What are our expectations bros? Is it going to be kino or cringecore?
What are our expectations bros? Is it going to be kino or cringecore?
*tugs braid*
*Smooths skirts*
who #gayforPerrin here?
budget not big enough for all the characters, guessing they'll just focus on just 3 and there will be plenty of exposition to what's going on
It's gonna be shit.
That being said , I read the books 10 years ago and I forgot most of the story, and dropped the series at book 9.
Is it even worth picking it up again?
The last couple of books that Sanderson did are top kinos.
>Going for martin kino in game of thrones to high school dnd session.
This is why fantasy is the short bus of speculative fiction. Its absllute terror in growing up from its juvenile puerile roots.
book 10 is where it gets good again, 7-9 is the slog
Ah shit , I've got some catching up to do.
I'll just read a summary of all the books before I continue , fuck rereading everything all over again.
it will be shit
>Martin kino
>Cheap gore and nudity porn with a generous helping of sjw
So is this series worth reading?
Everyone seems to say it goes to shit for multiple books in the middle.
They are brainlets who hate character development and lore. Wheel of Time is kino and Nynaeve is best girl.
>Nynaeve is best girl
Top tier taste user
Yes, it's worth it. The books everyone dislikes are 8-10. They are all setup for the finale.
Now that the series has finished, it isn't so bad.
I appreciate the pace of the later books, which was required to wrap everthing up in under 4000 pages at that point, but Sanderson is a lousy writer compared to RJ. Most of his sentences in The Gathering Storm read like this:
>A dark tempest swirled in the sky. There was a storm coming. A *big* storm. And scary.
Also, he wrote Mat like some highschooler fanfic of their favorite character.
Knife of Dreams is perfect - sudden major uptick in pace, and still all RJ.
>Brandon Sanderson is a bad writer. *Very* bad.
Reminder Martin doubled down and took credit for this """kino""" before it aired.
It's only worth reading if you're a NEET with nothing but time to kill. There were maybe a dozen moments throughout the entire series where I felt emotionally invested, and almost all of those moments came in the last 4 books.
>not Moriane
Wtf are you doing