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What for?
What happened?
why what happened
Y tho
I'm guessing he pissed the tribe off.
>the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has now said that the series did not meet the minimum required runtime – two minutes for at least six episodes – and has thus been ruled ineligible for both of its nominated categories.
Oh turns out it's because the Emmy was for a short but it wasn't long enough. Good thread faggot OP.
Christ Almighty learn to google you idiots, it's literally for no big reason
oh so it's just some logistical thing, i thought he did something creepy or something
Sounds like petty jewery to me
but better call saul is like 40 minutes each episode?
series too long lol
...is that so?... *grunts*
>learn to google
Did they say something political that wasn't part of the narrative?
That's not his fault though is it? Just make sure it doesn't happen again ffs
Why do all the zoomers on this board always try to spin everything into being political / something to do with Jews?
It's not even for Better Call Saul you lying sack of shit.
It's because of a meme 2 minute chibi-esque short thing they did 'Madrigal Training Video'.
Because it is.
That wigger rapper?
So he's gay?
>hurr why is this short so short
Fucking jews I swear to God
The absolute state of fascists.
why is 2% of the population so overly involved in media, banking, and politics?
>THIS shit was nominated for an emmy
>it is NEWS that the nomination was revoked
holy fucking hell
Or OP can not be a cum guzzling faggot like you and post source
unironically obsessed
Because they're significantly more intelligent than the other 98%
THIIIIS. Antisemitism is just repackaged anti-intellectualism.
why nominate in the first place
so intelligence varies between races? huh...
It's not news, it's clickbait faggotry. They're implying it's some attack on Better Call Saul itself to get people offended.
because they're smarter than the rest
it's called nepotism but keep slurping kike cock
>naming the tribe is fascist now
>dat smile
oh i am laffin
If you aren't ok with a a small international elite ruling over you you're anti intellectual, because the malicious elite is so smart that they have a tested average IQ 14 points lower than your average European.
Take that retarded facists.
yes and Israël is a white ethno state
literally what’s the difference? Jews are just a boogeyman for mediocre faggots like you. It’s just a shame pathetic as blacks REEEEEEEing about da white man
About time this white skinhead drumpfkin got his just desserts.
>because the malicious elite is so smart that they have a tested average IQ 14 points lower than your average European.
*just the same and pathetic as blacks
don't project your mutt politics unto me nigger kikes have always been in nepotists. you do know history started before ships commanded by a kike called moses levy got you out of africa right?
>kikes have always been in nepotists
You don’t think their success can be explained by higher average IQ? It must be nepotism?
elder abuse.
It’s all bullshit anyway
Jews giving baubles to goys and shiksas. Fucking blow me.
They're not wrong though, the white man does have an agenda against them. Where they ARE wrong is that they think they'd do better for themselves than they are living off what scraps we throw them. It's the natural order of things, unlike the jew-goyim hierarchy which is a subversion of the natural order. No I don't care to elaborate.
>hey it’s not about Jews it’s about length requirements
>nah it’s about Jews anyway
The absolute sorry state of the zoomers on this board
>say some retard shit
>no I won’t explain it
I hate zoomers so fucking much
>Sounds like jew mischief to me!
what is going on in this picture
>Vince, why are you painting my portrait first?..
they have the same as europeans in fact most prominent kikes (read khazars) are more european than khazarian (which is a caucasoid subgroup anyway).
maybe check out some history about mediaval bankers and how alot of them converted to the tribe for ingroup nepotistic reasons.
best example is american institution at the moment. they just need one dumb goy giving a manager position to a kike and the ball keeps rolling indians are doing the same by the way
it's just a shill tactic
>"le population will be unsustainable by 2050, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, WHITEY???"
>meanwhile nigs spics and jihadists are breeding like rats, "tee hee we gon' outbreed yall, white peoples!"
Literally why white people need to pool their resources while they still can, build off-shore/off-planet habitats, let the nigs eat themselves with over-breeding and dwindling resources, let God sort them out, then reclaim the land in a couple generations or so.
>they have the same as europeans
No they don't
>maybe check out some history about mediaval bankers
Stop typing like a passive aggressive redditor. Most families save for a few exceptions don't stay wealthy past 3 generations. Jews in particular have had wealth stripped from them in a number of countries across Europe in particular during the 20th century. Blaming medieval nepotism for the success of modern Jews is retarded. Do you have any evidence to suggest it's to blame for their success now?
>best example is american institution at the moment. they just need one dumb goy giving a manager position to a kike and the ball keeps rolling indians are doing the same by the way
Any evidence or is all you have zoomer tier rhetoric?
>gets killed off
>actually ends up getting the second most screentime in prequel
>two minutes
hey nigger you do realize the whole slave trade was ran by jews right? and it was them that practiced slavery and it was whitey that got you out. maybe look what's happening in congo at the moment
>rules clearly estabilshed and laid out before hand
>people dont follows the clearly established rules
lmao, you "people" are hilarious.
most jewish banker families started in the 17th century i'm not bothering with the rest hows the weather in tel aviv by the way
it's for a web series
post height and jaw
yeah that would totally refute what he said!
He didn't make an argument retard he just said some sperg cringe shit about "WHITES LE RISE UP" while most likely being a 56% mutt himself. Many such cases
Maybe don't take my Treebeard posts on Yea Forums too seriously?
>more ad hominim
I heard the whole "jews were behind slavery" meme is basically a fabrication of Nation of Islam, but the people saying that are also literal ADL jews so there's really nobody to trust on this one. All I'm saying is I wouldn't parade that around as fact outside of the internet.
>oy vey goyim!
Again, he didn't make an argument.
>i took a half measure, when i should have gone all the way waltuh
>politics every thread
Normie redditors really did fuck this site beyond repair
these dumb fucking niggers can't be arsed to type out a full word?
That's why your average Black American has 10-20% Jewish DNA right? Stop shifting the blame and face facts.
They didn't make use of the designated shitting streets.
"""jewish""" dna doesn't even exist smartass it's ether khazarian or semitic and the jews in america aint semites lel
Yeah, I've seen it. Have you bothered to make any attempt pore over the primary documents and data yourself, or do you just have a folder of images someone else made that you took at face value?
>having a political opinion that's not approved by reddit and hollywood means you are a fascist
>bitching about Jews when they are nowhere to be found means you are a fascist
that would make you an anti-semite
Glad people are finally working to "nothing every happens - the show"
Fuck better call saul and FUCK Jonathan WANKS
try better b8 sneed
More like too clever for their own good
better chuck sneed
Needed more scenes of Mike sleeping
bet this guy wouldn't believe it if someone photographed their mom and gf getting railed by bbc's and say, am i gonna really believe what someone else documented at face value.
Cuck state of mind
Just stop and watch some nig panther
Answer the question, user
>mmmguess i got what i deserved
>mmmmwaltuh seeee this is what happens when you take a half measure
Based! smug wyte man btfo.
your point being...?
>I'm gonna need a military grade rope to hang myself, a consumer grade rope ain't gonna do the job.
>mmmvince why we filmin all my scenes first?
You claim that what the "its the same as pathetic blacks reeeeeing about da white man ""
You have to prove that, the similarities between what whites say about Jews and what blacks say about whites.
But fuck it. Firstly it is easily disprove, Jews occupy positions in banking, media, academic social sciences, and politics all of which are predatory and rent seeking, and don't actually produce anything, whereas whites make up the bulk of the workforce in America (we'll use America as an example). The Jewish media/banking/political machine relies on the taxes and labor of the whites in America, without which the Jews would have no relevance or influence- this is why they have focused their immigration in America predominantly. Jews don't give anything positive (keyword there) socially, whereas whites have given blacks both monetary and cultural subsistence. I could continue but frankly it is a waste of time. Jews need whites, especially in regards to funding and maintaining their state in the Middle East, whites don't need Jews. Alternately blacks need whites, or rather rely too much on them.
Where would Jewish Hollywood be without the white masses to suck from? Where would Jewish banks be without the white masses to plunder and squeeze? Where would Jewish academics be without the white populace to infect and subvert?
jews aren't the reason you can't get laid, incel
>doing the beating
dont think so, ol' chap
>come into thread to discuss better call saul
>devolves into flame war about kikes
for fucks sake. I Identify as a Nazi but can I not have a single thread that doesnt involve jews somehow?
Dude don't take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
They do if it's a sneak attack or against an old guy, but yeah if they try to go head on against someone they're usually the ones who get rekt. They're the ones who attempt it, at least.
I can see why that HIDEOUS girl on the right doesn't want to be pictured from the front lol
>oy vey
>two minutes for at least six episodes
Two minutes of BMWF?
Your word salad is easily disproven when you remember that Jews contributed the most to sciences and important inventions.
>inb4 nuh uh thise jews were actually white
>implying slaves weren't repeatedly raped
Not him but setting aside the Jewish privilege of greater access to education at universities with higher levels of scientific research, when Jews do manage to contribute something, that doesn't mean a white person couldn't have done the same. Bottom line is Jews need white people, but white people don't need Jews. That's what makes them parasites.
>Not him but setting aside the Jewish privilege of greater access to education at universities with higher levels of scientific research
>muh socioeconomic factors
>when Jews do manage to contribute something, that doesn't mean a white person couldn't have done the same
That doesnt disprove the fact that Jews have indeed contributed to the sciences moreso than whites
>Bottom line is Jews need white people
Israel seems to be doing just fine
>Yea Forums - Jews