Here's your live action Cinderella, bro

Here's your live action Cinderella, bro

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>not blackwashed

Hey, I'll take it at this rate.

>would literally rather be gay than not retarded

What a massive faggots.

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>still thinking women should be allowed to act
The Romans knew, the Greeks knew, the Japanese knew, and the English Knew you don't let women on the stage. Non-male actors are why modern entertainment it's so shit

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the white race shall find salvation in boipussy

This, King Rat is the perfect example of how femboys should be drafted into female roles where they can be used and abused

At least she's white

did you forget this movie existed?
oh wait, everyone did

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More attractive than that fish creature they got to play Ariel, desu.

See as to why no one remembers

Fuck that, the theater in all of those periods where cesspools of homosexuality. Plus I don't want to spend my time and money looking at a bunch of ugly dudes on the screen, I'd rather look at pretty girls

>look it up
>it’s real
What the fuck

Add me to the list of people who literally think it's more important for Cinderella to be white than female.
In fact we might as well go back to the ancient Chinese theater rules where all female roles are played by men in drag because women would just fuck it up.

I hope they do

why would anyone forget it exists? it was what kicked off the craze to remake live action princess movies

jungle book and lion king are the outliers and clearly they are inferior products. Maleficient, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Mulan, and Little Mermaid will and have all work[ed] fine since they rely on human acting ability and not just shitty CGI work.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

God I wish that were true

t. homosexual degenerate

>jungle book
>clearly inferior product

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Great. Now they are casting white men as females even. White people don't get enough exposure already so we have to give them womens roles as well?


>tfw only got into acting as a kid in the hopes I could play a girl's role one day and wear a pretty dress
Never happened :'(


God I wish that were me

Notice how they're only white when it's a disgusting tranny

They already made live action Cinderella. It's what started all of this shit

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They already did a live action cinderella though, by based branagh, who kept it a straight retelling and had a white cast.

In fact, it was the one that kick-started their live action adaptations.

You fucking plebs.

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>Kicked off the live action remakes

Today I will remind them

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Yes user i'm sure one film from two and a half decades ago is what started the current spate of live action remakes

Feel old yet? I remember seeing it in the cinema when I was 6.

Why did you make the same post two minutes apart?

why do u have to notice everything?

sometimes you have to check things

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I don't usually open threads when I post in them. Post in the catalog and check back later if I got replies

Who's playing the other characters, Yea Forums?

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Good. The more white women that lose roles, the better.