Yeah I'm thinking she's based
Yeah I'm thinking she's based
just as "jacked" as brie larson was
This haggard jew needs some fucking anavar, stat!
Thot 4: Love and Thunder will be the most diverse and inclusive Marvel film to date. Diversity is our strength.
have sex
Kill yourself you fucking shill. No real Thor or comicbook fans are excited about that shit. Take that message back to your masters.
Portman hit the wall years ago. Should gave retired after black swan
When its used for propaganda purposes then it defeats the purpose. Like Affirmative Action. Did you get it because you were qualified or to fill a quota? I can tell you are a summerfag twerp, so I could guess what your answer would be.
I'd love to see her vs brie in a jeep pushing contest!
I don't care about Marble, I just want to see more of Hershey
Being from New Zealand im not surprised Waititi has gone down the "progressive" path.
He is a full blown SJW, white hating Maori nigger.
>jacked Natalie Portman
My dick can't wait.
Then watch her other flicks. She flat ditched the MCU. She phoned in her two performances. What makes you think this will be any different ? Especially now they are Captain Shoehorning her in
Go easy on your sheep, bro
>female lead
>action movie
She left because it wasn't woke enough
When I see Hemsworth in a movie I haven't seen, I ask: is that Thor? natalie will never be Thor even if marvel named her
Yeah I haven't heard that 10,000 times before.
>Natalie will never be typecast
That's good to know!
What about your hobbit?
>Natalie will never be typecast
she already is
the whor comic wasn't even good or liked
No duh, now they dangled the strong waymen stick in front of her. Since she's a feminist in all
But shes one of (((them)))
As what?
As a slut
Yea, can't wait to watch some old hebe broad pretend to be a Norse God. HONK!
We all know "jacked" means losing 10lbs after doing a bunch of meme shit
Remember when they chose Kenneth Branagh to direct the first Thor movie because they wanted it to be an epic story, dare I say, almost shakesperean?
yeah, me neither
I want to rail Nat so fucking bad, bros.
Forced stronk womenz cringe.
She's so smol
Have sex
Taika looks like a 60 year old dike.
she's gonna look like jerri blank when she took steroids
Fuck Aaron and Fuck Whor
>"Jacked" female
>can bench press 120 pounds at most
wow so strong, so amazing
She's gonna bulk up like that other Israeli born superheroine?
Funny. How many actresses are born in Israel and how many have played female superheros in title toles? Hmmmm.
>MCU went from enjoyable capeshit fun times to the apocalyptic wasteland of modern comics
MOST based, Marvel does it again, keeping their movies the truest to comics.
Natalie can do it
She looks ready to me
Is she gonna take gear and develop those crazy female roider lats and shoulders?
Do aliens even have gender? Seems more like an earth concept if you think about it.
>dumb bitch thinks she can gain while being vegan
dumb jew bitch
im really out of the loop, what happened to og thor in endgame that we need a new thor?
or it will be a new event happen in the new movie?
>when I think of Thor, the Norse god of thunder, I think of a small Israeli woman
Can't wait for Luke Cage: The Movie, starring Michael Cera
>the apocalyptic wasteland of modern comics
What in the holy menstruation are you talking about?
Israelis are the most powerful race in the world
Portman showed nothing but contempt for the franchise and phoned in every appearance becoming the worst aspect of every thor movie she was in. For this, she is promoted to thor?
She looks uncomfortable in every picture. She's clearly just cashing a check here, and will put in the bare minimum effort required. Hemsworth will have to carry the film, even though he'll probably be related to sidekick in his own series.
It's not her fault the scripts were shit
Jesus fuck, fetch me a rope.
>what the holy menstruation
Good God... who thought that was a real/printable line!?
The good people at Marvel comics, that's who! House of Ideas, people!
we already know what will happen
Modern concept of gender is literally just personality
>Hershlag refuses to sign new contract until they promise her leading role in franchise-crashing movie
We saw Thor’s butt chute
There was an unusual amount of focus on her in Endgame for a "dropped" character so I'm not particularly surprised by this.
>Remember when they chose Kenneth Branagh to direct the first Thor movie because they wanted it to be an epic story, dare I say, almost shakesperean?
But it was. Well, almost.
She was stuck in the most useless love interest role of all the useless love interest roles. Pepper Potts, Hope Pym, and Bucky Barnes all had much more development as the films progressed.
1. who asked for a lady thor movie?
2. what the fuck? didn't hershlag leave bc she thought she was too good for capeshit, and then talked mad shit abt it in the press?
this could have so much potential but I feel like they will mess it up
>>jane saw her family get dusted, toughen up in the five year
>>mjolnir is reforged/repair
>>Jane's possession signify she's worthy of being asgard's queen and co-ruler alongside thor
>>thor still have stormbreaker and willingly give Jane the mjolnir as an engagement ring.
>natalie portman
kek she was the worst part of the first two movies why the hell are they bringing her back?