Orville stars to be divorced after 2 months

Oh no no no no we were supposed to win Orvillebros how could this happen?!?

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Show currently being put on hiatus and they have to keep the actors separate at all times.

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>main lead
Fucking shit media is shit.

what's up with that over the hill cunt, she thinks she's still 18.

literally who?

>He doesn't watch the Orville
You are missing out.

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She looks damn good for 36...and she married a 48 year old (though instantly divorced) so it's not like she hasn't realized the wall is coming.

Hi Disney tourist newfriend. The Orville is Yea Forums's favorite television show. This is huge news. They even hinted at them getting together in the show last season and now everything has changed.

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The Incelle just can't stop losing lmao

What type of vile kikery is this?

>and suddenly as if for no reason they voted in Hitler!

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The state of Seth Macfarlane.

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If it's only being two months can't they annul the marriage instead of divorcing?

RIP Orville, it was a comfy show.

>Seth mAcfarlane.
No thanks, I'm not 15 anymore.

Could you cope any harder?

This sort of shit is why nobody marries anymore.


i though Bill Burr was married to a black chick

>kill one of them off
Problem solved. Having it be her would make most sense of they want more story material. Killing him wouldn't be an issue as he's basically a one note quip machine that Ed occasionally talks to about "feelings" and any other character could do that.

That’s a very ignorant statement user.

You don't watch the show

Could you be any more of a fat Tumblrite.

Scott'll probably stay cos of American Dad and bros before hoes.

>Adrianne filed for divorce
why do women always start divorce?

Yeah that's right, let it all out little guy.

I must of missed that subplot I dont recall them interacting much at all