

OK, Anons, I've watched...

The Big Sleep
Double Indemnity
Kiss Me Deadly
The Maltese Falcon
Sunset Boulevard

And neo-noir movies too like...

Angel Heart
Kiss kiss bang bang
L.A. Confidential

Now, what's next?

Attached: mike hammer kiss me deadly.jpg (1080x1354, 85K)

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Brick by the auteur Rian Johnson

Go read the Big Sleep now.

fpbp. Might as well carve it out in stone by now.

The Stranger
Orson Welles as a former Nazi hiding out in rural Connecticut. Great film.

Lady from Shanghai, Out of the Past, Nightfall, Laura, all great examples.

The Killing

> It's got a heist plot.
> A more realistic femme fatale
> Stanley Kubrick

Attached: The Killing.jpg (743x590, 110K)

I don't get that "Kiss me deadly" pic
Never happens in the movie

I second The Killing

DOA, Detour, and Kansas City Confidential are all good too

Also, if you want to branch into 30s Motor Bandits at all-
>Dillinger ('73)
>Bonnie and Clyde ('68)
>The Untouchables

Are a good start

Attached: chinatown.jpg (680x478, 76K)

This picture makes every woman wet without fail

Thieves Highway
It's got everything - Murder, revenge, corruption, love, and apples.

> I Dunno Why this one misses a lot of classic Noir lists other than that it has a sorta happy ending (one that feels like the studio heads tacked it on).

Attached: Thieves Highway.jpg (727x520, 38K)

Is it NAZI BAD the whole time or is he pretty humannized?

Only the director's cut

It is against it obviously but it's not really a political film, it's just an intrigue as he tries to prevent getting caught.

There’s tons of good ones. Gun Crazy, Nightmare Alley, Out of the Past, Murder My Sweet, Touch of Evil. Just look at best noir lists on the internet. The Long Goodbye with Elliot Gould is a fun neo noir.

Suggestions for circus noir? I love old dark carnival/circus settings in movies. Like La Strada and Freaks

I figured, sounds interesting

Gun Crazy has a circus scene.

Promo shot for magazines and newsletters. Jus something provocative to drum up interest, gun, bondage, and gams

Anyway OP should watch The Narrow Margin

Sweet Smell of Success

What ...
No one mentioned 'The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)'?

> It's worth it for Lana Turner in those white outfits alone.

Attached: LanaTurner Postman.png (992x1080, 915K)

Is that the one with the amazing car getaway single shot take at the end? Think I half watched it back in the day in a hotel room, and even then, while being a shitter with pleb tastes, that ending stood out to me. I need to watch it again

Lana Turner in this movie is the sexiest thing Ive ever seen in classic cinema.

fucking poltards

Lady From Shanghai
Third Man
Touch of Evil

Kiss Me Deadly is so bleak that your head feels like it's been chainsawed after the ending. The film is one wild ride after the other. Aldrich has an habit of letting the atmosphere do the talking.

the petrified forest
angels with dirty faces
each dawn I die
the postman always rings twice
out of the past
night and the city
ace in the hole
the big heat
the night of the hunter
the harder they fall

I assumed since it is an older movie that it would be more nuanced, but after years of watching the faceless monsterization of German soldiers I had to ask.

So stay mad.

>Kiss Me Deadly
Fucking masterpiece

I love Vertigo

Nice Guys is great neo noir.

last 15 minutes of Lady From Shanghai, pic related
I love those old promo photos, pic related

Attached: image.jpg (485x600, 86K)

Me too. Beautiful looking film.

Attached: vertigo-1958-033-kim-novak-green-light.jpg (1000x560, 110K)

If you don't mind foreign cinema, watch this
It's pretty good

Nightmare Alley is about 50% circus setting.

Attached: NightmareAlley.jpg (531x480, 59K)

People genuinely like it and don't find the premise retarded, Great looking film though.

Le Corbeau
Out of the Past
Ministry of Fear
The Third Man
The Night of the Hunter
Bad Day at Black Rock
Memories of Murder
Black Coal, Thin Ice
Point Blank