Did she deserve it?

Did she deserve it?

Attached: the-passion-of-joan-of-arc.jpg (972x972, 105K)

Not compared to what modern day France is doing to her.

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Yes, all women need to be killed

Femme dehors religiouse, dedanz poinant et venimose

Femme engendre bataille et guerre, exile gent de gaste terre

Beautiful film and to answer, yes.

It was God's will

Cool movie, idk enough about the history to really say.

No and when Christ returns all Anglos will spontaneously combust as punishment

yes, she was a pagan


No. God proved it by granting frogs victory in the end


This but unironically

>believes in the Christian God

Based and incelpilled

Maybe she should have spoken up during her trial.


Don't blame me. I'm an American Catholic I should be spared despite half of my ancestors.

Pretentious garbage
Nobody really likes that movie

Which length version of this should I watch?

imagine a white boy being led by two [chained, nude] black girls
what a terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible time our ancestors lived in

Criterion Collection: 24 fps with Richard Einhorn "Voices of Light" audio track

don't ever try speaking french again

Dustin Hoffman decided she needed to die so yes.

Exactly , there’s no point , Arabic is your national language now ( and that’s a good thing )

It's Middle ages French/ Latin mix and from the Voices of Light oratorio.

>Dreyer was an extremely intense man and stories go that he exhausted Falconetti by having her kneel on the stone floor and do take after take to leech out the actor and draw out discomfort and pain. And all of the camera’s angles look down menacingly on Joan adding an element of nightmarish suffering and hellish discontent.


you'll be under with the kikes