Is it time for more Asian representation in western cinema?

Everyone is subtly racist against all asians and only given them 3/4th value compared to any other race.
They'll say shit like weeaboo/koreaboo/yellow fever, and when you show them a gorgeous specimen she's just "ok looking"

Attached: 0e908d0b8e1126b32f9bc049f36ddfca.jpg (564x846, 43K)

*Surpasses kino*

Attached: Attack on Titan.webm (1002x420, 2.97M)

user, you're gay.

>no ass
>no titts
>weird round faces
>bug eyes
>90% of the time have fucked up teeth
I dont get the appeal

Quiet roastie, your time is up.

Attached: china real nibba gun.jpg (720x756, 91K)