Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do...

>Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

>But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!

Be honest Yea Forums, this guy was on some next-level shit and we truly didn’t deserve him. Rest in fucking peace man.

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Why has he never criticized jews or muslims?

inb4 seething christcucks

god has never asked money from me

George Carlin would be considered a bigot by leftists today. This is how mentally ill society has become today. My money says he would of conformed and caved if he were still alive.

God I hate God
God hates himself too thats why earth is so chaotic

What would you rather be be, some unfunny doofus like Stephen Crowder or Gavin McGinnis?

You need to be insane to think that the scam pastors with their palace churches aren't immoral.

What do you mean "would be"? Are you under the impression liberals don't know who George Carlin is, despite being his predomina- oh you're just shitposting.

>next-level shit
>repeats the same thing everyone says as 15 year-olds

Right on time lmao

glad to know this jewish puppet is burning in hell

His trump bashing would have been cringey

name a bigger hack in comedy. you literally can not do it

He was ok but he stole material from younger comedians like Bill Hicks

Well he's right. Churches are fucking scams and greedy dens that love to siphon all that money from the community. It's disgusting. Believe in God as much as you want, but don't support these Jewish practices.
It's the same for all religions and their churches.

Only for Trump snowflakes

I call it burger king politics: when your so called anti establishment views line up with fast food restaurants.

Like most liberals he was a coward. It's also possible like many liberal atheists he actually thought Islam and Judaism were good and Christianity was bad.
He'd be a hero. Christianity is under constant assault.

You mean Trumpcuck bashing. It'd be great.

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What have you ever done for your community


cringe, it’s like the body of an old man was suddenly animated by teenage spirits

delicious conservacel tears

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There's nothing more boring than listening to a man who loves his own voice the most. Could he be any more up his own ass. You're a comedian first cunt, and a preacher second.

Kind of incredible how these supposed enlightened atheists take religious texts or teaching as if they are meant to be taken as literal recorded history or facts. This angry boomer and fedoras like him are no better than Protestant charlatans who just ask for money in God’s name. A complete disregard for metaphysical thought and philosophy.

1-God does not exist.

2-God exists and he is a scoundrel.

3-God exists but sometimes he sleeps, his nightmares are our existence.

4-God exists but he has fits of madness, those fits are our existence .

5-God is not omnipresent, he can not be everywhere, sometimes he is absent , in other worlds, in other stuff.

6-God is a poor devil with problems too complicated for his forces. He fights with the matter like an artist with his work ,sometimes in some moment he becomes Goya, but generally he is a disaster.

7-God was defeated before history by the prince of darkness, and defeated,committed as alleged devil he is doubly disprestiged given that he is attributed this calamitous universe."

sarcasm user

>right on time
>one post late
Fedoras - wrong, slow, stupid losers, every time

I work for the Mennonite Disaster Service, which funnily enough is funded by their church. I'll take one thing back and that is the Mennonites are the only community I've found that aren't money grubbing greedy like the rest.
You cuck

He paved the way for brainlet sjws who can't form their own opinions

Pay taxes. Oh look I'm already doing more than churches.

He said this when obama was in office

He was making the sort of edgy anti-establishment humour Yea Forums loves.
So why do cucks dislike him ripping off on religion?

>would of

It was from a 2002 special, so Bush. Possibly written in the 90's though.
It's funny how alt-right zoomers don't know the first thing about Carlin yet say retarded shit about how "modern society" would view him in these threads. That generation never ceases to amaze with their arrogant stupidity.

>8-God stays in Heaven, because he too lives in fear of his creation

Why so many Carlin threads lately? Some autist just discover him and get triggered?

>He loves you
This actually isn't true. He hates unrepentant sinners with perfect hatred.

>church asks for voluntary donations
>dude F*CK christians lmao so greedy

>government steals 50% of your income under threat of imprisonment
>price we pay for a civilized society, bro

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Keep giving your money goy or you'll burn for all eternity.

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