Guy comes in a bar

>guy comes in a bar
>"one beer please"

Attached: file_3.png (205x246, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>guy goes in to bathroom
>"two rolls my man"

>Wojak poster comes in a thread
>"one ear please"

>American werewolf
>man goes into pub
>a nice warm lager please

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

>guy comes in a bar
>One Coors Light©, The World's Most Refreshing Beer™

Attached: 1563029085639.png (645x773, 42K)

Beer is disgusting, for me its water

>black person exists
>given starring role

Attached: 1505831931335.jpg (339x355, 39K)

>Beer is disgusting, for me its water

Attached: 1563892582551.png (694x793, 15K)


>americans waking up
>these trash low effort threads increase tenfold
Like clockwork


Attached: 1558450547269.jpg (221x228, 9K)

>guy orders liquor
>”and leave the bottle”

Attached: 209BA56C-0A7D-4D25-8645-CDD11D61167A.png (989x658, 72K)

I have never tasted it because it smells bad

Attached: 1446151545902.jpg (1024x768, 105K)

>website made by a white guy
>thinks it was made for yuropoors
Fuck off faggot

>guy cums in bar
>9 months later, bar has baby
>it's black

Attached: stopreadingthis.jpg (600x600, 43K)

>thinks a website on the world wide web is made to be exclusive to amerisharts

>inferiority complex


>police recover the body of a drowned little girl
>detective looks at her corpse
>"she was raped"
>"how do you know?"
>"cause that's what I would've done"

Attached: 28xp-pepefrog-articleLarge.jpg (600x600, 29K)

some damn good policework Johnson

>what do you expect, chief? my wife took the kids

>ask for a coke
>"leave the can"

These retarded "trope" threads should be bannable.

>enter a restaurant for the first time
>"the usual please"

Attached: 50a.jpg (470x595, 201K)

kek yeah what a s o y b o y! give me another extra hoppy IPA!

>guy walks into a bar
>"A pint of lager plese, Mary"


>take a shit
>guy waiting outside the toilet
>come out
>"bon appetite"

>beer comes into a bar
>one guy please

>goddamn it Johnson this is the last straw, what the fuck were you thinking?
>I... I...
>you know DAMN WELL that we don't assign a gender to our kids
>honey... I'm sorry...
>it's too late for that now Johnson, I got the teacher's tongue so far up my anus he can taste my thoughts, now give me my children
>and my other child

>guy walks into a bar and asks for a beer
>I'm sorry Sir, we have a no singles policy
So I told him to check 'em!

>guys comes into your asshole
>tickets please

Attached: big keith.jpg (600x337, 21K)

Wojak with ears? Huh. It actually looks better than the normal version.


checked and fecked

Attached: 1563120359654.png (617x588, 335K)

>Guy goes to a bar to drink overpriced watered down shit among dozen of normies instead of staying home, drinking fine liquor in a controlled environment and passing down on a couch

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 40K)

>TFW only drink a few times a year, but when I do it's in my room with bottom shelf 80-proof while on Yea Forums

Comfy lads

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Beer is indeed disgusting, I only drink vodka mixed with juices or sodas

I hope by juices you mean pussy juices of all the chicks you bang on parties otherwise you are a faggot

>moot (who)

I put lemon slices in my vodka and drink that

I've never had beer because I'm 20 and I'd like to wait until I'm 21 when the human brain is fully developed.

Attached: apu2.png (657x527, 13K)

>world wide web

based Kaiji reference

Male brains stop developing at age 25.

I meant apple or orange juice, but also sometimes peach ice tea or lemonade.
Not enough, I need the taste of the juice to cover the taste of the alcohol, so that I can be certain I won't have a hangover, ever

>guy comes in a bar

Attached: Krista Kaos.jpg (410x273, 15K)


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>guy comes in a bar
>"one bear please"

Attached: 1559773552102.jpg (720x611, 112K)

What kind of beer do you like?

fat girls always over emphasise their tits rofl


Hello one pair of milkies please


My ribs, mang.

Attached: frank booth.jpg (282x179, 9K)

Rick and Morty

Duff beer

real urine that one.
sooner drink stouts than that piss.
you and all should drink lager made in nordic countries

Attached: 1550236709690.jpg (624x658, 89K)

local shit

Attached: 1.4-Grand-Teton-1_forweb.gif (2013x1333, 1.82M)


>Absinthe, please

Attached: 1560553889419.jpg (474x1328, 129K)

Blue Moon

I have a local trappist brewery, Achel.

Source on this kino?

soys love beer though

>wow nobody has ever said that
>receipt: 1356,50€




>enter a bar for the first time
>i'll have a brewski, charlie

>bar cums into a guy
>please, one beer

Why would the charge be in monopoly money?


Bitburger. Bitte ein Bit!

>name’s Mitch

Attached: F33C4C27-13B6-4716-ACFA-A06BFDD21A00.jpg (1554x1242, 216K)

>on that day, humanity received a grim reminder

Guinness, heineken, cider
Anything else is retarded

Attached: 5f3[1].jpg (720x736, 32K)

>i got into a bar
>sure i'll have another
>less than an hour I've had five before noon

It took me a while to come around, but I enjoy it too.

>Order a gin & tonic
>Bartender makes it and gives me it
>Order a beer
>Oh what kind sir? On bottle or on tap? We don’t have X is Y okay?
Just give me a fucking beer

What's a good drink at a asian nightclub for someone who doesn't drink?


All alcohol is disgusting. When it's not watered down in beer it tastes like something that belongs in a car engine, not in my stomach.

>guy walks into a bar
>walks up next to a girl
>next scene they are having sex

you must be fun at parties

>guy comes into bar
>im here to see the man they call *name*

>character drank a bottle of wine last night
>wishes he was dead now

>guy comes in a bar
>"one lager please"
>gets a Yuengling

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Stop posting

Adios Motherfucker
Vodka Sprite with a splash of grenadine
Maroon Kool-Aid

What the fuck do bars expect? Do they want me to get plastered, then sit there face down on their bartop for an hour and a half while I sober up enough to drive home? Fuck that, I could do that at home and not worry about having to sober up.

I literally never understood this... until I got married. Sometimes you just want to be where the wife is not.

Based and irishpilled

Roight you are my love

Beer is disgusting, but I like drinking with friends.

lagunitas, sierra, or in fact anything IPA

>It's a bar has a long list of beers with random names with zero indications of what any of them are episode

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Male brains aren't fully mature until 30. New study. Scientists agree.


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I remember what it was like to be 15, and not know what bars were like.

Can somebody post the meme of the girl with the same expression as OP? I need to expand my folder.

I live in Norway and when you say that you just get the cheapest you have. Bet it is the same everywhere else too? Do you even go outside, op? It is okay tho, I don't leave my apartment too often either. I don't go out anymore, I don't care about any motherfucker I don't care what they're up to. Four years I wasted, sippin' on drinks at the bar, chit-chat with fuckin' nobodies. Now I stay at home, like a fucking hermit, not gonna take any shit from anybody.

In Barfly, the patrician drink is scotch and water. I wish I'd known. Last time I visted an actual bar. I ordered around 4 gin and tonics. It wasn't a strawberry daiquiri, but still seemed like a less than manly drink.

You should become an earth rocker.

I already am an earth rocker and you can be too. You don't have to be a musician to be an earth rocker. OP is a faggot but he is also an earth rocker.


Textbook example of why ESL retards should be blocked from poster and only allowed to lurk.


>chef cooks food all fancy like


Local stuff, as long as I'm having a snack while drinking then it's all good

>Whiskey by the rocks please

>21 to drink

Fucking Americans

fucking disgusting

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Meme beer: the thread

Budweiser is probably the most drinkable and palatable beer on earth. Quit trying to be hipster plebs and just drink ordinary beer. Also you won't embarrass yourself by shitting the bed, as the result of getting fucked on flavored malt liquor. Which is what every thing sweet is, yes even most brands of Boones Farm is malt liquor.

>american walks into a bar
>gets shot

>foreigner walks into pub

I don't have the answer, because I'm not an obsessed faggot.

wew lad

> beer is disgusting, for me its water

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Retard alert

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bitburger is the worst beer on the german market and this is a fact. if you had any dignity you would have said Köstritzer black beer

I'm a cider drinker, not beer. This is my favourite lately.

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Steel Reserve.

guy walks into a bar
he says ouch


Why do whites make this face?

Pepe be like "Oo-hoo-HOOH!"




Why do you like crummy water?! You should be fetching alcohol creatures!

>t. mosquito

shut up

Attached: __original_drawn_by_nukomasu__5e8df1c7f32cb19f0441bc6078f408bd.jpg (1000x707, 56K)

Alhambra Especial.

you should drink less of it Adam, it's killing you

Beer is delicious once you manage to locate the correct flavors. Try eating some dark bread with it first to set your palette on the right path.

A beer with some salty potato chips feels awesome after swimming in the sea.

>the chad slag vs the virgin lightweight
How can men even compete?

Attached: the chad slag vs the virgin lightweight.webm (500x500, 2.84M)

What you coming back with, boy? A Tecate, Guinness or Zima... Miller lite? You know me to be correct. Deal or squeal little piggie.

I really like barleywines, but good ones are hard to find


That is beautiful.

okay, Brittany

For me, it's the refreshing taste of Coca-Cola®

Beer is for faggots, liquor or nothing

just imagine being that terrible at drinking

Retard the brain stops developing at 25

What is this ear meme? Is this the new whoajack?

I perfer lost coast or ballast point

Everybody get the message!!!


I know you're talking about the humor in the vid. Because the Muslims and shit tier genetics and literally deteriorating DNA of the yurosluts.

>guy comes into a bar
>one root beer please, extra ice

Attached: image0-13.png (540x447, 58K)

>comes into


Have sex

BBC chan. on twitter

>protag walks into a bar
>they dont gave eagle rare
>he does a 360 and walks out the door

Attached: 4G7B7ZE.jpg (422x750, 65K)

>that dopamine rush after breaking down and buying liquor

Attached: 1456485223745.gif (284x215, 2.06M)