JOJO RABBIY by Taika Waitit

JOJO RABBIY by Taika Waitit

>Young nationalistic german boy discovers his mom his hiding a jewish girl in the attic, which completely flips his world up-side down, especially considering his best friend is imaginary Adolf Hitler.


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>tfw you will never hang out with your Hitler Youth buddies

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Making fun of Hitler wow so brave

based and redpilled?

Based and kiwipilled

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OMG you guys, this. is. everything!

Looks pretty fun to be honest.

Looks funny, and I say that as an unironic National Socialist

What is the point of this movie other than being a masturbatory wank of virtue signalling for Waititi?

>non-white shitskin portraying Hitler
I hate this timeline so much.

>His father is Māori and his mother is of Russian-Jewish heritage.[7][8] Waititi has used his mother's surname, "Cohen", for some of his work in film and writing.[9]

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kino's back on the men-
>see how they portray the imaginary hitler

aight never mind

I actually think it would be an interesting movie if they had the balls to portray an imaginary hitler like what a 10 year old hitler youth would imagine him to be

Hitler was E1b1b, this makes him pretty much a Jews or a Berber.


Why the hell is he allowed to make fun of Hitler??

kike mutt disgusting

Looks good, might actually get me to the cinema for once.

>There's no room for comedy in this satire!

>N-Nooooooo you can't make fun of Hitler!

I hope they make Hitler really likable nad sympathetic.

>german boy discovers his mom his hiding a jewish girl in the attic

This would be a dream come true for most young boys

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>N-nooooo, not Hitler, he a good boy, fucking libtards reeeeeeee

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>literally every major actor is Jewish except the one Jewish girl

yeah that poor poor mass murderer

>german boy discovers his mom his hiding a jewish girl in the attic

I wish this was me.

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>Taika Waititi

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This. I think it would make the movie more interesting.

Was I supposed to laugh at this trailer?

Gotta trick the goyim into thinking the jewess is just as beautiful as your average aryan.

Taika Waititi is one of the worst directors of all time. Thor Ragnarok was fucking awful and I hated his smug face in What We Do In The Shadows

This would make for a great drama if it was serious and Hitler was imposing and strict voice of hate.

>implying she's not more beautiful

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>crazy Hitler

wow, epic

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Giving Brother Tarrant some kino to watch while he awaits trial

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>his hiding a jewish girl in the attic,

"I see you SS fellers hurting that poor little pregnant Jewish gal with the diary over there. I don't care much for cowards who hurt little girls."

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>movie trailer has to tell you it's a satire and it's against hate because sjw's wouldn't get it

>Young nationalistic german boy discovers his mom his hiding a jewish girl in the attic
Imagine impregnating a jew girl with your goy genes and forcing her to convert to christianity.

Don't quote nobody, pedo.

Sounds like 80s comedy film. I like it.

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I mean it is comedy film.

So he belongs to the school believing that Hitler was provoked (to alliance with the Soviets? nice) or that Germany so badly needed land populated by different nations or else they would literally die? Or maybe that he wanted to destroy communism (by becoming their savior I guess no one expected that).

>the terrible not even trying german/kiwi accent
this is going to be based as fuck

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I thought it would be much darker. It really is if Wes Anderson made a Hitler movie.

Is this satire?

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She got cast because she's a New Zealander and was -extremely- good in Leave no Trace.

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It's being marketed by Disney. You should expect simplicity from them of all people.


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Eh, it's hard to tell from a trailer.

I suspect tonally it will be similar to Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Boy which both are quite dark for comedies.
Probably not as fun as thor or what we do in the shadows, and not as bleak as his first film Eagle vs Shark, which is my favourite, but is dry as fuck and pretty depressing.

Wes Anderson is actually probably the most similar director to him imo, tonally and thematically. Eagle vs Shark is extremely similar to Bottle Rocket.

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