Which one are you?

Which one are you?

Attached: BoomDoomZoomBloomGloomFilms.jpg (1961x2500, 1.34M)

Mix of Boomer and Doomer

Mostly doomer with a bit of gloom

>not a single foreign film
what happened to Yea Forums?

reading is for suckers

do you read sound?

>all films are 1980s or later

I'll just guess at what the sounds they're making are then

Attached: 1559356703447.png (657x539, 46K)

None of them, they all have shit taste
doomer and Boomer

>Doomer dosen't have Taxi Driver on his list
what the fuck is wrong with him?

ew a movie from the 60's

>he can't speak more than one language
langlets get off my board

What's wrong with films from the 60's?

>2 boom
>1 doom
>2 bloom

There's only one real language. American. Anything else is just masturbation. prove me wrong eurofag

all the "characters" in that image are supposed to be 30 years old or under.

>He can't understand every language for the sole perpose of watching foriegner film

Dosen't mean they can't watch a movie from before the 80s

Nothing at all. List was suppose to be where most of these meme tropes started their cinephile career. Unfortunately I don't think that point is getting across so might as well be a dick.

Have never seen Falling Down, but I'm gonna go with The Princess Bride
This one is really tough, but I think I'm gonna go with WEGG
Never seen Life Aquatic, but I think it's gotta be Children of Men
RoboCop, without a doubt
Shaun of the Dead

I'm 29 and most films that I enjoy are from the 50s and earlier.
When you ascend to my levels of kinoisseurdom you realize how films went to shit after the 1960s.

top 5 movies

It's from the 70s you fucktard.

Das Testament des Dr Mabuse
The 39 Steps
Seven Samurai
The Third Man
House of Bamboo

Attached: lol.gif (480x250, 491K)

That's the most basic bitch list of movies I've ever seen.


let me guess, you pretend to enjoy muh godard and muh tarkovsky and muh bergman and muh bela tarr just to seem interesting and sophisticated but don't actually understand anything about film, am I right?
Don't bother replying I know I'm right.

all good films are popular, but not all popular films are good.
no good films are unpopular.

Attached: deal_with_it.jpg (550x550, 9K)

I like films that make you think.

Aguirre, the Wrath of God
El Topo
Blue (1993)

holy shit that is the most meme-tier list I've ever seen. You must be an absolute brainlet if those make you think.
also Woyzeck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aguirre

Shit memes, shit list, shit OP kys.

You're comparing apples and oranges here
Like Nosferatu vs. Encounters at the End of the World