Thinking of becoming a Youtube "video essayist." I abhor these videos but it seems like an easy way to make money (basically reading wiki pages). Talk me out of it.
Thinking of becoming a Youtube "video essayist...
You won't do shit.
How will your grow an audience?
You'd be better off reading screencaps, kids will eat that shit up.
Just make them blandly family friendly and have a friend at YouTube put your vids randomly in people’s recommendations.
Editing is a creative strain, you wont make it far on cynical money hunger.
>but it seems like an easy way to make money
You better do lewd pictures instead if you want to make money
As this nigger said.
pls don't. That market is so over saturated with zoomers throwing out shit opinions they've copied from reddit with a few added record scratch jokes.
Nothing you say will be worth someone watching you over one of the 1,000's of others. If you want a quick buck go elsewhere. Review toys or some shit, or maybe, be creative and come up with something new.
Regardless, going in looking for a quick cash grab never pans out unless your a fuck boy with 100,000+ followers on instagram. And even then, you barely make any money from views and will need to sell merch instead.
Find something you enjoy, make it for fun, and if it's successful, great, but don't go into a creative endeavor for the purpose of success. Go into accounting or IT for boomers if you want easy money.
my korean girlfriend has a sexy voice and all she does is narrating what's going on in the movie. think of it as storytelling using the movie footage. its one of the laziest video making I have ever seen and I'm surprised this is count as fair use but hell she makes an average of 20K a month on a good month she makes 50K. because of jealous people, she gets a lot of false flags but a few years ago she got her account back and she's on the list. false flagging won't delete her account anymore
Maybe it's better to stick to one medium but I was thinking of essaying on various albums/movies/shows/games that I really don't see anything on. It wouldn't be some garbage surface level analysis either, I would actually put effort into creating a good thesis statement for each video.
If people end up enjoying my videos I feel that it would be enough to keep me going.
"Easy" was a terrible word, as you essentially have to make great videos and/or luckily be selected by the algorithm. However, I do feel I have the necessary writing/editing skills to make something decent.
little shits love robot voice reading Reddit thread
Really wish I could do that, but I have horrible eastern yuro accent and I sound like the evil russian guy from a 90s Hollywood action movie
Cant wait for actual good text-to-speech programs that dont sound like robocop, I wanna make YouTube vids but I'm too self-conscious
>I sound like the evil russian guy from a 90s Hollywood action movie
sounds cool, take advantage of it and talk shit about superheroes as a villain
It's a saturated market bound to collapse sooner rather than later
>need to sell merch instead
You are saying it like it's a bad thing
Merch is THE bread and butter of e-celebs, no one gives a fuck about ad views anymore, merch makes shitloads of money
You won't make it if you have an annoying voice or if your editing sucks
i think about this often but then i remember all of the decent channels i stumble across that only have like 10k subscribers even though their content is high quality. the algorithm is a real gamble it seems.
>get a bunch of frens together
>watch bad movies
>talk shit about bad movies
This is the biggest meme. People think that tonbe successful you need some uber-duper editing and always go overboard and it gets jarring. You are making a youtube video, not an avengers flick, you dont need to overdo it, usually the background images and finding royalty free good music is the harder and more important part.
And content of course, if your content is trash, no one will watch your vids, no matter how good of an editor you are
Do it with a fursona and we have a deal.
>I really don't see anything on. It wouldn't be some garbage surface level analysis either, I would actually put effort into creating a good thesis statement for each video.
Give an example and I’ll subscribe right this minute
How many minutes of editing did you do before you uninstalled your cracked 2013 version of Sony Vegas and came up with that opinion?
0. I've never cared about making videos. But I watch shitloads of youtube, pretty much the only media I consume in the last 5-6 years since I stopped watching tv and I can definitely say when someone is trying too hard with the editing to make up for boring content
>You are making a youtube video, not an avengers flick
YouTube videos are unironically better looking than MCU flicks.
lol Go steal your mom's debt card and donate $5 to a twitch stream. They might say your name! :^)
Great argument :)
You're probably ugly and have no charisma. And for every successful person there are 100 getting paltry views.
So what would your videos be about? You sound like a prick, so it's not promising.
this entire genre of videos is shit and you know this and it's already an oversaturated market and you'll just embarrass yourself and make no money while doing it.
>ywn be some smarmy hipsternfaggot making video """essays""" on youtube and taking in patreon/merchncash while renting a retardedly expensive loft in NYC and fucking art hoes 15 years younger than you whole day
Why even live, bros
>Over saturated market
>Easy money
you're late to the video essay/commentary trend, it will die within a year. you'll have to figure out what the next big thing is and latch on to that.
>easy way to make money
Don't quit your dayjob. It's a saturated field already.
>It wouldn't be some garbage surface level analysis either, I would actually put effort into creating a good thesis statement for each video
Either you'll make stuff with no mass appeal or compete in pit with all the other failures reading shit from jstor.
do breakdowns of disney movies.
It seems that way because you only ever see the popular ones and not the thousands of failures making shit essays to an audience of no one.
>be me
>have a jewtube channel with 750 subs, 8 videos and 200k total views
>last video uploaded: 1 year ago
I could be an epic youtuber bros but I cant be bothered
>15 years younger than you
>be 25
What makes a video a video essay? Is anything that’s semi documentary where you don’t add in your useless opinion considered that too?
>upload meme anime clip
>think you could actually do the job
Sure thing kiddo
I have noticed that. A lot of channels that literally just post anime and memes getting 1,000's of subs. It's like they're taking the H3H3 approach but aren't capable of the pivot to their own content. Guess it's just how the algorithm is right now.
Basically. It's those videos made by literal whos acting like they are an expert on something even though they're just reading wiki pages. And then title their videos to make them sound more important than they really are -- eg "The Epidemic of Passable Movies."
>The Epidemic of Passable Movies
Haha yeah what a dumb and made-up issue
Take random Yea Forums threads and put them through text to speech if you wan't to get money (please don't actually do this)
I would watch that video