These guys invest a lot of time and money into their channel apparently. Yet they have barely more subscribers than YMS, and a lot less than IHE.
What do we think about this, and what do we think about RLM?
These guys invest a lot of time and money into their channel apparently. Yet they have barely more subscribers than YMS, and a lot less than IHE.
What do we think about this, and what do we think about RLM?
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I think you care a lot more about their success than they do.
go back to r*ddit.
What's wrong with that? I'm a longtime fan and wish to see them prosper, for I believe they deserve such success.
Anyway, I birthed this thread to discuss them, not me.
OP here, this
>40k on patreon
>30k on youtube
>plus merch
>4 videos per month
They get a lot of money but they don't invest it or time into their channel.
What is YMS and what is IHE?
I've never heard of YMS or IHE, do they make any videos worth watching or is it just the usual 5 minute reviews for adhd kids like most movie channels on youtube?
Ok but compared to YMS and IHE they do. Those guys' videos are trash compared to RLM. Yet they're more popular, and for some reason the worst of all is the most successful.
>These guys invest a lot of time and money into their channel apparently
Do they? Because all they seem to do is drink beer and sit on a couch watching bad VHSs.
They can’t even be assed to watch recent movies and make reviews like Alita Battle Angel or Midsommer or Venom or Crawl.
RLM is the only one of those channels that I like. And they have a solid viewerbase. I don't think their channel would ever stop getting views or dry up.
Why do subscribers matter? Views are more important.
I thought that they hid their patreon income. Are you just pulling numbers out of your ass?
>This fucking nigger autist spouting acronyms left and right like we're supposed to know what it's talking about.
>dont invest
>quite obvious the build a plywood set and use it till it falls apart then film the wreckage
trying too hard to fit in mate. its ok to not like something
>Do they
Most people want talking heads doing 5 min reviews.
Yeah, it's not like Adam is a meme on here and everyone knows and hates IHE. Why do you come to a new board and start insulting people for talking about usual Yea Forums stuff? Go back
Seems kind of high. I know they hide they're numbers, but still. This is probably a bad comparison, but Mega64 has a patereon and VERY diehard fans and only get $11,000 a month. They have half a million subs to RLM's even million, so for RLM to have 4 times that amount on Pateron seems off.
Not trying to call you out, just curious for a sauce.
I'm pretty sure they invest a lot of money into their channel.
They rent out a warehouse, build sets, and use professional equipment.
That's already more effort than the average retard who just makes videos out of his bedroom and with little editing to speak of. The shitty jokes RLM makes where someone talks and it cuts to a stillframe of the person they're talking to with a dumb pose is more effort than most Youtubers put into their videos.
>build cheap plywood set
>used till it falls apart
Let's call this investment.
They have really high average view count per subscriber, about 0.6 x total subs. Most channels get around 0.2 to 0.3 x. Sub count itself doesn't give a channel ad revenue, it's the view count that ultimately matters. It also helps that RLM videos were always longer than 10 minutes, and the new YouTube ad revenue sharing formula favors videos longer than 10 minutes as YouTube pushes for increase in total viewing time over the number of videos viewed.
>and wish to see them prosper
they got offered a show on actual TV ages ago. they're getting paid easily enough to keep going via Patreon and honestly don't give a fuck.
It literally is you fucking idiot.
I hate IHE and YMS as much as the next guy, user.
But how is RLM any “more” effort than them? They are literally just sitting on a couch watching obviously bad VHSs while drinking beer. Doesn’t require a lot of effort. Especially since they don’t do skits after wedding arc.
It's kind of baffling how few subscribers they have, considering the quality of the show. Everyone I've ever showed them to loves them. Maybe they should hire a nice Jewish fellow to teach them marketing.
Why did they shill for TFA?
They have a set. They use actual cameras and professional equipment. The sets alone are a lot more work than YMS, and a looot more work than IHE
That's a meme. Have sex.
Every """"big"""" youtuber games the algorithms
You can tell this easily because when they change the algorithms, the videos change to match it
>used to be hits
hundreds of 1 min click bait shorts
>turned to view hours
everything is 10mins of bait garbage to hit the stat counter
Go look at pewdiepies rise, he out played the system by spanning 2 regions and gathering a bait audience before the change to view hours
The view count is quite high. It just could be that RLM fans lean towards older millennials and gen Xers who don't bother with subscribing and just click on videos when they show up on the front page recommendations.
IHE does reviews on other content like games and websites so obviously youtube recommends it to more people, the vast majority of YMS are videos under 15 min which youtube fucking loves, RLM just releases stuff thats over 30 min constantly so they get jewed by the algorithm.
>multi-camera round table discussions over an hour long
>five minutes talking into a mic over some pictures and stock footage of the movie
yes, it's the same amount of work to edit these.
it was over 40k before they hid it and their channel has only grown since. I imagine it's over 40k at the very least
Lower views and subs due to them being harder to market. They still make jokes about the disabled and irregular on the regular, which kills a large source of viewership.
how is it a lot of work? they sit around in a 10 year old set drinking beer and talk about whatever disney marvel movie they saw recently. they add a clip of a trailer and throw in funny pictures sometimes but it's mostly just an edited video of them sitting in two chairs. it's a LOT less work than anyone who has to edit together an entire video of different footage
>subscribers = quality
Do you also think McDonalds has the best food?
>has to edit together an entire video of different footage
They do that, too. And they do it in videos which are 60-80 minutes long, not 10
Where does the OP say anything about quality, brainlet? I'm asking why it's less popular. Of course it's of higher quality. That's kinda the question, you know. Idiot.
>for RLM to have 4 times that amount on Pateron seems off
They had something like 36K before they made their amount private, and they've gained a lot more Patrons since then.
90% of the editing is cutting from camera A to camera B and culling a little bit of extra nonsense. It takes very little time.
YMS does a combination of both, and he also sodomizes canines.
>it was over 40k before they hid it
It was 27K
The Mr Plinkett videos are mainly footage, plus some skits. And all of them together equal like 6 months or more of YMS.
>I have no knowledge of editing
ah, thanks
>that thread on ResetEra that destroyed these guys and had everyone shitting on them and getting #cancelRLM to trend on twitter
I didn't realize how based that site was until last week.
they don't storyboard the shit it's all one fucking take of them in chairs
averaged $4.40 per patron times 7604 gives us $33,457 per month in revenue from patreon
>I Hate Everything
Edgy teens like endless whining and complaining about nothing as much as retarded children love bright shapes and Markiplier. They have a large demographic with low standards that they appeal to, whereas RLM is more about dicking around and laughing at bad stuff over complaining incessantly.
Also YMS was only ever good for his videogames channel and that went down the drain as soon as Mark stopped appearing and it descended into Adam and Surrogate Friend talking over each other and yelling for no reason.
Most of their content gets copyright flagged and they are low in recommendations because of it. Most of their money comes from Patreon and they make their content for fun so they don't really care.
I think that I dont care how many other people enjoy or dont enjoy the things that I do.
Mega64 hasn't been relevant in years. Have you seen their view count? That alone is proof that subscriber counts don't mean shit
>No mention of color correction or keying
>No mention of syncing up audio
>No mention of lighting corrections
Stand back, everybody! We've got ourselves a professional editor over here!
>they are low in recommendations
Their most recent Star Wars video was literally trending for several days
>Most of their content gets copyright flagged
What are you basing this on? When have they ever said this?
If you think subscriber counts actually matter on youtube you are genuinely retarded.
Mike, Rich, and Jay sleep together in the studio snuggled up for warmth under a big ole blanket.
>Most of their content gets copyright flagged
>they are low in recommendations
>they are low in recommendations
Literally every point of your post is wrong. Congrats.
>One take...
>i have no knowledge of editing
That's not what the OP says, brainlet.
why would you do color correction when you're using a single fucking scene? they've been using that studio and equipment forever
fuck if I'm talking about any of that extra shitty content HITB is all that matters other than plinkett reviews which have been SHIT
Go ahead and move the goalpost.
They made about 28k with 6.2k patrons before they hid. They have 7.6k now so assuming the average pledge is similar they're at (28000/6200)*7600 =34300 ish now.
>Go look at pewdiepies rise, he out played the system by spanning 2 regions
There is no evidence for this and this theory comes from matpat. It's pure speculation and many youtubers did the same and didn't blow up. Pewdiepie blew up because of the watch time change that made let's plays blow up, consistency and talent. Of course there's always some luck involved but matpat is just wrong like usual.
>why would you do color correction when you're using a single fucking scene?
Only amateurs that don't know what they're doing don't bother to color grade their footage. You're really showing how much of an idiot you are.
>fuck if I'm talking about any of that extra shitty content HITB is all that matters other than plinkett reviews which have been SHIT
Best of the Worst gets far more views on average than HITB.
>These guys invest a lot of time and money into their channel apparently.
Not enough to make good content.
You wouldn't say that to my face.
I wouldn't say anything to your face, user. I'm veeery picky when it comes to people I share my wisdom with.
So that literally is what the OP says you mongoloid
The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yea Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?
Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.
They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.
They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.
Please, Yea Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.
I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.
>L-look, guys, I posted it again!
Their success is not in subs but in viewer retention. Most of their videos hit around the 600-800k mark with some in the 1 million. 4-6 mill for the plinkett reviews and such.
They have a high viewer retention so their subs actually represent their audience well.
>L-look, Reddit, I stood up for my friend simulator again!
Ok retard, I still don't get where it says anything about "SUBSCRIBERS MATTER" anywhere. I'm not even a real "fan" or anything, I think Adam is a lot funnier. It's just a question you fucking semi-schizo. Everything else is just your retarded interpretation and lack of reading comprehension.
This, who the fuck are them?
What happened between February and March that they gained 1,425 subscribers on Patreon in a single month?
>Especially since they don’t do skits after wedding arc
those were the days
>in a job I hated
>boss was never around though
>still suffered from depression
>french bistro on the way to work
>liquor store on the way to work
>would grab a fresh made baguette and soup before grabbing a six pack
>get to work at 11
>drink and watch RLM for the next 8 hours
>go home and drink some more
I did that every work day for 2.5 years, got virtually no work done, and still managed to keep that shitty fucking job. I wound up hating it (and myself) so much that I took a pay cut to go work somewhere else and felt pretty damn good for ~3 years before the depression came back
It's you
you don't have to color grade footage when the set doesnt change and they are using the same lighting and cameras from the last 51 HITBs
"good content" and "gaming channel" aren't exactly two things that go together
>Especially since they don’t do skits after wedding arc
I miss them too. I think Yea Forums was only place who liked those skits.
Sad day
>invest a lot of time and money into their channel
Jay is using all the money they make to fuel his gambling addiction.
But, he's not gambling with money though.
They made a video advertisement for their Patreon on their youtube channel
>not gambling with money
What is he gambling with?
Think about it.
>teehee he's a homo
Would you really rather these guys change formats to chase the whims of the algorithm? I'd think as a fan you'd appreciate their integrity on this
But, how can it be if Jay's on PrEP?
They have been letting on any Z-list hollywood fucker they can get recently. Len is at least a B-Movie directer and can contribute to discussion on that.
I like RLM. Sometimes I don't.
Remember how Half in the Bag got derailed for an entire year with that stupid marriage plot because for some reason Mike really, really, REALLY wanted Max Landis to play the preacher, but Max kept delaying, and then the first wave of allegations came out, so Jack played the preacher instead? I just don't get it. What did Mike think was so great about Max that he was willing derail his show for just for the chance to have Max play a stupid bit part and have Mike kiss his ass again?
So I guess the reason that we don't get skits on Half in the Bag anymore is because Mike is too depressed from being burned by his asshole boyfriend Max.
Mike is a beta male.
Remember how you keep posting this autistic fanfic in every RLM thread?
honestly thinking of opening my own shitty youtube review channel so I can start raking in the dosh
here's a sample, pay me money
nice try