Literally gets away in making anti White racist tv show

>literally gets away in making anti White racist tv show
How is that possible?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because nobody cares

This. The show sucks ass

>when all you're used to privilege. equality feels like oppression

you're just a fragile whitey OP

>get out
>the nu-twilight zone
>Lovecraft country
I sense a pattern here

No talent?

nobody is watching the show

>lovecraft country?
>look this up
>black couple blah blah cthulhu
Public domain was a mistake.

The Blue Scorpion and The Stranger were pretty good episodes, but only bottom tier in terms of the twilight zone. Every other episode was total shit.

horror mystery spike lee but not as good

I just wanted some quality stories with no political bullshit. You know, like Are you Afraid of The Dark but for more mature audience. Instead we had cartoonish racist cops looking for any opportunity to shoot a black kid, we have entire population of men wanting to rape and we had white dude being lynched by non white Airplane passengers. Not a single episode is immersive.

>imagine a world where niggers aren't a problem
Really pushed my suspension of disbelief

>Peele made a lovecraftian movie
Oh gee i wonder if its about the portrayal of Black people in Lovecraft stories

Because triggers faggots like you so much that you advertise it FOR FREE.

Nobody watched it

uh, sweaty, you can't be racist to white people

I don't know if that work or not. Lion King remake had nothing bad opinions and bad reviews and it still broke box office records

This mutt is trying so hard to be accepted by the negro community, it really shows he was raised by a single white mother.

>be handed opportunities because of white guilt
>complain about white people

typical, biting the hands that feed them

>Lovecraft Country follows "Atticus Black as he joins up with his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America...
jesus christ can this nigger do anything else?

You literally cannot be racist against white people.

I have never understood the whole thing where leftys will suck the cock out of anything described as "lovecraftian" while also pretending the man himself didn't exist as well as never actually reading anything he wrote.
You'll find fat chicks with lovecraft collections on their shelf and a bed full fucking stupid plushies of all the evil beings who also argued toward getting him removed form the world fantasy awards. And again they never even cracked one of his stories open. It's bubblegum fashion to them.
It's like that new sinking city game. There is a disclaimer on the intro acknowledging lovecrafts attitudes and claims it isn't going to shy away from that stuff. But then they do that by making nearly half the population of a northeastern island in the 1920s black.
And those blacks are police officers, university scientists, newspaper reporters, etc.
And then on top of that you get to choose how you side with and treat every faction in the game except for the kkk. Not only are you forced to pick a speech option resulting in killing their faction leader but they are the only faction whose headquarters is covered with jokes and ridicule.
Then after that you are forced into a disloague where you yell at a guy for being "racist" toward the demon summoning cultists.

He doesn't make the show

It had some neat premises and visually looked great but ultimately sucked because of Peele's petty politics. I'll only give one example: that first episode would've worked had that Kumail guy's character just become more crass. Instead those killer 'jokes' he made were unfunny tepid turds. Such a waste

Got any more of them words?

lefties are satanist at heart, they worship chaos because they want to destroy order. That's why they literally buy cthulhu plushies, in Lovecrafts works, they'd be the cultists worshipping evil entities. They don't appreciate Lovecraft for its horror, they literally only like it for the monsters.

What’s even funnier is that lovecrafts “racism” was heavily implicated and a major part of his works too.
His whole idea about some forces and beings in the universe simply being so above us we can’t comprehend or constructively interact with them. And that the universe is an uncaring vortex of competing consciousnesses is directly implicated from his beliefs. He even wrote a whole story about how immigration destroyed Anglo Saxon New England through the perspective of a single street, and uses all his classic aphorisms that he did in innsmouth to describe how the humans degenerated by interbreeding with the fish men.

They want the stories and praise them, but the reason they subconsciously like them, the core themes are exactly what they want to cancel him over. While it’s often possible and desirable to separate art and artist with lovecraft you can’t really have your cake and eat it too. Maybe these people should learn more about and question why they find these stories attractive and interesting if there entire thematic basis is something they find so evil

>that episode where the bad guy is literally Rod Serling
How was that not an insult? Peele was just mad that a White guy made this series in the first place.

>I just wanted some quality stories with no political bullshit.
Buy the DVD box set of Tales From The Crypt. Seven seasons of kino.

Yeah I didn't even mention the refugee angle.
In the game innsmouth gets flooded and so they flee to the island you play on. They have overloaded the islands resources and then they showed up things started going wrong. First off all the innsmouthers are fish people. They claim it is a gift from the sea but they are hideous and regular folk don't trust them. Since they arrived human fishermen have gone out of business while innsmouth fishermen catch all they need.
Along with that human women began vanishing and sometimes if they return they would end up giving birth to fish babies. Afterwards they would run away and join the fish cult.
Also the guy that hires you at the start of the game discovered his son was murdered by an innsmouth.
But then you meet one, ONE, innsmouth guy that makes toys for a orphanage and end up giving a speech to the most powerful man on the island about how "not all innsmouthers" are bad and that he is just a bigot and he should be nice to them because of course they killed his son because he is a jerk.
Fucking stupid.

>uh, sweaty,
What does excess sweat have to do with anything?

If you want to be a condescending cockholster, it's "sweetie" not "sweaty". Fucktard.

>but the reason they subconsciously like them, the core themes are exactly what they want to cancel him over
No pol people don't read lovecraft for racism, they read it for untold cosmic tentacle horror

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Hello tourist!

He's going to be really upset once he realizes who built civilization in the first place...

Counter trolled


Yes and the thematic basis, the ontological order of the universe in which and by which that horror occurs is one and the same with lovecrafts worldview. Lovecrafts might not have literally though Cthulhu existed but he did think that racial differences both within and without man imposed a natural hierarchy to the point of inherent separation. To lovecrafts the difference between white and black persons wasn’t as vast as say between man and elder God, but it was similar to the difference between man and an innsmouther it’s why that whole story is obsessed with interbreeding.

You don’t have to read “racism” into lovecraft, lovecraft simply adapted basic assumptions and beliefs of his worldview to create cosmic horror in another context, it can’t be escaped, and yet again a more constructive question might be why we seem to fundamentally inherently find enjoyment and fulfilment in these stories of hierarchy, fear, tribalism survival and crisis management while simultaneously declaring those same things as objectively evil when they appear outside of fiction

This is why SJW cant be allowed near any game or movie. Leftists hate history and instead showing how things actually were, they will create fanfics about Black being a dominant race in Roman Empire or where racism in ANY era and in ANY country only happened with white being racist toward black. Conservatives are the only one i trust in making a good game, tv show or movie.

Um sweaty, perhaps your blood sugar can't handle another bag of Cheetos.

Or any season of original Jim Serling show

Who were definitely not black!

This is your brain on pol

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This was the guy that basically argued for segregation in the sketch for a comedy show.
If there's some deeper meaning to this sketch or some kind of self-satire, I'm not picking up on it. And he's half fucking white, that's the true hilarity of it all.

Better for a fool to remain silent then speak and remove all doubt

>argued for segregation
wtf I love Jordan Peele now

You're a fucking idiot

He lives in America

yea you should shut up

You're retarded, these leftists like lovecraft because "muh kewl monstars".
Even then, the whole "destroying order" thing was what this fucking site idolised in the old days, newfag.

How are you supposed to be bombarded by this 24/7 and not end up racist?

>Yea Forums - politically incorrect

admit it, you all just want to pol-post but dont want to go to pol

It's actually closer to 5 seasons of kino. Maybe 4 if you are looking for more supernatural stuff as a lot of the first season is more domestic, 'normal' murder rather than ghosts and zombies and curses and what not.

It's still a fantastic show, but the last season falls off very hard.

There's nothing racist about this show though, I really enjoy it as a fan of the original. The only episode worth complaining about was the one with the camera that could rewind shit, that episode was so fucking on the nose.

Why are /pol/cels so fucking fragile jesus.
The greatest race to ever exist sure loves to cry about literally anything.

Why is he so insecure about his identity? Seems like everything he does can be traced to it

Deep down he knows he's not the genius our cat lady media portrays him as and it's killing him inside

He realized it's not okay to be a "white" black person anymore, so he's pretending to be down with the struggle or something.

How can I become a successful script writer and director, while lacking any talent?
Do I have to make political films?

Be Jewish

Peele used to be funny. This whole 180 situation reminds me of a webcomic artist named Tatsuya Ishida who draws Sinfest. He used to create cute Sinfest comics with some sex appeal, then one day several years ago, he took the radical feminist pill. Now he's full on TERF and every Sinfest update is always the same message over and over again.

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I always laugh at their idea of a struggle.
>"Yo whitey be oppressin us, not letting niggas mindlessly rape and steal! Why dey ain't let us turn this bitch back to da stone age??!!"

Go away /pol/tards, stop falseflagging and pretending to be retarded.

How? Are you telling me that melodramatic ending is satire?

the funniest part about this guy is he half so he goes out of his way to represent. he cant handle being called a white negro so he goes full out. Ive seen this many times.


Which is funny because his black father abandoned him and his white mother had to take care of him.

Yet for some reason he manages to somehow blame whitey for everything.

everyone knows that black mirror is the superior successor

To be fair, it is on a streaming service not everyone has.

It is still shit regardless.

Like Colin Kaepernick.
Although to be fair, their mothers are probably teaching them this stuff to begin with.

go back to /pol/

Hahahaha its almost like viral outrage marketing increases sales

sociology isn't a science


>you see Colin, you should hate white people because they live better than us. I'm a single mother roastie who got left by your nigger father. I know you'll never have a nice, white family so I'm going to teach you to hate white people instead of accepting responsibility for my actions and steering you from doing the same thing after I realized that white men are much better than niggers.

So why arent they making movies that are racist against minorities?

>this kills sjw

Or marry a jewess like Peele did

How does he say half as much with twice the time?

With how many episodes Peele was involved? Isn't he hired for doing a narration at the beginning? Kinda like Hitchcock did on his show

So what about the new twilight zone is anti white exactly?

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Wow surely this is the first time this has ever happened, oh wait

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I'd love to lynch the smug right out of that ugly nigger

To be fair, the original Twilight Zone series was usually corny as hell.

You know the movie mocked victim complex blacks, but you're just another user that hasn't seen it and will REEEE or complain that the title is "problematic" because you're an easily triggered cunt.

It's not good when people are watching certain colors of people get more help no matter how you phrase it to them. This shit is going to end badly in the coming decade. this is how you create more racism against these POC yet they think its empowering.

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That is a movie in the pic on the left, which the tv show was based on. Pay attention user.

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>A Netflix Original Series
How retarded are you?

he has a creator credit and writer credit for all current episodes

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It has black people in it.
Do I need to say more?

The left side of the pic in this post is a poster for the movie. Pay attention user.

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Thank you user

Because it's not anti White racist?
It's based on a book, that according to wikipedia
>Lovecraft Country is a 2016 dark fantasy horror novel by Matt Ruff, exploring the conjunction between the horror fiction of H. P. Lovecraft and racism in the United States during the era of Jim Crow laws, as experienced by black science-fiction fan Atticus Turner and his family. It was published by HarperCollins.


You're very welcome. Hope you'll think before you post in the future.

I-I'll try!

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post nose

>they worship chaos because they want to destroy order
You don't understand Satanist believes do you?

I like it, next time someone calls him the black Hitchcock Ill counter it with white Spike Lee of horror

nothing says "i'm an incel" more than the word "roastie" it's funny too because if you fucking losers ever said that word in the real world (not that you go out often other than to get chicken tendies) nobody would even know, especially no woman, would even know what the fuck you were talking about. And when you poorly explained to them what "roastie" meant they would literally laugh at you until you killed yourself.

Not even. I only got through the first two short stories. They were both "some weird supernatural shit happened but it fixed itself lol".
Both stories are "racism was the real horror".

>Town full of niggers
>Is beautiful
>Nobody getting shot
>Mulattoes are accepted with open arms
>We can't have dis because'a rayciss' crackas.

I quite like Nightmare at 30,000 Feet, it combines 20,000 Feet with the Flight 370, thought the ending is fucking stupid and inconstant with the rest of the episode

>At Boing Boing, Cory Doctorow described the characters as "active protagonists (with) lives, (...) dignity, and (...) indomitable spirit", and observed that because of their constant experiences with "harassment, violence, expropriation, and the legacy of slavery", they "don't need Elder Gods to experience horror"
Why would you even use cosmic horror in this kind of shit?
Because "the universe is uncaring about the plight of black people abloo abloo"?
You coddled your negroes too much, the universe never cared for the shit we all been through in South America,Eastern Europe and India we don't make books and movies about "muh suffering".

yes it is, that """"""""""definition"""""""""" was something made up by activists in the 70s. You will never find a sociology text with that definition

I've been with 20+ women. Some i cant even remember the names. A lot of my one night stands were with leftie women who couldnt be satisfied by virtue signaling soibois like yourself.

COPE harder.

you didn't watch it, did you, tubby?

>willingly watching an anti white tv show

No one knows what "incel" is except little retard internet minorities. Stay mad. Dilate.

that sounds fucking awful


Bill Maher popularized the word incel. It was after one of those school shootings last year. Here's a GIF of his writers room.

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>>literally gets away in making anti White racist tv show

It went down the toilet because people realized that it was SJW "woke" trash that shit all over TZ's legacy. Even worse considering that TZ is celebrating it's 60th anniversary this year. The only people who support him are niggers, race traitor roastie whores and white guilt closet faggot numales!!!FACT!!!

>visually looked great

Lmao he looks like a literal fucking proto-human ape, and he thinks niggers are superior.

>>when all you're used to privilege. equality feels like oppression

You know where that "privilege" came from, right Tyrone? It was generations of WHITE MEN who fought wars and build modern civilization who created that privilege so that future generations of white could use it to build a better world. And we did. For a time. Now over the last several decades niggers, women, faggots and their white numale enablers have brought our society to ruin.

Maybe if blacks had created their own civilization they would have enjoyed their own privilege's afforded to them but instead your kind decided to graze in fields, chase zebras and living in huts made of mud and your own shit.

If not for slavery you never would have made it to the new world and now you do nothing but breed like cockroaches and destroy everything you touch!!!FACT!!!

How can he do this shit when he's fucking half white

>I just wanted some quality stories with no political bullshit. You know, like Are you Afraid of The Dark but for more mature audience.


>Buy the DVD box set of Tales From The Crypt. Seven seasons of kino.

Been seeing a lot of those around but don't want to pull the trigger because I live in hope of a Bluray box set which should have been put out this year seeing as the shows 30th anniversary came and went - June 10, 1989. Can't believe Scream Factory didn't get on top of that!!!FACT!!!

>It's still a fantastic show, but the last season falls off very hard.

Always found it strange that all of season 7 was shot in Britain!!!FACT!!!

This type of behavior is inherent in any given multicultural society that exists in one of the many forms of democratic governance. Any minority will always be able to say that they are "oppressed" by the majority just as any majority can always "oppress" a minority through concentrated voting efforts. To presume that this dynamic will disappear once a minority has attained the position of the majority is disingenuous at best; there will always be this dichotomy in plural societies, and it will always be exacerbated by democracy. Adherents to the liberal paradigm often fail to see, or intentionally ignore, what crisis they are in. Scholars often talk about liberalism being internally fractured along the lines of egalitarianism and pluralism, but the primary incompatibility is between liberalism and democracy. Applied pluralistic policies are offensive to most individuals as they reward inaction rather than rectify inequalities. If we view societal existence as a timeline that extends ad infinitum, we see that existence in plural societies will eventually rectify the perceived injustices history supposedly distributed, but it creates a protected class in doing so. To disavow pluralist policies in the future is a liberal improbability: no clearly defined objective/benchmark was (or will ever be) set and, as such, there will be no time at which pluralist policies complete their objectives. In essence, people who promote pluralism are proponents of reciprocal oppression relative to an arbitrary standard that cannot be set and cannot therefore be achieved. They believe themselves to be allied to classes and races and think that the further institutionalization of these races into societal life is the key to stability and disintegration of racial boundaries when it is precisely the opposite.

I often wonder about the modern day, pluralist liberal: what makes them so shortsighted and naive? How can one be so naive yet appear to be so inundated by their own hubris?

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>he thinks niggers are superior.

If they were they would have made it to the new world as explorers and not pack mule slave labor!!!FACT!!!

Woo hoo. More googley eyed blackface minstrelsy for the same Civic Cult of Afrocentrizm dolts dressed up as 'cinema'

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He’s turning into Laurence Fishburne

Corny can be fun. Sucking ass is just sucking ass.

A lot of the k&p skits simply don't have a punch line, the dude doesn't understand comedy.

This one for instance, it sets up a comedic premise and you keep waiting for the unexpected turn for the pay off. Like if it were a Chappelle skit, these two black rednecks would love every group except when they got to blacks for the punch line. Peele just has it go on and on like its straight leftest propaganda and it gets awkward and dies.

The pluralistic liberal is a demon that parades haughtily around as an angel. The mere thought of being able to help those who cannot do it themselves fellates their being and their ego. When they are called an ally, there is no greater feeling in the world. This stems not from altruism; rather, from egoism. They destroy the very society they exist in: they institutionalize racial boundaries, subvert democracy, and give the poor little black man a fish when they should be teaching them how to fish.

The abolishment of serfdom and slavery freed the slaves. Some former serfs became masters, some remained slaves. One thing is certain: the American black is a freed slave the remains a slave nonetheless and the pluralist liberal does nothing to rectify this. Their altruism looks over the shackles that the blacks use to bind themselves and opts to blame is all on whites. When the whites are overthrown, you are left with a society of slaves-of Last Men-and, in a brutal twist of fate, your empancipation will bring about slavery once more.

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