Why did he cheat on his beautiful wife so much? Am I supposed to admire this adulterous, deserter scum bag?

Why did he cheat on his beautiful wife so much? Am I supposed to admire this adulterous, deserter scum bag?

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No, you're supposed to pity him

He’s filthy rich with a beautiful wife and two kids, BOO FUCKIG HOO BUCKO

Good looking, successful men will sometimes pretend to have inner turmoil but it's disingenuous

Unless they were diddled by their Uncle as a kid or something


>why arent all my characters one dimensional so I can act as a retarded cheerleader.
Kys pleb

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Because he was bored

because Betty was a puddle-shallow, boring and extremely childish woman, who presented no qualities to which Don was attracted. He consistently went for independent, charismatic and intelligent women. When you're handsome and rich - able to fuck any woman you want - you stop paying so much attention to looks.

youre supposed to realize that he is a piece of shit, and even though he is admired and respected, he is nothing but lies and deceit in human form

but the deeper message is that as long as he delivers, it doesnt matter how big of a piece of shit he is

>two kids
I pity him

Because Betty was a shallow shell of a woman that couldn't adapt to the times or Don's needs, and because Don is a deceitful liar who built the foundation of his new life upon lies.

>Why did he cheat on his beautiful wife so much?
Because fucking one woman gets really boring in about a month.

>Am I supposed to admire this adulterous, deserter scum bag?

>she has no growth as a person!
>pays off psychologist to tell her how to behave and report directly to him
Wow what a strong man he is.

>pays off psychologist to tell her how to behave and report directly to him
i think you've missed the point of this show being set in the sixties buddy

Everyone in this show is a scum bag except Henry Francis.

>wanting independent women

This, mostly. As far as I know just about every attractive person I've known was molested in adolescence to some degree. The ones who are annoying are the ones who are loud about it.

Because Don is a fucking asshole that hates himself and is self destructive.

Because he is a man.

>flirts with another man's wife
I think you mean Ken Cosgrove

Harry Crane did nothing wrong

Pete is the purest one on that show, take that back you double nigger.

Pete was a scumbag early on, you have to be stupid not to see that

this, Ken is the only non-adulterer

name 3 occasions.

Mad Men is Pete's redemption arc

Cheats on his wife with another mans wife.

Rapes a girl.

Steals ideas and presents them as his own.

Yes and he became a good man while Don just continued to lose his soul.

All of these are things Don does far more often except rape

brainlets detected. Don's character was actually super insecure. His whole life is a fraud and he is constantly attempting to refute for his inferiority complex by "proving to himself" that he can "get any girl" and "sell any product". Do you not recall all those scenes where he internally freaks ou/worries if he will sell the next big ad campaign that he desperately pulls out of his ass? How he has a mental breakdown and runs away to California? Don was a totally insecure man always trying to live up to "what a man is suppose to be" according to 1960's Americana standards. The show as about the burdens society puts on its supposed alpha males.

>cheated on his fiance in the very first episode
>cheated on his wife with another man's wife
>effectively raped the german au pair
you can consider him a product of his upbringing and the era in which he lived, but that doesn't change the fact that he did exceptionally shitty thing

only brainlets admire him.
its made quiet clear from the first episode that he's a deeply insecure, scared and broken man.
that's what makes him relatable yet detestable.

>rapes a girl
when? it's been a few years since my last re-watch

the show really suffers from trying to be both a validation fantasy and a satire at the same time.

basically Don is a mess, but the story surrounds him with so much money and pussy that it rarely works in the same way as the Sopranos.

doesn't matter you fucking idiot, murdering one person isn't ok because serial killers murder lots

>the show really suffers from trying to be both a validation fantasy and a satire at the same time.

this highly popular show really suffers from successfully juxtaposing humor and drama! t. brainlet

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i think mad men was more self-indulgent than satirist

>which would be what the show would have been like if it had been made by HBO

I mean obviously that's what Weiner was going for, but a lot of those burdens closely resemble people's wildest fantasies and it's a network TV show so the desire to maintain Don's sheen was always in evidence.

Depression hits all of ud

This. How many times does the viewer need to see don having sex?

>humor and drama
>validation fantasy and satire

I know this is Yea Forums and you don't really want to have a discussion, but could you at least pretend to be responding to my actual post, please? thx

How does that go against my statement that don is a self destructive asshole?

>*rapes you in Don's office in your path*

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>couldn't adapt to the times or Don's needs
What exactly did she NOT do for Don?

i really don't think mad men was trying to be satire. I just think it was the first period drama of the 50-60s to go all out on set, wardrobe and the iconic companies. Which might give off the air of being obnoxious or extravagant to those with the wrong idea.

>I mean obviously that's what Weiner was going for, but a lot of those burdens closely resemble people's wildest fantasies and it's a network TV show so the desire to maintain Don's sheen was always in evidence.

that was on purpose. even most characters in the story could not pick up on Don's insecurity. they were all mostly oblivious to it and thought of him as a giga-chad with a dream lifestyle. Except for characters like Peggy and Betty. Betty's disdain for his insecurity is what he ran away from and Peggy's acceptance of Don, despite his flaws, was why she was his closest confidant: she knew he was both insecure/had those panic attacks, but also still respected him for his accomplishments and ability to bluster through everything. So of course many of the fans of the show will be like most of the characters in the show: oblivious to the alpha male's insecurities. The multifaceted real world opinions people had of the character is part of what made the show interesting. don draper is like an ink blot test. brainlet normies see a asshole giga-chad who has it all that they are jealous of. high iq chads see a blustering, but endearing foolish little boy playing man.

Who mentioned murder, dumbass?

all his arc needed was flashbacks to him throwing the touchdown pass and getting whipped by a belt from his drunk dad.

Be entertaining

>what is an analogy

not be a complete cunt.
granted don and betty were pretty perfect for eachother, which was the whole point.

>not be a complete cunt
She started being a cunt only after the Bobbie Barret's affair, while Don was cheating on her since forever for what we know

Excite him, provide a challenge, give him independence, indulge him with his work. Look at the difference between Betty and Megan.

Megan embodies the ideas of the new age the characters move into, Betty can't do anything without Don's permission and is desperately stuck in her 50's ideals of being pretty and domesticated, whereas Megan is a working professional, spontaneous, etc.

>I know this is Yea Forums and you don't really want to have a discussion, but could you at least pretend to be responding to my actual post, please? thx
you said the show "really suffers from x" meanwhile x is exactly what made the show successful. i know this is Yea Forums and you're a brainlet, but could you at least pretend to not be a brainlet, please? thx

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Because he's a bitch whorechild who was forever chasing Roger's greatness

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I really disagree with the notion that the show was trying to be a validation fantasy OR satire. It is a character study of Don (and also plenty of others), and his life, like most of ours, has its moments of good and its moments of bad, even on a daily basis. Obviously there's a narrative being constructed and there are moments where characterization falls by the wayside to plot development but I think they did a great job of selling Don to the audience as a real, complex man. He's insecure, selfish, he's an alcoholic, and somewhat conniving. He is loyal to those relationships where he feels valued, but intensely disloyal the second he feels like people are putting their needs on the same level as his (which makes him disloyal overall). But he's also competent, successful, legitimately talented at advertising, and charismatic. Those qualities aren't mutually exclusive, they're part of the fabric that make him a believable character. There are real people that have all of these qualities. They are good and bad at the same time.

>tfw Roger's daughter became a disgusting hippie slut
he didn't deserve it

And let's not forget the only reason he got into advertisement in the first place is because he got Roger drunk and manipulated him to be hired.
The man has a gift but is a complete fraud in every aspect of his life

High IQ post

>Excite him, provide a challenge, give him independence, indulge him with his work. Look at the difference between Betty and Megan.
>Megan embodies the ideas of the new age the characters move into, Betty can't do anything without Don's permission and is desperately stuck in her 50's ideals of being pretty and domesticated, whereas Megan is a working professional, spontaneous, etc.

brainlet opinion. don didnt care what his wife was up to, he just wanted a wife who worshipped him after betty started to see him for what he was. whereas megan was impressed by him and saw him as a prize during their "honeymoon phase". once megan started "focusing on herself" and trying to bring herself up to don's level, he lost all interest in her because she was no longer living just to worship him. he didnt give a shit that she started working and was confused and turned off by it.

I don't think Don wants his wives to worship him. One of the main driving forces behind Don's character is that he wants to feel in control. That's why he has a hard time signing the contract. He wants to control all the aspects of his life and what surrounds him. The moment Megan slips out of his control and starts being more independent he freaks out.

Breathe for a second you absolutist moron, it doesn't have to be one or the other, he liked Megan for what she was, and yes, he also grew tired of her once she put distance between them both by moving away from advertising and further into acting. He clearly did give a damn about that, it's a common plotline throughout their entire relationship. He couldn't have it both ways, her free spirited demeanour and the control he wanted over the situation.

Is Mad Men the ultimate pleb filter?

not really, it's a show that leaves many people with wildly different opinions on it and its characters.
Some see it as a masturbatory period piece of the 50-70s and enjoy it for its shiny clothes, colors, and old iconic products and ads they saw in other old movies/tv.
Some enjoy it purely for the ad company arcs, how don and the team develop an ad, iterate on it, pitch it, and the fallout or success of the reaction.
Others like it for the sex, drama and (mostly) pretty people fucking.

Incels idolizing Roger is missing the point even harder than when the same losers idolize Don.

yes, no one on that show has morals, that's not why we like them you dumb faggot.

I'm sorry if I sound like a brainlet but I don't really know anything about it, do advertising companies like the ones we see in the show still exist nowadays?

I always figured it would be more convenient for a company to have a team focused on advertising their own product rather than hiring an external company

Yes they exist, companies don't manage their own advertising portfolios and time buys, it's incredibly time consuming.

A lot of the companies in the show still exist (like McCann).

>I'm sorry if I sound like a brainlet but I don't really know anything about it, do advertising companies like the ones we see in the show still exist nowadays?
>I always figured it would be more convenient for a company to have a team focused on advertising their own product rather than hiring an external company

giant international conglomerates have their whole own marketing departments but most smaller businesses still contract out the work and some large firms still reach outside they feel the need/want some new blood. considering some companies only refresh their ads/marketing every few years it doesnt make sense to have a full time marketing department.

I guess back in the days there was no need for having an ad department working full time when media was slower than today. You'd make an ad campaign that you ran for a few months or more and then you came to an agency if you wanted a new one. Maybe it would be more cost effective too. I'm not expert and that's just a guess, so I might be more

imagine not being successful, charming, handsome, or intelligent, but still being super insecure ha ha