Post your personal 10/10 kinos. It might have shit reviews, it might be not popular...

Post your personal 10/10 kinos. It might have shit reviews, it might be not popular, it might have bombed in the theaters, but it is your personal gem that you consider perfect and love no matter what.
For me, it's My Cousin Vinny. They just don't make this kind of comedies anymore, which makes me love it even more.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Utter trash that movie. But the girl is 10/10 for sure.

For me it's Harsh Times.

Raising Arizona. I've probably seen it a dozen times, and it still makes me laugh.

The Lobster
In Bruges

Need For Speed the movie

Gattaca is my favorite film.

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Hudson Hawk

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AND now to get flamed.

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Please note.
The American poster was used intentionally.
The American edit was better.

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I completely forgot about that movie. What a great one.
Also, Mysterious Skin

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Used to be one of mine. Have you watched it recently? I still like it, it's just too melodramatic for my tastes. The brother is an absolute cunt for no real reason.

1st Austin Powers
The Fifth Element

I think it's easier for films with comedic elements to get away with being gems, because any imperfections can be sublimed into the shtick

Best movie of the last 10 years at the very least. Probably the best movie of whatever genre it encompasses by a pretty good margin

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Hey bro, you are not alone. I also think this movie is fucking amazing.

Kill yourself pleb

It's my comfiest movie, I can't even think of anything that really compares.
Yes, it's too long.
Yes, it would be legitimately better without Jocelyn.

But the music is perfect, the sets are great, the props are interesting, I just want to live in the first 15 minutes of this movie.

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I fucking hated this movie. The plotline about other people moving in the stopped time is completely dropped, the MC is a disgusting perv but the film treats him like he's not because "muh art", predictable cliched misunderstanding with love interest which is resolved when she falls in back love with him after realizing he took a bunch of photos of her without her knowledge.
But it had some good performances.

if even you don't consider that it's literal pedophile propaganda you end up with a braindead action flick.
5/10 at the very highest

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i FUCKING HATE that movie
shit taste

My arthouse 10/10 is Under The Skin
Glazer is an absolute madman

kys yourself

A man of distinguished tastes

When sometimes you wanna be Dan Schneider

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kiss yourself?

inb4 muh capeshit

forgot the image

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> The plotline about other people moving in the stopped time is completely dropped
I haven't watched since I was 14 so forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a very obvious symbol of him losing himself in his imagination?
It's not "people" can move around, he just sees a weird shadow guy that makes him remember to live in the moment

if you bring in the "inb4" after 30 replies in the thread, you're probably doing more harm than good

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The movie is basically about someone with an Eidetic/photographic memory, who can take snapshots with his mind, and replay the memory like a freezeframe in his brain.
Or at least that’s how I interpreted it.
Sort of like the guy in the Hannibal TV show.

I don't care what anyone says, this is the perfect Looney Tunes movie. It's far better than Space Jam, and Brendan is great in it. Don't know why Space Jam gets all the acclaim and this one doesn't. Genuinely a great film, and even has Dick Miller in it.

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Good taste. Nice digits.

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>kys yourself

literally perfect

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The actual story of Ulrich von Liechtenstein might have been funnier, although the real Ulrich was from Sturia, not Britain.
I liked the movie though.

Interesting takes. I guess I took everything at face value. Maybe I'll give this movie another shot.

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You know it's fiction bc a 10/10 like that would never be with a manlet like joe pesci

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I don't care if you call me Reddit. Every time I watch this movie, I notice something new that I love about it.

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This and Amadeus, you can't go wrong.

At the very least, she would cheat on him.

I think it starts to get boring right around the part where dragon Haku is getting chased by those paper birds. I want to work in that bathhouse though. Seems comfy.

only the first one was good

you know i'm telling the truth

i don't think anyone on earth loves this movie as much as i do

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I cri evrytiem

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It's a masterpiece

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This movie was Kino, and incredibly well made.

>The brother is an absolute cunt for no real reason.
1. He was barely in it.
2. He was a genetically enhanced Chad told from birth that he was the chosen one.
3. He could have ratted out Vincent from the beginning of the investigation, but didn't.

Also this. Some parts in the movie are straight up bullshit, but the whole picture is fucking amazing.

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The pedophile scenes are what really made it great for me. Some of the eeriest shit I've seen in a flick.

I just love it

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Pic related, it's a 70s post-apocalyptic film about a group of survivors who have to travel from California to the East coast through a nuclear wasteland in a military APC called a "Landmaster".

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Good good but isn't it 4am in Italy?

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10 films that are 10/10:
The Thin Red Line
Back to the Future
The Matrix
Apocalypse Now
2001: A Space Odyssey
Saving Private Ryan
Black Hawk Down
The Fellowship of the Ring


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>The pedophile scenes are what really made it great for me. Some of the eeriest shit I've seen in a flick.

The departed

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This and super troopers. I dont know why I just really like both and no matter how many times I watch it I never not laugh.

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They actually built the thing and it still exists as part of some rich guy's collection. Also, I'm pretty sure this film heavily influenced the Fallout game series, there's just so many similarities between the setting of this film and the games.

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>I'm pretty sure this film heavily influenced the Fallout game series
it definitely did, along with a boy and his dog.

literally and unironically correct

Awesome movie utterly ruined by the copout ending

I just read the synopsis.
So it's not like Space Jam, but instead Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are "actors" that humans live alongside?

Basically, yeah. It's pretty fun though.

i regret nothing, i know it's baby's first existencial film and it's nothing deep, but still Fight Club is a personal 10/10 for me

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Me and my dad would watch this like once a month when it came out on vhs

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I'm pretty sure everyone considers this one perfect. It's the best theatrically released Batman movie.

pretty sure 99% of people never watched it.

While being a good movie just holds a special place. Me my dad and little bro saw the movie christmas day after he got us some pic related toys. One of my better Christmases.

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99% sure that you're pretty gay. Just kidding. I might have watched it like 10 years ago but I forget everything about it.

Marisa Tomei winning the oscar is still one of the most controversial wins in the academy's history, so the entire movie is pozzed because of that.

i fucking love bringing out the dead

In discussion of Walt Disney Animation Studios' work, I find that Bambi is often overlooked. It was Walt's personal favorite, and mine as well. Look at this shit.

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I watched it, and I don't like it at all. Bruce on it is just a whiny whoremonger, the entire theme of the movie is him being a pathetic crying beta.

From all the batman animated movies is the one I'm displeased the most, as it makes me unconfortable as I feel cringe towards a character I genuinely likes for him being so pathetic in this one movie, and I unironically can't see why people think it is a masterpiece.

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Also, sorry for the typo and grammar mistakes, I'm drunk.