this is the only tarantino movie i haven't seen. is it good?
This is the only tarantino movie i haven't seen. is it good?
Fuck yes
Watched it for the first time the other day
Damn that was mediocre
You can literally skip that one
You got to watch it at least once.
If you watch it with some alcohol and or weed it's comfy core kino. If you don't it's 7.5 on IMDB.
shit taste kid, but try it again when you grow up
Michael Keaton does some horrid acting in this one. And deniro looks like he wants to cry the whole time
it is better than kill bill, django, deathproof and maybe even reservoir dogs. it feels more polished
Yeah i guess you gotta be 40 to get the genius of every 15 y/o favourite director
It's his best movie.
It is better than half of his movies
His only movie above a 7/10
It's pretty good, doesn't jump round in time like a lot of his movies do and you get to see Bridget Fonda's nude ass.
I find her profile more attractive than her full face
Also the only one I havent seen. Had a friend call it his most mature film.
samjay carries it so hard
Yea Forums likes to meme it as being his masterpiece just because no one else likes it.
Tostinos film legacy
>four rooms
complete dogshit and yes this counts no matter how bad he wants it not to
> Reservoir dogs
rip off of city on fire
>Pulp Fiction
decent, but only because of Roger Avary
>jackie Brown
great film. funny how he can only tell a cohesive narrative without "muh disjointed chapters" when the material isnt his.
>kill bill 1
rip off of lady snowblood
>kill bill 2
>death proof
the less said about this one the better
>inglorious bastards
decent. suffers from meme chapter directing. the shtick gets old
fucking horrible
>hateful 8
his second worst movie (next to DP). what a waste of good talented actors and 70mm film on what essentially is a boring as play.
tortallini is a meme director loved by first year film students who think he actually ever made anything worth a damn
Damn you sure are a patrician *Tip my fedora*
only fedoras like Tarantula
>decent, but only because of Roger Avary
lmao imagine actually thinking this
was just searching through youtube watching stupid shit thanks for the recommendation
Try watching it again when you’re in your 20s
It’s ok. Worth watching.
damn, how will Tarantovsky fags ever recover?
It's his most emotional film, coming from a big fan of his entire filmography. He does a good job of fleshing out the characters enough for you to become attached to them. Some of that could be attributed to Elmore Leonard's characterization, but QT did a good job. This film is also a beautiful meeting point between his 90s camera work (dirty 35mm film, stylized shots) and his 2000s sense of dense storywriting (inglorious basterds, hateful eight)
that soundtrack is also fucking amazing
Ayy someone saved my post. It’s all still true by the way. Tarantula is a hack. Telling movies in chapters is essentially a get out of jail free card. Have cool scenes but don’t know how to tie them together? Fuck it. Just make disjointed chapters. Hack
It's an okay movie. If you have absolutely nothing else to watch it's a 6/10 that will keep you from thinking about how shitty your life is for 90 minutes.
Im 24
What is it with you guys thinking theres more about this one?
Pam grier my 70s fu
Thats the problem its 160 mins long and I really dont know why
Fuck off it's an incredible movie
>hateful 8 & Jackie Brown 2 best its not mediocre its mellow
Best soundtrack of any Tarantino film and its not even close
I thought it went by pretty quick for how long it was
Pls tell me why
Its got all of the beauty of pulp fiction (visual) without any of the bloat
The obvious fact that this movie has a lot to do with aging and becoming tired of your life. Of course, you'll then argue that you have an extremely arduous life and that I don't understand you. Seriously, watch it when life has finally worn you down. You'll get it
No I wont argue that
Its just stupid to assume one couldnt understand something because he hasnt been in a similar situation or state in his life
I wouldn't argue that you could get it at 24. I'm 21 and this is my favorite QT film. But of course, it could just be a film you don't like. Don't ever force it if you dont enjoy a film. The atmosphere was enough to grip me upon first (hungover) viewing, personally. It just hit all of the marks for me
it’s good. my favorite of his.
personally I think it's his best because it combines his mise en scene with a better writer than he is
I think Sam Jackson also called it his favorite
I thought this movie was so slow but most of my friends really like it. My favorite movie is Drive btw
This movie would resonate with anyone who feels burnt-out or weighed down by their job. The tragedy is that you don't have to even be middle aged now to understand that.
Great movie with great performances. I am glad Robert Forster was plucked out of obscure B-movie trash to give a wonderful world-weary performance and a well deserved Oscar nomination. Pam Grier was brilliant, keeping her cool, but occasionally getting rattled while she battles to survive Ordell and the ATF; though I wish she got her tits out again. Not normally into negresses, but she would get it alright.
Sam Jackson alpha's almost the whole movie. De Niro's aspie character was endearing, even if it's pretty close to what a wackjob De Niro is IRL. It was tragic how he did his best to stay loyal to Ordell over Melanie and got taken out anyway. Bridget Fonda was hot as fuck and played a good conniving bitch who was only out for herself. Michael Keaton was good, but didn't get as much screen-time. He tries to buddy up with Jackie then shuts down her attempt to subvert him over the money and then he goes all out to catch her out her lies. The double cross works in the end, but it's sad that Max doesn't go with Jackie. I'd like to think he went after her or caught up with her later.
Sadly, Tarantino went totally batshit after this. 90's Tarantino was where it's at.