Can literally anything stop this based man on his conquest?

can literally anything stop this based man on his conquest?

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Beastiality laws


Dogs boipussies.

>thought movies started with Citizen Kane

doggie chastity belts



Watching films made before the year 2000 might kill him. Oh and PETA too.

>fucks dogs

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Music that isn't gay

Has Yea Forums ever been able to refute a single one of his points? How does one furry outsmart an entire board worth of people?

I used to take note of his opinions but I'm not so sure anymore. Am I a pleb or is his taste pretty mediocre?

I used to write elaborate Stanford-style notes on his reviews and track his ratings in an Excel spreadsheet. When I learned he was a furry I kicked my computer so hard the files got deleted

>being gay and licking dog anus is the same thing

He's Canadian
Try again

What points? He said that Citizen Kane started narrative structures. He is a fucking joke.

It took me a while to figure out that this guy isn't Varg.

fucking lmao

Fuck furries and fuck faggots


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This movie fucking sucked. There were so many plot holes I started to write them down but couldn't even keep up as more and more of them were appearing. Why didn't they just run from the killer man? *whiny voice* BUT ADAM, YOU WOULDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO IN THAT SITUATION EITHER... Yeah, if I was fucking retarded. But it makes sense I guess. I would also wanna die if I starred in this movie.

Overall 6/10 it wasn't too bad.

He is such a fucking idiot. How can one person be so stupid?

I hate furries and gay people.

He's not wrong. Gas them all.

>The people that tend to praise the films of Kurosawa and Welles are usually either pretending to be infatuated with them to give off the look that they are cinephiles or just take influence into account when it comes to cinema
Wasn't The Holy Mountain aka. "look mum I'm a serious cinephile: The Movie" his favourite film?

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It's only rivaled by synecdoche new york

>*the video starts off explaining how fucking stray dogs is fair use*
>so I just watched The Bridge on the river Kwai
>*a solid "thump" can be heard as Adam drops a used dog on the ground and starts the review*
>the movie begins with some guy whistling in the jungle, until you realize that's actually the soundtrack of the movie. I guess the sound department didn't get too much funding in the 50s
>*you can hear a litter of newborn puppies whimpering at the sight of their violated mother*
>and then you have this scene that last for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES where the actors just stand around and say nothing. Did they all forget their lines, and the director went "eh, good enough!"
>*a faint barking erupts, as the german sheperd in the basement is slowly fusing with the dildo machine he's been strapped to for weeks*
>and then movie turns into James Bond when one of the guys is sent BACK into the camp to blow up the bridge. Why didn't you blow it up while you were theeeeeere?
>*wooden planks can be heard shattering as a barricaded window gives in and an entire kennel of labradors commits suicide by jumping through it*
>so they finally after building the bridge they didn't want to build, 007 guy plants the bomb but they see him because he didn't hide the wire properly and they go investigate. Why are you investigating when you can just SHOOT him? He's right there!
>*a thundering crash interrupts Adam as the ceiling breaks under the weight of fifty chained up Saint Bernards kept in the attic*
>*after a good thirty seconds of struggle, a delirious Adam can be heard emerging from the pile of dog penises, panting*
>I give this movie 6/10, it was meh

Basically the greentext about princess the dog x 100.

Soooooo I just saw _________ and it was Preeeeetttyyyyy __________
>goes on for 5 to 8 minutes pointing out the same generic points someone watching the trailer and reading the imdb synopsis could have made

How does he have almost a million subs?

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If all furries are faggots, then that reflects pretty poorly on the homosexual community and I'd say that's a bigger problem than non-furries having an issue with you.

He fucks dogs.

Having to watch a silent movie despite it being his job to know about movies

The funniest thing about this is that he's basically implying people like James Rolfe are pretentious cinephiles.

don't forget the 7/10 rating

is james rolfe the better critic?

But it's impossible for silent movies to be good because the technology was bad, and Citizen Kane hadn't invented stories yet

This. Even fucking Stuckmann is more goddamn detailed.

>watches EVERY movie in a year including obviously garbage student film tier horror movies
>can't make time to watch basic classics once

Yes. James Rolfe has experience with filmmaking (I know his films aren't the best, but from what dogfucker says sometimes, it's painfully obvious he knows nothing about filmmaking), and James is 1000x less pretentious, despite the fact that he reviews more older films than newer ones. James has also never claimed that Citizen Kane invented modern storytelling

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I'm bi and even go to local pride events but all furries are depraved disgusting lunatics and deserve gas chambers and stake burnings.
Sad thing is half the sick fucks will like it.


Also he literally stopped a review of a ghost movie to fucking go on a 2 minute long atheist angry rant about how ghosts don't exist and that's not scientific and people who believe in ghosts or the afterlife are retarded. Again he is reviewing a fucking ghost movie. It made me embarrassed to be even agnostic, let alone atheist.

>hasn't seen Fritz Lang
whaaaaaaaaat what the fuuuuuuuck holy shit
imagine being this. holy fucking shit.

This except I don't go to pride parades

I only go to the community organized ones. The actual city sponsored corporate bullshit just exists so chain businesses can milk money and look nice.

He used to be less shit and lots of people forget to unsub.

SBN3 took him down years ago, adums been afraid to respond.


At least James went to college for film and actually knows the craft

>He went to film school
Fuck off, Youtuber

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>stopped doing long form reviews with valid critiques and reasoning to back them up
>now does 8 minute shorts for ad revenue about movies his mom and aunt drag him to.
>can even be bothered to review so instead just be a whiny pessimist
>uses a rating system for cheap laughs with scores that are always middle of the road
>is a furry faggot
His videos are only good for background noise while you tidy up or tinker.
Nothing else.
Which is sad.

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oh no he posted a basedboy wojak, that means I automatically lose every argument!

>going to film school
>not films

You didnt refute him, so yeah

fucking disgusting subhuman abomination

>James Rolfe has experience with filmmaking
There are people who believe that doesn't matter.
I've have arguments both IRL and online with people about a person who does and a person who consumes. I've given up even caring even more.
A person who has made movies has more insight on the process of movie making than some guy who has watched a lot of movies.
I've even tried to use the analogy of a chef v. a foodie. One has cooked food across types and study the science in it while one only has eaten at a lot of places. And they sway to the side of the foodie example, even though a foodie understand food at a superficial level, or might have shit tastes they lean to that side.
To many people have the my opinion matters bullshit that was taught to kids for years.

To each his own, I guess. Personally LGBT "culture" has never appealed to me. But if the most flamboyant fags and the most vanilla average joe gays can come together in condemning furries, there's still hope for this world.

What the fuck is objective criticism? Artistic criticism by it's very nature is inherently subjective because there is universal standard for objective quality of art and heaven forbid if anyone actually tries to establish one.

Deep down I just really, really, really hate Christians so I love it when freaks in leather dog outfits on leashes and guys in thongs traumatize them. I don't even really like the culture either, I just like that it pisses off people I hate.

Thats just gatekeeping and scholasticism and thats wrong with art

Film school doesn't make you better at appreciating film. It might teach you the important minutia of filmmaking and criticism, but it also narrows the students' focus and gives them a warped view of the medium. The most flagrant example of this is prioritizing the aesthetics of shot composition over all other aspects of cinematography such as movement and blocking.

lmao look at this edgy future mass shooter

Literally who?

Please tell me he said this in a video so I can get the name and laugh. Does this individual seriously think movie story structure didn't exist before Citizen Kane?

>prioritizing the aesthetics of shot composition over all other aspects of cinematography such as movement and blocking
I think people like dogfucker do this more than James