Why didn't Denzel die from alcohol poisoning?

Why didn't Denzel die from alcohol poisoning?

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He's from Scotland

you'd be surprised what the human body can take
but i'm not sure blacks can handle alcohol like we do

literally me


Hit me with your top movies for a maximum Denzel experience.

Inside Man

I knock myself out drinking once a week and I worry about my health. If I knew it wouldn't affect my health like some people, I'd do it way more.

Flight was good. Training Day is a classic and Hurricane if you want young Denzel.

get yourself checked
after three years of almost a bottle a day, came out with almost no damage, only had a high something associated with binge drinkin, some kind of protein or enzyme in the blood, don't remember
but nothing else, not even liver damage so i basically got away with it, health wise
have your blood analysed

Literally me.

american gangster is pretty fun. Especially in the beginning.

Surprised withdrawals didn't kill you desu

American Gangster feels like it tries wayyy too hard but it's one I still watch if it's on tv and i'm bored

Cry Freedom. 70s South Africa is so comfy

like user said, get your blood levels checked. Be up front about your drinkin problem.
Things like gout, ascites and jaundice is no joke

>bottle a day
Fuck man, that must have been expensive.
Are you sober now?

never had physical symptoms aside from putting on a few
think i did it long enough to build high tolerance but not enough to get to the point of withdrawals and i didn't really binge in one sitting, it was more of a constant buzz throughout the day, less damaging that way

No, but I'm gay if it matters

If you're a long-term heavy drinker then your tolerance can get absurdly high

not quite the whole thing, there was always some left for breakfast
it was expensive, and i'm sober now
8 months without a driver licence is a lot of biking, really clears the head haha

>all these replies and still no devil in a blue dress
Top tier Denzel. And best Denzel/Cheadle kino.

literally me IRL

All of them even the shit ones, his performance elevates them.

crimson tide
the siege
devil in a blue dress
the mighty quinn

Hi Shoenice again

>Characters who are literally you

devil in a blue dress

>never had physical symptons
you did if you quit, did you taper? I drank a handle a day and had a seizure when I went cold turkery inadvertently due to no access to liquor

I get this impression too, like it wanted to be the next Goodfellas / Heat

This. He's pretty much great in everything, even the bad ones like Fallen and Virtuosity.

My pick
Malcolm X
He Got Game
Crimson Tide

Action stuff
Man on Fire
Equalizer 1 and 2
Book of Eli

Dumb, inexperienced drinkers do die from poisoning. Only true alcoholics know that the body can build an insane amount of tolerance over time.
At the height of depression a few years ago I was drinking a fifth of vodka a night and getting mad that I was sobering up in the middle of the night.

He did. The rest of the movie is a dream as he passes away.

based redditpost

you beaners need to keep out of this board