those democrats lmao
As a fat guy, why the fuck would this make anyone mad
My sister is a fat fuck and she would be happy as a pig in shit to get a free snack bar like this.
As a fatty I find this hilarious, some fat people just are too sensitive about shit. Free food is free food damnit.
they're big guys
Worship of the broken
Whats with the thin skinned fatties everywhere, youd think they would spring a literal leak
>implying rope could hold their extra heavy corpses
They should actually be stabbed and let all their fat drain down, to later be used to make free soap to be shipped to Africa as humanitarian aid.
I once went in to Forever 21 expecting a high end fashion store, or at least mostly close outs from high end fashion lines.
The clothes in most cases were shitier than what you could get at Old Navy.
Everything was synthetic crap.
I’m still flummoxed by how this store got the “high end” reputation it has.
How did you ever get that impression?
Are you a retard? No one has ever called Forever 21 high end.
How do you even get fat? I never exercise and don't care about what I consume (I eat half a bag of chips almost every day), yet I'm still borderline underweight.
*drinks three bottles of soda*
*ravages a real life sized actual plastic bucket of fried chicken* AND THEIR DISGUSTING
*swallows half a big mac in one bite*
*breaks 10 eggs and half a kilo of pork for breakfast*
*trows the used oil in a cup and drinks it*
*the only vegetable it eats is potato, fried, and never less than a full kilo*
*licks the grease between it's fat fingers*
This 100000%
>t. Former huge fattie and now so fat
how old are you?
Wait until you turn 20
by consuming more calories than you expend.
How old are you?
STFU about Amerifat politics for one second of your pathetic life
You have a fast metabolism.
Lacking self awareness COMPLETELY. When I look at the mirror and go like "yeah, my belly is getting kinda floppy" I change my diet a little and go for a jog for a few days until I go back to normal. But they, they are either blind, or can't correlate their actions to their appearance, or are actually retarded, because there's just no way you somebody won't see itself getting ugly and not do anything about it.
Also, even their behaviour is cringeworthy. I don't know if the fat affects your brain and makes you retarded, or you get fat because you are already retarded, but I have never seen a non cringeworthy fat """person""".
t. 20 and skinny fat
Your age, what is it?
>thinking your vote actually matters
thats gonna be a cringe for me dawg
I'm 25, and there was indeed a change on my metabolism. Suddenly I started getting fat because the amount I ate was more than I needed. I think that was around 21.
When that happened... I just changed my diet and started eating less. Is that so fucking hard? Maybe, if you are a subhuman who works purely on dopamine, but for me it was not such a hassle.
Dunno. I do the same and I just turned 30. I'm 118lbs still.
They do make some of the cheapest shit. It's better to just shop at a second-hand store if you want some good quality clothes.
Fat people don't vet angry when you give them feeds.
Best part? They were in all the orders, even XS clothes. They got upset because of they were projecting
so there's no proof then. it's just another click bait story.
>clearly XD
Do you have the copypasta of George R.R. Martin that is similar to that?
I live in Philly.
When Forever 21 first opened in the Old Strawbridges flagship store building, it was touted as some high end fashion clothing store on a local forum,
by people in the retail industry whi seem to keep track of information on Malls, and retail stores, etc.
i thought from what they said that Forever 21 would have clothing equivalent to Daffy’s, or the Neiman Marcus outlet, or Off 5th( the Saks Fifth Avenue Outlet),
F21 was just complete shit compared to the others.
Eating less is hard for me, I'm just ravenous throughout the day when I try it. Eating healthier stuff in large quantities did the trick for me.
I'm 20, should I start to worry?
i meant not so fat but still too much I’m working on it ;_; I’m 230~ but I was 310+ in high school
The fatties on this board are fucking so far in denial
>m-muh metabolism...
>wait till you grow up!! it'll slow down!!
Metabolism only accounts for a MAXIMUM of 500 calories.
Stop fucking eating so much you fat fucks, stop using the fact you're 25 or whatever the fuck and your "metabolism has slowed down" as an excuse for stuffing your face 3000+ calories of food every fucking day.
You must be a manlet
It is not like one day you will wake up unable to see your dick. You will notice yourself getting weight, and when that happens you work on it.
Unlike a fat """person""", you have self awareness.
Guess so. Better than being fat.
For you.
How dare you accuse me of being fat? I'd slap you in the crotch if I could.
keep it up bro, it's hard work but it's worth it
Imagine lashing out over solid advice to avoid being fat
>t. retard
Why would you give a fuck about the harm these disgusting, greasy subhumans with no self control are doing to themselves?
looks yummy.
I'm not the same person """getting advice""" from a bunch of fatties blaming their """""""metabolism"""""" on being fat
yeah okay buddy, let me guess, it's a glandular problem too.
So either you're a retard that is using your "slow metabolism" as an excuse for stuffing your fat face or you're a genetic dead end.
Probably both
I'm 20 and still don't gain weight but that's because I'm a lanklet. Eternally stuck at like 215-225lb now. Feels good man
Quick, someone call The Architect!
Baste anime fag bringing the heat to them fatties
I was you except because I was an autist that never left the house so I didn't really make much note of weight fat until 23. Then I lost the weight.
ummm wait till you turn 25 buddy. your metabolism is gonna TANK bro
are you 6'9"?
I'm 6ft, 195lbs and wouldn't even consider myself "thin" despite being fit for my age
so ungrateful. those bars are expensive.
desu if you lift and do cardio your body remains a well-oiled machine forever. lift and do cardio.
When that happens, EAT LESS. CHANGE YOUR DIET. THIS IS NOT HARD, FAGGOT. If you can't do it, is because you are a dopamine addicted fool, unable to control yourself, but unlike other sick people like porn addicts and drug users, your mental illness shows in your body from a mile away.
t. user almost reaching 26. Metabolism does change, but when it happens you just adapt to eat by eating less.
Forever 21 has always just been a basic ass mall store. Probably on the same level as Walmart.
stfu uncle tom fatties, they should include a full meal not some diet bar
>body requires more food because its growing
>body stops growing
>fat fuck wants to eat MORE food because he has a chimp brain
>mmm yummy salty carb give big dopamine boost
Even funnier that you can eat all the celery you want until you can't fit any more in your stomach and you'll lose weight, but these fat fucks just can't put down the cookies for a few months to add 10 years onto their lifespan.
This. And remember that after a certain age threshold, I would say your 50's, there's no turning back if you get fat. You will be sick until you die.
To be a health old person, you need to take care of yourself now, and don't stop ever.
>posting on Yea Forums doesn’t do exactly the same thing
The obesity epidemic should be put on shitty parents. They either let their kids eat whatever and ignore them or instill in them a very bad diet and awful eating habits young which are hard to kick.
user, I....
At least social media addiction doesn't make you hideous looking, or actively ruins your health. Not saying it is good, but is sure as hell not as bad as being a fatso, few things are.
Imagine if your whole visage warned people you are lazy and lack self control. That's what being fat is.
try 10000 pussy boy ill crush your skull and eat your whole fucking pantry
>fat bitch goes on Twitter and starts this whole thing
>she’s been lying like crazy
>journalists instead of fact checking jump on it wanting to use her claim
Idiots fall for this artificial outrage all the time. Even if Forever 21 did do that good for them.
I'm 6'6" and work out so for me it is a good range. But in the future, i might get fat, I guess time will tell.
If a parent of mine gets fucking fat, I will move to the top of a mountain with the only access to it being kilometers of stairs, and I will feed that person with vegetables only. Want to eat crap? Go down and back up the mountain to buy it by yourself, hippo.
This is a thing I have already said to all my parents, and every girl I dated with. If people think I will become that dude who works overtime to pay the potato chips of his hambeast of a wife... Man, they are down for some chinese kung-fu movie lifestyle, 5 thousand stairs to get a burger.
this shit seems like a chance to use outrage to sell some shit
nice reference
nice dude.
raspberries and sweet potato chips
3 shrimp tacos and some corn chips
I felt satisfied all day. If I didn't drink alcohol like a degenerate I'd be in peak physical condition. It amazes me how people can be obese
It's called fast fashion. Mass produced clothing with styles ripped off from real fashion houses. Zara, H&M are like this too. Better buy from Uniqlo at that price point.
any real answer to OP's question?
i wanna know
I eat and sit and get winded walking to the car, bitch. That's how.
lmao same 110lb massterrace here
I'm 29 and and still otter mode.
But my hairline is btfo.
Least I'm 6'3" bruhs
>my shipment of anime figures arrives
>open the package
>there's a bottle of chloroform and a box of condoms in there
What are they trying to say here?
Rate stores please
For me its banana republic , at least their jeans
Knockout your dick and suffocate yourself with the condom.
The fuck dude.
You don’t use hemp rope, you use chains and a steam shovel the way they used to hang elephants.
I’ve just been buying pants from Carhartt, and shirts from Target.
The pants from Target might be OK, but I’m tough on pants so $50 for a pair of pants meant for heavy use seemed reasonable.
I actually find the T-shirts from Target comfortable, and reasonavle in price for the quality.
I don’t really dress up so can’t help you there.
I unironically just wear milsurp service uniforms these days. Cheap, durable, usually 100% cotton and they look pretty snappy. Just make sure you don't wear a color matched outfit like pic related or you might get a funny nickname like "Chairman Mao" like I did at a previous workplace.
Sounds like a waste. Feed them to lions or something. Now that I think about it, would eating a fatty make a lion sick because of all the vile shit they've put in their bodies?
Very fake and very gay
>turned 25, 5'7"
>joining navy have until august 12 to get fit
>used to do boxing and later mma from age 15 to 20
> was 220 1 and a half month ago
>am now 191.2 and going down jogging everyday with 6 lifting workouts every tuesday , thursday and saturday. Cardio and calisthenics inbetween
Maybe because I was conditioned early in life but I eat around 1200 to 1500 calories a day when I want to lose weight and 1800 to 2000 when I want to maintain my weight with light exercises mixed it
I used to weigh 260 pounds when I was 15 and weighed 170 at my "peak" at age 19
It really isn't that hard
looks like a janitor work costume
That's actually a cool nickname. Any dictator based nickname is cool.
260lbs at 15? What the fuck were you eating? A whole pizza a day?
Yeah like I said you really should mix&match different colors and maybe wear jeans and other "normal" clothes as well unless you want your outfits to look like a uniform.
forever 21 has fat mannequins in the display window. they're sending mixed signals
Why would they do that in Forever 21 of all places? I've walked past one in the mall, and I see nothing but liberal freaks hovering around the store. They would obviously get triggered by it. Whoever made the decision should be fired for such retardation.
i hope the diet bars were included in the price of the orders. i suppose slimfast is too 1998.
It helps me sleep at night to know that every day some fat roastie goes all the way to Florida or California just to have her dreams crushed by some pimple faced park worker.
I sat home and played video games all day for years.
I didn't care about getting fit or losing weight in general until family issues came up
Now I sit home , play games and work out
>went from 220 to 190
You are clinically obese at 190. At 170 lbs were still firmly overweight. Maybe you don’t know much actually know about weight loss dummy.
That is still pretty fucking heavy at 15, especially for a manlet.
Fat shaming doesn't help anything.
t. formerly obese
and yet OP was a big (fatfuck) enough faggot to click on it
I understand where you are getting at but a strict diet and lifting heavy for 4 years will put some gains on you.
Are you a bona fide teenage metabolism denier?
Unless you live in sub-Saharan Africa, more unhealthy people cost more in services which means more in taxes and hospital costs for you. Assuming you aren’t a NEET, which considering the stupid anime jpg was probably an incorrect assumption, obese poor people drive up your bills at the ER
>Diet Bars
If you're not in ketosis those are literally the worst fucking things you can eat.
Lmao this nigga look like the TSA
You know muscle weighs more than fat, right?
They give free food? There's hungry people who'd adore that.
What should've happened is their order being cancelled along with an email linking them to take their fatfuck business to torrid.
Stop shopping at human sized clothing stores you goddamn oink tanks.
Is intermittent fasting a meme or is it actually effective?
so you lost 30 lbs of muscles in 1.5 months?
Effective but you cant do it then eat enough calories to undo it. Just count your calories, make sure youre in a deficit and watch your macros before you start doing fasting.
Back in my day we called that saving money not "intermittent fasting" or whatever queer shit you call it.
This is fat kino
by far the easiest way to lose weight
but even easier if you just eat one meal / day, same time every day
>It amazes me how people can be obese
Some people want more than their body can handle
Redpill me on beans and rice.
calorie-dense food for third-worlders, no reason to eat them unless you're poor
You almost certanly vastly overestimate your daily calorie intake. Every fucking retard who told me "I EAT WHAT I WANT AND I'M NOT GETTING FAT HURR" actually ate fucking nothing. Eating a pizza a day or bag of chips is not "eating much". Eating 2 pizzas, 2 bags of chips and 5-6 Snickers is much.
It's effective but it isn't for everyone. If you are highly active, that shit is detrimental.
Did this for a long time. It's absolutely brutal how fast you lose weight if your only meal is 1000 kcal. I almost lost half a kilo every day lel.
You said weighing at 170 was slightly overweight which is true but you're assuming that was mostly fat with no muscle
If user weighed 260 and dropped to 170 with that type of workout program then it is safe to assume he put on a lot of muscle especially since it was a 4 year gap of when he was super fat to 170 with muscles
i'm 6'2 and 120
that guy aint lanky
Most fat people are conservative
Where do you buy them?
>tfw you turn 23 but now too poor to afford food
you guys should swing by the fat people hate threads on /fit/ sometime. We have a good time
Bitch you look like a twink stick.
Forever Based
Overweight is overweight.
What does Yea Forums think of pic related?
card capturing isn't as lucrative a career as it used to be.
There's a new young guy at my work and he's a twig and he genuinely eats like shit. He eats extra large fast food meals (that I couldn't finish even if I tried) for lunch every day, on top of multiple chocolate bars, a bag of chips and a bottle of soft drink each day.
Incentivizing failure and encouraging enslavement to the government has completely destroyed black society in the United States. Thank LBJ for starting it.
kind of outdated comedically now but it was a different time
the pro pedo propagandists are worse
Shallow Hal is the first one that comes to mind
It's the kind of stuff that wouldn't be taken as a joke in today's political climate. I wish we can just joke and have fun and not be offended.
I happen to live in a town where there's a couple of brick and mortar stores dedicated to milsurp stuff. There's also Varusteleka which is a Finnish web store that ships internationally and often has some pretty good deals.
wtf i love anime now
You can get away with fat-shaming as long as you only do it to men.
Delicious twink
Pedosexuals are going to rape your family
>have you ever made a REALLY BIG mistake?
you cant survive on paint chips
Maybe, but the ones who bitch and think being fat is attractive, are turbo liberals.
How did so many 9 foot tall people get that fat and also meet up?
Forever 21 gave them to everyone.
They don't think fat is attractive, either. They just larp about it on the internet.
Norbit = Nword in Orbit
>in the 90's 300 pounds was obese
It still is. I was the same weight and height as homer for years and thought I was a fat fuck before losing the weight.
Bruh Forever 21 is considered as high end as H&M.
You wear that shit once and throw it away.
>raspberries and sweet potato chips
The Poseidon Adventure
Lots of fat-shaming in that one.
if there was any doubt before, it is certainly not the case now: you're never going to get laid
Fatties need to be called out, it's the only way
Obese people are almost always had been raised by obese parents, and they have been fat since they were children and don't know how to be anything else. Barring some wasting disease they will be fat until the day they die.
how do you LOSE 300 pounds and still have a body?
that's some incredible girth
Forever Based
I was underweight through college until I really started drinking
now I'm "normal weight" and have a bit of fat around my gut
all my friends who were "normal weight" that drink now are obese
I've since quit drinking, and that fat is REALLY hard to lose
Latent bog genes
I'm a pretty tubby motherfucker but how on earth do people get like this?
Look at the fucking state of you. I'm 40 and I weigh less than what I did in college.
Don't eat shit and exercise once in a while, fucking zoomers.
Minoxidil and Finasteride combo, and you'll grow most of it back in 6 months or so.
>I don't know if the fat affects your brain and makes you retarded
It does.
>wifebeater with trousers
the man was out of control
Nah, turn them into soap. A very small return on the investment society has wasted on them.
>thinks forever 21 is high end
>"synthetic crap"
man, there are some weird fucking Americans out there
>200+ lb lanklet
Because I have to pay for that shit
6'1 and 21, huge fucking balding spot on the top of my head. Once I get swole I'll just shave it all off.
> Minoxidil and Finasteride
Doesn't work and it isn't worth the health risks especially since I have genetic history of the side effects it has.
>raspberries and sweet potato chips
This might suffice if you work a soiboi desk job, but not if you work a skilled trade or in construction.
Fat people have it easy. At my job they literally don't make fat people do the harder jobs because they physically can't. It's pretty funny but sad.
Genetics is a bitch.
what a bitch
Slave food
Based and anti fatty. Fatty need help to loose the weight. Fat losers eat more diets
What the FUCK America
gettin ready to go to the State Fair this weekend, CANNOT WAIT to go look at all the fatties
>"Chairman Hillary"
Was in the best shape of my life with fasting and a ton of mountain biking and lifting. I wouldn't say it was detrimental but I will say on long mtb runs if i was fasted in the heat i would cramp faster. Other than that, at least for me it amazing.
What? Drink Pepsi, Get Stuff.
Simple economics.
>hanging elephants
for what purpose? Did they commit a crime or something that mandated hanging? Just fucking shoot the thing