Why no Right Wing film movement?

Why is there no right wing film movement? The right makes better memes and certainly has the creative edge. Why are there no right wing indie movies coming out? youtube.com/watch?v=1KhuwrdLNk0&feature=youtu.be

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I'm sure there is, but it'd be un(der)funded as well as relatively unknown. Besides, the "right" has no creativity. And we all know who owns Hollywood.

Pepe memes are hardly creative you retard. Stick to youtube videos, they’re more your speed.

>right wing film movement
Because they're using their time and energy on doing useful things, like being an engineer.

Liberals are more open-minded which leads to creativity. It's a double edged sword though because open minds let in the Trojan Horse.

Watch Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson movies.

>he right makes better memes and certainly has the creative edge.
Holy fucking cringe. Is something that's not even true the crowning achievement of the modern right?

>meme: the post

Indeed. Most right wing people see the "arts" as entertainment instead of viable career choices.

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Pick one.

What is S. Craig Zahler?

>certainly has the creative edge
Creative types are typically more left-leaning, plus Hollywood being almost entirely liberal would discourage right wing people from participating.

I know half a dozen engineers and they all are registered Democrats.
So I guess that makes Yea Forums a left wing board then? Not gonna disagree there.

Most engineers are moderates that maybe lean slightly one way or the other. Right wing people tend to be uneducated and work as gas station attendants or are unemployed.

He looked like a retard talking to that empty chair

What is s craig zahler?

>Yea Forums is one person
No, we have both right-wing chads and fucking commies.

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Right wing humor resorts to racism and antisemitism. That's not a very profitable business model if you want audiences to see your films

>or are unemployed

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>not doing it for the lulz while having another stable job to support you
That's what I'd do if I wasn't a fucking autist.

Low IQ post.

Because nobody would sell them cameras, tape, electricity, food, etc. because the private companies selling these things aren't obligated to sell it to racists. They would also have no way of promoting it on social media because they'd be banned. Not to mention hosting. No company would even sell them a domain name.

>t. leftist

>sometimes memes are memes because they're true

Sure user

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If you ever worked a shift longer than 12h there's no way you'd be a leftist.
>wanna go home, antifa is blocking the roads again, god damn I just wanna rest
>finally got my salary, but half of it went for gibs and obamacare
Just think about it logically.

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Why not right-wing chads AND left-wing chads?

>The right makes better memes
This is no longer true

It does seem like righties get more laughs from seeing other people get hurt or fucked over

T. Faggot

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>So I guess that makes Yea Forums a left wing board then?
>literal threads bitching about women, minorities and jews
You're not very smart are you?

If you want everyone to be equal by default it means you're the bottom of the barrel. Equality should be earned.

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That's because the more soulless somebody is the more they lean right.

>lefties wanted to see a kid dead because he smiled at a native american
Yeah, we're really evil. Not illegal immigrants and muslims, who butcher people with machetes.

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>chud is a meme chud chud chud chud.
Go back to r/chappo tranny


1-- most guys in the trades are conservative, even if the film Unions are liberal
2-- if you had a right wing movie studio throwing around enough money, they would find plenty of businesses who would want their business

Nobody said you don't constantly seek attention around here.

I don’t have to work 12 hour shifts because I have a degree and a good job where I work 40 hours and earn plenty of money for myself and family so I don’t mind paying taxes to help the less fortunate.


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That's fine and dandy, but that's what charities should be for, not taxes.

This meme needs to die. Right wingers do blue collar shit like truck driving and trades. Probably the most consistent career you get right wingers in higher education is agriculture. My career field, aviation (the piloting field specifically) also leans right, but that pendulum is swinging fast.
Most country people I know hate 4 year colleges because that shit costs too much, so they go to votech schools instead. And your modern Ben Shapiro style righties in the cities are vastly, vastly outnumberd by centrists and leftists.

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Is this bait or is this really how the "modern right" perceives the world?

>paying taxes to help the less fortunate
You mean the lazy worthless bum? I mean I get taxes for healthcare and better public education but for welfare and food stamps?

Then do it yourself instead of imposing it on everyone else, you cunt.

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You dont have a job larper

don't go all sensitive on me, now. I'm not hating, just observing. I'm a centrist who leans right. I have no issue with the right. Just saying that when I end up having bantz with my right wing bros, it always ends up being pretty harsh at the expense of someone who fucked up. Pol gets plenty of mileage out of making fun of sufferers, and I admit, some of it is really clever and funny. It's just a different, darker sense of humor-- kinda Anthony Jeselnik humor

The right doesn't make better memes. They just make people angrier with the horrible things they say.
That's why they don't have a film movement. They've tried but people don't want to see their films.

Any ideas? What would a right wing film be about? An anti-big government dystopian scifi flick?

People who have been through real problems realize that having a laugh at someone is a non-issue. I wish the worst thing that ever happened to me was a joke.

Yes. Everyone else is playing the Victim Card.
Except for the NuRight, who are really and TRULY the Victims.

>They've tried but people don't want to see their films.
What films?

There was that one with Kelsey Grammer and Chris Farley’s brother

Wagie you literally are the less fortunate if you have to work to get by. Dumbass

Imagine thinking that someone is larping as an employed person. Your life must be pretty sad.

Wow, one guy.

>those who won't work
This is a fictional demographic invented by the right wing so they can accuse poor people of being lazy when in reality they work multiple jobs and still struggle to survive because of stagnant wages. Or struggle to find work at all because corporations keep automating or outsourcing american jobs.

Yet the lefties keep criticizing Trump, even though he significantly reduced unemployment.

>Why no Right Wing film movement?
lack of funds, and fear of lack of funds
I think if someone went to the public saying "I want to film the Mel Gibson aesthetic" he would get sufficient support to make a marketable movie, although his movie would get blacklisted from regular theaters.

>imagine being this delusional

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Does mandy and dragged across concrete count?

>Right wing people tend to be uneducated and work as gas station attendants or are unemployed.
Even college-educated white women voted Trump.

Am engineer
Am right wing

I haven't seen either of those, but I liked the reviews of them. Are they worth watching?

Which field?

This image doesn’t refute anything I said.

>Right wing people tend to be uneducated and work as gas station attendants or are unemployed.
Peepeepoopoo I took liberal arts therefore I'm more intelligent than conservatives
Is this what leftist actually believe?

Maybe because he gave TRILLIONS of dollars in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy while raising military spending and cutting medical care for fucking children.

>medical care for fucking children
People should now get jobs and pay for their fucking healthcare. Or if they dislike it, move back to Mexico where there's "free healthcare". We all know what that means.

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Yes, it does retard. Entertainment tend to be dominated by left wingers. Industries like Engineering, construction, agriculture are conservatives

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I too wish to kill children.

Holy shit, I didn't know Trump was personally hiring so many federal employees.
The US is not a command economy dictated by one administration, the decrease of unemployment was a trend well before Trump came into office.
Also those wages are still not keeping up with inflation and the deficit is skyrocketing due to tax cuts.

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>everything bad is happening because of Trump
>simultaneously, everything good was a trend before he took office
Christ, you are dumb.

I have 12-16 hour days all the time, and yet I'm a Bernie supporter.

>I don't have to understand the lived experiences of working people
Yikes. This type of classism is really problematic.

And yet you can't see the value of your labour, since you want people who work far less than you to make the same amount.

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Don't worry, you'll get plenty of time off after Bernie bankrupts your employer.

movies done with conservative intent are lambasted by people in the industry and reviewers, look at how Conan the Barbarian was received at release.

Imagine posting a meme from Turning Point, a lobbyist group funded by conservative billionaires.

>TRILLIONS of dollars in tax cuts
Thats over the course of several years.
>raising military spending
Increasing jobs for contractors.
>cutting medical care for fucking children.
Fake news

Trump has literally done nothing directly to reduce unemployment.

Yes. Both are kino.

There really are people whose welfare benefits are better than anything they would be qualified to do as a job.

Engineers work in manufacturing, tech, the public sector, to name a few industries. Your chart doesn’t account for any of that.

I don't wish bad things that happen to me on other people. In any case, we disagree about what would make an economy strong and what's actually good for business.

>highest IQ astrophysicist was liberal
>almost all MENSA members are liberal
>most successful billionaires are liberal
Coincidence I guess...

Was aerospace. Now DoD project management.

Nobody said either of those things.

>Thats over the course of several years.
Oh I guess that makes it okay then.
>Increasing jobs for contractors.
It's like paying people to dig a hole in the ground.
>Fake news
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

>Hollywood being almost entirely liberal would discourage right wing people from participating.
i think you mean they are deliberately kept out.

Unfortunately, not everyone is like you. Most people would simply stop working if they could earn the same amount, thus resulting in the collapse of society. Communism and its derivatives doesn't take the human factor into account.

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Except the inheritance billionaires. Those ones are republicans.

Since we both agree that IQ is real, why is it that the highest IQ distributions are overwhelmingly liberal-leaning?

>correlation = causation!!
very high IQ of you user

>they are kept out
Conservatives had near monopoly on film distribution for almost 50 years before the second major Hollywood crash of the early 60s era, zooomer.

leftists and liberals have zero creativity, especially american ones

the only good meme they've ever pushed is the whole "creative types tend to lean left" slogan. It's basically cringe and lack of self-awareness turned into art.

So IQ only matters when you say so?

That's because right wing and conservatives is the status quo. A film shows a heterosexual, steoreotypical family of husband, wife, and two children? The conservatives have won.

I'm a critically acclaimed musician from the Great Lakes region. I'm probably not what your idea of "leftist" or "liberal" is, but I'm more left of center than right. What have you done with your life?

the point
ur head

>(politics I dislike) are not creative
Usually, art is a type of "truth to power" statement and it is hard for comservative art to exist, when you've been the status quo in both Europe and North America for over a century.

except all great american filmmakers and artists are liberal as fuck, cry harder

I just want to make the same amount of money with shorter hours. Honestly I could cut 2 hours out of my work day without affecting my productivity at all. But the system doesn't allow for that. I have to sit in the office and pretend to work or I won't be employed at all.

I know, user. I'm currently posting from the International Space Station and I'll touchdown just to vote for Bernie!

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ayy more correlation = causation

if you think conservatives today especially actors aren't blackballed then you are retarded

??? The right does in fact have creativity retard, your two other explanations just show why the western hemisphere is under the impression that we don't, you fucking idiot.

There are a lot of good right leaning film makers in Hollywood. John Ford, Capra, King Vidor, Dennis Hopper, D.W Griffith, John Milius, Howard Hawks. They don't always inject their politics in their films though unlike most lefty

>certainly has the creative edge
>the creative edge

There absolutely is a correlative link between intelligence and political positions. Across all fields and jobs, why are those with the highest IQs', NOT conservative?

All the creativity on the right comes from third positionists.

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desu not sure why any of you cuck for one side or the other. you realize literally every political and economic system at least in the west is a mix? why would you be an extremist at all?
yes i am centrist mustard rice dont @ me

They aren't. One of the biggest lobbyist group in entertainment is literally a conservative group. Keep crying though. Tell me more how getting banned from Twitter is censorship.

>Oh I guess that makes it okay then.
Sort of. I was somewhat agnostic about the Trump tax cuts. There were some good things and some bad things in it.
>It's like paying people to dig a hole in the ground.
Maybe, depends on by how much and what benefits we get.
>Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
The story is much more nuanced than "Trump cut CHIP". I don't see anything about him cutting it.

So nothing? That's a shame.
Sarcasm is reddit.

Because they're smart enough to realize that they'd be shutdown at the slightest hint of being right wing.

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>Why is there no right wing film movement

>D.W Griffith
When your example is a literal propagandist, you should probably stop

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Never thought about that before. Can astronauts on the ISS vote? Is there a special exception for them like military ballots? What state does their vote count towards?

it's called autism

you are literally retarded

Incorrect. Post links and studies proving so. Did you actually think that an self trained mechanic who makes a boatload is dumber than a shithead thatbwemt toncollege for gender studies just because the latter has a degree and the former doesn't? Education doesn't equal intelligence, dipshit.

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>people have been hiding how comservative they are on IQ tests for almost 40 years
Fucking kek. You are an insane person

It's probably the same as any normal absentee ballot.

>So I guess that makes Yea Forums a left wing board then

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certainly not a conservative by any stretch, his films being violent and the bad guys getting away with it in the end is only misinterpreted as a conservative message by absolute retards

>thinks that, on an anonymous mongolian throatsinging forum, people will believe that he's an "acclaimed musician"
>gets called out and accuses the other poster as being from Reddit
What a dense motherfucker you are.

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Crying isn't an argument. You aren't being oppressed by the big meanie moobie joos.

since neither of them espouse a conservative philosophy, at all, no.

You're illiterate, reread my post again, buddy.

>everyone must be as pathetic as I am
You're young. You'll drop the edgyness and dig yourself out of this rut one day, user.

A leftist defending millionaire movie companies. How the mighty have fallen.

Yes, they can and do. They vote absentee and it returns with the rest of their physical mail on return missions.

>Sort of.
I was being sarcastic.
>Maybe, depends on by how much and what benefits we get.
The only way we get benefits is if we invade a foreign country and trade in military assets for oil or something. Which I don't want.
>I don't see anything about him cutting it.
He cut $7 billion.

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>the right makes better memes
you mean incel NEETs with nothing better to do.
These types aren't the types to make movies.

>everyone is my boogeyman
I don't care if someone makes millions in entertainment, user. I'm not a communist. Movie companies don't matter, it's not like billionaires writing tax codes.

No he won't. Don't lie to the poor boy.

That wasn't my point. My point is that it's retarded to claim you're an astronaut or a porn star on an anonymous forum, as it can't be proven.

>liberal as fuck
lmfao read that out loud

pure cringe

I believe you

the point is no creative person or "artist" in the history of ever, has ever proclaimed: "creative types tend to lean left". A creative person would rather commit suicide than let something like that slip out of their mouth.

Who are the great conservative directors, Yea Forums? Obviously there's Zahler but who else?

Has anybody figured out what is wrong with the female.

I don't either, as long as they're not subverting society through media.

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>[Editor’s Note: After this blog was published, CBO Director Keith Hall responded to a request from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to project the impact of the $7 billion CHIP rescission package. The CBO letter estimates that the rescission “would not affect outlays, or the number of individuals with insurance coverage.”

>A creative person would rather commit suicide than let something like that slip out of their mouth.
Where the fuck are you getting this from? Leftist celebrities are outspoken about their beliefs all the time. You are literally just making shit up because you're assblasted that you are a member of the more ignorant and useless party and you somehow just found this out.

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>the point is no creative person or "artist" in the history of ever, has ever proclaimed: "creative types tend to lean left"

Except this is true.

Do you have a mental illness or something?

The ones that are outspoken are the leftists, because they know there will be no backlash. Meanwhile Chris Pratt used a "Don't tread on me" shirt and is being called a white supremacist.

>brawl is about a man sacrificing himself so he can beat on spics and protect his wife and child and fight the evils of abortion

>dragged is about two cops who martyr themselves basically in attempt to provide for those they love

it portrays its conservative heroes as heroic even if they don't get happy endings

smarter people are liberal

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There were a lot of conservative films after 9/11, during the Bush years, and the Iraq war. It's just the people in power hate the Orange Man was elected by a bunch of angry red necks. Anyone with money is taking their tax break and pulling out rather than put their nuts in a polititcally correct media vise.


>this is true
And I can say it isn't, and we'll stay like this forever until someone posts hard data, you cunt. You have to post it because that's your claim.

None of these involve intelligence. They're all liberal arts bullshit where you professionally have a liberal opinion thats the same as everyone else's.

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this was the film that got Bush's wars supported. Trump just needs to court some other big name media guy. Unfortunatley they are all owned by the Chinese who hate Trump.

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How does he keep getting away with it?

You understand everyone, in the history of the world ever, would be considered at least right wing by today's standards.

I was a moderate/liberal until the culture shift turned those same ideas into being far right. But right wingers can riff much better than any left wingers any day. But lefties are more content doing writing jobs/office type work.

liberals work in creative fields, righties work at gas stations.

this is how it has always been and is supposed to be. if you are smart enough to realize the person you are voting for is padding the pockets of the rich and doesn't give a fuck about you, you stop buying into the myth that the world is fair and everyone who works hard gets their little slice of americana heaven. Most conservatives in the deep south however will cling until their dying day to the delusion that they are temporarily inconvenienced billionaires, thus they will keep working their shit job, won't ask questions, and will even be so gullible that they feel pride in doing it. Instead of learning a skill or a trade or a passion that just might get them out of that shithole, they'll keep doing stupid shit like buying lotto and scratch tickets. They deserve their lot.


holy fuck this actually made people mad
Yea Forums is dead

It's not that the right-wing is particularly creative, it's that the left has buried and crippled itself with the most moronic standards imaginable in exchange for perpetuating its social values. Anything more complex than capeshit or a tumblr drawing of some brown pink-haired retard with freckles looking at its own vulva is vilified. I mean look at how Bell Hooks (once a god for SJ types) got universally 'cancelled' when she said Beyonce was fundamentally regressive for example. It's not even just about saying things that are officially offensive or 'punching down', snipe at a god of the pantheon of Supreme Wokeness and you're done.

How moronic nonsense like ChapoTrapHouse and Redneck Revolt or a Pepe in a ushanka are just proves the point. It's all based on evasion or trying to invert something that places like Yea Forums did first with more resonance in reality

There's no way the left can perpetuate the meme that it is still counter-cultural either. It has to rely on the bankability and fetish-potential of amoral apolitical fantasy colonies like hip-hop (which it rarely issues moral directives towards or criticizes, using the excuse that it's not the place of the 'privileged' to do so even though that's a cop out) to legitimize itself with. So someone like Fantano makes hip-hop his 'brand' to offset the fact he's actually a bald neo-mandarin piece of shit with the most inane takes in history. All in all it has debauched itself

Unfortunately cracks are beginning to appear

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"It's a big club, and you ain't in it." - George Carlin

cheese causes bed deaths

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You can't be openly right wing in Hollywood if you want to get funding/work. Otherwise you get stuck doing those low budget right wing activist films like Dean Cain.

Actually no, on average conservatives are slightly more intelligent than liberals. However, this is because so many liberals are black/brown. Amongst white conservatives and liberals IQ is almsot the same. unz.com/anepigone/politics-and-iq-conservative-democrats/

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>says nonsense
>provides nonsense source
checks out

>The right makes better memes and certainly has the creative edge.
Kek no they dont

Spelling bee causes venomous deaths

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Shut the fuck up you were never a liberal.

Hollywood actually used to be conservative-Republican, anti-communist, pro-capitalist and pro-American back in the 1950s. The boomer gen took over and that's how Hollywood became this leftist echo-chamber. The Catholic lobby also used have a lot of influence in California which is why they also had a grip on Hollywood. They didn't allow any degeneracy from the 1930 to the 1960s which is why black and white movies are usually free from any degeneracy.

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The left, ironically, controls the means of production

fuck off

she looks like she fucks black guys

It's true. Niggers vote democrat and bring down the IQ average of dems.

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"We are going to exterminate everyone that is not pure white bred german, but we are not racist, guys!"
Classic nazis hiding behind wordplay.

Not me, but degenerates like you. You're still falling for the same subversion techniques used by the KGB in the 70s.

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I read these things and my first reaction is to get mad, but then i remember people like you don't live long enough before diabetes or cancer takes you. Thank god for natural selection.

>leftist celebrities
loving, enjoying and savouring every fucking laugh. What fucking party? lmfao

Try and get one of those "leftist celebrities", or god forbid, ARTISTS, to say that shit out loud. Try and get one of them (any one of them) to say "creative types tend to lean left" or any variation of it. They can't do it. No one has ever said anything so stupid and so unartistic out loud. If you were to interview a random "leftist celebrity" and asked them directly "do creative types tend to lean left", their brain would literally shut down from too much cringe. If they were able to answer that question, they wouldn't be creative people.

Do you have a problem with creativity or something? You retarded bro?


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Libertarians are the smartest by far. They're just more extreme conservatives.


Amongst whites, as I said, there is no difference in intelligence between liberals nad conservatives.


oof projecting a bit much there champ? gonna be a "yikes", as they say, from me sweaty.

People like me? What does that even mean, cunt? sure you'll feel happy when Achmed or Pablo beheads you, because you weren't like that EVIL user on Yea Forums.

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this is projection from someone who's such a brainlet that they think that any "conservative art" must have some sort of incredibly obvious subtext about a particular point of view, like it must be some kind of liberty university tier pro-life flick with a bunch of star wipes
>heh, i don't see any movies out about reducing the capital gains tax, must mean that anyone who supports that must be totally uncreative! it's definitely not because that's a fucking stupid thing to make a movie about!

Hollywood was always liberal in some fashion you dumbshit, it's just that the republican influence in Hollywood has decreased over the years

Yeah, let's side with people who want to bring in criminals and take hard working people's money to feed said individuals. Surely we can work together!

Some watertight evidence right here.

>heh, i don't see any movies out about reducing the capital gains tax

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Yes, everyone they want to bring in is a criminal...

these are all meaningless. why do people keep posting them ;_;

Are dentists supposed to be mentally retarded and bartenders smart then?

Now Im not that autistic...

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based and red pilled

>i think you mean they are deliberately kept out.
Most likely, yeah

At the higher levels the repubs hate whites as much as the dems and just want lower minim wage and troops for israel.

As a result Hwood will allow cuckserveakike films occasionally like american sniper to get more ZOG recruits and lolbertarian objectivist crap. The same studios that release those would be outraged by pro-life or gun movies.

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wtf you have against Ngubu?

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