Can anyone explain to me how she's the villain? Reminder that she's in charge of not an office, but a mental institution full of crazy people who throw childish tantrums when they don't immediately get what they want.
Nurse Ratched
dunno lol
>tfw no qt metaphor for the czech communist government to yell at me for not taking my pills
Duuuuuude you’re so coool!!!!! You’re like morally incorrect and you like wouldn’t care about being meanie to people for the betterment of your race and society...... go outside/have sex/have love, etc
She allowed the orderlies to beat people up, and she had McMurphy LOBOTOMIZED because she didn't like him.
She knew he wasn't crazy too.
wouldn't let let them watch the World Series. It's America's pastime
>She allowed the orderlies to beat people up
After they destroyed property and instigated fights with the staff who are outnumbered at least 4 to 1
>and she had McMurphy LOBOTOMIZED because she didn't like him. She knew he wasn't crazy too.
He literally tried to murder her after weeks of him whipping the patients up into a frenzy to commit mutiny against her and the staff.
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience.
There is no physical tests to prove whether or not someone has a mental illness.
The diagnostic process is completely non-scientific, and heavily arbitrary.
Sometimes there is obviously something wrong with someone's brain, psychiatrists do not and cannot figure out what, they simply apply a label, and give mind altering harmful drugs.
These drugs are not proven to cure or fix any neurological problem. They are simply mind altering drugs that achieve a desired effect.
Forcibly making people take mind altering drugs against their will should be illegal, it is one of the most unethical legal things still done on Earth.
These drugs can cause permanent brain damage, and in some cases, long-term psychiatric drug use from childhood is the primary cause that someone becomes crazy in the first place. (Surprise: the solution is more brain damaging drugs)
All of them except Mac were free to leave whenever they wanted. They weren't being held prisoner.
The movie toned her down a lot for some reason. She was much more evil in the book.
who is seth?
keep saying that,
pic related is you, but its ok autism is just made up right?
The Czechs weren't the worst when it came to politically misusing psychiatry. That would be the USSR.
She knew Billy was fragile, she kept him in line with the threat of his mother,, she killed Billy.
Sometimes there is obviously something wrong with someone's brain, psychiatrists do not and cannot figure out what.
They do not and cannot preform physical tests to diagnose, because none exist.
Autism doesn't exist.
Mentally retarded people and people with brain deformities or neurological dysfunctions causing social problems exist, sometimes people have both at the same time.
The "spectrum" cop out for autism came about when people started questioning the legitimacy of psychiatry and asking how someone with nothing wrong with them, could have the same exact disease as a severely retarded kid.
>After they destroyed property and instigated fights with the staff who are outnumbered at least 4 to 1
Still not okay
> He literally tried to murder her after weeks of him whipping the patients up into a frenzy to commit mutiny against her and the staff.
Still not okay. Call the cops and get a judge involved, no nurse should be making that decision/have that much sway in having it happen
>Can anyone explain to me how she's the villain?
No, she's not.
I want her to dominate me.
Yeah, this: she killed Billy.
That's when McMurphy got serious.
She has power as the religious leader of a whole planet.
you're right. she's just like the janitors on Yea Forums. it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it. she's probably getting paid a lot of money for putting up with that kind of abuse. i can't imagine someone willing do all that for free.
in the book an asian nurse explains it that she didn't have any kids so she fulfills her maternal instincts by controlling weak men
Retards and the insane should be killed
>geschlagen schliegen schlagen Volkswagen!
so cool and edgy
How bout I just smoke pot with my ssdi money and leave people alone. It's been working great so far. Less insanity, just harmless retardation followed by brief hunger.
you're saying terms like neurological dysfunctions as if you have no idea what you're taking about. Lots of psychiatric disorders have physical traits that you are ignoring because you are basically talking about autism and ignoring other disorders like epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers, parkinsons, retards, ect. Tests can be done to diagnose different disorders using technologies like MRI, CT Scans and psychological evaluations, but you don't want to be labeled do you? You're comparing a movie that's purpose is to show the barbarities of early psychology to modern standards, don't blame psychology that you got labeled with Aspergers in school. You remind me of parents complaining that their boy has the ADD when in reality psychological therapy can be beneficial to people who need it, aka everyone on this website.
>user confuses “antagonist” with “villain”
heyhey people
>my ssdi money
Putting a bullet in your head is probably cheaper
>gnoring other disorders like epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers, parkinsons, retards, ect.
Literally none of those are mental illness, they have nothing to do with psychiatry. You do not go to a psychiatrist if you have epilepsy or parkinsons, you go to a neurologist.
Those are legitimate neurological diseases, something entirely different from psychiatry.
>Tests can be done to diagnose different disorders using technologies like MRI, CT Scans
You cannot diagnose any psychiatric disorder/mental illness with a brain scan.
therapy is largely a waste of time and can fuck people up worse than when they started
in the book she wasn't, jack nicholsons character was legit batshit crazy and thought she was a cyborg
no she wasn't, Mac was just really crazy in the book
And yet, modern chicks love this bitch.
Actually it can improve a lot.
t. have been in therapy
The AFI named her the second greatest female villain of all time behind the wicked with of the west. Ratched had bitchy tendencies, but she wasn't that bad. All she wanted was some semblance of order.
Sometimes that can make the worst monsters of all.
I love the movie but that name for your villain is just one step above "Satan McEvil"
if you don't know, you're probably a pretty evil guy yourself
She was in charge of an insane asylum. A place like that requires order by definition. Along comes lunatic Jack Nicholson treating all these crazy people like they're perfectly normal, purposely fermenting a sincere hatred against the person in charge because he's not allowed to watch a baseball game or whatever. It's manchildren vs. adults: the movie.
You think that's bad, in the book they had workers at the asylum that were called "the black boys", because of obvious reasons. And the Indian is just called "Chief"
It was written in the 60's by a hippie involved in MKUltra who fried his brain on acid.
tbf in the movie he's just called Chief Broom
At least 3 people: Billy, McMurphy, and Chief, were not crazy, and Ratched seems to know this.
Billy and Chief could have left whenever they wanted. In fact, Chief's climactic ending is pretty stupid.
If Mac wasn't crazy, he definitely had homicidal tendencies.
I think he wrote it before the acid. Icould be wrong.
At any rate, after the acid, he drove all over the US sharing LSD with everyone on a loco school bus with Neal Cassady!
Real ADHD is very obvious due to the short term memory issues. I can not repeat a phone number read to me, 10 numbers, but work as an engineer in networks AND systems... real ADHD blows.
Billy was carefully manipulated to stay.
>Call the cops and get a judge involved
Wtf do you think they would do? He's already in a mental institution.
chad response
everyone else have sex
That's his own stupid-ass fault.
neurology cannot exist without the field of psychology, people who are treated for these disorders still require psychiatric help if they want to treat their condition appropriately, you cannot ignore that one field is still related to the other, also bullshit yes you can understand disorders through the use of technology, how else do you think people gather evidence in order to back up theories that pose questions about these psychological disorders to begin with? This is not a pseudoscience, without evidence that backs up these theories, we wouldn't be able to have classifications for various disorders, people don't just go "hmm i believe this so this must be this!", the scientific method still applies to this field, you're just thinking of Freudian theories
There was a scene where she directly said that Jack Nicholson shouldn't be lobotomized at around the mid-point of the movie. Only after he tried to murder her did that change, I never really got why she's treated as this big bag monster either. Maybe if you want to say that she deliberately guilted Brad Dourif into committing suicide, but it's not 100% clear she wanted him to do that.
it was the 70's, when the degenerate crazy person was supposed to be the hero
Psychiatric hospitals need order but not her kind of order lol
They can still press charges if it's serious.
Did anyone else pick on some sexual tension between her and McMurphy?
>In fact, Chief's climactic ending is pretty stupid.
He did just technically murder someone.
she was sexually frustrated
Chief has an inner monologue in the book.
It makes way more sense.
>Wtf do you think they would do
Hopefully have him re-evaluated, realize he wasn't nuts, have him tried for assault, and ideally get him fired. There's always something
explain the difference pls
she made some mentally ill teenager kill himself to prove a point to the main character that she was in charge
While I won't deny that psychiatrists flippantly prescribe medication or that psychiatrists frequently misdiagnose, you seem to have a poor understanding of how the medical field as a whole is applied science and with that comes a huge game of judgment calls. Radiologists, particularly neuroradiologists, make subjective judgment calls everyday about their observations unless something is noticeably acute. Likewise, there are many medical conditions that don't have clear or always precise physical makers. Want to find out if you have neurosyphilis? Well you'll have to have a lumbar puncture and the only test they can use has a 50% false negative rate. On the other side of things, neuropsychological tests are more sensitive to organic brain dysfunction than CT scanning and MRI.
I paid into it for 25 years, kid. How many have you? At least I'm getting my money back
The Merry Pranksters and the "further" bus