Is Meyer correct?
Is Meyer correct?
What is Jackie Brown?
Tarantino's most forgettable movie
it's a competent movie but objectively his worst movie (not counting that meme one, grindhouse?)
I think that's entirely unfair. I will concede that it's Tarantino's least Tarantino movie
From Dusk till Dawn was better.
It's probably his least bad film.
He only did half of Grindhouse, his half is called death proof
I think Inglorious is his third best and my second favorite.
best? no.
most watchable? yeah. I've put it on as just random entertainment more times than i can remember whereas the rest i can count on one hand
true romance
True Romance remains his best work as a writer.
A perfect choice for you contrarian faggots. It's good but not as great as you guys delude yourselves into thinking
It is his best, he's wrong, it didn't age into being his best it was apparent while it wasnt even finished rolling credits in the theater that it was his best, or rather his masterpiece.
i feel kike mr meyer is projecting
yeah i see the typo and im not going to fix it
Slow and boring.
my blue pilled liberal father thinks this movie is pure cringe, he particularly thinks the bear jew is cringe as fuck, which is weird because he also called me a nazi for saying that trump wasn't a bad guy, I guess he's a teacher first and foremost so he doesn't like it when people re write history, which again is ironic considering he thinks the holocaust happened the exact way its portrayed in shindlers list.
It was always his best
>lol it gud now cuz orange man Bad!
Fucking secondaries
I had a film professor who claimed Inglorious Basterds was Tarantino's best film, yet Kill Bill was still the final film on the class. Not joking
>10 years later
>jew likes the "let's kill hitler" porn
Wow what a shocker.
>stormfag doesn't like "let's kill hitler" porn
Wow what a shocker.
>I had a film professor who claimed Inglorious Basterds was Tarantino's best film
Was he a kike?
I think Jackie brown is a masterpiece. But the plebs will never understand it.
I think Pulf Fiction is his best objective work.
But I think Kill Bill is *his* masterpiece.
Inglorious basterds is him toying with an idea that turned out fantastic. It's just easier to praise as there's not many detractors.
teachers are unreasonable lefties for the most part
>reddit reddit spacing
wow what a shocker
10 years later wtf. It's been that long?
I like how we're just letting Hollywood Jews rewrite history now and deciding which sides won which wars.
it's a good film. i liked it. but his best movie? let's not get carried away
Now that the dust has settled...
...was it kino?
yeah this jewish revenge porn aged well
the winners write the history books. Media controls the narrative. Power move by them to take over the banks and media. they knew
you're thinking of Planet Terror and that was Robert Rodriguez's
god, Rose McGowan was so hot
a shame her brains got scrambled and couldn't handle the Harvesting
thank you.
Jew propaganda
Yeah too bad the obviously superior master race were back to back losers against the subhumans.
You know somethin' Utivich? I think this just might be my masterpiece.
its a flick compared to Death proof. its only good scene is McGowan doing the dance during the intro
I'd say it slightly nudges Kill Bill out as whole for his 2000s run. the bar scene being the real climax
does he approve of your tranny lifestyle?
I don't disagree, but ironically I started to grow out of QT's directing style around this time (turned 20 the year this came out)
dilate plz
imagine being this offended by a stupid action movie. Grow a spine snowflakes
Nobodys offended, dont you have some children to gas or inhabited houses to bulldoze?
Almost, Pulp Fiction is better.
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Inglourious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Jackie Brown
5. Django Unchained
6. Kill Bill Vol. 1
7. Hateful Eight
8. Death Proof
9001. Kill Bill Vol 2.
yes I have seen Death proof and hateful eight (though hateful 8 was spoiled for me), I just like Django and Kill Bill 1 more.
Best character coming through
It is. IB and PF will be the ones most remembered.
people will remember django as the pre-eminent slave movie/character
This is true. Just rewatched it.
Tarantino's greatest film, not a movie.
I'm sorry but, how come it's okay for everyone to be racist and sexist against white males, but not the other way around?
>toying with an idea
Nah man in one of the 90s charlie rose interviews he did he was talking about his ww2 movie, think i remember something about it being 1 million pages or something 1st draft
OH give me a break. They're only saying it's the best because it repeats the holohoax and white bashing by the dashing and heroic Jew. Pulp Fiction is clearly the best the man has or will ever do.
All you do is spam the same images and report posts you dont like. Get a grip
The opening scene with the Jew hunter interrogation in the farm house was amazing. The rest of the movie was forgettable.
>jew says anti-nazi movie is best
Jackie Brown is the best Tarantino movie. It's the ONLY movie of his that tells a convincing love story, and that's because he was working with somebody else's material. Tarantino is kind of a grown-up kid, so what you tend to get with his movies when it comes to adult subjects like love and death are adolescent attitudes. What are his most memorable relationships? They're all bromances. Mr White and Mr Orange in Reservoir Dogs. Vince and Jules in Pulp Fiction. Django and Dr. Schultz in Django Unchained. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood seems to center on the friendship between an actor and his stuntman. Homosocial male relationships. It's a legitimate subject, but also one that doesn't require much life experience. A guy's childhood and adolescence are all about these relationships. By the time he turns twenty, he knows the subject deeply.
Jackie Brown, on the other hand, actually features two adults falling in love. You know, love? People getting together? What the whole world's about and the core of nearly every great story? And even so, Tarantino chooses a story in which the lovers don't get together. In the end, they go their separate ways. Even when Tarantino tells a love story, he picks one that doesn't bring it home. Everybody knows what Tarantino is great at; even when he's running the whole show, he usually makes a good movie. But Jackie Brown is his best movie because Elmore Leonard's novel gave him a hand with what he's not so great at. As a result, Jackie Brown is his most grounded and human movie. You get Tarantino firing on all cylinders, and you also get a heartwarming love story that he couldn't have written by himself.
It still really bugs me that they clearly shot in winter or early spring and the whole southern spice is missing outside candy land
The basement scene is good too.
Inglorious Basterds is a movie that was best seen on the big screen with a full room. Tarantino creates the kind of movies that are made just for cinema.
c'mon guys, let's not be's either Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs, with everything else falling on a far lower tier.
make your own movies then you dumb incel
>triggered by an observation of a biased opinion
>getting mad over someone telling one of you creatures to get a real job and stop crying about successful people
>fucking gnatzies
of course his best movie is about the joos
It's one of the higher ones in his filmography though I'd say his first three crime films (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown) are still his best works.
Isn't that the Anti-Nazi movie that makes Jews feel like bad asses? Is Meyer Jewish?
What’s there to understand? EXPLAIN IT TO ME I’M SILLY!
someone sounds bitter over a little bantz
>Isn't that the Anti-Nazi movie that makes Jews feel like bad asses?
no. Imagine being so stupid you can't understand the subtext of a fucking TARANTINO movie
Came back from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood without even knowing its based on Manson murders. The various disconnected acting pieces are still fun to watch. The violence in the end is classic Taratino
Yea Forums i present you the most butthurt guy in Yea Forums
this guy is a literal tranny (shocking isn it?)
he got so incredibly mad at tranny bullying that hes gonna call you a tranny first so you dont bully him with that word, this poor guy spends his youth dilating and reposting the same 6 pics,
he needs our help and empathy but first....
Not them, but what are you talking about? The movie is basically Hebrew porn.
>a balding ogre
Gold, Jerry!
hipster opinion
Even Tarantino himself says it's not his best
The dilateposter has lowered the quality of this board so much it's almost impressive that one person could be so utterly cancerous.
Bruh. Did this dude get hit by Kenshiro and not die? What the fuck bros.....
>dude LOVE lmao
is this satire? genuinely can't tell
Tarantino is a hack pleb who doesn't know anything about cinema. Jackie Brown is his best film but doesn't get any recognition because it's not really a Tarantino style film. People expected pulp fiction 2.0 with meme dialogue and Reddit explosions but we're actually given a nuanced character study that respectfully nodded to the blaxploitation films that preceded it without directly referencing/ripping them off like all his other movies
What link is there to the archived links and the profile? I don't get it
imagine getting this worked up over nazi tranny posting
The movie falls apart in the last bit of the 3rd act.
True Romance was his best movie and really Tarantino should've been listed as co-director
Many of Tarantino's films are patrician, just trust this Yea Forums guide!
The term kino comes from ingloriuous basterds.
That movie had problems
Anyone who disagrees is npc tier.
Now, it had some kino characters and some kino scenes, that first scene with the woodcutter(or whatever) and the nazi, the one where he pulls out his huge pipe, is a masterclass in tension and character.
But overall the film doesn’t work.
Kill bill was his last kino flick.
Plup fiction is likely is greatest film, sort of like the matrix one, at the time it hit with such a splash and was so fresh, it had the long realistic conversations like Jackie brown, but more flair and aplomb
based dad putting this nazi zoomer faggot in his place
Are you post-op or just circumcised?
fucking cringe. I hope that tranny kills itself soon
It's a masterpiece. It distracts people with KILL THE NAZIS!!!! that they don't realize how monstrous the jewish blonde woman is when she herself is burning an entire theater of people alive as she laughs at them. Absolute subversive kino.
I feel sick
I'd say it's arguably his worst
They whole bit he pulled on the audience with the ‘Omg can’t believe the nazi’s are laughing at all the violence on the cinema screen!’ then creates an ending wherein the audience is likely to behave in much the same fashion, was cool as fuck.
‘This just might be my masterwork..’
>expecting proof or logic from /pol/
Fuck off incel
It was the movie that started his downfall.
That would be kill bill 2.
The superman speech was shit.
He didn't direct it. He never set foot on set.
If you read the script you'll see while they didn't exactly change anything the movie was "edited" quite a bit. The original was even told in a non-linear way.
I hope when Tarantino "retires" that he at least still writes scripts for other directors, because I miss stuff like this.
the correct answer is and always will be Jackie Brown
Who gives a fuck about wich turd tastes the best?
From Dusk till Dawn is the only good movie he ever wrote. He didn't direct it.
Natural Born Killer-oh wait then nothing.
>wow they kill nazi's, thats like, totally relevant now!
>he thinks the holocaust happened
Wow. Tell him to try using his brain for once.
>Fight Nazis in WW2
>Get triggered over killing Nazis in 2019
Imagine being as retarded as /pol/
Why was this post deleted?
Gentlemen, we got him.
Not gonna read the article
My guess is that he thinks it's the best because he uses it as a masturbation fantasy about 'bashing the fash'
it would have been better without pitts stupid accent
his best movie
I don't think /pol/ fought nazis in ww2
His movies are for teenagers: blood, violence, gore and edgy characters.
That's the kind of thing teenagers say when they're trying to sound like they aren't teenagers
This is a fair order. Though I must give extra credit to IB, it has probably the best scenes tortilla has ever directed. The opening scene with the jews in the basement is 10/10 film making, which is perhaps why I was slightly disappointed the quality couldn't keep up. The Nazi bar scene was marvelous as well
>wow they kill nazi's, thats like, totally relevant now!
it literally is because nazis are getting uppity again
>implying /pol/incels are ever going to have kids
>implying they aren't mutts already
>implying they aren't trannies in denial already
I liked hateful 8 a lot. Apart from the ending which seemed like a let down.
>no horny nine month pregnant Anne Frank shooting German soldiers from rooftops
Inglorious Bastards was a fucking waste.
/pol/ is mostly Hispanics.
imagine believing this. im sad for you m8.
Look how quickly the jew outs himself- he doesn't mind being racist and even mocks racial impurity but he despises anyone who criticizes him or his tribe. He hates /pol/ but cannot hide his disdain for actual liberalism.
not jewish.
but stay mad, schizo /pol/faggot :^)
you are posting in a thread where nazis are getting uppity right now
This is reddit guide though
There is a lot of shit about this movie that just doesn't sit right with me.
>Main girl is easily the most bland Tarantino protagonist ever
>Still cannot understand the choice of killing Hitler despite how based it sounds on paper
>casting Eli Roth of all fucking people as the "Jew Bear" despite the fact he has no masculinity whatsoever. The fucking guy is barely 6ft.
These things make this movie not his best. I wouldn't even call it top... 3 or 4.
this and the funny thing is that theyre such pussies that they cant say it outfront
>no im not a nazi...but hitler had some good points and the SS did nothing wrong, hanging swastikas on your wall is just ironic and i do concider myself a masterrace
probably the most tryhard, unfunny meme to come out of /his/
This guy gets it.
what the fuck is Kill Bill? Fuck off
t. German
>jew pandering
>jews think its his best movie
wow what a surprise
One of his more mediocre films? The second one felt like filler compared to the first.
Not at all. The only good thing about that movie was Christoph Waltz performance otherwise it's a total cringefest. Pulp Fiction is objectively his best movie. It's pure fucking Kino from beginning to the end. A true masterpiece.
>144 results
Haha! Being this OBSESSED isn't healthy, lad. Have you tried having sex?
Based tier list
> 10 years
What have you achieved in life since then?
So you are jewish? :^) is used to indicate sarcasm online, because of Poes Law. You're not a retard parroting things you don't know the meaning of, right?
he really hasn't done many good films. jackie brown, reservoir dogs and pulp fiction are all good. the rest are shit
t. jew
why do Jews like films about Nazis so much? Are they anti-semetic or something?
Hateful Eight is his best imo
make your own movies you hatedaroundtheworld dumb kike
implying nepotism is success
It’s basicallly porn so of course the degenerate loves it.
go shill elsewhere, Joshua Meyer
Redditors hate Adam Sandler because RLM told them so.
>10 years later
1. Jackie Brown
2. Hateful Eight
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Kill Bill 1 & 2
What was wrong with Kill Bill Part 2 again
lmaoing @ all the stormfags getting triggered by this kino itt
it used to be a site well worth visiting and reading, with interesting articles
now it's just a constant stream of garbage, affirmative action and disney marketing, with writers lacking basic knowledge about cinema but that's a good thing
that's because it was roger avery who wrote it
Literally his worst. I'm not even being hyperbolic.
Imagine being such a pleb, that you think Tarantula's worst film is his best.
Jew pandering garbage.
Man I don't want to be one of those guys, but Death Proof just oozes with so much style. It's a load of fun. Maybe some pacing issues, but the rest is so golden.
Django, on the other hand, not only has pacing issues, but it's the most bland pile of shit.
>123 results found.
I'll take shit that nobody but a small, insignificant lot of retards say for $500
>a 15 year old typed "Jew XD" on my Twitter page, this means Nazis are more alive than ever!
Based inclusive Nazi bros
>Inglorious Basterds
boring as fuck and extremely cringe. Literally the only movie I have ever fallen asleep during in my entire life.
>Pulp Fiction
Also boring as fuck. Only somewhat cool scene was the last one but even then nothing in the movie is even remotely interesting what was even supposed to be the point of any of this shit?
>Kill Bill
Only good movie but never got around to the second. Weird ass editing makes me think it would have been better if he hired another director and severed as a producer.
>Reservoir Dogs
>FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! I'm dying over here!
honestly whats supposed to be the appeal of this guy?
>Inglorious Basterds
>opening scene
The movie has its ups and down...but that opening scene is a fucking masterpiece.
inglorious bastards is one of the most condescending films i've ever seen
it's not deep or challenging but the movie constantly assumes that you're a retard
You’re not wrong.
FBI has been caught studying memes and using them wrong
guess there is a correlation between homosexuality and schizophrenia
care to back that up...or should I assume you are just being contrarian on the internet.
>deep challenging
>assumes you are a retard
you have some awfully high expectations for a fictional tale about a nazi killing guerrilla squad led by brad pitt hamming up a southern accent
You're wrong
It's things like this that make me wonder if a person is legitimately retarded. Inglorious had like two or three great scenes with Cristoph Waltz, and then the rest of garbage. The correct ranking for Tarantino's films, rated on both a film's value as a work of cinema and how watchable it is, is as follows:
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Django Unchained
4. Jackie Brown
5. Inglorious Basterds
6. The Hateful Eight
7 & 8. Kill Bill, 1 & 2
9. Death Proof
>Death Proof
Your pop is just afraid to have an opinion. Maybe.
Maybe he just was trying to get you to think for yourself on that one.
Good stuff user
This movie fucking SUCKS, just more jew propaganda from Tarantino's broken mind, the poor guy had to listen to his mother get BLACKED so many times he doesnt know who's tribe he even belongs to
Fuck jannies
Fuck likes
Holocaust never happened, but it should have
(((Meyer))) thinks a fantasy take on jews killing germans is tarantino's best film, go figure
The first 20 minutes are better than everything he's ever made, especially the rest of the movie.
no, his best film is objectively Jackie Brown
Inglorious Basterds is just kike porn that they wank off too, of course that sheeny fuck would put it at the top of the list
If I had to guess, he's saying such a thing purely for the social message that it sends.
It should be blatantly obvious that while it isn't a terrible movie, not by a long shot, it's far below being his best.
got laid
>Inglorious Basterds is just kike porn that they wank off too
Another brainlet /pol/tard doesn't get the movie.
Trump tard Nazi fucks, fuck off
The only good Tarantino film was Reservoir dogs
I liked Inglourious Basterds a lot when I first saw it. Have seen it a few times since and recently re-watched it for the first time in maybe 3 years.
It hasn't aged all that well imo. It's decent but it's far from his best movie.
His best is still Pulp Fiction by a significant margin.
>pulp fiction
Way to out yourself newfag
kvetch harder Moshe, you fucking rat faced fucks hate being pointed out
I love Quentin, but there is just no way that IB is his best movie. It suffers a bit from bloating, abd at certain points begins to reach levels of self-parody for QT. I will always argue that Jackie Brown is the perfect blend of his 90s atmosphere with a story that doesnt feel too overblown
Pulp Fiction will always be considered his "greatest"
Shut up, Ill call ya a hearse
This is for Cody
>he thinks theres anything worth getting
You tell me, wtf is jackie brown
my kind of guy. Tarantino's writing with Tony Scott's visuals are a blend from heaven. Plus, the costume design is incredible
Inglorious Bastards is the most normie answer next to Pulp Fiction
Django is his best film by a mile
Its nostalgiac for me but that cgi gun is god-awful in hindsight. Death Proof really has become the better of the two imo
>causes the downfall of the entire Nazi party and the end of the war due to being a beta orbiter
Hehe, I get it - because Nazis are evil. :)
he couldn't stop being incel
More of an Elmore Leonard movie.
Whatever happened to the farmer after this movie?
Doing milk commercials, i hope
no, I think you're really reaching there
retard, you posted this hamfisted opinion once already
the movie is constantly stopping to explain something incredibly basic to you like you're a child
No, you just chose to feel that way because of your massive ego. If you feel that much above a fictional story, then I seriously wish you luck in life
True and thread/
Kill Bill can only be appreciated by fans of chink grindhouse, like Fist of Fury, Game of Death (last 15min), Enter the Dragon, Enter Game of Death etc.
It’s actually his worst.
Kill Bill
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Django Unchained
Death Proof
Hateful 8
Inglorious Bastards
love ain't a pinnacle of story telling, you goddamn queer fruit fuck
He's not going to retire. He's probably going to work in a tv series.
Kill Bill is the logical conclusion of the Tarantino “Cinema Pastiche”. It was his last great film. Everything afterwards is garbage.
there's nothing to get, the theater burning scene was monstrous but dumb people said it's cathartic
It really is his best,
but as usual Yea Forums thinks it's cool to be contrarian so people here will default to praising his more underground movies
by your logic its contrarian to think inglorious bastards is his best over pulp fiction
>It really is his best
No it isn't.
It has nothing on Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction.
No, it's not even i the top 10.
i like all four ''Tarantino'' kino - RD, PF, KB, IB - equally, because they're the same course w/ different dressing
It was the second Tarantino film I saw in theaters that I didn’t like, first being Death Proof. Past the first hour it’s stupid.
Pulp Fiction is more popular but I'm pretty sure Basterds made more money
Anyway both are popular but Basterds will get more hate here because it's more recent
Remember the manthra
>new bad, old good
>popular bad, niche good
Its a fun movie but his best is obviously Kill Bill.
why on earth did he cast Michael Meyers as a posh Englishman
Fucking obviously
Jackie Brown is his best film.
Inglorious Basterds is just three amazing scenes.
The audience is hitler, just wanting to see bloodshed despite all the noble people in the movie being nazis and all the deranged psychopaths being the protags.
are you mad that hitler was gay? I don't get it
Basterds > Pulp Fiction > Once Upon A Time... > Jackie Brown > Dogs > Kill Bill > Django > Death Proof
>Not normiecore
Criminally underrated performance by Samuel L. Jackson aside, it is also his worst. Thank god he then topped himself with The Hateful Eight.
Django 4 hour long cut when
that lap dance scene though
Inglorious Basterds has to be one of the most overrated movies I've ever seen. Tarantella focuses on splosions and set pieces and forgets how to tell a barely satisfactory plot. also it's a stylistic mess
>Your own father calls you a Nazi
Spike his drink with a cocktail of drugs, user.
maybe, but it has few great standalone scenes
The best of his gimmick films anyway.
It's a b action movie and a period drama until they collide at the end.
I believe Menke still edited this before she passed away, which is probably why it just doesn't end with someone shooting themselves out of the corner.
Inglourious Basterds > Kill Bill > Pulp Fiction > Jackie Brown > Reservoir Dogs > Django Unchained > Death Proof
haven’t seen h8ful 8
>10 years
> Schultz is an ex-dentist.
> He kills Brittle and Candy.
If Pulp Fiction didn't have the lull in the middle and the mtv editing it'd easily be hist best.
The time skipping shit robs it of any subtext that might've been. He should've concentrated on that instead of being so concerned that his cringe-worthy dialogue didn't end up on the cutting room floor.
it's shit, fags only pretend to like it now because of the jewish fantasy nazi killing scenes
omg moreeee
It's actually True Romance
literally Jewish
this guy is in a house full of girls that are getting horny by this
where is the harem video??
Not counting Robert Rodriguez because he and Tarantino are buds, Tony Scott was the only director who "got" Tarantino's style and was the best at adapting it to his own style. Oliver Stone just turned his material into a bad acid trip.
It's literally the jewish version of the Turner Diaries.
his least competent and worst movie.
None of his films are that great
>he also called me a nazi
Imagine having a family member, your own fucking father, call you this.
Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill are his best work.
>The Meyer didnt do it?
>torture porn for anti-white Jews preying on gentile victims like Harvey Weinstein sold as "anti-fascist" propaganda to gullible retards to normalize violence against right-wingers
>(((Joshua Meyer)))
>getting this fucking mad
Is this actually the n-word for white people?
Joshua is unironically a more Jewish name than Meyer
I don't care if a random person calls me a Nazi, but your dad? Your dad ever call you a hard R nigger?
>Is this actually the n-word for white people?
I mean, yes? Black people are called a word they hate for no reason, white people are called a word they hate for no reason.
Wassup, muh Nazi. Is tha Jew mayne still keepin a white brotha down?
Tarantino doesn't have a best film
He is a hack and a pedophile.
that movie was shit
the only spastic weirdo film I've liked was reservoir dogs
The evil they intend to do onto others gets turned on them. That's how God works.
he is, faggot. cheers.
it's kind of hilarious how some of those stereotypes are apparently spot on
based Death Proof webm poster
You're OK in my book
to people who rate Death Proof below anything that came after IG
in my book thats no good!
the nazis were defeated by nazis apparently
Death Proof was his best movie. Which isn't saying much, most of the shit he shits out is only talked about due to quips and less than a handful of scenes per movies, but it is his best.
Bear Jew is cringe for two reasons. First, Eli Roth can't act and second he's a manlet. Although the latter was done on purpose.
You should explain to your dad what the holocaust was really like.
for me it was the cringe as fuck voice cracking as he is celebrating his "Bravery" kill
>Joshua Meyer
Why wouldn't he?
They are not talking to the audience anymore they're talking at the audience.
I wonder who's behind this article
This, it isn't as if Jews are portrayed particularly well in the movie. The movie is essentially about a white guy that turns against his race, thinking the Jews will praise him as a hero, when instead they coldly say they got a good bargain and carve up his forehead.