What are some good films where left wing people get slaughtered?

I can think of The Wild Geese and Enemy at the Gates off the top of my head

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Animal Farm, almost all the leftists who genuinely believe in egalitarian-feminist Marxism get killed by the opportunists.

is this a photoshop or does the original seriously have hammer and sickels on it?

Opportunist, that's a nice way to cloak your awful politics behind seemingly innocuous language

Green Inferno and about half the James Bond movies.

The poster is real. It got removed because it angered a Lithuanian MEP who saw it.

The EU is evil.

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It's not real, as in it wasn't sanctioned by the EU. It was some art competition, it was put up briefly in a MEP's office and the EU asked them to take it down.


>The poster is not a European Commission poster. It was part of a series of posters hanging in a corridor which were made by artists in the context of a competition by the Czech Council on Foreign Relations. This competition was not funded by the EU," Giedrius Sudikas, spokesman for the commission's office in Lithuania, told AFP.

>As soon as the controversial symbol was pointed out, the poster was immediately removed. The building managers of all the Commission's buildings have now been asked to check if this poster is being displayed anywhere else on Commission property and remove it.

Why are conservatives so violent?

The EU hung it up in their offices. That means they approved of its message, you EU shill.

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The poster is real you liar. It hasn’t been edited. It sparked some controversy at the time.

No it doesn't. No more that Republicans in the US can all be called racist because some republicans are in pictures with KKK members etc.
I said it's not real, as in it wasn't created by the EU as implied.

violence is a perfectly useful tool, the issue is retards who use it over better tools for the job

Why *punches old man with MAGA hat* are *we need to kill all white males* conservatives *joins grooming gang* so *gets beaten up at Antifa* violent?

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Antifa haven't killed anyone. Trump supporters have.

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Because Antifa is full of pussies. They’d kill if they could but they don’t have the body strength.

sure thing

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Spend more time at the range and less time jerking off to Steven Universe and maybe you’ll finally get one.

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You have one example I can keep going faggot


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>be Antifa
>get upset and triggered by literal pronouns
>think you can fight
>get jaw broken by patriots
>it’s gets put on a YouTube compilation

Lmao. I love seeing leftists suffer.

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back to lefty/pol/ to dilate

>According to the complaint, when questioned, he identified as a patriot and a Donald Trump supporter who hates radical Muslims in government. While he did not recall the exact words he said to Omar’s staff member, he did agree to the sentiment of the message the staffer reported.


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>power comes from the barrel of a gun
>a million deaths is a statistics

Wtf the left aren’t violent guys! Impeach! Stop Brexit!

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>Wtf the left aren’t violent guys!
They aren't
